Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution
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 package org.apache.maven.model;
  *         The <code>&lt;execution&gt;</code> element contains
  * informations required for the
  *         execution of a plugin.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 21  4
 public class PluginExecution
     extends ConfigurationContainer
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * The identifier of this execution for labelling the goals
      * during the build,
      *             and for matching executions to merge during
      * inheritance.
 36  4
     private String id = "default";
      * The build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this
      * execution to. If omitted,
      *             the goals will be bound to the default phase
      * specified in their metadata. 
     private String phase;
      * Field goals.
     private java.util.List<String> goals;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addGoal.
      * @param string
     public void addGoal( String string )
 63  0
         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
 65  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginExecution.addGoals(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
 67  0
         getGoals().add( string );
 68  0
     } //-- void addGoal( String )
      * Method getGoals.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<String> getGoals()
 77  0
         if ( this.goals == null )
 79  0
             this.goals = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
 82  0
         return this.goals;
     } //-- java.util.List<String> getGoals()
      * Get the identifier of this execution for labelling the goals
      * during the build,
      *             and for matching executions to merge during
      * inheritance.
      * @return String
     public String getId()
 95  0
     } //-- String getId()
      * Get the build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this
      * execution to. If omitted,
      *             the goals will be bound to the default phase
      * specified in their metadata.
      * @return String
     public String getPhase()
 108  0
         return this.phase;
     } //-- String getPhase()
      * Method removeGoal.
      * @param string
     public void removeGoal( String string )
 118  0
         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
 120  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginExecution.removeGoals(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
 122  0
         getGoals().remove( string );
 123  0
     } //-- void removeGoal( String )
      * Set the goals to execute with the given configuration.
      * @param goals
     public void setGoals( java.util.List<String> goals )
 132  0
         this.goals = goals;
 133  0
     } //-- void setGoals( java.util.List )
      * Set the identifier of this execution for labelling the goals
      * during the build,
      *             and for matching executions to merge during
      * inheritance.
      * @param id
     public void setId( String id )
 145  0 = id;
 146  0
     } //-- void setId( String )
      * Set the build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this
      * execution to. If omitted,
      *             the goals will be bound to the default phase
      * specified in their metadata.
      * @param phase
     public void setPhase( String phase )
 158  0
         this.phase = phase;
 159  0
     } //-- void setPhase( String )
     public static final String DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID = "default";