Class DefaultProfileInjector

  extended byorg.apache.maven.project.injection.DefaultProfileInjector
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultProfileInjector
extends Object
implements ProfileInjector

Inject profile data into a Model, using the profile as the dominant data source, and persisting results of the injection in the Model. This will look similar to the ModelUtils/DefaultModelInheritanceAssembler code, but they are distinct. In model inheritance, the child provides data dominance AND persists the results of the merge...sort of a 'merge-out' system. In this system, the profile is dominant, but the model receives the merge result...sort of a 'merge-in' system. The two pieces of code look like they could be combined with a set of flags to determine which direction to merge 'to', but there are enough differences in the code to justify the extra code involved with separating them, in order to simplify the logic.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.project.injection.ProfileInjector
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void inject(Profile profile, Model model)
protected  void injectPlugins(PluginContainer profileContainer, PluginContainer modelContainer)
          This should be the resulting ordering of plugins after injection: Given: model: X -> A -> B -> D -> E profile: Y -> A -> C -> D -> F Result: X -> Y -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultProfileInjector()
Method Detail


public void inject(Profile profile,
                   Model model)
Specified by:
inject in interface ProfileInjector


protected void injectPlugins(PluginContainer profileContainer,
                             PluginContainer modelContainer)
This should be the resulting ordering of plugins after injection: Given: model: X -> A -> B -> D -> E profile: Y -> A -> C -> D -> F Result: X -> Y -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F

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