Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.project.ModelUtils
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.project;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Enumeration;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Activation;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ActivationFile;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ActivationOS;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ActivationProperty;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Build;
 import org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase;
 import org.apache.maven.model.CiManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
 import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Developer;
 import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Exclusion;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Extension;
 import org.apache.maven.model.IssueManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.License;
 import org.apache.maven.model.MailingList;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Notifier;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Organization;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Parent;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
 import org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer;
 import org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution;
 import org.apache.maven.model.PluginManagement;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Prerequisites;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Profile;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Relocation;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ReportSet;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Reporting;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Repository;
 import org.apache.maven.model.RepositoryBase;
 import org.apache.maven.model.RepositoryPolicy;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Site;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
 72  0
 public final class ModelUtils
 75  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner DEPENDENCY_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 77  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 79  488
             return ModelUtils.cloneDependency( (Dependency) src );
 83  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner PLUGIN_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 85  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 87  2831
             return ModelUtils.clonePlugin( (Plugin) src );
 91  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner EXTENSION_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 93  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 95  0
             return ModelUtils.cloneExtension( (Extension) src );
 99  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner RESOURCE_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 101  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 103  317
             return ModelUtils.cloneResource( (Resource) src );
 107  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner NOTIFIER_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 109  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 111  0
             return ModelUtils.cloneNotifier( (Notifier) src );
 115  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner CONTRIBUTOR_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 117  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 119  4
             return ModelUtils.cloneContributor( (Contributor) src );
 123  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner DEVELOPER_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 125  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 127  4
             return ModelUtils.cloneDeveloper( (Developer) src );
 131  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner LICENSE_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 133  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 135  0
             return ModelUtils.cloneLicense( (License) src );
 139  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner MAILING_LIST_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 141  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 143  22
             return ModelUtils.cloneMailingList( (MailingList) src );
 147  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner REPOSITORY_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 149  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 151  66
             return ModelUtils.cloneRepository( (Repository) src );
 155  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner PROFILE_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 157  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 159  0
             return ModelUtils.cloneProfile( (Profile) src );
 163  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner REPORT_PLUGIN_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 165  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 167  0
             return ModelUtils.cloneReportPlugin( (ReportPlugin) src );
 171  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner REPORT_SET_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 173  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 175  0
             return ModelUtils.cloneReportSet( (ReportSet) src );
 179  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner DEPENDENCY_EXCLUSION_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 181  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 183  14
             return ModelUtils.cloneExclusion( (Exclusion) src );
 187  1
     private static final ModelPartCloner PLUGIN_EXECUTION_CLONER = new ModelPartCloner()
 189  1
         public Object cloneModelPart( Object src )
 191  52
             return ModelUtils.clonePluginExecution( (PluginExecution) src );
      * Given this plugin list:
      * A1 -> B -> C -> A2 -> D
      * Rearrange it to this:
      * A(A1 + A2) -> B -> C -> D
      * In cases of overlapping definitions, A1 is overridden by A2
     public static void mergeDuplicatePluginDefinitions( PluginContainer pluginContainer )
 209  98
         if ( pluginContainer == null )
 211  0
 214  98
         List originalPlugins = pluginContainer.getPlugins();
 216  98
         if ( ( originalPlugins == null ) || originalPlugins.isEmpty() )
 218  70
 221  28
         List normalized = new ArrayList( originalPlugins.size() );
 223  28
         for ( Iterator it = originalPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 225  31
             Plugin currentPlugin = (Plugin);
 227  31
             if ( normalized.contains( currentPlugin ) )
 229  2
                 int idx = normalized.indexOf( currentPlugin );
 230  2
                 Plugin firstPlugin = (Plugin) normalized.get( idx );
                 // MNG-3719: merge currentPlugin with firstPlugin as parent,
                 // then use updated currentPlugin as new parent
 234  2
                 mergePluginDefinitions( currentPlugin, firstPlugin, false );
 235  2
                 normalized.set(idx, currentPlugin);
 239  29
                 normalized.add( currentPlugin );
 243  28
         pluginContainer.setPlugins( normalized );
 244  28
     public static ReportSet cloneReportSet( ReportSet src )
 248  0
         if ( src == null )
 250  0
             return null;
 253  0
         ReportSet result = new ReportSet();
 255  0
         result.setConfiguration( cloneConfiguration( src.getConfiguration() ) );
 256  0
         result.setId( src.getId() );
 257  0
         result.setInherited( src.getInherited() );
 258  0
         result.setReports( cloneListOfStrings( src.getReports() ) );
 260  0
         return result;
     public static ReportPlugin cloneReportPlugin( ReportPlugin src )
 265  0
         if ( src == null )
 267  0
             return null;
 270  0
         ReportPlugin result = new ReportPlugin();
 272  0
         result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 273  0
         result.setConfiguration( cloneConfiguration( src.getConfiguration() ) );
 274  0
         result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 275  0
         result.setInherited( src.getInherited() );
 276  0
         result.setReportSets( cloneList( src.getReportSets(), REPORT_SET_CLONER ) );
 277  0
         result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 279  0
         return result;
     public static Profile cloneProfile( Profile src )
 284  0
         if ( src == null )
 286  0
             return null;
 289  0
         Profile result = new Profile();
 291  0
         cloneModelBaseFields( src, result );
 293  0
         result.setActivation( cloneActivation( src.getActivation() ) );
 295  0
         BuildBase resultBuild = null;
 296  0
         if ( src.getBuild() != null )
 298  0
             resultBuild = new BuildBase();
 299  0
             cloneBuildBaseFields( src.getBuild(), resultBuild );
 301  0
         result.setBuild( resultBuild );
 303  0
         result.setId( src.getId() );
 304  0
         result.setSource( src.getSource() );
 306  0
         return result;
     private static void cloneModelBaseFields( ModelBase src, ModelBase result )
 311  494
         result.setDependencies( cloneList( src.getDependencies(), DEPENDENCY_CLONER ) );
 312  494
         result.setDependencyManagement( cloneDependencyManagement( src.getDependencyManagement() ) );
 313  494
         result.setDistributionManagement( cloneDistributionManagement( src.getDistributionManagement() ) );
 315  494
         result.setModules( cloneListOfStrings( src.getModules() ) );
 317  494
         result.setPluginRepositories( cloneList( src.getPluginRepositories(), REPOSITORY_CLONER ) );
 318  494
         result.setProperties( cloneProperties( src.getProperties() ) );
 319  494
         result.setReporting( cloneReporting( src.getReporting() ) );
 320  494
         result.setRepositories( cloneList( src.getRepositories(), REPOSITORY_CLONER ) );
 321  494
     public static Reporting cloneReporting( Reporting src )
 325  494
         if ( src == null )
 327  476
             return null;
 330  18
         Reporting result = new Reporting();
 332  18
         result.setExcludeDefaults( src.isExcludeDefaults() );
 333  18
         result.setOutputDirectory( src.getOutputDirectory() );
 334  18
         result.setPlugins( cloneList( src.getPlugins(), REPORT_PLUGIN_CLONER ) );
 336  18
         return result;
     public static Activation cloneActivation( Activation src )
 341  0
         if ( src == null )
 343  0
             return null;
 346  0
         Activation result = new Activation();
 347  0
         result.setActiveByDefault( src.isActiveByDefault() );
 348  0
         result.setFile( cloneActivationFile( src.getFile() ) );
 349  0
         result.setJdk( src.getJdk() );
 350  0
         result.setOs( cloneActivationOs( src.getOs() ) );
 351  0
         result.setProperty( cloneActivationProperty( src.getProperty() ) );
 353  0
         return result;
     public static ActivationProperty cloneActivationProperty( ActivationProperty src )
 358  0
         if ( src == null )
 360  0
             return null;
 363  0
         ActivationProperty result = new ActivationProperty();
 365  0
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 366  0
         result.setValue( src.getValue() );
 368  0
         return result;
     public static ActivationOS cloneActivationOs( ActivationOS src )
 373  0
         if ( src == null )
 375  0
             return null;
 378  0
         ActivationOS result = new ActivationOS();
 380  0
         result.setArch( src.getArch() );
 381  0
         result.setFamily( src.getFamily() );
 382  0
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 383  0
         result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 385  0
         return result;
     public static ActivationFile cloneActivationFile( ActivationFile src )
 390  0
         if ( src == null )
 392  0
             return null;
 395  0
         ActivationFile result = new ActivationFile();
 397  0
         result.setExists( src.getExists() );
 398  0
         result.setMissing( src.getMissing() );
 400  0
         return result;
     public static Repository cloneRepository( Repository src )
 405  66
         if ( src == null )
 407  0
             return null;
 410  66
         Repository result = new Repository();
 412  66
         result.setReleases( cloneRepositoryPolicy( src.getReleases() ) );
 413  66
         result.setSnapshots( cloneRepositoryPolicy( src.getSnapshots() ) );
 415  66
         cloneRepositoryBaseFields( src, result );
 417  66
         return result;
     public static RepositoryPolicy cloneRepositoryPolicy( RepositoryPolicy src )
 422  132
         if ( src == null )
 424  78
             return null;
 427  54
         RepositoryPolicy result = new RepositoryPolicy();
 429  54
         result.setChecksumPolicy( src.getChecksumPolicy() );
 430  54
         result.setEnabled( src.isEnabled() );
 431  54
         result.setUpdatePolicy( src.getUpdatePolicy() );
 433  54
         return result;
     public static MailingList cloneMailingList( MailingList src )
 438  22
         if ( src == null )
 440  0
             return null;
 443  22
         MailingList result = new MailingList();
 445  22
         result.setArchive( src.getArchive() );
 446  22
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 447  22
         result.setOtherArchives( src.getOtherArchives() );
 448  22
         result.setPost( src.getPost() );
 449  22
         result.setSubscribe( src.getSubscribe() );
 450  22
         result.setUnsubscribe( src.getUnsubscribe() );
 452  22
         return result;
      * This should be the resulting ordering of plugins after merging:
      * Given:
      *   parent: X -> A -> B -> D -> E
      *   child: Y -> A -> C -> D -> F
      * Result:
      *   X -> Y -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
     public static void mergePluginLists( PluginContainer child, PluginContainer parent,
                                          boolean handleAsInheritance )
 470  161
         if ( ( child == null ) || ( parent == null ) )
             // nothing to do.
 473  6
 476  155
         List parentPlugins = parent.getPlugins();
 478  155
         if ( ( parentPlugins != null ) && !parentPlugins.isEmpty() )
 480  20
             parentPlugins = new ArrayList( parentPlugins );
             // If we're processing this merge as an inheritance, we have to build up a list of
             // plugins that were considered for inheritance.
 484  20
             if ( handleAsInheritance )
 486  20
                 for ( Iterator it = parentPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 488  22
                     Plugin plugin = (Plugin);
 490  22
                     String inherited = plugin.getInherited();
 492  22
                     if ( ( inherited != null ) && !Boolean.valueOf( inherited ).booleanValue() )
 494  2
 499  20
             List assembledPlugins = new ArrayList();
 501  20
             Map childPlugins = child.getPluginsAsMap();
 503  20
             for ( Iterator it = parentPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 505  20
                 Plugin parentPlugin = (Plugin);
 507  20
                 String parentInherited = parentPlugin.getInherited();
                 // only merge plugin definition from the parent if at least one
                 // of these is true:
                 // 1. we're not processing the plugins in an inheritance-based merge
                 // 2. the parent's <inherited/> flag is not set
                 // 3. the parent's <inherited/> flag is set to true
 514  20
                 if ( !handleAsInheritance || ( parentInherited == null ) ||
                     Boolean.valueOf( parentInherited ).booleanValue() )
 517  20
                     Plugin childPlugin = (Plugin) childPlugins.get( parentPlugin.getKey() );
 519  20
                     if ( ( childPlugin != null ) && !assembledPlugins.contains( childPlugin ) )
 521  6
                         Plugin assembledPlugin = childPlugin;
 523  6
                         mergePluginDefinitions( childPlugin, parentPlugin, handleAsInheritance );
                         // fix for MNG-2221 (assembly cache was not being populated for later reference):
 526  6
                         assembledPlugins.add( assembledPlugin );
                     // if we're processing this as an inheritance-based merge, and
                     // the parent's <inherited/> flag is not set, then we need to
                     // clear the inherited flag in the merge result.
 532  20
                     if ( handleAsInheritance && ( parentInherited == null ) )
 534  18
                 // very important to use the parentPlugins List, rather than parentContainer.getPlugins()
                 // since this list is a local one, and may have been modified during processing.
 540  20
                 List results = ModelUtils.orderAfterMerge( assembledPlugins, parentPlugins,
                                                                         child.getPlugins() );
 544  20
                 child.setPlugins( results );
 546  20
 549  155
     public static List orderAfterMerge( List merged, List highPrioritySource, List lowPrioritySource )
 553  29
         List results = new ArrayList();
 555  29
         if ( !merged.isEmpty() )
 557  12
             results.addAll( merged );
 560  29
         List missingFromResults = new ArrayList();
 562  29
         List sources = new ArrayList();
 564  29
         sources.add( highPrioritySource );
 565  29
         sources.add( lowPrioritySource );
 567  29
         for ( Iterator sourceIterator = sources.iterator(); sourceIterator.hasNext(); )
 569  58
             List source = (List);
 571  58
             for ( Iterator it = source.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 573  63
                 Object item =;
 575  63
                 if ( results.contains( item ) )
 577  30
                     if ( !missingFromResults.isEmpty() )
 579  8
                         int idx = results.indexOf( item );
 581  8
                         if ( idx < 0 )
 583  0
                             idx = 0;
 586  8
                         results.addAll( idx, missingFromResults );
 588  8
 593  33
                     missingFromResults.add( item );
 597  58
             if ( !missingFromResults.isEmpty() )
 599  19
                 results.addAll( missingFromResults );
 601  19
 605  29
         return results;
      * Merge the list of reporting plugins from parent pom and child pom
      * TODO it's pretty much a copy of {@link #mergePluginLists(PluginContainer, PluginContainer, boolean)}
      * @param child
      * @param parent
      * @param handleAsInheritance
     public static void mergeReportPluginLists( Reporting child, Reporting parent, boolean handleAsInheritance )
 618  160
         if ( ( child == null ) || ( parent == null ) )
             // nothing to do.
 621  0
 624  160
         List parentPlugins = parent.getPlugins();
 626  160
         if ( ( parentPlugins != null ) && !parentPlugins.isEmpty() )
 628  4
             parentPlugins = new ArrayList( parentPlugins );
             // If we're processing this merge as an inheritance, we have to build up a list of
             // plugins that were considered for inheritance.
 632  4
             if ( handleAsInheritance )
 634  4
                 for ( Iterator it = parentPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 636  5
                     ReportPlugin plugin = (ReportPlugin);
 638  5
                     String inherited = plugin.getInherited();
 640  5
                     if ( ( inherited != null ) && !Boolean.valueOf( inherited ).booleanValue() )
 642  1
 647  4
             List assembledPlugins = new ArrayList();
 649  4
             Map childPlugins = child.getReportPluginsAsMap();
 651  4
             for ( Iterator it = parentPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 653  4
                 ReportPlugin parentPlugin = (ReportPlugin);
 655  4
                 String parentInherited = parentPlugin.getInherited();
                 // only merge plugin definition from the parent if at least one
                 // of these is true:
                 // 1. we're not processing the plugins in an inheritance-based merge
                 // 2. the parent's <inherited/> flag is not set
                 // 3. the parent's <inherited/> flag is set to true
 662  4
                 if ( !handleAsInheritance || ( parentInherited == null ) ||
                     Boolean.valueOf( parentInherited ).booleanValue() )
 665  4
                     ReportPlugin childPlugin = (ReportPlugin) childPlugins.get( parentPlugin.getKey() );
 667  4
                     if ( ( childPlugin != null ) && !assembledPlugins.contains( childPlugin ) )
 669  1
                         ReportPlugin assembledPlugin = childPlugin;
 671  1
                         mergeReportPluginDefinitions( childPlugin, parentPlugin, handleAsInheritance );
                         // fix for MNG-2221 (assembly cache was not being populated for later reference):
 674  1
                         assembledPlugins.add( assembledPlugin );
                     // if we're processing this as an inheritance-based merge, and
                     // the parent's <inherited/> flag is not set, then we need to
                     // clear the inherited flag in the merge result.
 680  4
                     if ( handleAsInheritance && ( parentInherited == null ) )
 682  3
                 // very important to use the parentPlugins List, rather than parentContainer.getPlugins()
                 // since this list is a local one, and may have been modified during processing.
 688  4
                 List results = ModelUtils.orderAfterMerge( assembledPlugins, parentPlugins,
                                                                         child.getPlugins() );
 691  4
                 child.setPlugins( results );
 693  4
 696  160
     public static void mergePluginDefinitions( Plugin child, Plugin parent, boolean handleAsInheritance )
 700  40
         if ( ( child == null ) || ( parent == null ) )
             // nothing to do.
 703  0
 706  40
         if ( parent.isExtensions() )
 708  0
             child.setExtensions( true );
 711  40
         if ( ( child.getVersion() == null ) && ( parent.getVersion() != null ) )
 713  22
             child.setVersion( parent.getVersion() );
 716  40
         Xpp3Dom childConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) child.getConfiguration();
 717  40
         Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) parent.getConfiguration();
 719  40
         childConfiguration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( childConfiguration, parentConfiguration );
 721  40
         child.setConfiguration( childConfiguration );
 723  40
         child.setDependencies( mergeDependencyList( child.getDependencies(), parent.getDependencies() ) );
         // from here to the end of the method is dealing with merging of the <executions/> section.
 726  40
         String parentInherited = parent.getInherited();
 728  40
         boolean parentIsInherited = ( parentInherited == null ) || Boolean.valueOf( parentInherited ).booleanValue();
 730  40
         List parentExecutions = parent.getExecutions();
 732  40
         if ( ( parentExecutions != null ) && !parentExecutions.isEmpty() )
 734  12
             List mergedExecutions = new ArrayList();
 736  12
             Map assembledExecutions = new TreeMap();
 738  12
             Map childExecutions = child.getExecutionsAsMap();
 740  12
             for ( Iterator it = parentExecutions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 742  13
                 PluginExecution parentExecution = (PluginExecution);
 744  13
                 String inherited = parentExecution.getInherited();
 746  13
                 boolean parentExecInherited = parentIsInherited && ( ( inherited == null ) || Boolean.valueOf( inherited ).booleanValue() );
 748  13
                 if ( !handleAsInheritance || parentExecInherited )
 750  7
                     PluginExecution assembled = parentExecution;
 752  7
                     PluginExecution childExecution = (PluginExecution) childExecutions.get( parentExecution.getId() );
 754  7
                     if ( childExecution != null )
 756  0
                         mergePluginExecutionDefinitions( childExecution, parentExecution );
 758  0
                         assembled = childExecution;
 760  7
                     else if ( handleAsInheritance && ( parentInherited == null ) )
 762  2
 765  7
                     assembledExecutions.put( assembled.getId(), assembled );
 766  7
 770  12
             for ( Iterator it = child.getExecutions().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 772  10
                 PluginExecution childExecution = (PluginExecution);
 774  10
                 if ( !assembledExecutions.containsKey( childExecution.getId() ) )
 776  10
 780  12
 782  12
 785  40
     public static void mergeReportPluginDefinitions( ReportPlugin child, ReportPlugin parent,
                                                      boolean handleAsInheritance )
 790  1
         if ( ( child == null ) || ( parent == null ) )
             // nothing to do.
 793  0
 796  1
         if ( ( child.getVersion() == null ) && ( parent.getVersion() != null ) )
 798  0
             child.setVersion( parent.getVersion() );
 801  1
         String parentInherited = parent.getInherited();
 803  1
         boolean parentIsInherited = ( parentInherited == null ) || Boolean.valueOf( parentInherited ).booleanValue();
         // merge configuration just like with build plugins        
 806  1
         if ( parentIsInherited )
 808  1
             Xpp3Dom childConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) child.getConfiguration();
 809  1
             Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) parent.getConfiguration();
 811  1
             childConfiguration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( childConfiguration, parentConfiguration );
 813  1
             child.setConfiguration( childConfiguration );
         // from here to the end of the method is dealing with merging of the <executions/> section.
 817  1
         List parentReportSets = parent.getReportSets();
 819  1
         if ( ( parentReportSets != null ) && !parentReportSets.isEmpty() )
 821  0
             Map assembledReportSets = new TreeMap();
 823  0
             Map childReportSets = child.getReportSetsAsMap();
 825  0
             for ( Iterator it = parentReportSets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 827  0
                 ReportSet parentReportSet = (ReportSet);
 829  0
                 if ( !handleAsInheritance || parentIsInherited )
 831  0
                     ReportSet assembledReportSet = parentReportSet;
 833  0
                     ReportSet childReportSet = (ReportSet) childReportSets.get( parentReportSet.getId() );
 835  0
                     if ( childReportSet != null )
 837  0
                         mergeReportSetDefinitions( childReportSet, parentReportSet );
 839  0
                         assembledReportSet = childReportSet;
 841  0
                     else if ( handleAsInheritance && ( parentInherited == null ) )
 843  0
 846  0
                     assembledReportSets.put( assembledReportSet.getId(), assembledReportSet );
 850  0
             for ( Iterator it = childReportSets.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 852  0
                 Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
 854  0
                 String id = (String) entry.getKey();
 856  0
                 if ( !assembledReportSets.containsKey( id ) )
 858  0
                     assembledReportSets.put( id, entry.getValue() );
 862  0
             child.setReportSets( new ArrayList( assembledReportSets.values() ) );
 864  0
 867  1
     private static void mergePluginExecutionDefinitions( PluginExecution child, PluginExecution parent )
 871  0
         if ( child.getPhase() == null )
 873  0
             child.setPhase( parent.getPhase() );
 876  0
         List parentGoals = parent.getGoals();
 877  0
         List childGoals = child.getGoals();
 879  0
         List goals = new ArrayList();
 881  0
         if ( ( childGoals != null ) && !childGoals.isEmpty() )
 883  0
             goals.addAll( childGoals );
 886  0
         if ( parentGoals != null )
 888  0
             for ( Iterator goalIterator = parentGoals.iterator(); goalIterator.hasNext(); )
 890  0
                 String goal = (String);
 892  0
                 if ( !goals.contains( goal ) )
 894  0
                     goals.add( goal );
 899  0
         child.setGoals( goals );
 901  0
         Xpp3Dom childConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) child.getConfiguration();
 902  0
         Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) parent.getConfiguration();
 904  0
         childConfiguration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( childConfiguration, parentConfiguration );
 906  0
         child.setConfiguration( childConfiguration );
 907  0
     private static void mergeReportSetDefinitions( ReportSet child, ReportSet parent )
 911  0
         List parentReports = parent.getReports();
 912  0
         List childReports = child.getReports();
 914  0
         List reports = new ArrayList();
 916  0
         if ( ( childReports != null ) && !childReports.isEmpty() )
 918  0
             reports.addAll( childReports );
 921  0
         if ( parentReports != null )
 923  0
             for ( Iterator i = parentReports.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 925  0
                 String report = (String);
 927  0
                 if ( !reports.contains( report ) )
 929  0
                     reports.add( report );
 934  0
         child.setReports( reports );
 936  0
         Xpp3Dom childConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) child.getConfiguration();
 937  0
         Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) parent.getConfiguration();
 939  0
         childConfiguration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( childConfiguration, parentConfiguration );
 941  0
         child.setConfiguration( childConfiguration );
 942  0
     public static Model cloneModel( Model src )
 946  494
         if ( src == null )
 948  0
             return null;
 951  494
         Model result = new Model();
 953  494
         cloneModelBaseFields( src, result );
 955  494
         result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 956  494
         result.setBuild( cloneBuild( src.getBuild() ) );
 957  494
         result.setCiManagement( cloneCiManagement( src.getCiManagement() ) );
 959  494
         result.setContributors( cloneList( src.getContributors(), CONTRIBUTOR_CLONER ) );
 961  494
         result.setDescription( src.getDescription() );
 962  494
         result.setDevelopers( cloneList( src.getDevelopers(), DEVELOPER_CLONER ) );
 964  494
         result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 965  494
         result.setInceptionYear( src.getInceptionYear() );
 966  494
         result.setIssueManagement( cloneIssueManagement( src.getIssueManagement() ) );
 967  494
         result.setLicenses( cloneList( src.getLicenses(), LICENSE_CLONER ) );
 969  494
         result.setMailingLists( cloneList( src.getMailingLists(), MAILING_LIST_CLONER ) );
 970  494
         result.setModelVersion( src.getModelVersion() );
 971  494
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 972  494
         result.setOrganization( cloneOrganization( src.getOrganization() ) );
 973  494
         result.setPackaging( src.getPackaging() );
 974  494
         result.setParent( cloneParent( src.getParent() ) );
 976  494
         result.setPrerequisites( clonePrerequisites( src.getPrerequisites() ) );
 977  494
         result.setProfiles( cloneList( src.getProfiles(), PROFILE_CLONER ) );
 979  494
         result.setScm( cloneScm( src.getScm() ) );
 980  494
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 981  494
         result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 983  494
         return result;
     public static Scm cloneScm( Scm src )
 988  494
         if ( src == null )
 990  426
             return null;
 993  68
         Scm result = new Scm();
 995  68
         result.setConnection( src.getConnection() );
 996  68
         result.setDeveloperConnection( src.getDeveloperConnection() );
 997  68
         result.setTag( src.getTag() );
 998  68
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1000  68
         return result;
     public static Prerequisites clonePrerequisites( Prerequisites src )
 1005  494
         if ( src == null )
 1007  494
             return null;
 1010  0
         Prerequisites result = new Prerequisites();
 1012  0
         result.setMaven( src.getMaven() );
 1014  0
         return result;
     public static Organization cloneOrganization( Organization src )
 1019  494
         if ( src == null )
 1021  324
             return null;
 1024  170
         Organization result = new Organization();
 1026  170
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 1027  170
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1029  170
         return result;
     public static License cloneLicense( License src )
 1034  0
         if ( src == null )
 1036  0
             return null;
 1039  0
         License result = new License();
 1041  0
         result.setComments( src.getComments() );
 1042  0
         result.setDistribution( src.getDistribution() );
 1043  0
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 1044  0
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1046  0
         return result;
     public static IssueManagement cloneIssueManagement( IssueManagement src )
 1051  494
         if ( src == null )
 1053  494
             return null;
 1056  0
         IssueManagement result = new IssueManagement();
 1058  0
         result.setSystem( src.getSystem() );
 1059  0
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1061  0
         return result;
     public static DistributionManagement cloneDistributionManagement( DistributionManagement src )
 1066  494
         if ( src == null )
 1068  489
             return null;
 1071  5
         DistributionManagement result = new DistributionManagement();
 1073  5
         result.setDownloadUrl( src.getDownloadUrl() );
 1074  5
         result.setRelocation( cloneRelocation( src.getRelocation() ) );
 1075  5
         result.setRepository( cloneDeploymentRepository( src.getRepository() ) );
 1076  5
         result.setSite( cloneSite( src.getSite() ) );
 1077  5
         result.setSnapshotRepository( cloneDeploymentRepository( src.getSnapshotRepository() ) );
 1078  5
         result.setStatus( src.getStatus() );
 1080  5
         return result;
     public static Site cloneSite( Site src )
 1085  5
         if ( src == null )
 1087  5
             return null;
 1090  0
         Site result = new Site();
 1092  0
         result.setId( src.getId() );
 1093  0
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 1094  0
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1096  0
         return result;
     public static DeploymentRepository cloneDeploymentRepository( DeploymentRepository src )
 1101  10
         if ( src == null )
 1103  0
             return null;
 1106  10
         DeploymentRepository result = new DeploymentRepository();
 1108  10
         result.setUniqueVersion( src.isUniqueVersion() );
 1110  10
         cloneRepositoryBaseFields( src, result );
 1112  10
         return result;
     private static void cloneRepositoryBaseFields( RepositoryBase src, RepositoryBase result )
 1117  76
         result.setId( src.getId() );
 1118  76
         result.setLayout( src.getLayout() );
 1119  76
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 1120  76
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1121  76
     public static Relocation cloneRelocation( Relocation src )
 1125  5
         if ( src == null )
 1127  5
             return null;
 1130  0
         Relocation result = new Relocation();
 1132  0
         result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1133  0
         result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1134  0
         result.setMessage( src.getMessage() );
 1135  0
         result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 1137  0
         return result;
     public static DependencyManagement cloneDependencyManagement( DependencyManagement src )
 1142  494
         if ( src == null )
 1144  383
             return null;
 1147  111
         DependencyManagement result = new DependencyManagement();
 1148  111
         result.setDependencies( cloneList( src.getDependencies(), DEPENDENCY_CLONER ) );
 1150  111
         return result;
     private static List cloneList( List src, ModelPartCloner cloner )
 1155  11413
         List result = null;
 1156  11413
         if ( src != null )
 1158  11413
             result = new ArrayList( src.size() );
 1159  11413
             for ( Iterator it = src.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1161  3798
                 result.add( cloner.cloneModelPart( (Object) ) );
 1165  11413
         return result;
     public static Contributor cloneContributor( Contributor src )
 1170  4
         if ( src == null )
 1172  0
             return null;
 1175  4
         Contributor result = new Contributor();
 1176  4
         cloneContributorFields( src, result );
 1178  4
         return result;
     public static Developer cloneDeveloper( Developer src )
 1183  4
         if ( src == null )
 1185  0
             return null;
 1188  4
         Developer result = new Developer();
 1190  4
         result.setId( src.getId() );
 1192  4
         cloneContributorFields( src, result );
 1194  4
         return result;
     private static void cloneContributorFields( Contributor src, Contributor result )
 1199  8
         result.setEmail( src.getEmail() );
 1200  8
         result.setName( src.getName() );
 1201  8
         result.setOrganization( src.getOrganization() );
 1202  8
         result.setOrganizationUrl( src.getOrganizationUrl() );
 1203  8
         result.setProperties( cloneProperties( src.getProperties() ) );
 1204  8
         result.setRoles( cloneListOfStrings( src.getRoles() ) );
 1205  8
         result.setTimezone( src.getTimezone() );
 1206  8
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1207  8
     public static CiManagement cloneCiManagement( CiManagement src )
 1211  494
         if ( src == null )
 1213  494
             return null;
 1216  0
         CiManagement result = new CiManagement();
 1218  0
         List notifiers = null;
 1219  0
         if ( src.getNotifiers() != null )
 1221  0
             notifiers = new ArrayList( src.getNotifiers().size() );
 1222  0
             for ( Iterator it = src.getNotifiers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1224  0
                 notifiers.add( cloneNotifier( (Notifier) ) );
 1227  0
         result.setNotifiers( cloneList( src.getNotifiers(), NOTIFIER_CLONER ) );
 1229  0
         result.setSystem( src.getSystem() );
 1230  0
         result.setUrl( src.getUrl() );
 1232  0
         return result;
     public static Notifier cloneNotifier( Notifier src )
 1237  0
         if ( src == null )
 1239  0
             return null;
 1242  0
         Notifier result = new Notifier();
 1243  0
         result.setAddress( src.getAddress() );
 1244  0
         result.setConfiguration( cloneProperties( src.getConfiguration() ) );
 1245  0
         result.setSendOnError( src.isSendOnError() );
 1246  0
         result.setSendOnFailure( result.isSendOnFailure() );
 1247  0
         result.setSendOnSuccess( result.isSendOnSuccess() );
 1248  0
         result.setSendOnWarning( result.isSendOnWarning() );
 1250  0
         return result;
     public static Properties cloneProperties( Properties src )
 1255  502
         if ( src == null )
 1257  0
             return null;
 1260  502
         Properties result = new Properties();
 1261  502
         for( Enumeration e = src.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
 1263  33
             String key = (String) e.nextElement();
 1264  33
             result.setProperty( key, src.getProperty( key ) );
 1267  502
         return result;
     public static Build cloneBuild( Build src )
 1272  618
         if ( src == null )
 1274  358
             return null;
 1277  260
         Build result = new Build();
 1279  260
         cloneBuildBaseFields( src, result );
 1281  260
         result.setExtensions( cloneList( src.getExtensions(), EXTENSION_CLONER ) );
 1282  260
         result.setOutputDirectory( src.getOutputDirectory() );
 1284  260
         result.setScriptSourceDirectory( src.getScriptSourceDirectory() );
 1285  260
         result.setSourceDirectory( src.getSourceDirectory() );
 1286  260
         result.setTestOutputDirectory( src.getTestOutputDirectory() );
 1287  260
         result.setTestSourceDirectory( src.getTestSourceDirectory() );
 1289  260
         return result;
     public static void cloneBuildBaseFields( BuildBase src, BuildBase result )
 1294  260
         result.setDefaultGoal( src.getDefaultGoal() );
 1295  260
         result.setDirectory( src.getDirectory() );
 1297  260
         result.setFilters( cloneListOfStrings( src.getFilters() ) );
 1298  260
         result.setFinalName( src.getFinalName() );
 1300  260
         result.setPluginManagement( clonePluginManagement( src.getPluginManagement() ) );
 1301  260
         result.setPlugins( cloneList( src.getPlugins(), PLUGIN_CLONER ) );
 1303  260
         result.setResources( cloneList( src.getResources(), RESOURCE_CLONER ) );
 1305  260
         result.setTestResources( cloneList( src.getTestResources(), RESOURCE_CLONER ) );
 1306  260
     public static PluginManagement clonePluginManagement( PluginManagement src )
 1310  260
         PluginManagement pMgmt = null;
 1311  260
         if ( src != null )
 1313  142
             pMgmt = new PluginManagement();
 1314  142
             pMgmt.setPlugins( cloneList( src.getPlugins(), PLUGIN_CLONER ) );
 1317  260
         return pMgmt;
     public static Resource cloneResource( Resource src )
 1322  317
         Resource result = null;
 1323  317
         if ( src != null )
 1325  317
             result = new Resource();
 1327  317
             result.setDirectory( src.getDirectory() );
 1328  317
             result.setExcludes( cloneListOfStrings( src.getExcludes() ) );
 1329  317
             result.setFiltering( src.isFiltering() );
 1330  317
             result.setIncludes( cloneListOfStrings( src.getIncludes() ) );
 1331  317
             result.setMergeId( src.getMergeId() );
 1332  317
             result.setTargetPath( src.getTargetPath() );
 1335  317
         return result;
     public static Plugin clonePlugin( Plugin src )
 1340  2831
         Plugin result = null;
 1341  2831
         if ( src != null )
 1343  2831
             result = new Plugin();
 1344  2831
             result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1346  2831
             result.setConfiguration( cloneConfiguration( src.getConfiguration() ) );
 1348  2831
             result.setDependencies( cloneList( src.getDependencies(), DEPENDENCY_CLONER ) );
 1349  2831
             result.setExecutions( cloneList( src.getExecutions(), PLUGIN_EXECUTION_CLONER ) );
 1351  2831
             result.setExtensions( src.isExtensions() );
 1352  2831
             result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1353  2831
             result.setInherited( src.getInherited() );
 1354  2831
             result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 1357  2831
         return result;
     public static PluginExecution clonePluginExecution( PluginExecution src )
 1362  52
         PluginExecution result = null;
 1364  52
         if ( src != null )
 1366  52
             result = new PluginExecution();
 1368  52
             result.setId( src.getId() );
 1369  52
             result.setGoals( cloneListOfStrings( src.getGoals() ) );
 1370  52
             result.setConfiguration( cloneConfiguration( src.getConfiguration() ) );
 1371  52
             result.setInherited( src.getInherited() );
 1372  52
             result.setPhase( src.getPhase() );
 1375  52
         return result;
     // FIXME: We need something better than this for configurations!
     public static Object cloneConfiguration( Object configuration )
 1381  2883
         if ( configuration == null )
 1383  2793
             return null;
 1386  90
         return new Xpp3Dom( (Xpp3Dom) configuration );
     public static Dependency cloneDependency( Dependency src )
 1391  488
         Dependency result = null;
 1392  488
         if ( src != null )
 1394  488
             result = new Dependency();
 1396  488
             result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1397  488
             result.setClassifier( src.getClassifier() );
 1398  488
             result.setExclusions( cloneList( src.getExclusions(), DEPENDENCY_EXCLUSION_CLONER ) );
 1399  488
             result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1400  488
             result.setOptional( src.isOptional() );
 1401  488
             result.setScope( src.getScope() );
 1402  488
             result.setSystemPath( src.getSystemPath() );
 1403  488
             result.setType( src.getType() );
 1404  488
             result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 1407  488
         return result;
     public static Exclusion cloneExclusion( Exclusion src )
 1412  14
         Exclusion result = null;
 1413  14
         if ( src != null )
 1415  14
             result = new Exclusion();
 1416  14
             result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1417  14
             result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1420  14
         return result;
     public static List cloneListOfStrings( List src )
 1425  1448
         List result = null;
 1426  1448
         if ( src != null )
 1428  1448
             result = new ArrayList( src.size() );
 1429  1448
             for ( Iterator it = src.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1431  233
                 String item = (String);
 1432  233
                 result.add( item );
 1436  1448
         return result;
     public static Extension cloneExtension( Extension src )
 1441  0
         Extension rExt = new Extension();
 1442  0
         rExt.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1443  0
         rExt.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1444  0
         rExt.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 1446  0
         return rExt;
     public static Exclusion cloneDependencyExclusion( Exclusion src )
 1451  0
         if ( src == null )
 1453  0
             return null;
 1456  0
         Exclusion result = new Exclusion();
 1458  0
         result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1459  0
         result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1461  0
         return result;
     public static Parent cloneParent( Parent src )
 1466  494
         if ( src == null )
 1468  337
             return null;
 1471  157
         Parent result = new Parent();
 1472  157
         result.setArtifactId( src.getArtifactId() );
 1473  157
         result.setGroupId( src.getGroupId() );
 1474  157
         result.setRelativePath( src.getRelativePath() );
 1475  157
         result.setVersion( src.getVersion() );
 1477  157
         return result;
     public static List mergeRepositoryLists( List dominant, List recessive )
 1482  398
         List repositories = new ArrayList();
 1484  398
         for ( Iterator it = dominant.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1486  15
             Repository repository = (Repository);
 1488  15
             repositories.add( repository );
 1491  398
         for ( Iterator it = recessive.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1493  301
             Repository repository = (Repository);
 1495  301
             if ( !repositories.contains( repository ) )
 1497  288
                 repositories.add( repository );
 1501  398
         return repositories;
     public static void mergeExtensionLists( Build childBuild, Build parentBuild )
 1506  150
         Map extMap = new LinkedHashMap();
 1508  150
         List ext = childBuild.getExtensions();
 1510  150
         if ( ext != null )
 1512  150
             for ( Iterator it = ext.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1514  0
                 Extension extension = (Extension);
 1515  0
                 extMap.put( extension.getKey(), extension );
 1519  150
         ext = parentBuild.getExtensions();
 1521  150
         if ( ext != null )
 1523  150
             for ( Iterator it = ext.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1525  0
                 Extension extension = (Extension);
 1526  0
                 if ( !extMap.containsKey( extension.getKey() ) )
 1528  0
                     extMap.put( extension.getKey(), extension );
 1533  150
         childBuild.setExtensions( new ArrayList( extMap.values() ) );
 1534  150
     public static void mergeResourceLists( List childResources, List parentResources )
 1538  6
         for ( Iterator i = parentResources.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 1540  0
             Resource r = (Resource);
 1541  0
             if ( !childResources.contains( r ) )
 1543  0
                 childResources.add( r );
 1546  6
     public static void mergeFilterLists( List childFilters, List parentFilters )
 1550  153
         for ( Iterator i = parentFilters.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 1552  0
             String f = (String);
 1553  0
             if ( !childFilters.contains( f ) )
 1555  0
                 childFilters.add( f );
 1558  153
     public static List mergeDependencyList( List child, List parent )
 1562  230
         Map depsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
 1564  230
         if ( child != null )
 1566  230
             for ( Iterator it = child.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1568  75
                 Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
 1569  75
                 depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
 1573  230
         if ( parent != null )
 1575  230
             for ( Iterator it = parent.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1577  6
                 Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
 1578  6
                 if ( !depsMap.containsKey( dependency.getManagementKey() ) )
 1580  4
                     depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
 1585  230
         return new ArrayList( depsMap.values() );
 1588  0
     public static interface ModelPartCloner
         Object cloneModelPart( Object src );