Coverage Report -
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.PathTool;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
  * Abstract base class for reporting test results using Surefire.
  * @author Stephen Connolly
  * @version $Id$
 25  4
 public abstract class AbstractSurefireReportMojo
     extends AbstractMavenReport
      * Location where generated html will be created.
      * @parameter expression="${project.reporting.outputDirectory}"
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private File outputDirectory;
      * Doxia Site Renderer
      * @component
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private Renderer siteRenderer;
      * Maven Project
      * @parameter expression="${project}"
      * @required @readonly
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private MavenProject project;
      * If set to false, only failures are shown.
      * @parameter expression="${showSuccess}" default-value="true"
      * @required
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private boolean showSuccess;
      * Directories containing the XML Report files that will be parsed and rendered to HTML format.
      * @parameter
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private File[] reportsDirectories;
      * (Deprecated, use reportsDirectories) This directory contains the XML Report files that will be parsed and rendered to HTML format.
      * @parameter
      * @deprecated
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private File reportsDirectory;
      * The projects in the reactor for aggregation report.
      * @parameter expression="${reactorProjects}"
      * @readonly
      * @noinspection MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection, UnusedDeclaration
     private List reactorProjects;
      * Location of the Xrefs to link.
      * @parameter default-value="${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/xref-test"
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private File xrefLocation;
      * Whether to link the XRef if found.
      * @parameter expression="${linkXRef}" default-value="true"
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private boolean linkXRef;
      * Whether to build an aggregated report at the root, or build individual reports.
      * @parameter expression="${aggregate}" default-value="false"
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     private boolean aggregate;
      * Whether the report should be generated or not.
      * @return {@code true} if and only if the report should be generated.
      * @since 2.11
     protected boolean isSkipped()
 120  0
         return false;
      * Whether the report should be generated when there are no test results.
      * @return {@code true} if and only if the report should be generated when there are no result files at all.
      * @since 2.11
     protected boolean isGeneratedWhenNoResults()
 131  0
         return false;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public void executeReport( Locale locale )
         throws MavenReportException
 140  4
         if ( isSkipped() )
 142  0
 145  4
         final List reportsDirectoryList = getReportsDirectories();
 147  4
         if ( reportsDirectoryList == null )
 149  0
 152  4
         if ( !isGeneratedWhenNoResults() )
 154  4
             boolean atLeastOneDirectoryExists = false;
 155  4
             for ( Iterator i = reportsDirectoryList.iterator(); i.hasNext() && !atLeastOneDirectoryExists; )
 157  4
                 atLeastOneDirectoryExists = SurefireReportParser.hasReportFiles( (File) );
 159  4
             if ( !atLeastOneDirectoryExists )
 161  0
 165  4
         SurefireReportGenerator report =
             new SurefireReportGenerator( reportsDirectoryList, locale, showSuccess, determineXrefLocation() );
 168  4
         report.doGenerateReport( getBundle( locale ), getSink() );
 169  4
     public boolean canGenerateReport()
 173  8
         if ( isSkipped() )
 175  0
             return false;
 178  8
         final List reportsDirectoryList = getReportsDirectories();
 180  8
         if ( reportsDirectoryList == null )
 182  0
             return false;
 185  8
         if ( !isGeneratedWhenNoResults() )
 187  8
             boolean atLeastOneDirectoryExists = false;
 188  8
             for ( Iterator i = reportsDirectoryList.iterator(); i.hasNext() && !atLeastOneDirectoryExists; )
 190  8
                 atLeastOneDirectoryExists = SurefireReportParser.hasReportFiles( (File) );
 192  8
             if ( !atLeastOneDirectoryExists )
 194  0
                 return false;
 198  8
         return super.canGenerateReport();
     private List getReportsDirectories()
 203  12
         final List reportsDirectoryList = new ArrayList();
 205  12
         if ( reportsDirectories != null )
 207  0
             reportsDirectoryList.addAll( Arrays.asList( reportsDirectories ) );
         //noinspection deprecation
 210  12
         if ( reportsDirectory != null )
             //noinspection deprecation
 213  12
             reportsDirectoryList.add( reportsDirectory );
 215  12
         if ( aggregate )
 217  0
             if ( !project.isExecutionRoot() )
 219  0
                 return null;
 221  0
             if ( reportsDirectories == null )
 223  0
                 for ( Iterator i = getProjectsWithoutRoot().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 225  0
                     reportsDirectoryList.add( getSurefireReportsDirectory( (MavenProject) ) );
                 // Multiple report directories are configured.
                 // Let's see if those directories exist in each sub-module to fix SUREFIRE-570
 232  0
                 String parentBaseDir = getProject().getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
 233  0
                 for ( Iterator i = getProjectsWithoutRoot().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 235  0
                     MavenProject subProject = (MavenProject);
 236  0
                     String moduleBaseDir = subProject.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
 237  0
                     for ( int d = 0; d < reportsDirectories.length; d++ )
 239  0
                         String reportDir = reportsDirectories[d].getPath();
 240  0
                         if ( reportDir.startsWith( parentBaseDir ) )
 242  0
                             reportDir = reportDir.substring( parentBaseDir.length() );
 244  0
                         File reportsDirectory = new File( moduleBaseDir, reportDir );
 245  0
                         if ( reportsDirectory.exists() && reportsDirectory.isDirectory() )
 247  0
                             getLog().debug( "Adding report dir : " + moduleBaseDir + reportDir );
 248  0
                             reportsDirectoryList.add( reportsDirectory );
 251  0
 252  0
 256  12
             if ( reportsDirectoryList.size() == 0 )
 259  0
                 reportsDirectoryList.add( getSurefireReportsDirectory( project ) );
 262  12
         return reportsDirectoryList;
      * Gets the default surefire reports directory for the specified project.
      * @param subProject the project to query.
      * @return the default surefire reports directory for the specified project.
     protected abstract File getSurefireReportsDirectory( MavenProject subProject );
     private List getProjectsWithoutRoot()
 274  0
         List result = new ArrayList();
 275  0
         for ( Iterator i = reactorProjects.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 277  0
             MavenProject subProject = (MavenProject);
 278  0
             if ( !project.equals( subProject ) )
 280  0
                 result.add( subProject );
 282  0
 283  0
         return result;
     private String determineXrefLocation()
 289  4
         String location = null;
 291  4
         if ( linkXRef )
 293  3
             String relativePath = PathTool.getRelativePath( getOutputDirectory(), xrefLocation.getAbsolutePath() );
 294  3
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( relativePath ) )
 296  1
                 relativePath = ".";
 298  3
             relativePath = relativePath + "/" + xrefLocation.getName();
 299  3
             if ( xrefLocation.exists() )
                 // XRef was already generated by manual execution of a lifecycle binding
 302  0
                 location = relativePath;
                 // Not yet generated - check if the report is on its way
 307  3
                 for ( Iterator reports = project.getReportPlugins().iterator(); reports.hasNext(); )
 309  2
                     ReportPlugin report = (ReportPlugin);
 311  2
                     String artifactId = report.getArtifactId();
 312  2
                     if ( "maven-jxr-plugin".equals( artifactId ) || "jxr-maven-plugin".equals( artifactId ) )
 314  2
                         location = relativePath;
 316  2
 319  3
             if ( location == null )
 321  1
                 getLog().warn( "Unable to locate Test Source XRef to link to - DISABLED" );
 324  4
         return location;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String getName( Locale locale )
 332  0
         return getBundle( locale ).getString( "" );
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String getDescription( Locale locale )
 340  0
         return getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.surefire.description" );
      * {@inheritDoc}
     protected Renderer getSiteRenderer()
 348  8
         return siteRenderer;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     protected MavenProject getProject()
 356  0
         return project;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public abstract String getOutputName();
      * {@inheritDoc}
     protected String getOutputDirectory()
 369  7
         return outputDirectory.getAbsolutePath();
     private ResourceBundle getBundle( Locale locale )
 374  4
         return ResourceBundle.getBundle( "surefire-report", locale, this.getClass().getClassLoader() );