Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.registry.PluginRegistry
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.registry;
  * Root element of the plugin registry file.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 15  0
 public class PluginRegistry
     extends TrackableBase
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             Specifies how often to check for plugin updates.
      * Valid values are: never, always, interval:XXX.
      *             For the interval specification, XXX denotes a
      * terse interval specification, such as 4h.
      *             Where h=hours, m=minutes, d=days, w=weeks. The
      * interval period should be specified in descending
      *             order of granularity, like this: '[n]w [n]d [n]h
      * [n]m'. Any omitted level of granularity will be
      *             assumed to be a zero value.
 37  0
     private String updateInterval = "never";
      * Specifies whether the user should be prompted to update
      * plugins.
     private String autoUpdate;
      * Whether to resolve plugin versions using LATEST metadata.
     private String checkLatest;
      * Field plugins.
     private java.util.List/*<Plugin>*/ plugins;
      * Field modelEncoding.
 58  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addPlugin.
      * @param plugin
     public void addPlugin( Plugin plugin )
 72  0
         if ( !(plugin instanceof Plugin) )
 74  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginRegistry.addPlugins(plugin) parameter must be instanceof " + Plugin.class.getName() );
 76  0
         getPlugins().add( plugin );
 77  0
     } //-- void addPlugin( Plugin )
      * Get specifies whether the user should be prompted to update
      * plugins.
      * @return String
     public String getAutoUpdate()
 87  0
         return this.autoUpdate;
     } //-- String getAutoUpdate()
      * Get whether to resolve plugin versions using LATEST
      * metadata.
      * @return String
     public String getCheckLatest()
 98  0
         return this.checkLatest;
     } //-- String getCheckLatest()
      * Method getModelEncoding.
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this
      * model
     public String getModelEncoding()
 109  0
         return modelEncoding;
     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
      * Method getPlugins.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List/*<Plugin>*/ getPlugins()
 119  0
         if ( this.plugins == null )
 121  0
             this.plugins = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Plugin>*/();
 124  0
         return this.plugins;
     } //-- java.util.List/*<Plugin>*/ getPlugins()
      * Get specifies how often to check for plugin updates. Valid
      * values are: never, always, interval:XXX.
      *             For the interval specification, XXX denotes a
      * terse interval specification, such as 4h.
      *             Where h=hours, m=minutes, d=days, w=weeks. The
      * interval period should be specified in descending
      *             order of granularity, like this: '[n]w [n]d [n]h
      * [n]m'. Any omitted level of granularity will be
      *             assumed to be a zero value.
      * @return String
     public String getUpdateInterval()
 142  0
         return this.updateInterval;
     } //-- String getUpdateInterval()
      * Method removePlugin.
      * @param plugin
     public void removePlugin( Plugin plugin )
 152  0
         if ( !(plugin instanceof Plugin) )
 154  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginRegistry.removePlugins(plugin) parameter must be instanceof " + Plugin.class.getName() );
 156  0
         getPlugins().remove( plugin );
 157  0
     } //-- void removePlugin( Plugin )
      * Set specifies whether the user should be prompted to update
      * plugins.
      * @param autoUpdate
     public void setAutoUpdate( String autoUpdate )
 167  0
         this.autoUpdate = autoUpdate;
 168  0
     } //-- void setAutoUpdate( String )
      * Set whether to resolve plugin versions using LATEST
      * metadata.
      * @param checkLatest
     public void setCheckLatest( String checkLatest )
 178  0
         this.checkLatest = checkLatest;
 179  0
     } //-- void setCheckLatest( String )
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 188  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 189  0
     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
      * Set specified plugin update policy information.
      * @param plugins
     public void setPlugins( java.util.List/*<Plugin>*/ plugins )
 198  0
         this.plugins = plugins;
 199  0
     } //-- void setPlugins( java.util.List )
      * Set specifies how often to check for plugin updates. Valid
      * values are: never, always, interval:XXX.
      *             For the interval specification, XXX denotes a
      * terse interval specification, such as 4h.
      *             Where h=hours, m=minutes, d=days, w=weeks. The
      * interval period should be specified in descending
      *             order of granularity, like this: '[n]w [n]d [n]h
      * [n]m'. Any omitted level of granularity will be
      *             assumed to be a zero value.
      * @param updateInterval
     public void setUpdateInterval( String updateInterval )
 216  0
         this.updateInterval = updateInterval;
 217  0
     } //-- void setUpdateInterval( String )
     private java.util.Map pluginsByKey;
     public java.util.Map getPluginsByKey()
 224  0
         if ( pluginsByKey == null )
 226  0
             pluginsByKey = new java.util.HashMap();
 228  0
             for ( java.util.Iterator it = getPlugins().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 230  0
                 Plugin plugin = (Plugin);
 232  0
                 pluginsByKey.put( plugin.getKey(), plugin );
 236  0
         return pluginsByKey;
     public void flushPluginsByKey()
 241  0
         this.pluginsByKey = null;
 242  0
     private RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo;
     public void setRuntimeInfo( RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo )
 248  0
         this.runtimeInfo = runtimeInfo;
 249  0
     public RuntimeInfo getRuntimeInfo()
 253  0
         return runtimeInfo;