Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.verifier.model.Verifications
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.verifier.model;
  * Root element of the verifications file.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 15  42
 public class Verifications
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field files.
     private java.util.List/*<File>*/ files;
      * Field modelEncoding.
 31  42
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addFile.
      * @param file
     public void addFile( File file )
 45  0
         if ( !(file instanceof File) )
 47  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Verifications.addFiles(file) parameter must be instanceof " + File.class.getName() );
 49  0
         getFiles().add( file );
 50  0
     } //-- void addFile( File )
      * Method getFiles.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List/*<File>*/ getFiles()
 59  42
         if ( this.files == null )
 61  0
             this.files = new java.util.ArrayList/*<File>*/();
 64  42
         return this.files;
     } //-- java.util.List/*<File>*/ getFiles()
      * Method getModelEncoding.
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this
      * model
     public String getModelEncoding()
 75  0
         return modelEncoding;
     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
      * Method removeFile.
      * @param file
     public void removeFile( File file )
 85  0
         if ( !(file instanceof File) )
 87  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Verifications.removeFiles(file) parameter must be instanceof " + File.class.getName() );
 89  0
         getFiles().remove( file );
 90  0
     } //-- void removeFile( File )
      * Set list of files and directories to check.
      * @param files
     public void setFiles( java.util.List/*<File>*/ files )
 99  42
         this.files = files;
 100  42
     } //-- void setFiles( java.util.List )
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 109  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 110  0
     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )