Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentDescriptor;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.xml.XmlPlexusConfiguration;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
  * The bean containing the Mojo descriptor.
  * <br/>
  * For more information about the usage tag, have a look to:
  * <a href=""></a>
  * @todo is there a need for the delegation of MavenMojoDescriptor to this?
  * Why not just extend ComponentDescriptor here?
  * @version $Id: 743587 2009-02-12 01:32:50Z jdcasey $
 public class MojoDescriptor
     extends ComponentDescriptor
     implements Cloneable
     /** The Plexus component type */
 48  0
     public static String MAVEN_PLUGIN = "maven-plugin";
     /** "once-per-session" execution strategy */
     public static final String SINGLE_PASS_EXEC_STRATEGY = "once-per-session";
     /** "always" execution strategy */
     public static final String MULTI_PASS_EXEC_STRATEGY = "always";
     private static final String DEFAULT_INSTANTIATION_STRATEGY = "per-lookup";
     private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "java";
     private List parameters;
     private Map parameterMap;
     /** By default, the execution strategy is "once-per-session" */
 65  0
     private String executionStrategy = SINGLE_PASS_EXEC_STRATEGY;
     /** The goal name of the Mojo */
     private String goal;
     /** Reference the binded phase name of the Mojo */
     private String phase;
     /** Specify the version when the Mojo was added to the API. Similar to Javadoc since. */
     private String since;
     /** Reference the invocation phase of the Mojo */
     private String executePhase;
     /** Reference the invocation goal of the Mojo */
     private String executeGoal;
     /** Reference the invocation lifecycle of the Mojo */
     private String executeLifecycle;
     /** Specify the version when the Mojo was deprecated to the API. Similar to Javadoc deprecated. */
     private String deprecated;
     /** By default, no need to aggregate the Maven project and its child modules */
 89  0
     private boolean aggregator = false;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     /** Specify the required dependencies in a specified scope */
 96  0
     private String dependencyResolutionRequired = null;
     /**  By default, the Mojo needs a Maven project to be executed */
 99  0
     private boolean projectRequired = true;
     /**  By default, the Mojo is online */
 102  0
     private boolean onlineRequired = false;
     /**  Plugin configuration */
     private PlexusConfiguration mojoConfiguration;
     /**  Plugin descriptor */
     private PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor;
     /**  By default, the Mojo is herited */
 111  0
     private boolean inheritedByDefault = true;
     /**  By default, the Mojo could not be invoke directly */
 114  0
     private boolean directInvocationOnly = false;
     /**  By default, the Mojo don't need reports to run */
 117  0
     private boolean requiresReports = false;
      * Default constructor.
     public MojoDescriptor()
 123  0
 124  0
         setInstantiationStrategy( DEFAULT_INSTANTIATION_STRATEGY );
 125  0
         setComponentFactory( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE );
 126  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * @return the language of this Mojo, i.e. <code>java</code>
     public String getLanguage()
 137  0
         return getComponentFactory();
      * @param language the new language
     public void setLanguage( String language )
 145  0
         setComponentFactory( language );
 146  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo is deprecated, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public String getDeprecated()
 153  0
         return deprecated;
      * @param deprecated <code>true</code> to deprecate the Mojo, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setDeprecated( String deprecated )
 161  0
         this.deprecated = deprecated;
 162  0
      * @return the list of parameters
     public List getParameters()
 169  0
         return parameters;
      * @param parameters the new list of parameters
      * @throws DuplicateParameterException if any
     public void setParameters( List parameters )
         throws DuplicateParameterException
 179  0
         for ( Iterator it = parameters.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 181  0
             Parameter parameter = (Parameter);
 182  0
             addParameter( parameter );
 184  0
      * @param parameter add a new parameter
      * @throws DuplicateParameterException if any
     public void addParameter( Parameter parameter )
         throws DuplicateParameterException
 193  0
         if ( parameters != null && parameters.contains( parameter ) )
 195  0
             throw new DuplicateParameterException( parameter.getName() +
                 " has been declared multiple times in mojo with goal: " + getGoal() + " (implementation: " +
                 getImplementation() + ")" );
 200  0
         if ( parameters == null )
 202  0
             parameters = new LinkedList();
 205  0
         parameters.add( parameter );
 207  0
         parameterMap = null;
 208  0
      * @return the list parameters as a Map
     public Map getParameterMap()
 215  0
         if ( parameterMap == null )
 217  0
             parameterMap = new HashMap();
 219  0
             if ( parameters != null )
 221  0
                 for ( Iterator iterator = parameters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 223  0
                     Parameter pd = (Parameter);
 225  0
                     parameterMap.put( pd.getName(), pd );
 230  0
         return parameterMap;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Dependency requirement
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * @param requiresDependencyResolution the new required dependencies in a specified scope
     public void setDependencyResolutionRequired( String requiresDependencyResolution )
 242  0
         this.dependencyResolutionRequired = requiresDependencyResolution;
 243  0
      * @return the required dependencies in a specified scope
      * @TODO the name is not intelligible
     public String isDependencyResolutionRequired()
 251  0
         return dependencyResolutionRequired;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Project requirement
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * @param requiresProject <code>true</code> if the Mojo needs a Maven project to be executed, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setProjectRequired( boolean requiresProject )
 263  0
         this.projectRequired = requiresProject;
 264  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo needs a Maven project to be executed, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public boolean isProjectRequired()
 271  0
         return projectRequired;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Online vs. Offline requirement
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * @param requiresOnline <code>true</code> if the Mojo is online, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setOnlineRequired( boolean requiresOnline )
 283  0
         this.onlineRequired = requiresOnline;
 284  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo is online, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     // blech! this isn't even intelligible as a method name. provided for
     // consistency...
     public boolean isOnlineRequired()
 293  0
         return onlineRequired;
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo is online, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     // more english-friendly method...keep the code clean! :)
     public boolean requiresOnline()
 302  0
         return onlineRequired;
      * @return the binded phase name of the Mojo
     public String getPhase()
 310  0
         return phase;
      * @param phase the new binded phase name of the Mojo
     public void setPhase( String phase )
 318  0
         this.phase = phase;
 319  0
      * @return the version when the Mojo was added to the API
     public String getSince()
 326  0
         return since;
      * @param since the new version when the Mojo was added to the API
     public void setSince( String since )
 334  0
         this.since = since;
 335  0
      * @return The goal name of the Mojo
     public String getGoal()
 342  0
         return goal;
      * @param goal The new goal name of the Mojo
     public void setGoal( String goal )
 350  0
         this.goal = goal;
 351  0
      * @return the invocation phase of the Mojo
     public String getExecutePhase()
 358  0
         return executePhase;
      * @param executePhase the new invocation phase of the Mojo
     public void setExecutePhase( String executePhase )
 366  0
         this.executePhase = executePhase;
 367  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo uses <code>always</code> for the <code>executionStrategy</code>
     public boolean alwaysExecute()
 374  0
         return MULTI_PASS_EXEC_STRATEGY.equals( executionStrategy );
      * @return the execution strategy
     public String getExecutionStrategy()
 382  0
         return executionStrategy;
      * @param executionStrategy the new execution strategy
     public void setExecutionStrategy( String executionStrategy )
 390  0
         this.executionStrategy = executionStrategy;
 391  0
      * @return the mojo configuration
     public PlexusConfiguration getMojoConfiguration()
 398  0
         if ( mojoConfiguration == null )
 400  0
             mojoConfiguration = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "configuration" );
 402  0
         return mojoConfiguration;
      * @param mojoConfiguration a new mojo configuration
     public void setMojoConfiguration( PlexusConfiguration mojoConfiguration )
 410  0
         this.mojoConfiguration = mojoConfiguration;
 411  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getRole()
 416  0
         return Mojo.ROLE;
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getRoleHint()
 422  0
         return getId();
      * @return the id of the mojo, based on the goal name
     public String getId()
 430  0
         return getPluginDescriptor().getId() + ":" + getGoal();
      * @return the full goal name
      * @see PluginDescriptor#getGoalPrefix()
      * @see #getGoal()
     public String getFullGoalName()
 440  0
         return getPluginDescriptor().getGoalPrefix() + ":" + getGoal();
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getComponentType()
 446  0
         return MAVEN_PLUGIN;
      * @return the plugin descriptor
     public PluginDescriptor getPluginDescriptor()
 454  0
         return pluginDescriptor;
      * @param pluginDescriptor the new plugin descriptor
     public void setPluginDescriptor( PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
 462  0
         this.pluginDescriptor = pluginDescriptor;
 463  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo is herited, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public boolean isInheritedByDefault()
 470  0
         return inheritedByDefault;
      * @param inheritedByDefault <code>true</code> if the Mojo is herited, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setInheritedByDefault( boolean inheritedByDefault )
 478  0
         this.inheritedByDefault = inheritedByDefault;
 479  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public boolean equals( Object object )
 484  0
         if ( this == object )
 486  0
             return true;
 489  0
         if ( object instanceof MojoDescriptor )
 491  0
             MojoDescriptor other = (MojoDescriptor) object;
 493  0
             if ( !compareObjects( getPluginDescriptor(), other.getPluginDescriptor() ) )
 495  0
                 return false;
 498  0
             if ( !compareObjects( getGoal(), other.getGoal() ) )
 500  0
                 return false;
 503  0
             return true;
 506  0
         return false;
     private boolean compareObjects( Object first, Object second )
 511  0
         if ( ( first == null && second != null ) || ( first != null && second == null ) )
 513  0
             return false;
 516  0
         if ( !first.equals( second ) )
 518  0
             return false;
 521  0
         return true;
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public int hashCode()
 527  0
         int result = 1;
 529  0
         String goal = getGoal();
 531  0
         if ( goal != null )
 533  0
             result += goal.hashCode();
 536  0
         PluginDescriptor pd = getPluginDescriptor();
 538  0
         if ( pd != null )
 540  0
             result -= pd.hashCode();
 543  0
         return result;
      * @return the invocation lifecycle of the Mojo
     public String getExecuteLifecycle()
 551  0
         return executeLifecycle;
      * @param executeLifecycle the new invocation lifecycle of the Mojo
     public void setExecuteLifecycle( String executeLifecycle )
 559  0
         this.executeLifecycle = executeLifecycle;
 560  0
      * @param aggregator <code>true</code> if the Mojo uses the Maven project and its child modules, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setAggregator( boolean aggregator )
 567  0
         this.aggregator = aggregator;
 568  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo uses the Maven project and its child modules, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public boolean isAggregator()
 575  0
         return aggregator;
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo could not be invoke directly, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public boolean isDirectInvocationOnly()
 583  0
         return directInvocationOnly;
      * @param directInvocationOnly <code>true</code> if the Mojo could not be invoke directly, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setDirectInvocationOnly( boolean directInvocationOnly )
 591  0
         this.directInvocationOnly = directInvocationOnly;
 592  0
      * @return <code>true</code> if the Mojo needs reports to run, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public boolean isRequiresReports()
 599  0
         return requiresReports;
      * @param requiresReports <code>true</code> if the Mojo needs reports to run, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public void setRequiresReports( boolean requiresReports )
 607  0
         this.requiresReports = requiresReports;
 608  0
      * @param executeGoal the new invocation goal of the Mojo
     public void setExecuteGoal( String executeGoal )
 615  0
         this.executeGoal = executeGoal;
 616  0
      * @return the invocation goal of the Mojo
     public String getExecuteGoal()
 623  0
         return executeGoal;