Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.SurefirePlugin
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataSource;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooter;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.toolchain.ToolchainManager;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
  * Run tests using Surefire.
  * @author Jason van Zyl
  * @version $Id: 981261 2010-08-01 16:26:10Z bentmann $
  * @requiresDependencyResolution test
  * @goal test
  * @phase test
  * @threadSafe
 52  0
 public class SurefirePlugin
     extends AbstractSurefireMojo
     implements SurefireExecutionParameters, SurefireReportParameters
      * Set this to 'true' to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite
      * convenient on occasion.
      * @parameter default-value="false" expression="${skipTests}"
      * @since 2.4
     private boolean skipTests;
      * This old parameter is just like skipTests, but bound to the old property maven.test.skip.exec.
      * @parameter expression="${maven.test.skip.exec}"
      * @since 2.3
      * @deprecated Use -DskipTests instead.
     private boolean skipExec;
      * Set this to 'true' to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, especially if you
      * enable it using the "maven.test.skip" property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the
      * tests and compiling the tests.  Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
      * @parameter default-value="false" expression="${maven.test.skip}"
     private boolean skip;
      * Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on
      * occasion.
      * @parameter default-value="false" expression="${maven.test.failure.ignore}"
     private boolean testFailureIgnore;
      * The base directory of the project being tested. This can be obtained in your unit test by
      * System.getProperty("basedir").
      * @parameter default-value="${basedir}"
     private File basedir;
      * The directory containing generated test classes of the project being tested.
      * This will be included at the beginning the test classpath.
      * @parameter default-value="${}"
     private File testClassesDirectory;
      * The directory containing generated classes of the project being tested.
      * This will be included after the test classes in the test classpath.
      * @parameter default-value="${}"
     private File classesDirectory;
      * The Maven Project Object
      * @parameter default-value="${project}"
      * @readonly
     private MavenProject project;
      * List of dependencies to exclude from the test classpath.
      * Each dependency string must follow the format <i>groupId:artifactId</i>.
      * For example: <i>org.acme:project-a</i>
      *  @parameter
      *  @since 2.6
     private List classpathDependencyExcludes;
      * A dependency scope to exclude from the test classpath
      * The scope can be one of the following scopes:
      * <ul>
      * <li><i>compile</i> - system, provided, compile
      * <li><i>runtime</i> - compile, runtime
      * <li><i>test</i> - system, provided, compile, runtime, test
      * </ul>
      * @parameter default-value=""
      * @since 2.6
     private String classpathDependencyScopeExclude;
      * Additional elements to be appended to the classpath.
      * @parameter
      * @since 2.4
     private List additionalClasspathElements;
      * Base directory where all reports are written to.
      * @parameter default-value="${}/surefire-reports"
     private File reportsDirectory;
      * The test source directory containing test class sources.
      * @parameter default-value="${}"
      * @required
      * @since 2.2
     private File testSourceDirectory;
      * Specify this parameter to run individual tests by file name, overriding the <code>includes/excludes</code>
      * parameters.  Each pattern you specify here will be used to create an
      * include pattern formatted like <code>**&#47;${test}.java</code>, so you can just type "-Dtest=MyTest"
      * to run a single test called "foo/".  This parameter will override the TestNG suiteXmlFiles
      * parameter.
      * @parameter expression="${test}"
     private String test;
      * List of patterns (separated by commas) used to specify the tests that should be included in testing. When not
      * specified and when the <code>test</code> parameter is not specified, the default includes will be
      * <code>**&#47;Test*.java   **&#47;*   **&#47;*</code>.  This parameter is ignored if
      * TestNG suiteXmlFiles are specified.
      * @parameter
     private List includes;
      * List of patterns (separated by commas) used to specify the tests that should be excluded in testing. When not
      * specified and when the <code>test</code> parameter is not specified, the default excludes will be
      * <code>**&#47;*$*</code> (which excludes all inner classes).  This parameter is ignored if
      * TestNG suiteXmlFiles are specified.
      * @parameter
     private List excludes;
      * ArtifactRepository of the localRepository. To obtain the directory of localRepository in unit tests use
      * System.setProperty( "localRepository").
      * @parameter expression="${localRepository}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
      * List of System properties to pass to the JUnit tests.
      * @parameter
      * @deprecated Use systemPropertyVariables instead.
     private Properties systemProperties;
      * List of System properties to pass to the JUnit tests.
      * @parameter
      * @since 2.5
     private Map systemPropertyVariables;
      * List of properties for configuring all TestNG related configurations. This is the new
      * preferred method of configuring TestNG.
      * @parameter
      * @since 2.4
     private Properties properties;
      * Map of of plugin artifacts.
      * @parameter expression="${plugin.artifactMap}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private Map pluginArtifactMap;
      * Map of of project artifacts.
      * @parameter expression="${project.artifactMap}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private Map projectArtifactMap;
      * Option to print summary of test suites or just print the test cases that has errors.
      * @parameter expression="${surefire.printSummary}" default-value="true"
     private boolean printSummary;
      * Selects the formatting for the test report to be generated. Can be set as brief or plain.
      * @parameter expression="${surefire.reportFormat}" default-value="brief"
     private String reportFormat;
      * Option to generate a file test report or just output the test report to the console.
      * @parameter expression="${surefire.useFile}" default-value="true"
     private boolean useFile;
      * When forking, set this to true to redirect the unit test standard output to a file (found in
      * reportsDirectory/testName-output.txt).
      * @parameter expression="${maven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile}" default-value="false"
      * @since 2.3
     private boolean redirectTestOutputToFile;
      * Set this to "true" to cause a failure if there are no tests to run.
      * @parameter expression="${failIfNoTests}"
      * @since 2.4
     private Boolean failIfNoTests;
      * Option to specify the forking mode. Can be "never", "once" or "always". "none" and "pertest" are also accepted
      * for backwards compatibility.
      * @parameter expression="${forkMode}" default-value="once"
      * @since 2.1
     private String forkMode;
      * Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the forking options. For the default, the
      * jvm will be the same as the one used to run Maven.
      * @parameter expression="${jvm}"
      * @since 2.1
     private String jvm;
      * Arbitrary JVM options to set on the command line.
      * @parameter expression="${argLine}"
      * @since 2.1
     private String argLine;
      * Attach a debugger to the forked JVM.  If set to "true", the process will suspend and
      * wait for a debugger to attach on port 5005.  If set to some other string, that
      * string will be appended to the argLine, allowing you to configure arbitrary
      * debuggability options (without overwriting the other options specified in the argLine).
      * @parameter expression="${maven.surefire.debug}"
      * @since 2.4
     private String debugForkedProcess;
      * Kill the forked test process after a certain number of seconds.  If set to 0,
      * wait forever for the process, never timing out.
      * @parameter expression="${surefire.timeout}"
      * @since 2.4
     private int forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds;
      * Additional environments to set on the command line.
      * @parameter
      * @since 2.1.3
 347  0
     private Map environmentVariables = new HashMap();
      * Command line working directory.
      * @parameter expression="${basedir}"
      * @since 2.1.3
     private File workingDirectory;
      * When false it makes tests run using the standard classloader delegation instead of the default Maven isolated
      * classloader. Only used when forking (forkMode is not "none").<br/> Setting it to false helps with some problems
      * caused by conflicts between xml parsers in the classpath and the Java 5 provider parser.
      * @parameter expression="${childDelegation}" default-value="false"
      * @since 2.1
     private boolean childDelegation;
      * (TestNG only) Groups for this test. Only classes/methods/etc decorated with one of the groups specified here will be included
      * in test run, if specified.  This parameter is overridden if suiteXmlFiles are specified.
      * @parameter expression="${groups}"
      * @since 2.2
     private String groups;
      * (TestNG only) Excluded groups. Any methods/classes/etc with one of the groups specified in this list will specifically not be
      * run.  This parameter is overridden if suiteXmlFiles are specified.
      * @parameter expression="${excludedGroups}"
      * @since 2.2
     private String excludedGroups;
      * (TestNG only) List of TestNG suite xml file locations, seperated by commas. Note that suiteXmlFiles is incompatible
      * with several other parameters on this plugin, like includes/excludes.  This parameter is ignored if
      * the "test" parameter is specified (allowing you to run a single test instead of an entire suite).
      * @parameter
      * @since 2.2
     private File[] suiteXmlFiles;
      * Allows you to specify the name of the JUnit artifact. If not set, <code>junit:junit</code> will be used.
      * @parameter expression="${junitArtifactName}" default-value="junit:junit"
      * @since 2.3.1
     private String junitArtifactName;
      * Allows you to specify the name of the TestNG artifact. If not set, <code>org.testng:testng</code> will be used.
      * @parameter expression="${testNGArtifactName}" default-value="org.testng:testng"
      * @since 2.3.1
     private String testNGArtifactName;
      * (TestNG/JUnit 4.7 provider only) The attribute thread-count allows you to specify how many threads should be allocated for this execution. Only
      * makes sense to use in conjunction with parallel.
      * @parameter expression="${threadCount}"
      * @since 2.2
     private int threadCount;
      * (JUnit 4.7 provider) Indicates that threadCount is per cpu core. Defaults to true
      * @parameter expression="${perCoreThreadCount}"
      * @since 2.5
     private String perCoreThreadCount;
      * (JUnit 4.7 provider) Indicates that the thread pool will be unlimited. The parallel parameter and the actual number of classes/methods
      * will decide. Setting this to true effectively disables perCoreThreadCount and threadCount.
      * @parameter expression="${useUnlimitedThreads}"
      * @since 2.5
     private String useUnlimitedThreads;
      * (TestNG only) When you use the parallel attribute, TestNG will try to run all your test methods in separate threads, except for
      * methods that depend on each other, which will be run in the same thread in order to respect their order of
      * execution.
      * <p/>
      * (JUnit 4.7 provider) Supports values classes/methods/both to run in separate threads, as controlled by threadCount.
      * @parameter expression="${parallel}"
      * @todo test how this works with forking, and console/file output parallelism
      * @since 2.2
     private String parallel;
      * Whether to trim the stack trace in the reports to just the lines within the test, or show the full trace.
      * @parameter expression="${trimStackTrace}" default-value="true"
      * @since 2.2
     private boolean trimStackTrace;
      * Resolves the artifacts needed.
      * @component
     private ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;
      * Creates the artifact
      * @component
     private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
      * The plugin remote repositories declared in the POM.
      * @parameter expression="${project.pluginArtifactRepositories}"
      * @since 2.2
     private List remoteRepositories;
      * For retrieval of artifact's metadata.
      * @component
     private ArtifactMetadataSource metadataSource;
     private Properties originalSystemProperties;
      * systemPropertyVariables + systemProperties
 492  0
     private Properties internalSystemProperties = new Properties();
      * Flag to disable the generation of report files in xml format.
      * @parameter expression="${disableXmlReport}" default-value="false"
      * @since 2.2
     private boolean disableXmlReport;
      * Option to pass dependencies to the system's classloader instead of using an isolated class loader when forking.
      * Prevents problems with JDKs which implement the service provider lookup mechanism by using the system's
      * classloader.  Default value is "true".
      * @parameter expression="${surefire.useSystemClassLoader}"
      * @since 2.3
     private Boolean useSystemClassLoader;
      * By default, Surefire forks your tests using a manifest-only JAR; set this parameter
      * to "false" to force it to launch your tests with a plain old Java classpath.
      * (See
      * for a more detailed explanation of manifest-only JARs and their benefits.)
      * <p/>
      * Beware, setting this to "false" may cause your tests to
      * fail on Windows if your classpath is too long.
      * @parameter expression="${surefire.useManifestOnlyJar}" default-value="true"
      * @since 2.4.3
     private boolean useManifestOnlyJar;
      * By default, Surefire enables JVM assertions for the execution of your test cases. To disable the assertions, set
      * this flag to <code>false</code>.
      * @parameter expression="${enableAssertions}" default-value="true"
      * @since 2.3.1
     private boolean enableAssertions;
      * The current build session instance.
      * @parameter expression="${session}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private MavenSession session;
      * (TestNG only) Define the factory class used to create all test instances
      * @parameter expression="${objectFactory}"
      * @since 2.5
     private String objectFactory;
     /** @parameter default-value="${session.parallel}" */
     private Boolean parallelMavenExecution;
      * @component
     private ToolchainManager toolchainManager;
     public void execute()
         throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
 565  0
         if ( verifyParameters() )
 567  0
             SurefireBooter surefireBooter = constructSurefireBooter();
 569  0
                 StringUtils.capitalizeFirstLetter( getPluginName() ) + " report directory: " + getReportsDirectory() );
             int result;
 575  0
                 result =;
 577  0
             catch ( SurefireBooterForkException e )
 579  0
                 throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 581  0
             catch ( SurefireExecutionException e )
 583  0
                 throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 584  0
 586  0
             if ( getOriginalSystemProperties() != null && !surefireBooter.isForking() )
                 // restore system properties, only makes sense when not forking..
 589  0
                 System.setProperties( getOriginalSystemProperties() );
 592  0
             SurefireHelper.reportExecution( this, result, getLog() );
 594  0
     protected boolean verifyParameters()
         throws MojoFailureException
 599  0
         if ( isSkip() || isSkipTests() || isSkipExec() )
 601  0
             getLog().info( "Tests are skipped." );
 602  0
             return false;
 605  0
         if ( !getTestClassesDirectory().exists() )
 607  0
             if ( getFailIfNoTests() != null && getFailIfNoTests().booleanValue() )
 609  0
                 throw new MojoFailureException( "No tests to run!" );
 611  0
             getLog().info( "No tests to run." );
 612  0
             return true;
 615  0
 617  0
 619  0
 621  0
         return true;
     protected String getPluginName()
 626  0
         return "surefire";
     protected String[] getDefaultIncludes()
 631  0
         return new String[]{"**/Test*.java", "**/*", "**/*"};
     // now for the implementation of the field accessors
     public boolean isSkipTests()
 638  0
         return skipTests;
     public void setSkipTests( boolean skipTests )
 645  0
         this.skipTests = skipTests;
 646  0
     public boolean isSkipExec()
 650  0
         return skipExec;
     public void setSkipExec( boolean skipExec )
 655  0
         this.skipExec = skipExec;
 656  0
     public boolean isSkip()
 660  0
         return skip;
     public void setSkip( boolean skip )
 665  0
         this.skip = skip;
 666  0
     public boolean isTestFailureIgnore()
 670  0
         return testFailureIgnore;
     public void setTestFailureIgnore( boolean testFailureIgnore )
 675  0
         this.testFailureIgnore = testFailureIgnore;
 676  0
     public File getBasedir()
 680  0
         return basedir;
     public void setBasedir( File basedir )
 685  0
         this.basedir = basedir;
 686  0
     public File getTestClassesDirectory()
 690  0
         return testClassesDirectory;
     public void setTestClassesDirectory( File testClassesDirectory )
 695  0
         this.testClassesDirectory = testClassesDirectory;
 696  0
     public File getClassesDirectory()
 700  0
         return classesDirectory;
     public void setClassesDirectory( File classesDirectory )
 705  0
         this.classesDirectory = classesDirectory;
 706  0
     public MavenProject getProject()
 710  0
         return project;
     public void setProject( MavenProject project )
 715  0
         this.project = project;
 716  0
     public List getClasspathDependencyExcludes()
 720  0
         return classpathDependencyExcludes;
     public void setClasspathDependencyExcludes( List classpathDependencyExcludes )
 725  0
         this.classpathDependencyExcludes = classpathDependencyExcludes;
 726  0
     public String getClasspathDependencyScopeExclude()
 730  0
         return classpathDependencyScopeExclude;
     public void setClasspathDependencyScopeExclude( String classpathDependencyScopeExclude )
 735  0
         this.classpathDependencyScopeExclude = classpathDependencyScopeExclude;
 736  0
     public List getAdditionalClasspathElements()
 740  0
         return additionalClasspathElements;
     public void setAdditionalClasspathElements( List additionalClasspathElements )
 745  0
         this.additionalClasspathElements = additionalClasspathElements;
 746  0
     public File getReportsDirectory()
 750  0
         return reportsDirectory;
     public void setReportsDirectory( File reportsDirectory )
 755  0
         this.reportsDirectory = reportsDirectory;
 756  0
     public File getTestSourceDirectory()
 760  0
         return testSourceDirectory;
     public void setTestSourceDirectory( File testSourceDirectory )
 765  0
         this.testSourceDirectory = testSourceDirectory;
 766  0
     public String getTest()
 770  0
         return test;
     public void setTest( String test )
 775  0
         this.test = test;
 776  0
     public List getIncludes()
 780  0
         return includes;
     public void setIncludes( List includes )
 785  0
         this.includes = includes;
 786  0
     public List getExcludes()
 790  0
         return excludes;
     public void setExcludes( List excludes )
 795  0
         this.excludes = excludes;
 796  0
     public ArtifactRepository getLocalRepository()
 800  0
         return localRepository;
     public void setLocalRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository )
 805  0
         this.localRepository = localRepository;
 806  0
     public Properties getSystemProperties()
 810  0
         return systemProperties;
     public void setSystemProperties( Properties systemProperties )
 815  0
         this.systemProperties = systemProperties;
 816  0
     public Map getSystemPropertyVariables()
 820  0
         return systemPropertyVariables;
     public void setSystemPropertyVariables( Map systemPropertyVariables )
 825  0
         this.systemPropertyVariables = systemPropertyVariables;
 826  0
     public Properties getProperties()
 830  0
         return properties;
     public void setProperties( Properties properties )
 835  0 = properties;
 836  0
     public Map getPluginArtifactMap()
 840  0
         return pluginArtifactMap;
     public void setPluginArtifactMap( Map pluginArtifactMap )
 845  0
         this.pluginArtifactMap = pluginArtifactMap;
 846  0
     public Map getProjectArtifactMap()
 850  0
         return projectArtifactMap;
     public void setProjectArtifactMap( Map projectArtifactMap )
 855  0
         this.projectArtifactMap = projectArtifactMap;
 856  0
     public boolean isPrintSummary()
 860  0
         return printSummary;
     public void setPrintSummary( boolean printSummary )
 865  0
         this.printSummary = printSummary;
 866  0
     public String getReportFormat()
 870  0
         return reportFormat;
     public void setReportFormat( String reportFormat )
 875  0
         this.reportFormat = reportFormat;
 876  0
     public boolean isUseFile()
 880  0
         return useFile;
     public void setUseFile( boolean useFile )
 885  0
         this.useFile = useFile;
 886  0
     public boolean isRedirectTestOutputToFile()
 890  0
         return redirectTestOutputToFile;
     public void setRedirectTestOutputToFile( boolean redirectTestOutputToFile )
 895  0
         this.redirectTestOutputToFile = redirectTestOutputToFile;
 896  0
     public Boolean getFailIfNoTests()
 900  0
         return failIfNoTests;
     public void setFailIfNoTests( Boolean failIfNoTests )
 905  0
         this.failIfNoTests = failIfNoTests;
 906  0
     public String getForkMode()
 910  0
         return forkMode;
     public void setForkMode( String forkMode )
 915  0
         this.forkMode = forkMode;
 916  0
     public String getJvm()
 920  0
         return jvm;
     public void setJvm( String jvm )
 925  0
         this.jvm = jvm;
 926  0
     public String getArgLine()
 930  0
         return argLine;
     public void setArgLine( String argLine )
 935  0
         this.argLine = argLine;
 936  0
     public String getDebugForkedProcess()
 940  0
         return debugForkedProcess;
     public void setDebugForkedProcess( String debugForkedProcess )
 945  0
         this.debugForkedProcess = debugForkedProcess;
 946  0
     public int getForkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds()
 950  0
         return forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds;
     public void setForkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds( int forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds )
 955  0
         this.forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds = forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds;
 956  0
     public Map getEnvironmentVariables()
 960  0
         return environmentVariables;
     public void setEnvironmentVariables( Map environmentVariables )
 965  0
         this.environmentVariables = environmentVariables;
 966  0
     public File getWorkingDirectory()
 970  0
         return workingDirectory;
     public void setWorkingDirectory( File workingDirectory )
 975  0
         this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
 976  0
     public boolean isChildDelegation()
 980  0
         return childDelegation;
     public void setChildDelegation( boolean childDelegation )
 985  0
         this.childDelegation = childDelegation;
 986  0
     public String getGroups()
 990  0
         return groups;
     public void setGroups( String groups )
 995  0
         this.groups = groups;
 996  0
     public String getExcludedGroups()
 1000  0
         return excludedGroups;
     public void setExcludedGroups( String excludedGroups )
 1005  0
         this.excludedGroups = excludedGroups;
 1006  0
     public File[] getSuiteXmlFiles()
 1010  0
         return suiteXmlFiles;
     public void setSuiteXmlFiles( File[] suiteXmlFiles )
 1015  0
         this.suiteXmlFiles = suiteXmlFiles;
 1016  0
     public String getJunitArtifactName()
 1020  0
         return junitArtifactName;
     public void setJunitArtifactName( String junitArtifactName )
 1025  0
         this.junitArtifactName = junitArtifactName;
 1026  0
     public String getTestNGArtifactName()
 1030  0
         return testNGArtifactName;
     public void setTestNGArtifactName( String testNGArtifactName )
 1035  0
         this.testNGArtifactName = testNGArtifactName;
 1036  0
     public int getThreadCount()
 1040  0
         return threadCount;
     public void setThreadCount( int threadCount )
 1045  0
         this.threadCount = threadCount;
 1046  0
     public String getPerCoreThreadCount()
 1050  0
         return perCoreThreadCount;
     public void setPerCoreThreadCount( String perCoreThreadCount )
 1055  0
         this.perCoreThreadCount = perCoreThreadCount;
 1056  0
     public String getUseUnlimitedThreads()
 1060  0
         return useUnlimitedThreads;
     public void setUseUnlimitedThreads( String useUnlimitedThreads )
 1065  0
         this.useUnlimitedThreads = useUnlimitedThreads;
 1066  0
     public String getParallel()
 1070  0
         return parallel;
     public void setParallel( String parallel )
 1075  0
         this.parallel = parallel;
 1076  0
     public boolean isTrimStackTrace()
 1080  0
         return trimStackTrace;
     public void setTrimStackTrace( boolean trimStackTrace )
 1085  0
         this.trimStackTrace = trimStackTrace;
 1086  0
     public ArtifactResolver getArtifactResolver()
 1090  0
         return artifactResolver;
     public void setArtifactResolver( ArtifactResolver artifactResolver )
 1095  0
         this.artifactResolver = artifactResolver;
 1096  0
     public ArtifactFactory getArtifactFactory()
 1100  0
         return artifactFactory;
     public void setArtifactFactory( ArtifactFactory artifactFactory )
 1105  0
         this.artifactFactory = artifactFactory;
 1106  0
     public List getRemoteRepositories()
 1110  0
         return remoteRepositories;
     public void setRemoteRepositories( List remoteRepositories )
 1115  0
         this.remoteRepositories = remoteRepositories;
 1116  0
     public ArtifactMetadataSource getMetadataSource()
 1120  0
         return metadataSource;
     public void setMetadataSource( ArtifactMetadataSource metadataSource )
 1125  0
         this.metadataSource = metadataSource;
 1126  0
     public Properties getOriginalSystemProperties()
 1130  0
         return originalSystemProperties;
     public void setOriginalSystemProperties( Properties originalSystemProperties )
 1135  0
         this.originalSystemProperties = originalSystemProperties;
 1136  0
     public Properties getInternalSystemProperties()
 1140  0
         return internalSystemProperties;
     public void setInternalSystemProperties( Properties internalSystemProperties )
 1145  0
         this.internalSystemProperties = internalSystemProperties;
 1146  0
     public boolean isDisableXmlReport()
 1150  0
         return disableXmlReport;
     public void setDisableXmlReport( boolean disableXmlReport )
 1155  0
         this.disableXmlReport = disableXmlReport;
 1156  0
     public Boolean getUseSystemClassLoader()
 1160  0
         return useSystemClassLoader;
     public void setUseSystemClassLoader( Boolean useSystemClassLoader )
 1165  0
         this.useSystemClassLoader = useSystemClassLoader;
 1166  0
     public boolean isUseManifestOnlyJar()
 1170  0
         return useManifestOnlyJar;
     public void setUseManifestOnlyJar( boolean useManifestOnlyJar )
 1175  0
         this.useManifestOnlyJar = useManifestOnlyJar;
 1176  0
     public boolean isEnableAssertions()
 1180  0
         return enableAssertions;
     public void setEnableAssertions( boolean enableAssertions )
 1185  0
         this.enableAssertions = enableAssertions;
 1186  0
     public MavenSession getSession()
 1190  0
         return session;
     public void setSession( MavenSession session )
 1195  0
         this.session = session;
 1196  0
     public String getObjectFactory()
 1200  0
         return objectFactory;
     public void setObjectFactory( String objectFactory )
 1205  0
         this.objectFactory = objectFactory;
 1206  0
     public ToolchainManager getToolchainManager()
 1210  0
         return toolchainManager;
     public void setToolchainManager( ToolchainManager toolchainManager )
 1215  0
         this.toolchainManager = toolchainManager;
 1216  0
     public boolean isMavenParallel()
 1220  0
         return parallelMavenExecution  != null && parallelMavenExecution.booleanValue();