Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer
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  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.model;
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.util.Date;
  * Contains the plugins informations for the project.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 18  0
 public class PluginContainer implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field plugins.
     private java.util.List plugins;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addPlugin.
      * @param plugin
     public void addPlugin( Plugin plugin )
 42  0
         if ( !(plugin instanceof Plugin) )
 44  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginContainer.addPlugins(plugin) parameter must be instanceof " + Plugin.class.getName() );
 46  0
         getPlugins().add( plugin );
 47  0
     } //-- void addPlugin( Plugin ) 
      * Method getPlugins.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getPlugins()
 56  0
         if ( this.plugins == null )
 58  0
             this.plugins = new java.util.ArrayList();
 61  0
         return this.plugins;
     } //-- java.util.List getPlugins() 
      * Method removePlugin.
      * @param plugin
     public void removePlugin( Plugin plugin )
 71  0
         if ( !(plugin instanceof Plugin) )
 73  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginContainer.removePlugins(plugin) parameter must be instanceof " + Plugin.class.getName() );
 75  0
         getPlugins().remove( plugin );
 76  0
     } //-- void removePlugin( Plugin ) 
      * Set the list of plugins to use.
      * @param plugins
     public void setPlugins( java.util.List plugins )
 85  0
         this.plugins = plugins;
 86  0
     } //-- void setPlugins( java.util.List ) 
     java.util.Map pluginMap;
      * Reset the <code>pluginsMap</code> field to <code>null</code>
     public void flushPluginMap()
 97  0
         this.pluginMap = null;
 98  0
      * @return a Map of plugins field with <code>Plugins#getKey()</code> as key
      * @see org.apache.maven.model.Plugin#getKey()
     public java.util.Map getPluginsAsMap()
 106  0
         if ( pluginMap == null )
 108  0
             pluginMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
 109  0
             if ( plugins != null )
 111  0
                 for ( java.util.Iterator it = plugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 113  0
                     Plugin plugin = (Plugin);
 114  0
                     pluginMap.put( plugin.getKey(), plugin );
 115  0
 119  0
         return pluginMap;
 123  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding the encoding used when reading/writing the model.
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 132  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 133  0
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this model.
     public String getModelEncoding()
 140  0
         return modelEncoding;