Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven
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0 %
0 %
 package org.apache.maven;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.text.DateFormat;
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.TimeZone;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.DefaultWagonManager;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.WagonManager;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.DefaultArtifactResolver;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildFailure;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionRequest;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.ReactorManager;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.RuntimeInformation;
 import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutor;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Profile;
 import org.apache.maven.monitor.event.DefaultEventDispatcher;
 import org.apache.maven.monitor.event.EventDispatcher;
 import org.apache.maven.monitor.event.MavenEvents;
 import org.apache.maven.profiles.ProfileManager;
 import org.apache.maven.profiles.activation.ProfileActivationException;
 import org.apache.maven.project.DuplicateProjectException;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MissingProjectException;
 import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException;
 import org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Mirror;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Server;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
 import org.apache.maven.usability.SystemWarnings;
 import org.apache.maven.usability.diagnostics.ErrorDiagnostics;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusConstants;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLifecycleException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.context.Context;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.context.ContextException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Contextualizable;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Os;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.dag.CycleDetectedException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
 import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcher;
 import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcherException;
  * @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl </a>
  * @version $Id: 769611 2009-04-29 01:22:50Z jdcasey $
 92  0
 public class DefaultMaven
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements Maven, Contextualizable
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Components
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     protected MavenProjectBuilder projectBuilder;
     protected LifecycleExecutor lifecycleExecutor;
     protected PlexusContainer container;
     protected ErrorDiagnostics errorDiagnostics;
     protected RuntimeInformation runtimeInformation;
     private static final long MB = 1024 * 1024;
     private static final int MS_PER_SEC = 1000;
     private static final int SEC_PER_MIN = 60;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Project execution
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public void execute( MavenExecutionRequest request )
         throws MavenExecutionException
 //        if ( request.getLocalRepository() == null )
 //        {
 //            request.setLocalRepository( mavenTools.createLocalRepository( request.getLocalRepositoryPath() ) );
 //        }
 128  0
         EventDispatcher dispatcher = request.getEventDispatcher();
 130  0
         String event = MavenEvents.REACTOR_EXECUTION;
 132  0
         dispatcher.dispatchStart( event, request.getBaseDirectory() );
         ReactorManager rm;
 137  0
             rm = doExecute( request, dispatcher );
 139  0
         catch ( LifecycleExecutionException e )
 141  0
             dispatcher.dispatchError( event, request.getBaseDirectory(), e );
 143  0
             logError( e, request.isShowErrors() );
 145  0
             stats( request.getStartTime() );
 147  0
 149  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 151  0
         catch ( BuildFailureException e )
 153  0
             dispatcher.dispatchError( event, request.getBaseDirectory(), e );
 155  0
             logFailure( e, request.isShowErrors() );
 157  0
             stats( request.getStartTime() );
 159  0
 161  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 163  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
 165  0
             dispatcher.dispatchError( event, request.getBaseDirectory(), t );
 167  0
             logFatal( t );
 169  0
             stats( request.getStartTime() );
 171  0
 173  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( "Error executing project within the reactor", t );
 174  0
         // Either the build was successful, or it was a fail_at_end/fail_never reactor build
         // TODO: should all the logging be left to the CLI?
 179  0
         logReactorSummary( rm );
 181  0
         if ( rm.hasBuildFailures() )
 183  0
             logErrors( rm, request.isShowErrors() );
 185  0
             if ( !ReactorManager.FAIL_NEVER.equals( rm.getFailureBehavior() ) )
 187  0
                 dispatcher.dispatchError( event, request.getBaseDirectory(), null );
 189  0
                 getLogger().info( "BUILD ERRORS" );
 191  0
 193  0
                 stats( request.getStartTime() );
 195  0
 197  0
                 throw new MavenExecutionException( "Some builds failed" );
 201  0
                 getLogger().info( " + Ignoring failures" );
 205  0
         logSuccess( rm );
 207  0
         stats( request.getStartTime() );
 209  0
 211  0
         dispatcher.dispatchEnd( event, request.getBaseDirectory() );
 212  0
     private void logErrors( ReactorManager rm, boolean showErrors )
 216  0
         for ( Iterator it = rm.getSortedProjects().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 218  0
             MavenProject project = (MavenProject);
 220  0
             if ( rm.hasBuildFailure( project ) )
 222  0
                 BuildFailure buildFailure = rm.getBuildFailure( project );
 224  0
                     "Error for project: " + project.getName() + " (during " + buildFailure.getTask() + ")" );
 227  0
 229  0
                 logDiagnostics( buildFailure.getCause() );
 231  0
                 logTrace( buildFailure.getCause(), showErrors );
 233  0
 235  0
         if ( !showErrors )
 237  0
             getLogger().info( "For more information, run Maven with the -e switch" );
 239  0
 242  0
     private ReactorManager doExecute( MavenExecutionRequest request, EventDispatcher dispatcher )
         throws MavenExecutionException, BuildFailureException, LifecycleExecutionException
 247  0
         if ( request.getSettings().isOffline() )
 249  0
             getLogger().info( SystemWarnings.getOfflineWarning() );
 251  0
             WagonManager wagonManager = null;
 255  0
                 wagonManager = (WagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );
 257  0
                 wagonManager.setOnline( false );
 259  0
             catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
 261  0
                 throw new MavenExecutionException( "Cannot retrieve WagonManager in order to set offline mode.", e );
 265  0
 267  0
                     container.release( wagonManager );
 269  0
                 catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
 271  0
                     getLogger().warn( "Cannot release WagonManager.", e );
 272  0
 273  0
 278  0
             resolveParameters( request.getSettings(), request.getExecutionProperties() );
 280  0
         catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
 282  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( "Unable to configure Maven for execution", e );
 284  0
         catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
 286  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( "Unable to configure Maven for execution", e );
 288  0
         catch ( SettingsConfigurationException e )
 290  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( "Unable to configure Maven for execution", e );
 291  0
 293  0
         ProfileManager globalProfileManager = request.getGlobalProfileManager();
 295  0
         globalProfileManager.loadSettingsProfiles( request.getSettings() );
 297  0
         getLogger().info( "Scanning for projects..." );
 299  0
         boolean foundProjects = true;
 300  0
         List projects = getProjects( request );
 301  0
         if ( projects.isEmpty() )
 303  0
             projects.add( getSuperProject( request ) );
 304  0
             foundProjects = false;
         ReactorManager rm;
 310  0
             String resumeFrom = request.getResumeFrom();
 312  0
             List projectList = request.getSelectedProjects();
 314  0
             String makeBehavior = request.getMakeBehavior();
 316  0
             rm = new ReactorManager( projects, projectList, resumeFrom, makeBehavior );
 318  0
             rm.setFailureBehavior( request.getFailureBehavior() );
 321  0
         catch ( CycleDetectedException e )
 323  0
             throw new BuildFailureException(
                 "The projects in the reactor contain a cyclic reference: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 326  0
         catch ( DuplicateProjectException e )
 328  0
             throw new BuildFailureException( e.getMessage(), e );
 330  0
         catch ( MissingProjectException e )
 332  0
             throw new BuildFailureException( e.getMessage(), e );
 333  0
         // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // MNG-3641: print a warning if one of the profiles to be activated explicitly
         // was not activated
 339  0
         validateActivatedProfiles( globalProfileManager, projects );
 341  0
         if ( rm.hasMultipleProjects() )
 343  0
             getLogger().info( "Reactor build order: " );
 345  0
             for ( Iterator i = rm.getSortedProjects().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 347  0
                 MavenProject project = (MavenProject);
 348  0
                 getLogger().info( "  " + project.getName() );
 349  0
 352  0
         MavenSession session = createSession( request, rm );
 354  0
         session.setUsingPOMsFromFilesystem( foundProjects );
 356  0
         lifecycleExecutor.execute( session, rm, dispatcher );
 358  0
         return rm;
     private void validateActivatedProfiles( ProfileManager globalProfileManager, List projects )
 363  0
         if ( globalProfileManager != null )
             // get all activated profile ids
 366  0
             Set activeProfileIds = new HashSet();
 368  0
             for ( Iterator i = projects.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 370  0
                 MavenProject project = (MavenProject);
 374  0
                     for ( Iterator j = project.getActiveProfiles().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
 376  0
                         activeProfileIds.add( ( (Profile) ).getId() );
 378  0
                     project = project.getParent();
 380  0
                 while ( project != null );
 381  0
 383  0
             for ( Iterator i = globalProfileManager.getExplicitlyActivatedIds().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 385  0
                 String explicitProfileId = (String);
 387  0
                 if ( !activeProfileIds.contains( explicitProfileId ) )
 389  0
                     getLogger().warn( "\n\tProfile with id: \'" + explicitProfileId + "\' has not been activated.\n" );
 391  0
 393  0
     private MavenProject getSuperProject( MavenExecutionRequest request )
         throws MavenExecutionException
         MavenProject superProject;
 401  0
             superProject = projectBuilder.buildStandaloneSuperProject( request.getLocalRepository(), request.getGlobalProfileManager() );
 404  0
         catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
 406  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 407  0
 408  0
         return superProject;
     private List getProjects( MavenExecutionRequest request )
         throws MavenExecutionException, BuildFailureException
         List projects;
 417  0
             List files = getProjectFiles( request );
 419  0
             projects = collectProjects( files, request, !request.isReactorActive() );
 422  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 424  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( "Error processing projects for the reactor: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 426  0
         catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
 428  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 430  0
         catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
 432  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 434  0
         catch ( ProfileActivationException e )
 436  0
             throw new MavenExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 437  0
 438  0
         return projects;
     private void logReactorSummaryLine( String name, String status )
 443  0
         logReactorSummaryLine( name, status, -1 );
 444  0
     private void logReactorSummaryLine( String name, String status, long time )
 448  0
         StringBuffer messageBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 450  0
         messageBuffer.append( name );
 452  0
         int dotCount = 54;
 454  0
         dotCount -= name.length();
 456  0
         messageBuffer.append( " " );
 458  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < dotCount; i++ )
 460  0
             messageBuffer.append( '.' );
 463  0
         messageBuffer.append( " " );
 465  0
         messageBuffer.append( status );
 467  0
         if ( time >= 0 )
 469  0
             messageBuffer.append( " [" );
 471  0
             messageBuffer.append( getFormattedTime( time ) );
 473  0
             messageBuffer.append( "]" );
 476  0
         getLogger().info( messageBuffer.toString() );
 477  0
     private static String getFormattedTime( long time )
 481  0
         String pattern = "s.SSS's'";
 482  0
         if ( time / 60000L > 0 )
 484  0
             pattern = "m:s" + pattern;
 485  0
             if ( time / 3600000L > 0 )
 487  0
                 pattern = "H:m" + pattern;
 490  0
         DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat( pattern );
 491  0
         fmt.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
 492  0
         return fmt.format( new Date( time ) );
     private List collectProjects( List files, MavenExecutionRequest request, boolean isRoot )
         throws ArtifactResolutionException, ProjectBuildingException, ProfileActivationException,
         MavenExecutionException, BuildFailureException
 //        .getLocalRepository(), request.isRecursive(),
 //        request.getSettings(), request.getUserProperties(), requ, !request.isReactorActive()
 501  0
         List projects = new ArrayList( files.size() );
 503  0
         for ( Iterator iterator = files.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 505  0
             File file = (File);
 507  0
             boolean usingReleasePom = false;
 509  0
             if ( RELEASE_POMv4.equals( file.getName() ) )
 511  0
                 getLogger().info( "NOTE: Using release-pom: " + file + " in reactor build." );
 512  0
                 usingReleasePom = true;
 515  0
             MavenProject project = getProject( file, request );
 517  0
             if ( isRoot )
 519  0
                 project.setExecutionRoot( true );
 522  0
             if ( ( project.getPrerequisites() != null ) && ( project.getPrerequisites().getMaven() != null ) )
 524  0
                 DefaultArtifactVersion version = new DefaultArtifactVersion( project.getPrerequisites().getMaven() );
 525  0
                 if ( runtimeInformation.getApplicationVersion().compareTo( version ) < 0 )
 527  0
                     throw new BuildFailureException( "Unable to build project '" + project.getFile() +
                         "; it requires Maven version " + version.toString() );
 532  0
             if ( ( project.getModules() != null ) && !project.getModules().isEmpty() && request.isRecursive() )
                 // TODO: Really should fail if it was not? What if it is aggregating - eg "ear"?
 535  0
                 project.setPackaging( "pom" );
 537  0
                 File basedir = file.getParentFile();
                 // Initial ordering is as declared in the modules section
 540  0
                 List moduleFiles = new ArrayList( project.getModules().size() );
 541  0
                 for ( Iterator i = project.getModules().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 543  0
                     String name = (String);
 545  0
                     if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( StringUtils.trim( name ) ) )
 547  0
                             "Empty module detected. Please check you don't have any empty module definitions in your POM." );
 550  0
 553  0
                     File moduleFile = new File( basedir, name );
 555  0
                     if ( moduleFile.exists() && moduleFile.isDirectory() )
 557  0
                         if ( usingReleasePom )
 559  0
                             moduleFile = new File( basedir, name + "/" + Maven.RELEASE_POMv4 );
 563  0
                             moduleFile = new File( basedir, name + "/" + Maven.POMv4 );
 567  0
                     if ( Os.isFamily( "windows" ) )
                         // we don't canonicalize on unix to avoid interfering with symlinks
 573  0
                             moduleFile = moduleFile.getCanonicalFile();
 575  0
                         catch ( IOException e )
 577  0
                             throw new MavenExecutionException( "Unable to canonicalize file name " + moduleFile, e );
 578  0
 582  0
                         moduleFile = new File( moduleFile.toURI().normalize() );
 585  0
                     moduleFiles.add( moduleFile );
 586  0
 588  0
                 List collectedProjects =
                     collectProjects( moduleFiles, request, false );
 590  0
                 projects.addAll( collectedProjects );
 591  0
                 project.setCollectedProjects( collectedProjects );
 593  0
             projects.add( project );
 594  0
 596  0
         return projects;
      * @deprecated Use {@link DefaultMaven#getProject(File, MavenExecutionRequest)} instead.
     public MavenProject getProject( File pom, ArtifactRepository localRepository, Settings settings,
                                     Properties userProperties, ProfileManager globalProfileManager )
         throws ProjectBuildingException, ArtifactResolutionException, ProfileActivationException
 606  0
         MavenExecutionRequest request = new DefaultMavenExecutionRequest(
                                                                       new DefaultEventDispatcher(),
                                                                       new Properties(), false );
 617  0
         return getProject( pom, request );
     public MavenProject getProject( File pom, MavenExecutionRequest request )
         throws ProjectBuildingException, ArtifactResolutionException, ProfileActivationException
 623  0
         if ( pom.exists() )
 625  0
             if ( pom.length() == 0 )
 627  0
                 throw new ProjectBuildingException( "unknown", "The file " + pom.getAbsolutePath() +
                     " you specified has zero length." );
 632  0
         return pom, request.getProjectBuilderConfiguration() );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Methods used by all execution request handlers
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     //!! We should probably have the execution request handler create the
     // session as
     // the session type would be specific to the request i.e. having a project
     // or not.
     protected MavenSession createSession( MavenExecutionRequest request,
                                           ReactorManager rpm )
 647  0
         return new MavenSession( container, request.getSettings(), request.getLocalRepository(),
                                  request.getEventDispatcher(), rpm, request.getGoals(), request.getBaseDirectory(),
                                  request.getExecutionProperties(), request.getUserProperties(), request.getStartTime() );
      * @todo [BP] this might not be required if there is a better way to pass
      * them in. It doesn't feel quite right.
      * @todo [JC] we should at least provide a mapping of protocol-to-proxy for
      * the wagons, shouldn't we?
     private void resolveParameters( Settings settings, Properties executionProperties )
         throws ComponentLookupException, ComponentLifecycleException, SettingsConfigurationException
         // TODO: remove when components.xml can be used to configure this instead
 664  0
             DefaultWagonManager wagonManager = (DefaultWagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );
 666  0
             String oldUserAgent = wagonManager.getHttpUserAgent();
 667  0
             int firstSpace = oldUserAgent == null ? -1 : oldUserAgent.indexOf( " " );
 669  0
             StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
 671  0
             buffer.append( "Apache-Maven/" );
 673  0
             ArtifactVersion version = runtimeInformation.getApplicationVersion();
 674  0
             if ( version != null )
 676  0
                 buffer.append( version.getMajorVersion() );
 677  0
                 buffer.append( '.' );
 678  0
                 buffer.append( version.getMinorVersion() );
 682  0
                 buffer.append( "unknown" );
 685  0
             buffer.append( ' ' );
 686  0
             if ( firstSpace > -1 )
 688  0
                 buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( firstSpace + 1 ) );
 689  0
                 buffer.append( ' ' );
 690  0
                 buffer.append( oldUserAgent.substring( 0, firstSpace ) );
 694  0
                 buffer.append( oldUserAgent );
 697  0
             wagonManager.setHttpUserAgent(  buffer.toString() );
 699  0
         catch ( ClassCastException e )
             // ignore
 702  0
 704  0
         WagonManager wagonManager = (WagonManager) container.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );
 706  0
         SecDispatcher sd = null;
 710  0
             Proxy proxy = settings.getActiveProxy();
 714  0
                 sd = (SecDispatcher) container.lookup( SecDispatcher.ROLE, "maven" );
 716  0
             catch (Exception e)
 718  0
                 getLogger().warn( "Security features are disabled. Cannot find plexus component "+SecDispatcher.ROLE + ":maven" );
 720  0
 721  0
 723  0
             if ( proxy != null )
 725  0
                 if ( proxy.getHost() == null )
 727  0
                     throw new SettingsConfigurationException( "Proxy in settings.xml has no host" );
 730  0
                 String pass = proxy.getPassword();
 732  0
                 if ( sd != null )
 736  0
                         pass = sd.decrypt( pass );
 738  0
                     catch ( SecDispatcherException e )
 740  0
                         reportSecurityConfigurationError( "password for proxy '" + proxy.getId() + "'", e );
 741  0
 744  0
                 wagonManager.addProxy( proxy.getProtocol(), proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort(), proxy.getUsername(),
                                        pass, proxy.getNonProxyHosts() );
 748  0
             for ( Iterator i = settings.getServers().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 750  0
                 Server server = (Server);
 752  0
                 String passWord = server.getPassword();
 754  0
                 if ( sd != null )
 758  0
                         passWord = sd.decrypt( passWord );
 760  0
                     catch ( SecDispatcherException e )
 762  0
                         reportSecurityConfigurationError( "password for server '" + server.getId() + "'", e );
 763  0
 766  0
                 String passPhrase = server.getPassphrase();
 768  0
                 if ( sd != null )
 772  0
                         passPhrase = sd.decrypt( passPhrase );
 774  0
                     catch ( SecDispatcherException e )
 776  0
                         reportSecurityConfigurationError( "passphrase for server '" + server.getId() + "'", e );
 777  0
 780  0
                 wagonManager.addAuthenticationInfo( server.getId(), server.getUsername(), passWord,
                                                     server.getPrivateKey(), passPhrase );
 783  0
                 wagonManager.addPermissionInfo( server.getId(), server.getFilePermissions(),
                                                 server.getDirectoryPermissions() );
 786  0
                 if ( server.getConfiguration() != null )
 788  0
                     wagonManager.addConfiguration( server.getId(), (Xpp3Dom) server.getConfiguration() );
 790  0
 792  0
             for ( Iterator i = settings.getMirrors().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 794  0
                 Mirror mirror = (Mirror);
 796  0
                 wagonManager.addMirror( mirror.getId(), mirror.getMirrorOf(), mirror.getUrl() );
 797  0
 801  0
             container.release( wagonManager );
 802  0
             if ( sd != null )
 804  0
                 container.release( sd );
         // Would be better in settings.xml, but it is not extensible yet
 809  0
         String numThreads = System.getProperty( "maven.artifact.threads" );
 810  0
         if ( numThreads != null )
 812  0
             int threads = 0;
 815  0
                 threads = Integer.valueOf( numThreads ).intValue();
 817  0
                 if ( threads < 1 )
 819  0
                     getLogger().warn( "Invalid number of threads '" + threads + "' will be ignored" );
 822  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException e )
 824  0
                 getLogger().warn( "Invalid number of threads '" + numThreads + "' will be ignored: " + e.getMessage() );
 825  0
 827  0
             if ( threads > 0 )
 829  0
                 DefaultArtifactResolver artifactResolver = (DefaultArtifactResolver) container.lookup( ArtifactResolver.ROLE );
 832  0
                     artifactResolver.configureNumberOfThreads( threads );
 833  0
                     getLogger().debug( "Resolution thread pool size set to: " + threads );
 837  0
                     container.release( artifactResolver );
 838  0
 841  0
     private void reportSecurityConfigurationError( String affectedConfiguration, SecDispatcherException e )
 845  0
         Throwable cause = e;
 847  0
         String msg = "Not decrypting " + affectedConfiguration + " due to exception in security handler.";
         // Drop to the actual cause, it wraps multiple times
 850  0
         while ( cause.getCause() != null )
 852  0
             cause = cause.getCause();
         // common cause is missing settings-security.xml
 856  0
         if ( cause instanceof FileNotFoundException )
 858  0
             msg += "\nEnsure that you have configured your master password file (and relocation if appropriate)\nSee the installation instructions for details.";
 861  0
         getLogger().warn( msg + "\nCause: " + cause.getMessage() );
 862  0
         getLogger().debug( "Full trace follows", e );
 863  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Lifecylce Management
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public void contextualize( Context context )
         throws ContextException
 872  0
         container = (PlexusContainer) context.get( PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_KEY );
 873  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Reporting / Logging
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     protected void logFatal( Throwable error )
 881  0
 883  0
         getLogger().error( "FATAL ERROR" );
 885  0
 887  0
         logDiagnostics( error );
 889  0
         logTrace( error, true );
 890  0
     protected void logError( Exception e, boolean showErrors )
 894  0
 896  0
         getLogger().error( "BUILD ERROR" );
 898  0
 900  0
         logDiagnostics( e );
 902  0
         logTrace( e, showErrors );
 904  0
         if ( !showErrors )
 906  0
             getLogger().info( "For more information, run Maven with the -e switch" );
 908  0
 910  0
     protected void logFailure( BuildFailureException e, boolean showErrors )
 914  0
 916  0
         getLogger().error( "BUILD FAILURE" );
 918  0
 920  0
         logDiagnostics( e );
 922  0
         logTrace( e, showErrors );
 924  0
         if ( !showErrors )
 926  0
             getLogger().info( "For more information, run Maven with the -e switch" );
 928  0
 930  0
     private void logTrace( Throwable t, boolean showErrors )
 934  0
         if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
 936  0
             getLogger().debug( "Trace", t );
 938  0
 940  0
         else if ( showErrors )
 942  0
             getLogger().info( "Trace", t );
 944  0
 946  0
     private void logDiagnostics( Throwable t )
 950  0
         String message = null;
 951  0
         if ( errorDiagnostics != null )
 953  0
             message = errorDiagnostics.diagnose( t );
 956  0
         if ( message == null )
 958  0
             message = t.getMessage();
 961  0
         getLogger().info( message );
 963  0
 964  0
     protected void logSuccess( ReactorManager rm )
 968  0
 970  0
         getLogger().info( "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" );
 972  0
 973  0
     private void logReactorSummary( ReactorManager rm )
 977  0
         if ( rm.hasMultipleProjects() && rm.executedMultipleProjects() )
 979  0
             getLogger().info( "" );
 980  0
             getLogger().info( "" );
             // -------------------------
             // Reactor Summary:
             // -------------------------
             // o project-name...........FAILED
             // o project2-name..........SKIPPED (dependency build failed or was skipped)
             // o project-3-name.........SUCCESS
 989  0
 990  0
             getLogger().info( "Reactor Summary:" );
 991  0
 993  0
             for ( Iterator it = rm.getSortedProjects().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 995  0
                 MavenProject project = (MavenProject);
 997  0
                 if ( rm.hasBuildFailure( project ) )
 999  0
                     logReactorSummaryLine( project.getName(), "FAILED", rm.getBuildFailure( project ).getTime() );
 1001  0
                 else if ( rm.isBlackListed( project ) )
 1003  0
                     logReactorSummaryLine( project.getName(), "SKIPPED (dependency build failed or was skipped)" );
 1005  0
                 else if ( rm.hasBuildSuccess( project ) )
 1007  0
                     logReactorSummaryLine( project.getName(), "SUCCESS", rm.getBuildSuccess( project ).getTime() );
 1011  0
                     logReactorSummaryLine( project.getName(), "NOT BUILT" );
 1013  0
 1014  0
 1016  0
     protected void stats( Date start )
 1020  0
         Date finish = new Date();
 1022  0
         long time = finish.getTime() - start.getTime();
 1024  0
         getLogger().info( "Total time: " + formatTime( time ) );
 1026  0
         getLogger().info( "Finished at: " + finish );
         //noinspection CallToSystemGC
 1029  0
 1031  0
         Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
 1033  0
             "Final Memory: " + ( r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory() ) / MB + "M/" + r.totalMemory() / MB + "M" );
 1035  0
     protected void line()
 1039  0
         getLogger().info( "------------------------------------------------------------------------" );
 1040  0
     protected static String formatTime( long ms )
 1044  0
         long secs = ms / MS_PER_SEC;
 1046  0
         long min = secs / SEC_PER_MIN;
 1048  0
         secs = secs % SEC_PER_MIN;
 1050  0
         String msg = "";
 1052  0
         if ( min > 1 )
 1054  0
             msg = min + " minutes ";
 1056  0
         else if ( min == 1 )
 1058  0
             msg = "1 minute ";
 1061  0
         if ( secs > 1 )
 1063  0
             msg += secs + " seconds";
 1065  0
         else if ( secs == 1 )
 1067  0
             msg += "1 second";
 1069  0
         else if ( min == 0 )
 1071  0
             msg += "< 1 second";
 1073  0
         return msg;
     private List getProjectFiles( MavenExecutionRequest request )
         throws IOException
 1079  0
         List files = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
 1081  0
         File userDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) );
 1082  0
         if ( request.isReactorActive() )
             // TODO: should we now include the pom.xml in the current directory?
 //            String includes = System.getProperty( "maven.reactor.includes", "**/" + POMv4 );
 //            String excludes = System.getProperty( "maven.reactor.excludes", POMv4 );
 1088  0
             String includes = System.getProperty( "maven.reactor.includes", "**/" + POMv4 + ",**/" + RELEASE_POMv4 );
 1089  0
             String excludes = System.getProperty( "maven.reactor.excludes", POMv4 + "," + RELEASE_POMv4 );
 1091  0
             files = FileUtils.getFiles( userDir, includes, excludes );
 1093  0
             filterOneProjectFilePerDirectory( files );
             // make sure there is consistent ordering on all platforms, rather than using the filesystem ordering
 1096  0
             Collections.sort( files );
 1097  0
 1098  0
         else if ( request.getPomFile() != null )
 1100  0
             File projectFile = new File( request.getPomFile() ).getAbsoluteFile();
 1102  0
             if ( projectFile.exists() )
 1104  0
                 files = Collections.singletonList( projectFile );
 1106  0
 1109  0
             File projectFile = new File( userDir, RELEASE_POMv4 );
 1111  0
             if ( !projectFile.exists() )
 1113  0
                 projectFile = new File( userDir, POMv4 );
 1116  0
             if ( projectFile.exists() )
 1118  0
                 files = Collections.singletonList( projectFile );
 1122  0
         return files;
     private void filterOneProjectFilePerDirectory( List files )
 1127  0
         List releaseDirs = new ArrayList();
 1129  0
         for ( Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1131  0
             File projectFile = (File);
 1133  0
             if ( RELEASE_POMv4.equals( projectFile.getName() ) )
 1135  0
                 releaseDirs.add( projectFile.getParentFile() );
 1137  0
 1139  0
         for ( Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1141  0
             File projectFile = (File);
             // remove pom.xml files where there is a sibling release-pom.xml file...
 1144  0
             if ( !RELEASE_POMv4.equals( projectFile.getName() ) && releaseDirs.contains( projectFile.getParentFile() ) )
 1146  0
 1148  0
 1149  0