Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.project.path.PathTranslator;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression.ExpressionEvaluationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression.ExpressionEvaluator;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.introspection.ReflectionValueExtractor;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
  * @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
  * @version $Id: 565812 2007-08-14 15:33:44Z jdcasey $
  * @todo belong in MavenSession, so it only gets created once?
 public class PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator
     implements ExpressionEvaluator
     private static final Map BANNED_EXPRESSIONS;
     private static final Map DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS;
 51  0
         Map deprecated = new HashMap();
 53  0
         deprecated.put( "", "project.resources" );
 54  0
         deprecated.put( "", "project.testResources" );
 56  0
         DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS = deprecated;
 58  0
         Map banned = new HashMap();
 60  0
         BANNED_EXPRESSIONS = banned;
 61  0
     private final PathTranslator pathTranslator;
     private final MavenSession context;
     private final Logger logger;
     private final MojoExecution mojoExecution;
     private final MavenProject project;
     private final String basedir;
     private final Properties properties;
     public PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator( MavenSession context,
                                                MojoExecution mojoExecution,
                                                PathTranslator pathTranslator,
                                                Logger logger,
                                                MavenProject project,
                                                Properties properties )
 83  0
 84  0
         this.context = context;
 85  0
         this.mojoExecution = mojoExecution;
 86  0
         this.pathTranslator = pathTranslator;
 87  0
         this.logger = logger;
 88  0
         this.project = project;
 89  0 = properties;
 91  0
         String basedir = null;
 93  0
         if ( project != null )
 95  0
             File projectFile = project.getFile();
             // this should always be the case for non-super POM instances...
 98  0
             if ( projectFile != null )
 100  0
                 basedir = projectFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
 104  0
         if ( basedir == null )
 106  0
             basedir = System.getProperty( "user.dir" );
 109  0
         this.basedir = basedir;
 110  0
     public Object evaluate( String expr )
         throws ExpressionEvaluationException
 115  0
         Object value = null;
 117  0
         if ( expr == null )
 119  0
             return null;
 122  0
         String expression = stripTokens( expr );
 123  0
         if ( expression.equals( expr ) )
 125  0
             int index = expr.indexOf( "${" );
 126  0
             if ( index >= 0 )
 128  0
                 int lastIndex = expr.indexOf( "}", index );
 129  0
                 if ( lastIndex >= 0 )
 131  0
                     String retVal = expr.substring( 0, index );
 133  0
                     if ( index > 0 && expr.charAt( index - 1 ) == '$' )
 135  0
                         retVal += expr.substring( index + 1, lastIndex + 1 );
 139  0
                         retVal += evaluate( expr.substring( index, lastIndex + 1 ) );
 142  0
                     retVal += evaluate( expr.substring( lastIndex + 1 ) );
 143  0
                     return retVal;
             // Was not an expression
 148  0
             if ( expression.indexOf( "$$" ) > -1 )
 150  0
                 return expression.replaceAll( "\\$\\$", "\\$" );
 154  0
                 return expression;
 158  0
         MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
 159  0
         if ( BANNED_EXPRESSIONS.containsKey( expression ) )
 161  0
             throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "The parameter expression: \'" + expression +
                 "\' used in mojo: \'" + mojoDescriptor.getGoal() + "\' is banned. Use \'" +
                 BANNED_EXPRESSIONS.get( expression ) + "\' instead." );
 165  0
         else if ( DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS.containsKey( expression ) )
 167  0
             logger.warn( "The parameter expression: \'" + expression + "\' used in mojo: \'" +
                 mojoDescriptor.getGoal() + "\' has been deprecated. Use \'" + DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS.get( expression ) +
                 "\' instead." );
 172  0
         if ( "localRepository".equals( expression ) )
 174  0
             value = context.getLocalRepository();
 176  0
         else if ( "session".equals( expression ) )
 178  0
             value = context;
 180  0
         else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
 182  0
             value = context.getSortedProjects();
 184  0
         else if ( "reports".equals( expression ) )
 186  0
             value = mojoExecution.getReports();
 188  0
         else if ("mojoExecution".equals(expression)) 
 190  0
                 value = mojoExecution;
 192  0
         else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
 194  0
             value = project;
 196  0
         else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
 198  0
             value = project.getExecutionProject();
 200  0
         else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) )
 204  0
                 int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );
 206  0
                 if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
 208  0
                     String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
 209  0
                     value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
 210  0
                     value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
 211  0
 214  0
                     value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
 217  0
             catch ( Exception e )
                 // TODO: don't catch exception
 220  0
                 throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                          e );
 222  0
 224  0
         else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
 228  0
                 int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );
 230  0
                 PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();
 232  0
                 if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
 234  0
                     String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
 235  0
                     value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
 236  0
                     value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
 237  0
 240  0
                     value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
 243  0
             catch ( Exception e )
                 // TODO: don't catch exception
 246  0
                 throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                          e );
 248  0
 250  0
         else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
 252  0
             value = context.getSettings();
 254  0
         else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
 258  0
                 int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );
 260  0
                 if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
 262  0
                     String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
 263  0
                     value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, context.getSettings() );
 264  0
                     value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
 265  0
 268  0
                     value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), context.getSettings() );
 271  0
             catch ( Exception e )
                 // TODO: don't catch exception
 274  0
                 throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                          e );
 276  0
 278  0
         else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
 280  0
             value = basedir;
 282  0
         else if ( expression.startsWith( "basedir" ) )
 284  0
             int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );
 286  0
             if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
 288  0
                 value = basedir + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
 292  0
                 logger.error( "Got expression '" + expression + "' that was not recognised" );
 296  0
         if ( value == null )
             // Check POM-level properties before we default over to system properties.
 299  0
             if ( project != null && project.getProperties() != null )
 301  0
                 value = project.getProperties().getProperty( expression );
 304  0
             if ( value == null && properties != null )
                 // We will attempt to get nab a system property as a way to specify a
                 // parameter to a plugins. My particular case here is allowing the surefire
                 // plugin to run a single test so I want to specify that class on the cli
                 // as a parameter.
 311  0
                 value = properties.getProperty( expression );
 315  0
         if ( value instanceof String )
             // TODO: without #, this could just be an evaluate call...
 319  0
             String val = (String) value;
 321  0
             int exprStartDelimiter = val.indexOf( "${" );
 323  0
             if ( exprStartDelimiter >= 0 )
 325  0
                 if ( exprStartDelimiter > 0 )
 327  0
                     value = val.substring( 0, exprStartDelimiter ) + evaluate( val.substring( exprStartDelimiter ) );
 331  0
                     value = evaluate( val.substring( exprStartDelimiter ) );
 336  0
         return value;
     private String stripTokens( String expr )
 341  0
         if ( expr.startsWith( "${" ) && expr.indexOf( "}" ) == expr.length() - 1 )
 343  0
             expr = expr.substring( 2, expr.length() - 1 );
 345  0
         return expr;
     public File alignToBaseDirectory( File file )
         File basedir;
 352  0
         if ( project != null && project.getFile() != null )
 354  0
             basedir = project.getFile().getParentFile();
 358  0
             basedir = new File( "." ).getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
 361  0
         return new File( pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( file.getPath(), basedir ) );