Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.settings.Profile
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 package org.apache.maven.settings;
  *         Modifications to the build process which is keyed on
  * some
  *         sort of environmental parameter.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 21  0
 public class Profile
     extends IdentifiableBase
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             The conditional logic which will automatically
      *             trigger the inclusion of this profile.
     private Activation activation;
      * Field properties.
     private java.util.Properties properties;
      * Field repositories.
     private java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ repositories;
      *             This may be removed or relocated in the near
      *             future. It is undecided whether plugins really
      * need a remote
      *             repository set of their own.
     private java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ pluginRepositories;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addPluginRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void addPluginRepository( Repository repository )
 74  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 76  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Profile.addPluginRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 78  0
         getPluginRepositories().add( repository );
 79  0
     } //-- void addPluginRepository( Repository )
      * Method addProperty.
      * @param key
      * @param value
     public void addProperty( String key, String value )
 89  0
         getProperties().put( key, value );
 90  0
     } //-- void addProperty( String, String )
      * Method addRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void addRepository( Repository repository )
 99  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 101  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Profile.addRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 103  0
         getRepositories().add( repository );
 104  0
     } //-- void addRepository( Repository )
      * Get the conditional logic which will automatically
      *             trigger the inclusion of this profile.
      * @return Activation
     public Activation getActivation()
 114  0
         return this.activation;
     } //-- Activation getActivation()
      * Method getPluginRepositories.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ getPluginRepositories()
 124  0
         if ( this.pluginRepositories == null )
 126  0
             this.pluginRepositories = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Repository>*/();
 129  0
         return this.pluginRepositories;
     } //-- java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ getPluginRepositories()
      * Method getProperties.
      * @return Properties
     public java.util.Properties getProperties()
 139  0
         if ( == null )
 141  0
    = new java.util.Properties();
 144  0
     } //-- java.util.Properties getProperties()
      * Method getRepositories.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ getRepositories()
 154  0
         if ( this.repositories == null )
 156  0
             this.repositories = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Repository>*/();
 159  0
         return this.repositories;
     } //-- java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ getRepositories()
      * Method removePluginRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void removePluginRepository( Repository repository )
 169  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 171  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Profile.removePluginRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 173  0
         getPluginRepositories().remove( repository );
 174  0
     } //-- void removePluginRepository( Repository )
      * Method removeRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void removeRepository( Repository repository )
 183  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 185  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Profile.removeRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 187  0
         getRepositories().remove( repository );
 188  0
     } //-- void removeRepository( Repository )
      * Set the conditional logic which will automatically
      *             trigger the inclusion of this profile.
      * @param activation
     public void setActivation( Activation activation )
 198  0
         this.activation = activation;
 199  0
     } //-- void setActivation( Activation )
      * Set the lists of the remote repositories for discovering
      * plugins.
      * @param pluginRepositories
     public void setPluginRepositories( java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ pluginRepositories )
 209  0
         this.pluginRepositories = pluginRepositories;
 210  0
     } //-- void setPluginRepositories( java.util.List )
      * Set extended configuration specific to this profile goes
      * here.
      *             Contents take the form of
      *             <>property.value</>
      * @param properties
     public void setProperties( java.util.Properties properties )
 222  0 = properties;
 223  0
     } //-- void setProperties( java.util.Properties )
      * Set the lists of the remote repositories.
      * @param repositories
     public void setRepositories( java.util.List/*<Repository>*/ repositories )
 232  0
         this.repositories = repositories;
 233  0
     } //-- void setRepositories( java.util.List )