Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.war;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.war.util.ClassesPackager;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.war.WarArchiver;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.Arrays;
  * Build a WAR file.
  * @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
  * @version $Id: 985625 2010-08-15 08:15:16Z dennisl $
  * @goal war
  * @phase package
  * @threadSafe
  * @requiresDependencyResolution runtime
 48  32
 public class WarMojo
     extends AbstractWarMojo
      * The directory for the generated WAR.
      * @parameter default-value="${}"
      * @required
     private String outputDirectory;
      * The name of the generated WAR.
      * @parameter default-value="${}"
      * @required
     private String warName;
      * Classifier to add to the generated WAR. If given, the artifact will be an attachment instead.
      * The classifier will not be applied to the JAR file of the project - only to the WAR file.
      * @parameter
     private String classifier;
      * The comma separated list of tokens to exclude from the WAR before
      * packaging. This option may be used to implement the skinny WAR use
      * case.
      * @parameter
      * @since 2.1-alpha-2
     private String packagingExcludes;
      * The comma separated list of tokens to include in the WAR before
      * packaging. By default everything is included. This option may be used
      * to implement the skinny WAR use case.
      * @since 2.1-beta-1
     private String packagingIncludes;
      * The WAR archiver.
      * @component role="org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver" roleHint="war"
     private WarArchiver warArchiver;
      * @component
     private MavenProjectHelper projectHelper;
      * Whether this is the main artifact being built. Set to <code>false</code> if you don't want to install or
      * deploy it to the local repository instead of the default one in an execution.
      * @parameter expression="${primaryArtifact}" default-value="true"
 112  32
     private boolean primaryArtifact = true;
      * Whether or not to fail the build if the <code>web.xml</code> file is missing. Set to <code>false</code>
      * if you want you WAR built without a <code>web.xml</code> file.
      * This may be useful if you are building an overlay that has no web.xml file.
      * @parameter expression="${failOnMissingWebXml}" default-value="true"
      * @since 2.1-alpha-2
 122  32
     private boolean failOnMissingWebXml = true;
      * Whether classes (that is the content of the WEB-INF/classes directory) should be attached to the
      * project.
      * @parameter default-value="false"
      * @since 2.1-alpha-2
 131  32
     private boolean attachClasses = false;
      * The classifier to use for the attached classes artifact.
      * @parameter default-value="classes"
      * @since 2.1-alpha-2
 139  32
     private String classesClassifier = "classes";
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Implementation
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Executes the WarMojo on the current project.
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if an error occurred while building the webapp
     public void execute()
         throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
 154  28
         File warFile = getTargetWarFile();
 158  28
             performPackaging( warFile );
 160  0
         catch ( DependencyResolutionRequiredException e )
 162  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error assembling WAR: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 164  0
         catch ( ManifestException e )
 166  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error assembling WAR", e );
 168  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 170  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error assembling WAR", e );
 172  2
         catch ( ArchiverException e )
 174  2
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error assembling WAR: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 175  26
 176  26
      * Generates the webapp according to the <tt>mode</tt> attribute.
      * @param warFile the target WAR file
      * @throws IOException            if an error occurred while copying files
      * @throws ArchiverException      if the archive could not be created
      * @throws ManifestException      if the manifest could not be created
      * @throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException
      *                                if an error occurred while resolving the dependencies
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if the execution failed
      * @throws MojoFailureException   if a fatal exception occurred
     private void performPackaging( File warFile )
         throws IOException, ArchiverException, ManifestException, DependencyResolutionRequiredException,
         MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
 194  28
         getLog().info( "Packaging webapp" );
 196  28
         buildExplodedWebapp( getWebappDirectory() );
 198  28
         MavenArchiver archiver = new MavenArchiver();
 200  28
         archiver.setArchiver( warArchiver );
 202  28
         archiver.setOutputFile( warFile );
 204  28
             "Excluding " + Arrays.asList( getPackagingExcludes() ) + " from the generated webapp archive." );
 206  28
             "Including " + Arrays.asList( getPackagingIncludes() ) + " in the generated webapp archive." );
 209  28
         warArchiver.addDirectory( getWebappDirectory(), getPackagingIncludes(), getPackagingExcludes() );
 211  28
         final File webXmlFile = new File( getWebappDirectory(), "WEB-INF/web.xml" );
 212  28
         if ( webXmlFile.exists() )
 214  24
             warArchiver.setWebxml( webXmlFile );
 216  28
         if ( !failOnMissingWebXml )
 218  2
             getLog().debug( "Build won't fail if web.xml file is missing." );
             // The flag is wrong in plexus-archiver so it will need to be fixed at some point
 220  2
             warArchiver.setIgnoreWebxml( false );
         // create archive
 224  28
         archiver.createArchive( getProject(), getArchive() );
         // create the classes to be attached if necessary
 227  26
         if ( isAttachClasses() )
 229  4
             ClassesPackager packager = new ClassesPackager();
 230  4
             final File classesDirectory = packager.getClassesDirectory( getWebappDirectory() );
 231  4
             if ( classesDirectory.exists() )
 233  4
                 getLog().info( "Packaging classes" );
 234  4
                 packager.packageClasses( classesDirectory, getTargetClassesFile(), getJarArchiver(), getProject(),
                                          getArchive() );
 236  4
                 projectHelper.attachArtifact( getProject(), "jar", getClassesClassifier(), getTargetClassesFile() );
 240  26
         String classifier = this.classifier;
 241  26
         if ( classifier != null )
 243  2
             projectHelper.attachArtifact( getProject(), "war", classifier, warFile );
 247  24
             Artifact artifact = getProject().getArtifact();
 248  24
             if ( primaryArtifact )
 250  22
                 artifact.setFile( warFile );
 252  2
             else if ( artifact.getFile() == null || artifact.getFile().isDirectory() )
 254  0
                 artifact.setFile( warFile );
 257  26
     protected static File getTargetFile( File basedir, String finalName, String classifier, String type )
 262  36
         if ( classifier == null )
 264  26
             classifier = "";
 266  10
         else if ( classifier.trim().length() > 0 && !classifier.startsWith( "-" ) )
 268  10
             classifier = "-" + classifier;
 271  36
         return new File( basedir, finalName + classifier + "." + type );
     protected File getTargetWarFile()
 277  28
         return getTargetFile( new File( getOutputDirectory() ), getWarName(), getClassifier(), "war" );
     protected File getTargetClassesFile()
 283  8
         return getTargetFile( new File( getOutputDirectory() ), getWarName(), getClassesClassifier(), "jar" );
     // Getters and Setters
     public String getClassifier()
 290  28
         return classifier;
     public void setClassifier( String classifier )
 295  0
         this.classifier = classifier;
 296  0
     public String[] getPackagingExcludes()
 300  56
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( packagingExcludes ) )
 302  56
             return new String[0];
 306  0
             return StringUtils.split( packagingExcludes, "," );
     public void setPackagingExcludes( String packagingExcludes )
 312  0
         this.packagingExcludes = packagingExcludes;
 313  0
     public String[] getPackagingIncludes()
 317  56
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( packagingIncludes ) )
 319  56
             return new String[]{"**"};
 323  0
             return StringUtils.split( packagingIncludes, "," );
     public void setPackagingIncludes( String packagingIncludes )
 329  0
         this.packagingIncludes = packagingIncludes;
 330  0
     public String getOutputDirectory()
 334  36
         return outputDirectory;
     public void setOutputDirectory( String outputDirectory )
 339  0
         this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
 340  0
     public String getWarName()
 344  36
         return warName;
     public void setWarName( String warName )
 349  0
         this.warName = warName;
 350  0
     public WarArchiver getWarArchiver()
 354  0
         return warArchiver;
     public void setWarArchiver( WarArchiver warArchiver )
 359  0
         this.warArchiver = warArchiver;
 360  0
     public MavenProjectHelper getProjectHelper()
 364  0
         return projectHelper;
     public void setProjectHelper( MavenProjectHelper projectHelper )
 369  0
         this.projectHelper = projectHelper;
 370  0
     public boolean isPrimaryArtifact()
 374  0
         return primaryArtifact;
     public void setPrimaryArtifact( boolean primaryArtifact )
 379  24
         this.primaryArtifact = primaryArtifact;
 380  24
     public boolean isAttachClasses()
 384  26
         return attachClasses;
     public void setAttachClasses( boolean attachClasses )
 389  4
         this.attachClasses = attachClasses;
 390  4
     public String getClassesClassifier()
 394  12
         return classesClassifier;
     public void setClassesClassifier( String classesClassifier )
 399  2
         this.classesClassifier = classesClassifier;
 400  2
     public boolean isFailOnMissingWebXml()
 404  0
         return failOnMissingWebXml;
     public void setFailOnMissingWebXml( boolean failOnMissingWebXml )
 409  4
         this.failOnMissingWebXml = failOnMissingWebXml;
 410  4