Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.project.inheritance.DefaultModelInheritanceAssembler
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.project.inheritance;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.model.Build;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
 import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
 import org.apache.maven.model.PluginManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Reporting;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Site;
 import org.apache.maven.project.ModelUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
  * @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl </a>
  * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2004/08/23 20:24:54
  *          jdcasey Exp $
  * @todo generate this with modello to keep it in sync with changes in the model.
 50  115
 public class DefaultModelInheritanceAssembler
     implements ModelInheritanceAssembler
     public void copyModel( Model dest, Model source )
 55  0
         assembleModelInheritance( dest, source, null, false );
 56  0
     public void assembleModelInheritance( Model child, Model parent, String childPathAdjustment )
 60  147
         assembleModelInheritance( child, parent, childPathAdjustment, true );
 61  147
     public void assembleModelInheritance( Model child, Model parent )
 65  43
         assembleModelInheritance( child, parent, null, true );
 66  43
     private void assembleModelInheritance( Model child, Model parent, String childPathAdjustment, boolean appendPaths )
         // cannot inherit from null parent.
 71  190
         if ( parent == null )
 73  0
         // Group id
 77  190
         if ( child.getGroupId() == null )
 79  6
             child.setGroupId( parent.getGroupId() );
         // version
 83  190
         if ( child.getVersion() == null )
             // The parent version may have resolved to something different, so we take what we asked for...
             // instead of - child.setVersion( parent.getVersion() );
 88  6
             if ( child.getParent() != null )
 90  6
                 child.setVersion( child.getParent().getVersion() );
         // inceptionYear
 95  190
         if ( child.getInceptionYear() == null )
 97  185
             child.setInceptionYear( parent.getInceptionYear() );
         // url
 101  190
         if ( child.getUrl() == null )
 103  189
             if ( parent.getUrl() != null )
 105  3
                 child.setUrl( appendPath( parent.getUrl(), child.getArtifactId(), childPathAdjustment, appendPaths ) );
 109  186
                 child.setUrl( parent.getUrl() );
 113  190
         assembleDistributionInheritence( child, parent, childPathAdjustment, appendPaths );
         // issueManagement
 116  190
         if ( child.getIssueManagement() == null )
 118  190
             child.setIssueManagement( parent.getIssueManagement() );
         // description
 122  190
         if ( child.getDescription() == null )
 124  189
             child.setDescription( parent.getDescription() );
         // Organization
 128  190
         if ( child.getOrganization() == null )
 130  143
             child.setOrganization( parent.getOrganization() );
         // Scm
 134  190
         assembleScmInheritance( child, parent, childPathAdjustment, appendPaths );
         // ciManagement
 137  190
         if ( child.getCiManagement() == null )
 139  190
             child.setCiManagement( parent.getCiManagement() );
         // developers
 143  190
         if ( child.getDevelopers().size() == 0 )
 145  189
             child.setDevelopers( parent.getDevelopers() );
         // licenses
 149  190
         if ( child.getLicenses().size() == 0 )
 151  190
             child.setLicenses( parent.getLicenses() );
         // developers
 155  190
         if ( child.getContributors().size() == 0 )
 157  189
             child.setContributors( parent.getContributors() );
         // mailingLists
 161  190
         if ( child.getMailingLists().size() == 0 )
 163  184
             child.setMailingLists( parent.getMailingLists() );
         // Build
 167  190
         assembleBuildInheritance( child, parent );
 169  190
         assembleDependencyInheritance( child, parent );
 171  190
         child.setRepositories( ModelUtils.mergeRepositoryLists( child.getRepositories(), parent.getRepositories() ) );
 172  190
             ModelUtils.mergeRepositoryLists( child.getPluginRepositories(), parent.getPluginRepositories() ) );
 175  190
         assembleReportingInheritance( child, parent );
 177  190
         assembleDependencyManagementInheritance( child, parent );
 179  190
         Properties props = new Properties();
 180  190
         props.putAll( parent.getProperties() );
 181  190
         props.putAll( child.getProperties() );
 183  190
         child.setProperties( props );
 184  190
     private void assembleDependencyManagementInheritance( Model child, Model parent )
 188  190
         DependencyManagement parentDepMgmt = parent.getDependencyManagement();
 190  190
         DependencyManagement childDepMgmt = child.getDependencyManagement();
 192  190
         if ( parentDepMgmt != null )
 194  17
             if ( childDepMgmt == null )
 196  6
                 child.setDependencyManagement( parentDepMgmt );
 200  11
                 List childDeps = childDepMgmt.getDependencies();
 202  11
                 Map mappedChildDeps = new TreeMap();
 203  11
                 for ( Iterator it = childDeps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 205  20
                     Dependency dep = (Dependency);
 206  20
                     mappedChildDeps.put( dep.getManagementKey(), dep );
 209  11
                 for ( Iterator it = parentDepMgmt.getDependencies().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 211  24
                     Dependency dep = (Dependency);
 212  24
                     if ( !mappedChildDeps.containsKey( dep.getManagementKey() ) )
 214  15
                         childDepMgmt.addDependency( dep );
 219  190
     private void assembleReportingInheritance( Model child, Model parent )
         // Reports :: aggregate
 224  190
         Reporting childReporting = child.getReporting();
 225  190
         Reporting parentReporting = parent.getReporting();
 227  190
         if ( parentReporting != null )
 229  159
             if ( childReporting == null )
 231  150
                 childReporting = new Reporting();
 232  150
                 child.setReporting( childReporting );
 235  159
             if ( childReporting.isExcludeDefaultsValue() == null )
 237  153
                 childReporting.setExcludeDefaultsValue( parentReporting.isExcludeDefaultsValue() );
 240  159
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( childReporting.getOutputDirectory() ) )
 242  159
                 childReporting.setOutputDirectory( parentReporting.getOutputDirectory() );
 245  159
             ModelUtils.mergeReportPluginLists( childReporting, parentReporting, true );
 247  190
     private void assembleDependencyInheritance( Model child, Model parent )
 251  190
         child.setDependencies( ModelUtils.mergeDependencyList( child.getDependencies(), parent.getDependencies() ) );
 252  190
     private void assembleBuildInheritance( Model child, Model parent )
 256  190
         Build childBuild = child.getBuild();
 257  190
         Build parentBuild = parent.getBuild();
 259  190
         if ( parentBuild != null )
 261  150
             if ( childBuild == null )
 263  110
                 childBuild = new Build();
 264  110
                 child.setBuild( childBuild );
 267  150
             assembleBuildInheritance( childBuild, parentBuild, true );
 269  190
     public void assembleBuildInheritance( Build childBuild,
                                            Build parentBuild,
                                            boolean handleAsInheritance )
         // The build has been set but we want to step in here and fill in
         // values that have not been set by the child.
 278  150
         if ( childBuild.getSourceDirectory() == null )
 280  140
             childBuild.setSourceDirectory( parentBuild.getSourceDirectory() );
 283  150
         if ( childBuild.getScriptSourceDirectory() == null )
 285  142
             childBuild.setScriptSourceDirectory( parentBuild.getScriptSourceDirectory() );
 288  150
         if ( childBuild.getTestSourceDirectory() == null )
 290  141
             childBuild.setTestSourceDirectory( parentBuild.getTestSourceDirectory() );
 293  150
         if ( childBuild.getOutputDirectory() == null )
 295  144
             childBuild.setOutputDirectory( parentBuild.getOutputDirectory() );
 298  150
         if ( childBuild.getTestOutputDirectory() == null )
 300  144
             childBuild.setTestOutputDirectory( parentBuild.getTestOutputDirectory() );
         // Extensions are accumlated
 304  150
         ModelUtils.mergeExtensionLists( childBuild, parentBuild );
 306  150
         if ( childBuild.getDirectory() == null )
 308  144
             childBuild.setDirectory( parentBuild.getDirectory() );
 311  150
         if ( childBuild.getDefaultGoal() == null )
 313  150
             childBuild.setDefaultGoal( parentBuild.getDefaultGoal() );
 316  150
         if ( childBuild.getFinalName() == null )
 318  150
             childBuild.setFinalName( parentBuild.getFinalName() );
 321  150
         ModelUtils.mergeFilterLists( childBuild.getFilters(), parentBuild.getFilters() );
 323  150
         List resources = childBuild.getResources();
 324  150
         if ( ( resources == null ) || resources.isEmpty() )
 326  142
             childBuild.setResources( parentBuild.getResources() );
 329  150
         resources = childBuild.getTestResources();
 330  150
         if ( ( resources == null ) || resources.isEmpty() )
 332  149
             childBuild.setTestResources( parentBuild.getTestResources() );
         // Plugins are aggregated if Plugin.inherit != false
 336  150
         ModelUtils.mergePluginLists( childBuild, parentBuild, handleAsInheritance );
         // Plugin management :: aggregate
 339  150
         PluginManagement dominantPM = childBuild.getPluginManagement();
 340  150
         PluginManagement recessivePM = parentBuild.getPluginManagement();
 342  150
         if ( ( dominantPM == null ) && ( recessivePM != null ) )
             // FIXME: Filter out the inherited == false stuff!
 345  144
             childBuild.setPluginManagement( recessivePM );
 349  6
             ModelUtils.mergePluginLists( childBuild.getPluginManagement(), parentBuild.getPluginManagement(),
                                          false );
 352  150
     private void assembleScmInheritance( Model child, Model parent, String childPathAdjustment, boolean appendPaths )
 356  190
         if ( parent.getScm() != null )
 358  22
             Scm parentScm = parent.getScm();
 360  22
             Scm childScm = child.getScm();
 362  22
             if ( childScm == null )
 364  18
                 childScm = new Scm();
 366  18
                 child.setScm( childScm );
 369  22
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( childScm.getConnection() ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( parentScm.getConnection() ) )
 371  4
                     appendPath( parentScm.getConnection(), child.getArtifactId(), childPathAdjustment, appendPaths ) );
 375  22
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( childScm.getDeveloperConnection() ) &&
                 !StringUtils.isEmpty( parentScm.getDeveloperConnection() ) )
 378  4
                     .setDeveloperConnection( appendPath( parentScm.getDeveloperConnection(), child.getArtifactId(),
                                                          childPathAdjustment, appendPaths ) );
 383  22
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( childScm.getUrl() ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( parentScm.getUrl() ) )
 385  13
                     appendPath( parentScm.getUrl(), child.getArtifactId(), childPathAdjustment, appendPaths ) );
 389  190
     private void assembleDistributionInheritence( Model child, Model parent, String childPathAdjustment, boolean appendPaths )
 393  190
         if ( parent.getDistributionManagement() != null )
 395  1
             DistributionManagement parentDistMgmt = parent.getDistributionManagement();
 397  1
             DistributionManagement childDistMgmt = child.getDistributionManagement();
 399  1
             if ( childDistMgmt == null )
 401  1
                 childDistMgmt = new DistributionManagement();
 403  1
                 child.setDistributionManagement( childDistMgmt );
 406  1
             if ( childDistMgmt.getSite() == null )
 408  1
                 if ( parentDistMgmt.getSite() != null )
 410  1
                     Site site = new Site();
 412  1
                     childDistMgmt.setSite( site );
 414  1
                     site.setId( parentDistMgmt.getSite().getId() );
 416  1
                     site.setName( parentDistMgmt.getSite().getName() );
 418  1
                     site.setUrl( parentDistMgmt.getSite().getUrl() );
 420  1
                     if ( site.getUrl() != null )
 422  1
                             appendPath( site.getUrl(), child.getArtifactId(), childPathAdjustment, appendPaths ) );
 428  1
             if ( childDistMgmt.getRepository() == null )
 430  1
                 if ( parentDistMgmt.getRepository() != null )
 432  1
                     DeploymentRepository repository = copyDistributionRepository( parentDistMgmt.getRepository() );
 433  1
                     childDistMgmt.setRepository( repository );
 437  1
             if ( childDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository() == null )
 439  1
                 if ( parentDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository() != null )
 441  1
                     DeploymentRepository repository =
                         copyDistributionRepository( parentDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository() );
 443  1
                     childDistMgmt.setSnapshotRepository( repository );
 447  1
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( childDistMgmt.getDownloadUrl() ) )
 449  1
                 childDistMgmt.setDownloadUrl( parentDistMgmt.getDownloadUrl() );
             // NOTE: We SHOULD NOT be inheriting status, since this is an assessment of the POM quality.
             // NOTE: We SHOULD NOT be inheriting relocation, since this relates to a single POM
 455  190
     private static DeploymentRepository copyDistributionRepository( DeploymentRepository parentRepository )
 459  2
         DeploymentRepository repository = new DeploymentRepository();
 461  2
         repository.setId( parentRepository.getId() );
 463  2
         repository.setName( parentRepository.getName() );
 465  2
         repository.setUrl( parentRepository.getUrl() );
 467  2
         repository.setLayout( parentRepository.getLayout() );
 469  2
         repository.setUniqueVersion( parentRepository.isUniqueVersion() );
 471  2
         return repository;
     // TODO: This should eventually be migrated to DefaultPathTranslator.
     protected String appendPath( String parentPath, String childPath, String pathAdjustment, boolean appendPaths )
 477  29
         String uncleanPath = parentPath;
 479  29
         if ( appendPaths )
 481  29
             if ( pathAdjustment != null )
 483  6
                 uncleanPath += "/" + pathAdjustment;
 486  29
             if ( childPath != null )
 488  27
                 uncleanPath += "/" + childPath;
 492  29
         String cleanedPath = "";
 494  29
         int protocolIdx = uncleanPath.indexOf( "://" );
 496  29
         if ( protocolIdx > -1 )
 498  8
             cleanedPath = uncleanPath.substring( 0, protocolIdx + 3 );
 499  8
             uncleanPath = uncleanPath.substring( protocolIdx + 3 );
 502  29
         if ( uncleanPath.startsWith( "//" ) )
             // preserve leading double slash for UNC paths like "file:////host/pom.xml"
 505  1
             cleanedPath += "//";
 507  28
         else if ( uncleanPath.startsWith( "/" ) )
 509  1
             cleanedPath += "/";
 512  29
         return cleanedPath + resolvePath( uncleanPath );
     // TODO: Move this to plexus-utils' PathTool.
     private static String resolvePath( String uncleanPath )
 518  29
         LinkedList pathElements = new LinkedList();
 520  29
         StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( uncleanPath, "/" );
 522  126
         while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
 524  97
             String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
 526  97
             if ( token.equals( "" ) )
 527  0
                 // Empty path entry ("...//.."), remove.
 530  97
             else if ( token.equals( ".." ) )
 532  6
                 if ( pathElements.isEmpty() )
 533  1
                     // FIXME: somehow report to the user
                     // that there are too many '..' elements.
                     // For now, ignore the extra '..'.
 540  5
 545  91
                 pathElements.addLast( token );
 550  29
         StringBuffer cleanedPath = new StringBuffer();
 552  115
         while ( !pathElements.isEmpty() )
 554  86
             cleanedPath.append( pathElements.removeFirst() );
 555  86
             if ( !pathElements.isEmpty() )
 557  57
                 cleanedPath.append( '/' );
 561  29
         return cleanedPath.toString();