Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
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  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.model;
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.util.Date;
  *         Base class for the <code>Model</code> and the
  * <code>Profile</code> objects.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 23  0
 public class ModelBase implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Distribution information for a project that enables
      * deployment of the site
      *             and artifacts to remote web servers and
      * repositories respectively.
     private DistributionManagement distributionManagement;
      * Field modules.
     private java.util.List modules;
      * Field repositories.
     private java.util.List repositories;
      * Field pluginRepositories.
     private java.util.List pluginRepositories;
      * Field dependencies.
     private java.util.List dependencies;
      *             <b>Deprecated</b>. Now ignored by Maven.
     private Object reports;
      *             This element includes the specification of
      * report plugins to use
      *             to generate the reports on the Maven-generated
      * site.
      *             These reports will be run when a user executes
      * <code>mvn site</code>.
      *             All of the reports will be included in the
      * navigation bar for browsing.
     private Reporting reporting;
      * Default dependency information for projects that inherit
      * from this one. The
      *             dependencies in this section are not immediately
      * resolved. Instead, when a POM derived
      *             from this one declares a dependency described by
      * a matching groupId and artifactId, the
      *             version and other values from this section are
      * used for that dependency if they were not
      *             already specified.
     private DependencyManagement dependencyManagement;
      * Field properties.
     private java.util.Properties properties;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addDependency.
      * @param dependency
     public void addDependency( Dependency dependency )
 113  0
         if ( !(dependency instanceof Dependency) )
 115  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.addDependencies(dependency) parameter must be instanceof " + Dependency.class.getName() );
 117  0
         getDependencies().add( dependency );
 118  0
     } //-- void addDependency( Dependency ) 
      * Method addModule.
      * @param string
     public void addModule( String string )
 127  0
         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
 129  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.addModules(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
 131  0
         getModules().add( string );
 132  0
     } //-- void addModule( String ) 
      * Method addPluginRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void addPluginRepository( Repository repository )
 141  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 143  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.addPluginRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 145  0
         getPluginRepositories().add( repository );
 146  0
     } //-- void addPluginRepository( Repository ) 
      * Method addProperty.
      * @param key
      * @param value
     public void addProperty( String key, String value )
 156  0
         getProperties().put( key, value );
 157  0
     } //-- void addProperty( String, String ) 
      * Method addRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void addRepository( Repository repository )
 166  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 168  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.addRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 170  0
         getRepositories().add( repository );
 171  0
     } //-- void addRepository( Repository ) 
      * Method getDependencies.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getDependencies()
 180  0
         if ( this.dependencies == null )
 182  0
             this.dependencies = new java.util.ArrayList();
 185  0
         return this.dependencies;
     } //-- java.util.List getDependencies() 
      * Get default dependency information for projects that inherit
      * from this one. The
      *             dependencies in this section are not immediately
      * resolved. Instead, when a POM derived
      *             from this one declares a dependency described by
      * a matching groupId and artifactId, the
      *             version and other values from this section are
      * used for that dependency if they were not
      *             already specified.
      * @return DependencyManagement
     public DependencyManagement getDependencyManagement()
 203  0
         return this.dependencyManagement;
     } //-- DependencyManagement getDependencyManagement() 
      * Get distribution information for a project that enables
      * deployment of the site
      *             and artifacts to remote web servers and
      * repositories respectively.
      * @return DistributionManagement
     public DistributionManagement getDistributionManagement()
 216  0
         return this.distributionManagement;
     } //-- DistributionManagement getDistributionManagement() 
      * Method getModules.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getModules()
 226  0
         if ( this.modules == null )
 228  0
             this.modules = new java.util.ArrayList();
 231  0
         return this.modules;
     } //-- java.util.List getModules() 
      * Method getPluginRepositories.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getPluginRepositories()
 241  0
         if ( this.pluginRepositories == null )
 243  0
             this.pluginRepositories = new java.util.ArrayList();
 246  0
         return this.pluginRepositories;
     } //-- java.util.List getPluginRepositories() 
      * Method getProperties.
      * @return java.util.Properties
     public java.util.Properties getProperties()
 256  0
         if ( == null )
 258  0
    = new java.util.Properties();
 261  0
     } //-- java.util.Properties getProperties() 
      * Get 
      *             This element includes the specification of
      * report plugins to use
      *             to generate the reports on the Maven-generated
      * site.
      *             These reports will be run when a user executes
      * <code>mvn site</code>.
      *             All of the reports will be included in the
      * navigation bar for browsing.
      * @return Reporting
     public Reporting getReporting()
 282  0
         return this.reporting;
     } //-- Reporting getReporting() 
      * Get 
      *             <b>Deprecated</b>. Now ignored by Maven.
      * @return Object
     public Object getReports()
 296  0
         return this.reports;
     } //-- Object getReports() 
      * Method getRepositories.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getRepositories()
 306  0
         if ( this.repositories == null )
 308  0
             this.repositories = new java.util.ArrayList();
 311  0
         return this.repositories;
     } //-- java.util.List getRepositories() 
      * Method removeDependency.
      * @param dependency
     public void removeDependency( Dependency dependency )
 321  0
         if ( !(dependency instanceof Dependency) )
 323  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.removeDependencies(dependency) parameter must be instanceof " + Dependency.class.getName() );
 325  0
         getDependencies().remove( dependency );
 326  0
     } //-- void removeDependency( Dependency ) 
      * Method removeModule.
      * @param string
     public void removeModule( String string )
 335  0
         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
 337  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.removeModules(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
 339  0
         getModules().remove( string );
 340  0
     } //-- void removeModule( String ) 
      * Method removePluginRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void removePluginRepository( Repository repository )
 349  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 351  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.removePluginRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 353  0
         getPluginRepositories().remove( repository );
 354  0
     } //-- void removePluginRepository( Repository ) 
      * Method removeRepository.
      * @param repository
     public void removeRepository( Repository repository )
 363  0
         if ( !(repository instanceof Repository) )
 365  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ModelBase.removeRepositories(repository) parameter must be instanceof " + Repository.class.getName() );
 367  0
         getRepositories().remove( repository );
 368  0
     } //-- void removeRepository( Repository ) 
      * Set 
      *             This element describes all of the dependencies
      * associated with a
      *             project.
      *             These dependencies are used to construct a
      * classpath for your
      *             project during the build process. They are
      * automatically downloaded from the
      *             repositories defined in this project.
      *             See <a
      * href="">the
      *             dependency mechanism</a> for more information.
      * @param dependencies
     public void setDependencies( java.util.List dependencies )
 391  0
         this.dependencies = dependencies;
 392  0
     } //-- void setDependencies( java.util.List ) 
      * Set default dependency information for projects that inherit
      * from this one. The
      *             dependencies in this section are not immediately
      * resolved. Instead, when a POM derived
      *             from this one declares a dependency described by
      * a matching groupId and artifactId, the
      *             version and other values from this section are
      * used for that dependency if they were not
      *             already specified.
      * @param dependencyManagement
     public void setDependencyManagement( DependencyManagement dependencyManagement )
 409  0
         this.dependencyManagement = dependencyManagement;
 410  0
     } //-- void setDependencyManagement( DependencyManagement ) 
      * Set distribution information for a project that enables
      * deployment of the site
      *             and artifacts to remote web servers and
      * repositories respectively.
      * @param distributionManagement
     public void setDistributionManagement( DistributionManagement distributionManagement )
 422  0
         this.distributionManagement = distributionManagement;
 423  0
     } //-- void setDistributionManagement( DistributionManagement ) 
      * Set the modules (sometimes called subprojects) to build as a
      * part of this
      *             project. Each module listed is a relative path
      * to the directory containing the module.
      * @param modules
     public void setModules( java.util.List modules )
 435  0
         this.modules = modules;
 436  0
     } //-- void setModules( java.util.List ) 
      * Set the lists of the remote repositories for discovering
      * plugins for builds and
      *             reports.
      * @param pluginRepositories
     public void setPluginRepositories( java.util.List pluginRepositories )
 447  0
         this.pluginRepositories = pluginRepositories;
 448  0
     } //-- void setPluginRepositories( java.util.List ) 
      * Set 
      *             Properties that can be used throughout the POM
      * as a substitution, and
      *             are used as filters in resources if enabled.
      *             The format is
      * <code>&lt;name&gt;value&lt;/name&gt;</code>.
      * @param properties
     public void setProperties( java.util.Properties properties )
 465  0 = properties;
 466  0
     } //-- void setProperties( java.util.Properties ) 
      * Set 
      *             This element includes the specification of
      * report plugins to use
      *             to generate the reports on the Maven-generated
      * site.
      *             These reports will be run when a user executes
      * <code>mvn site</code>.
      *             All of the reports will be included in the
      * navigation bar for browsing.
      * @param reporting
     public void setReporting( Reporting reporting )
 486  0
         this.reporting = reporting;
 487  0
     } //-- void setReporting( Reporting ) 
      * Set 
      *             <b>Deprecated</b>. Now ignored by Maven.
      * @param reports
     public void setReports( Object reports )
 500  0
         this.reports = reports;
 501  0
     } //-- void setReports( Object ) 
      * Set the lists of the remote repositories for discovering
      * dependencies and
      *             extensions.
      * @param repositories
     public void setRepositories( java.util.List repositories )
 512  0
         this.repositories = repositories;
 513  0
     } //-- void setRepositories( java.util.List ) 
 516  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding the encoding used when reading/writing the model.
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 525  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 526  0
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this model.
     public String getModelEncoding()
 533  0
         return modelEncoding;