Coverage Report - org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import java.util.Vector;
  * <p/>
  * Commandline objects help handling command lines specifying processes to
  * execute.
  * </p>
  * <p/>
  * The class can be used to define a command line as nested elements or as a
  * helper to define a command line by an application.
  * </p>
  * <p/>
  * <code>
  * &lt;someelement&gt;<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;acommandline executable="/executable/to/run"&gt;<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;argument value="argument 1" /&gt;<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;argument line="argument_1 argument_2 argument_3" /&gt;<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;argument value="argument 4" /&gt;<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/acommandline&gt;<br>
  * &lt;/someelement&gt;<br>
  * </code>
  * </p>
  * <p/>
  * The element <code>someelement</code> must provide a method
  * <code>createAcommandline</code> which returns an instance of this class.
  * </p>
  * @author
  * @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
 public class Commandline
     implements Cloneable
     protected static final String OS_NAME = "";
     protected static final String WINDOWS = "Windows";
 71  0
     protected String executable = null;
 73  0
     protected Vector arguments = new Vector();
 75  0
     protected Vector envVars = new Vector();
 77  0
     private File workingDir = null;
 79  0
     private long pid = -1;
     private Shell shell;
      * Create a new command line object.
      * Shell is autodetected from operating system
      * @param toProcess
     public Commandline( String toProcess )
 91  0
 92  0
 93  0
         String[] tmp = new String[0];
 96  0
             tmp = translateCommandline( toProcess );
 98  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 100  0
             System.err.println( "Error translating Commandline." );
 101  0
 102  0
         if ( tmp != null && tmp.length > 0 )
 104  0
             setExecutable( tmp[0] );
 105  0
             for ( int i = 1; i < tmp.length; i++ )
 107  0
                 createArgument().setValue( tmp[i] );
 110  0
      * Create a new command line object.
      * Shell is autodetected from operating system
     public Commandline()
 118  0
 119  0
 120  0
     public long getPid()
 124  0
         if ( pid == -1 )
 126  0
             pid = Long.parseLong( String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() ) );
 129  0
         return pid;
     public void setPid( long pid )
 134  0 = pid;
 135  0
      * Used for nested xml command line definitions.
 140  0
     public static class Argument
         private String[] parts;
          * Sets a single commandline argument.
          * @param value a single commandline argument.
         public void setValue( String value )
 152  0
             if ( value != null )
 154  0
                 parts = new String[]{value};
 156  0
          * Line to split into several commandline arguments.
          * @param line line to split into several commandline arguments
         public void setLine( String line )
 165  0
             if ( line == null )
 167  0
 171  0
                 parts = translateCommandline( line );
 173  0
             catch ( Exception e )
 175  0
                 System.err.println( "Error translating Commandline." );
 176  0
 177  0
          * Sets a single commandline argument to the absolute filename
          * of the given file.
          * @param value a single commandline argument.
         public void setFile( File value )
 187  0
             parts = new String[]{value.getAbsolutePath()};
 188  0
          * Returns the parts this Argument consists of.
         public String[] getParts()
 195  0
             return parts;
      * Class to keep track of the position of an Argument.
     // <p>This class is there to support the srcfile and targetfile
     // elements of &lt;execon&gt; and &lt;transform&gt; - don't know
     // whether there might be additional use cases.</p> --SB
     public class Marker
         private int position;
 210  0
         private int realPos = -1;
         Marker( int position )
 213  0
 214  0
             this.position = position;
 215  0
          * Return the number of arguments that preceeded this marker.
          * <p/>
          * <p>The name of the executable - if set - is counted as the
          * very first argument.</p>
         public int getPosition()
 225  0
             if ( realPos == -1 )
 227  0
                 realPos = ( executable == null ? 0 : 1 );
 228  0
                 for ( int i = 0; i < position; i++ )
 230  0
                     Argument arg = (Argument) arguments.elementAt( i );
 231  0
                     realPos += arg.getParts().length;
 234  0
             return realPos;
      * <p>Sets the shell or command-line interpretor for the detected operating system,
      * and the shell arguments.</p>
     private void setDefaultShell()
 245  0
         String os = System.getProperty( OS_NAME );
         //If this is windows set the shell to or cmd.exe with correct arguments.
 248  0
         if ( os.indexOf( WINDOWS ) > -1 )
 250  0
             if ( os.indexOf( "95" ) > -1 || os.indexOf( "98" ) > -1 || os.indexOf( "Me" ) > -1 )
 252  0
                 setShell( new CommandShell() );
 256  0
                 setShell( new CmdShell() );
 259  0
      * Creates an argument object.
      * <p/>
      * <p>Each commandline object has at most one instance of the
      * argument class.  This method calls
      * <code>this.createArgument(false)</code>.</p>
      * @return the argument object.
      * @see #createArgument(boolean)
     public Argument createArgument()
 273  0
         return this.createArgument( false );
      * Creates an argument object and adds it to our list of args.
      * <p/>
      * <p>Each commandline object has at most one instance of the
      * argument class.</p>
      * @param insertAtStart if true, the argument is inserted at the
      *                      beginning of the list of args, otherwise it is appended.
     public Argument createArgument( boolean insertAtStart )
 287  0
         Argument argument = new Argument();
 288  0
         if ( insertAtStart )
 290  0
             arguments.insertElementAt( argument, 0 );
 294  0
             arguments.addElement( argument );
 296  0
         return argument;
      * Sets the executable to run.
     public void setExecutable( String executable )
 304  0
         if ( executable == null || executable.length() == 0 )
 306  0
 308  0
         this.executable = executable.replace( '/', File.separatorChar ).replace( '\\', File.separatorChar );
 309  0
     public String getExecutable()
 313  0
         return executable;
     public void addArguments( String[] line )
 318  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < line.length; i++ )
 320  0
             createArgument().setValue( line[i] );
 322  0
      * Add an environment variable
     public void addEnvironment( String name,
                                 String value )
 330  0
         envVars.add( name + "=" + value );
 331  0
      * Add system environment variables
     public void addSystemEnvironment()
         throws Exception
 339  0
         Properties envVars = CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars();
 341  0
         for ( Iterator i = envVars.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 343  0
             String key = (String);
 345  0
             addEnvironment( key, envVars.getProperty( key ) );
 347  0
      * Return the list of environment variables
     public String[] getEnvironmentVariables()
         throws CommandLineException
 357  0
 359  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 361  0
             throw new CommandLineException( "Error setting up environmental variables", e );
 362  0
 364  0
         return (String[]) envVars.toArray( new String[envVars.size()] );
      * Returns the executable and all defined arguments.
     public String[] getCommandline()
 372  0
         final String[] args = getArguments();
 373  0
         if ( executable == null )
 375  0
             return args;
 377  0
         final String[] result = new String[args.length + 1];
 378  0
         result[0] = executable;
 379  0
         System.arraycopy( args, 0, result, 1, args.length );
 380  0
         return result;
      * Returns the shell, executable and all defined arguments.
     public String[] getShellCommandline()
 389  0
         if ( getShell() == null )
 391  0
             if ( executable != null )
 393  0
                 List commandLine = new ArrayList();
 394  0
                 commandLine.add( executable );
 395  0
                 commandLine.addAll( Arrays.asList( getArguments() ) );
 396  0
                 return (String[]) commandLine.toArray( new String[0] );
 400  0
                 return getArguments();
 406  0
             return (String[]) getShell().getShellCommandLine( executable, getArguments() ).toArray( new String[0] );
      * Returns all arguments defined by <code>addLine</code>,
      * <code>addValue</code> or the argument object.
     public String[] getArguments()
 416  0
         Vector result = new Vector( arguments.size() * 2 );
 417  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++ )
 419  0
             Argument arg = (Argument) arguments.elementAt( i );
 420  0
             String[] s = arg.getParts();
 421  0
             if ( s != null )
 423  0
                 for ( int j = 0; j < s.length; j++ )
 425  0
                     result.addElement( s[j] );
 430  0
         String[] res = new String[result.size()];
 431  0
         result.copyInto( res );
 432  0
         return res;
     public String toString()
 437  0
         return toString( getCommandline() );
      * <p>Put quotes around the given String if necessary.</p>
      * <p>If the argument doesn't include spaces or quotes, return it
      * as is. If it contains double quotes, use single quotes - else
      * surround the argument by double quotes.</p>
      * @throws CommandLineException if the argument contains both, single
      *                              and double quotes.
     public static String quoteArgument( String argument )
         throws CommandLineException
 452  0
         if ( argument.indexOf( "\"" ) > -1 )
 454  0
             if ( argument.indexOf( "\'" ) > -1 )
 456  0
                 throw new CommandLineException( "Can't handle single and double quotes in same argument" );
 460  0
                 return '\'' + argument + '\'';
 463  0
         else if ( argument.indexOf( "\'" ) > -1 || argument.indexOf( " " ) > -1 )
 465  0
             return '\"' + argument + '\"';
 469  0
             return argument;
     public static String toString( String[] line )
         // empty path return empty string
 476  0
         if ( line == null || line.length == 0 )
 478  0
             return "";
         // path containing one or more elements
 482  0
         final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
 483  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < line.length; i++ )
 485  0
             if ( i > 0 )
 487  0
                 result.append( ' ' );
 491  0
                 result.append( quoteArgument( line[i] ) );
 493  0
             catch ( Exception e )
 495  0
                 System.err.println( "Error quoting argument." );
 496  0
 498  0
         return result.toString();
     public static String[] translateCommandline( String toProcess )
         throws Exception
 504  0
         if ( toProcess == null || toProcess.length() == 0 )
 506  0
             return new String[0];
         // parse with a simple finite state machine
 511  0
         final int normal = 0;
 512  0
         final int inQuote = 1;
 513  0
         final int inDoubleQuote = 2;
 514  0
         int state = normal;
 515  0
         StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( toProcess, "\"\' ", true );
 516  0
         Vector v = new Vector();
 517  0
         StringBuffer current = new StringBuffer();
 519  0
         while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() )
 521  0
             String nextTok = tok.nextToken();
 522  0
             switch ( state )
                 case inQuote:
 525  0
                     if ( "\'".equals( nextTok ) )
 527  0
                         state = normal;
 531  0
                         current.append( nextTok );
 533  0
                 case inDoubleQuote:
 535  0
                     if ( "\"".equals( nextTok ) )
 537  0
                         state = normal;
 541  0
                         current.append( nextTok );
 543  0
 545  0
                     if ( "\'".equals( nextTok ) )
 547  0
                         state = inQuote;
 549  0
                     else if ( "\"".equals( nextTok ) )
 551  0
                         state = inDoubleQuote;
 553  0
                     else if ( " ".equals( nextTok ) )
 555  0
                         if ( current.length() != 0 )
 557  0
                             v.addElement( current.toString() );
 558  0
                             current.setLength( 0 );
 563  0
                         current.append( nextTok );
 565  0
 569  0
         if ( current.length() != 0 )
 571  0
             v.addElement( current.toString() );
 574  0
         if ( state == inQuote || state == inDoubleQuote )
 576  0
             throw new CommandLineException( "unbalanced quotes in " + toProcess );
 579  0
         String[] args = new String[v.size()];
 580  0
         v.copyInto( args );
 581  0
         return args;
     public int size()
 586  0
         return getCommandline().length;
     public Object clone()
 591  0
         Commandline c = new Commandline();
 592  0
         c.setExecutable( executable );
 593  0
         c.addArguments( getArguments() );
 594  0
         return c;
      * Clear out the whole command line.
     public void clear()
 602  0
         executable = null;
 603  0
 604  0
      * Clear out the arguments but leave the executable in place for another operation.
     public void clearArgs()
 611  0
 612  0
      * Return a marker.
      * <p/>
      * <p>This marker can be used to locate a position on the
      * commandline - to insert something for example - when all
      * parameters have been set.</p>
     public Marker createMarker()
 623  0
         return new Marker( arguments.size() );
      * Sets execution directory.
     public void setWorkingDirectory( String path )
 631  0
         if ( path != null )
 633  0
             workingDir = new File( path );
 635  0
     public File getWorkingDirectory()
 639  0
         return workingDir;
      * Executes the command.
     public Process execute()
         throws CommandLineException
         Process process;
         //addEnvironment( "MAVEN_TEST_ENVAR", "MAVEN_TEST_ENVAR_VALUE" );
 652  0
         String[] environment = getEnvironmentVariables();
 656  0
             if ( workingDir == null )
 658  0
                 process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( getShellCommandline(), environment );
 662  0
                 if ( !workingDir.exists() )
 664  0
                     throw new CommandLineException(
                         "Working directory \"" + workingDir.getPath() + "\" does not exist!" );
 667  0
                 else if ( !workingDir.isDirectory() )
 669  0
                     throw new CommandLineException(
                         "Path \"" + workingDir.getPath() + "\" does not specify a directory." );
 673  0
                 process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( getShellCommandline(), environment, workingDir );
 676  0
         catch ( IOException ex )
 678  0
             throw new CommandLineException( "Error while executing process.", ex );
 679  0
 681  0
         return process;
     public Properties getSystemEnvVars()
         throws Exception
 687  0
         return CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars();
      * Allows to set the shell to be used in this command line.
      * @param shell
      * @since 1.2
     public void setShell( Shell shell )
 698  0 = shell;
 699  0
      * Get the shell to be used in this command line.
      * @since 1.2
     public Shell getShell()
 708  0
         return shell;