Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
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 package org.apache.maven.model;
  *         The <code>&lt;dependency&gt;</code> element contains
  * information about a dependency
  *         of the project.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 21  4
 public class Dependency
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             The project group that produced the dependency,
      * e.g.
      *             <code>org.apache.maven</code>.
     private String groupId;
      *             The unique id for an artifact produced by the
      * project group, e.g.
      *             <code>maven-artifact</code>.
     private String artifactId;
      *             The version of the dependency, e.g.
      * <code>3.2.1</code>. In Maven 2, this can also be
      *             specified as a range of versions.
     private String version;
      *             The type of dependency. This defaults to
      * <code>jar</code>. While it
      *             usually represents the extension on the filename
      * of the dependency,
      *             that is not always the case. A type can be
      * mapped to a different
      *             extension and a classifier.
      *             The type often correspongs to the packaging
      * used, though this is also
      *             not always the case.
      *             Some examples are <code>jar</code>,
      * <code>war</code>, <code>ejb-client</code>
      *             and <code>test-jar</code>.
      *             New types can be defined by plugins that set
      *             <code>extensions</code> to <code>true</code>, so
      * this is not a complete list.
 84  4
     private String type = "jar";
      *             The classifier of the dependency. This allows
      * distinguishing two artifacts
      *             that belong to the same POM but were built
      * differently, and is appended to
      *             the filename after the version. For example,
      * <code>jdk14</code> and <code>jdk15</code>.
     private String classifier;
      *             The scope of the dependency -
      * <code>compile</code>, <code>runtime</code>,
      *             <code>test</code>, <code>system</code>, and
      * <code>provided</code>. Used to
      *             calculate the various classpaths used for
      * compilation, testing, and so on.
      *             It also assists in determining which artifacts
      * to include in a distribution of
      *             this project. For more information, see
      *             <a
      * href="">the
      *             dependency mechanism</a>.
     private String scope;
      *             FOR SYSTEM SCOPE ONLY. Note that use of this
      * property is <b>discouraged</b>
      *             and may be replaced in later versions. This
      * specifies the path on the filesystem
      *             for this dependency.
      *             Requires an absolute path for the value, not
      * relative.
      *             Use a property that gives the machine specific
      * absolute path,
      *             e.g. <code>${java.home}</code>.
     private String systemPath;
      * Field exclusions.
     private java.util.List/*<Exclusion>*/ exclusions;
      * Indicates the dependency is optional for use of this
      * library. While the
      *             version of the dependency will be taken into
      * account for dependency calculation if the
      *             library is used elsewhere, it will not be passed
      * on transitively.
 151  4
     private boolean optional = false;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addExclusion.
      * @param exclusion
     public void addExclusion( Exclusion exclusion )
 165  0
         if ( !(exclusion instanceof Exclusion) )
 167  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Dependency.addExclusions(exclusion) parameter must be instanceof " + Exclusion.class.getName() );
 169  0
         getExclusions().add( exclusion );
 170  0
     } //-- void addExclusion( Exclusion )
      * Get the unique id for an artifact produced by the project
      * group, e.g.
      *             <code>maven-artifact</code>.
      * @return String
     public String getArtifactId()
 181  0
         return this.artifactId;
     } //-- String getArtifactId()
      * Get the classifier of the dependency. This allows
      * distinguishing two artifacts
      *             that belong to the same POM but were built
      * differently, and is appended to
      *             the filename after the version. For example,
      * <code>jdk14</code> and <code>jdk15</code>.
      * @return String
     public String getClassifier()
 196  0
         return this.classifier;
     } //-- String getClassifier()
      * Method getExclusions.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List/*<Exclusion>*/ getExclusions()
 206  0
         if ( this.exclusions == null )
 208  0
             this.exclusions = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Exclusion>*/();
 211  0
         return this.exclusions;
     } //-- java.util.List/*<Exclusion>*/ getExclusions()
      * Get the project group that produced the dependency, e.g.
      *             <code>org.apache.maven</code>.
      * @return String
     public String getGroupId()
 222  0
         return this.groupId;
     } //-- String getGroupId()
      * Get the scope of the dependency - <code>compile</code>,
      * <code>runtime</code>,
      *             <code>test</code>, <code>system</code>, and
      * <code>provided</code>. Used to
      *             calculate the various classpaths used for
      * compilation, testing, and so on.
      *             It also assists in determining which artifacts
      * to include in a distribution of
      *             this project. For more information, see
      *             <a
      * href="">the
      *             dependency mechanism</a>.
      * @return String
     public String getScope()
 243  0
         return this.scope;
     } //-- String getScope()
      * Get fOR SYSTEM SCOPE ONLY. Note that use of this property is
      * <b>discouraged</b>
      *             and may be replaced in later versions. This
      * specifies the path on the filesystem
      *             for this dependency.
      *             Requires an absolute path for the value, not
      * relative.
      *             Use a property that gives the machine specific
      * absolute path,
      *             e.g. <code>${java.home}</code>.
      * @return String
     public String getSystemPath()
 262  0
         return this.systemPath;
     } //-- String getSystemPath()
      * Get the type of dependency. This defaults to
      * <code>jar</code>. While it
      *             usually represents the extension on the filename
      * of the dependency,
      *             that is not always the case. A type can be
      * mapped to a different
      *             extension and a classifier.
      *             The type often correspongs to the packaging
      * used, though this is also
      *             not always the case.
      *             Some examples are <code>jar</code>,
      * <code>war</code>, <code>ejb-client</code>
      *             and <code>test-jar</code>.
      *             New types can be defined by plugins that set
      *             <code>extensions</code> to <code>true</code>, so
      * this is not a complete list.
      * @return String
     public String getType()
 287  0
         return this.type;
     } //-- String getType()
      * Get the version of the dependency, e.g. <code>3.2.1</code>.
      * In Maven 2, this can also be
      *             specified as a range of versions.
      * @return String
     public String getVersion()
 299  0
         return this.version;
     } //-- String getVersion()
      * Get indicates the dependency is optional for use of this
      * library. While the
      *             version of the dependency will be taken into
      * account for dependency calculation if the
      *             library is used elsewhere, it will not be passed
      * on transitively.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isOptional()
 314  0
         return this.optional;
     } //-- boolean isOptional()
      * Method removeExclusion.
      * @param exclusion
     public void removeExclusion( Exclusion exclusion )
 324  0
         if ( !(exclusion instanceof Exclusion) )
 326  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Dependency.removeExclusions(exclusion) parameter must be instanceof " + Exclusion.class.getName() );
 328  0
         getExclusions().remove( exclusion );
 329  0
     } //-- void removeExclusion( Exclusion )
      * Set the unique id for an artifact produced by the project
      * group, e.g.
      *             <code>maven-artifact</code>.
      * @param artifactId
     public void setArtifactId( String artifactId )
 340  0
         this.artifactId = artifactId;
 341  0
     } //-- void setArtifactId( String )
      * Set the classifier of the dependency. This allows
      * distinguishing two artifacts
      *             that belong to the same POM but were built
      * differently, and is appended to
      *             the filename after the version. For example,
      * <code>jdk14</code> and <code>jdk15</code>.
      * @param classifier
     public void setClassifier( String classifier )
 355  0
         this.classifier = classifier;
 356  0
     } //-- void setClassifier( String )
      * Set lists a set of artifacts that should be excluded from
      * this dependency's
      *             artifact list when it comes to calculating
      * transitive dependencies.
      * @param exclusions
     public void setExclusions( java.util.List/*<Exclusion>*/ exclusions )
 368  0
         this.exclusions = exclusions;
 369  0
     } //-- void setExclusions( java.util.List )
      * Set the project group that produced the dependency, e.g.
      *             <code>org.apache.maven</code>.
      * @param groupId
     public void setGroupId( String groupId )
 379  0
         this.groupId = groupId;
 380  0
     } //-- void setGroupId( String )
      * Set indicates the dependency is optional for use of this
      * library. While the
      *             version of the dependency will be taken into
      * account for dependency calculation if the
      *             library is used elsewhere, it will not be passed
      * on transitively.
      * @param optional
     public void setOptional( boolean optional )
 394  0
         this.optional = optional;
 395  0
     } //-- void setOptional( boolean )
      * Set the scope of the dependency - <code>compile</code>,
      * <code>runtime</code>,
      *             <code>test</code>, <code>system</code>, and
      * <code>provided</code>. Used to
      *             calculate the various classpaths used for
      * compilation, testing, and so on.
      *             It also assists in determining which artifacts
      * to include in a distribution of
      *             this project. For more information, see
      *             <a
      * href="">the
      *             dependency mechanism</a>.
      * @param scope
     public void setScope( String scope )
 415  0
         this.scope = scope;
 416  0
     } //-- void setScope( String )
      * Set fOR SYSTEM SCOPE ONLY. Note that use of this property is
      * <b>discouraged</b>
      *             and may be replaced in later versions. This
      * specifies the path on the filesystem
      *             for this dependency.
      *             Requires an absolute path for the value, not
      * relative.
      *             Use a property that gives the machine specific
      * absolute path,
      *             e.g. <code>${java.home}</code>.
      * @param systemPath
     public void setSystemPath( String systemPath )
 434  0
         this.systemPath = systemPath;
 435  0
     } //-- void setSystemPath( String )
      * Set the type of dependency. This defaults to
      * <code>jar</code>. While it
      *             usually represents the extension on the filename
      * of the dependency,
      *             that is not always the case. A type can be
      * mapped to a different
      *             extension and a classifier.
      *             The type often correspongs to the packaging
      * used, though this is also
      *             not always the case.
      *             Some examples are <code>jar</code>,
      * <code>war</code>, <code>ejb-client</code>
      *             and <code>test-jar</code>.
      *             New types can be defined by plugins that set
      *             <code>extensions</code> to <code>true</code>, so
      * this is not a complete list.
      * @param type
     public void setType( String type )
 459  0
         this.type = type;
 460  0
     } //-- void setType( String )
      * Set the version of the dependency, e.g. <code>3.2.1</code>.
      * In Maven 2, this can also be
      *             specified as a range of versions.
      * @param version
     public void setVersion( String version )
 471  0
         this.version = version;
 472  0
     } //-- void setVersion( String )
      * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
     public String toString()
 481  1
         return "Dependency {groupId=" + groupId + ", artifactId=" + artifactId + ", version=" + version + ", type=" + type + "}";
      * @return the management key as <code>groupId:artifactId:type</code>
     public String getManagementKey()
 491  0
         return groupId + ":" + artifactId + ":" + type + ( classifier != null ? ":" + classifier : "" );