Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.settings.DefaultMavenSettingsBuilder
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.settings;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.EnvarBasedValueSource;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.RegexBasedInterpolator;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Initializable;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
  * @author jdcasey
  * @version $Id: 747683 2009-02-25 06:52:54Z brett $
 44  1
 public class DefaultMavenSettingsBuilder
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements MavenSettingsBuilder, Initializable
 48  1
     public static final String userHome = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
      * @configuration
     private String userSettingsPath;
      * @configuration
     private String globalSettingsPath;
     private File userSettingsFile;
     private File globalSettingsFile;
     private Settings loadedSettings;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Component Lifecycle
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public void initialize()
 72  0
         userSettingsFile =
             getFile( userSettingsPath, "user.home", MavenSettingsBuilder.ALT_USER_SETTINGS_XML_LOCATION );
 75  0
         globalSettingsFile =
             getFile( globalSettingsPath, "maven.home", MavenSettingsBuilder.ALT_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_XML_LOCATION );
 78  0
             "Building Maven global-level settings from: '" + globalSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'" );
 80  0
         getLogger().debug( "Building Maven user-level settings from: '" + userSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'" );
 81  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // MavenProfilesBuilder Implementation
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     private Settings readSettings( File settingsFile )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 90  6
         Settings settings = null;
 92  6
         if ( settingsFile != null && settingsFile.exists() && settingsFile.isFile() )
 94  3
             Reader reader = null;
 97  3
                 reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( settingsFile );
 98  3
                 StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
 100  3
                 IOUtil.copy( reader, sWriter );
 102  3
                 String rawInput = sWriter.toString();
 106  3
                     RegexBasedInterpolator interpolator = new RegexBasedInterpolator();
 107  3
                     interpolator.addValueSource( new EnvarBasedValueSource() );
 109  3
                     rawInput = interpolator.interpolate( rawInput, "settings" );
 111  0
                 catch ( Exception e )
 113  0
                         "Failed to initialize environment variable resolver. Skipping environment substitution in settings." );
 115  0
                     getLogger().debug( "Failed to initialize envar resolver. Skipping resolution.", e );
 116  3
 118  3
                 StringReader sReader = new StringReader( rawInput );
 120  3
                 SettingsXpp3Reader modelReader = new SettingsXpp3Reader();
 122  3
                 settings = sReader, true );
 124  3
                 RuntimeInfo rtInfo = new RuntimeInfo( settings );
 126  3
                 rtInfo.setFile( settingsFile );
 128  3
                 settings.setRuntimeInfo( rtInfo );
 132  3
                 IOUtil.close( reader );
 133  3
 136  6
         return settings;
     public Settings buildSettings()
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 142  0
         return buildSettings( userSettingsFile );
     public Settings buildSettings( boolean useCachedSettings )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 148  0
         return buildSettings( userSettingsFile, useCachedSettings );
     public Settings buildSettings( File userSettingsFile )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 154  0
         return buildSettings( userSettingsFile, true );
     public Settings buildSettings( File userSettingsFile, boolean useCachedSettings )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 160  3
         if ( !useCachedSettings || loadedSettings == null )
 162  3
             Settings globalSettings = readSettings( globalSettingsFile );
 163  3
             Settings userSettings = readSettings( userSettingsFile );
 165  3
             if ( globalSettings == null )
 167  3
                 globalSettings = new Settings();
 170  3
             if ( userSettings == null )
 172  0
                 userSettings = new Settings();
 173  0
                 userSettings.setRuntimeInfo( new RuntimeInfo( userSettings ) );
 176  3
             SettingsUtils.merge( userSettings, globalSettings, TrackableBase.GLOBAL_LEVEL );
 178  3
             activateDefaultProfiles( userSettings );
 180  3
             setLocalRepository( userSettings );
 182  3
             loadedSettings = userSettings;
 185  3
         return loadedSettings;
     private void activateDefaultProfiles( Settings settings )
 190  3
         List activeProfiles = settings.getActiveProfiles();
 192  3
         for ( Iterator profiles = settings.getProfiles().iterator(); profiles.hasNext(); )
 194  0
             Profile profile = (Profile);
 195  0
             if ( profile.getActivation() != null && profile.getActivation().isActiveByDefault()
                 && !activeProfiles.contains( profile.getId() ) )
 198  0
                 settings.addActiveProfile( profile.getId() );
 201  3
     private void setLocalRepository( Settings userSettings )
         // try using the local repository specified on the command line...
 206  3
         String localRepository = System.getProperty( MavenSettingsBuilder.ALT_LOCAL_REPOSITORY_LOCATION );
         // otherwise, use the one in settings.xml
 209  3
         if ( localRepository == null || localRepository.length() < 1 )
 211  3
             localRepository = userSettings.getLocalRepository();
         // if all of the above are missing, default to ~/.m2/repository.
 215  3
         if ( localRepository == null || localRepository.length() < 1 )
 217  3
             File mavenUserConfigurationDirectory = new File( userHome, ".m2" );
 218  3
             if ( !mavenUserConfigurationDirectory.exists() )
 220  0
                 if ( !mavenUserConfigurationDirectory.mkdirs() )
                     //throw a configuration exception
 226  3
             localRepository = new File( mavenUserConfigurationDirectory, "repository" ).getAbsolutePath();
         // for the special case of a drive-relative Windows path, make sure it's absolute to save plugins from trouble
 230  3
         File file = new File( localRepository );
 231  3
         if ( !file.isAbsolute() && file.getPath().startsWith( File.separator ) )
 233  0
             localRepository = file.getAbsolutePath();
 236  3
         userSettings.setLocalRepository( localRepository );
 237  3
     private File getFile( String pathPattern, String basedirSysProp, String altLocationSysProp )
         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Alright, here's the justification for all the regexp wizardry below...
         // Continuum and other server-like apps may need to locate the user-level and 
         // global-level settings somewhere other than ${user.home} and ${maven.home},
         // respectively. Using a simple replacement of these patterns will allow them
         // to specify the absolute path to these files in a customized components.xml
         // file. Ideally, we'd do full pattern-evaluation against the sysprops, but this
         // is a first step. There are several replacements below, in order to normalize
         // the path character before we operate on the string as a regex input, and 
         // in order to avoid surprises with the File construction...
         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 254  0
         String path = System.getProperty( altLocationSysProp );
 256  0
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( path ) )
             // TODO: This replacing shouldn't be necessary as user.home should be in the
             // context of the container and thus the value would be interpolated by Plexus
 260  0
             String basedir = System.getProperty( basedirSysProp );
 261  0
             if ( basedir == null )
 263  0
                 basedir = System.getProperty( "user.dir" );
 266  0
             basedir = basedir.replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" );
 267  0
             basedir = basedir.replaceAll( "\\$", "\\\\\\$" );
 269  0
             path = pathPattern.replaceAll( "\\$\\{" + basedirSysProp + "\\}", basedir );
 270  0
             path = path.replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" );
             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // I'm not sure if this last regexp was really intended to disallow the usage of
             // network paths as user.home directory. Unfortunately it did. I removed it and 
             // have not detected any problems yet.
             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // path = path.replaceAll( "//", "/" );
 278  0
             return new File( path ).getAbsoluteFile();
 282  0
             return new File( path ).getAbsoluteFile();