Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.Extension
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  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.model;
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.util.Date;
  * Describes a build extension to utilise.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 18  0
 public class Extension implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * The group ID of the extension's artifact.
     private String groupId;
      * The artifact ID of the extension.
     private String artifactId;
      * The version of the extension.
     private String version;
      //- Methods -/
      * Get the artifact ID of the extension.
      * @return String
     public String getArtifactId()
 52  0
         return this.artifactId;
     } //-- String getArtifactId() 
      * Get the group ID of the extension's artifact.
      * @return String
     public String getGroupId()
 62  0
         return this.groupId;
     } //-- String getGroupId() 
      * Get the version of the extension.
      * @return String
     public String getVersion()
 72  0
         return this.version;
     } //-- String getVersion() 
      * Set the artifact ID of the extension.
      * @param artifactId
     public void setArtifactId( String artifactId )
 82  0
         this.artifactId = artifactId;
 83  0
     } //-- void setArtifactId( String ) 
      * Set the group ID of the extension's artifact.
      * @param groupId
     public void setGroupId( String groupId )
 92  0
         this.groupId = groupId;
 93  0
     } //-- void setGroupId( String ) 
      * Set the version of the extension.
      * @param version
     public void setVersion( String version )
 102  0
         this.version = version;
 103  0
     } //-- void setVersion( String ) 
      * Gets the key of the extension. The key is used to merge extensions inherited from a parent with the extensions
      * of the current project.
      * @return The key of the extension, i.e. <code>groupId:artifactId</code>.
     public String getKey()
 115  0
         return new StringBuffer( 128 ).append( getGroupId() ).append( ':' ).append( getArtifactId() ).toString();
      * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
     public boolean equals( Object o )
 123  0
         if ( this == o )
 125  0
             return true;
 128  0
         if ( !( o instanceof Extension ) )
 130  0
             return false;
 133  0
         Extension e = (Extension) o;
 135  0
         if ( !e.getArtifactId().equals( getArtifactId() ) )
 137  0
             return false;
 139  0
         else if ( !e.getGroupId().equals( getGroupId() ) )
 141  0
             return false;
 143  0
         else if ( e.getVersion() != null ? !e.getVersion().equals( getVersion() ) : getVersion() != null )
 145  0
             return false;
 147  0
         return true;
      * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
     public int hashCode()
 155  0
         int result = 17;
 156  0
         result = 37 * result + ( getArtifactId() != null ? getArtifactId().hashCode() : 0 );
 157  0
         result = 37 * result + ( getGroupId() != null ? getGroupId().hashCode() : 0 );
 158  0
         result = 37 * result + ( getVersion() != null ? getVersion().hashCode() : 0 );
 159  0
         return result;
 163  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding the encoding used when reading/writing the model.
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 172  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 173  0
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this model.
     public String getModelEncoding()
 180  0
         return modelEncoding;