Coverage Report -
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
0 %
0 %
  =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2012-05-07 22:19:55,
  any modifications will be overwritten.
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.text.DateFormat;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.resources.remote.Supplement;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.resources.remote.SupplementalDataModel;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXParser;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParser;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
  * Class SupplementalDataModelXpp3Reader.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 33  0
 public class SupplementalDataModelXpp3Reader
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * If set the parser will be loaded with all single characters
      * from the XHTML specification.
      * The entities used:
      * <ul>
      * <li></li>
      * <li></li>
      * <li></li>
      * </ul>
 50  0
     private boolean addDefaultEntities = true;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method checkFieldWithDuplicate.
      * @param parser
      * @param parsed
      * @param alias
      * @param tagName
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return boolean
     private boolean checkFieldWithDuplicate( XmlPullParser parser, String tagName, String alias, java.util.Set parsed )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 70  0
         if ( !( parser.getName().equals( tagName ) || parser.getName().equals( alias ) ) )
 72  0
             return false;
 74  0
         if ( !parsed.add( tagName ) )
 76  0
             throw new XmlPullParserException( "Duplicated tag: '" + tagName + "'", parser, null );
 78  0
         return true;
     } //-- boolean checkFieldWithDuplicate( XmlPullParser, String, String, java.util.Set )
      * Method checkUnknownAttribute.
      * @param parser
      * @param strict
      * @param tagName
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @throws IOException
     private void checkUnknownAttribute( XmlPullParser parser, String attribute, String tagName, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException, IOException
         // strictXmlAttributes = true for model: if strict == true, not only elements are checked but attributes too
 95  0
         if ( strict )
 97  0
             throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unknown attribute '" + attribute + "' for tag '" + tagName + "'", parser, null );
 99  0
     } //-- void checkUnknownAttribute( XmlPullParser, String, String, boolean )
      * Method checkUnknownElement.
      * @param parser
      * @param strict
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @throws IOException
     private void checkUnknownElement( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException, IOException
 112  0
         if ( strict )
 114  0
             throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unrecognised tag: '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null );
 117  0
         for ( int unrecognizedTagCount = 1; unrecognizedTagCount > 0; )
 119  0
             int eventType =;
 120  0
             if ( eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
 122  0
 124  0
             else if ( eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG )
 126  0
 128  0
 129  0
     } //-- void checkUnknownElement( XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Returns the state of the "add default entities" flag.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean getAddDefaultEntities()
 138  0
         return addDefaultEntities;
     } //-- boolean getAddDefaultEntities()
      * Method getBooleanValue.
      * @param s
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return boolean
     private boolean getBooleanValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 153  0
         return getBooleanValue( s, attribute, parser, null );
     } //-- boolean getBooleanValue( String, String, XmlPullParser )
      * Method getBooleanValue.
      * @param s
      * @param defaultValue
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return boolean
     private boolean getBooleanValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, String defaultValue )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 169  0
         if ( s != null && s.length() != 0 )
 171  0
             return Boolean.valueOf( s ).booleanValue();
 173  0
         if ( defaultValue != null )
 175  0
             return Boolean.valueOf( defaultValue ).booleanValue();
 177  0
         return false;
     } //-- boolean getBooleanValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, String )
      * Method getByteValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return byte
     private byte getByteValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 193  0
         if ( s != null )
 197  0
                 return Byte.valueOf( s ).byteValue();
 199  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
 201  0
                 if ( strict )
 203  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a byte", parser, nfe );
 207  0
         return 0;
     } //-- byte getByteValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getCharacterValue.
      * @param s
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return char
     private char getCharacterValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 222  0
         if ( s != null )
 224  0
             return s.charAt( 0 );
 226  0
         return 0;
     } //-- char getCharacterValue( String, String, XmlPullParser )
      * Method getDateValue.
      * @param s
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return Date
     private java.util.Date getDateValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 241  0
         return getDateValue( s, attribute, null, parser );
     } //-- java.util.Date getDateValue( String, String, XmlPullParser )
      * Method getDateValue.
      * @param s
      * @param parser
      * @param dateFormat
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return Date
     private java.util.Date getDateValue( String s, String attribute, String dateFormat, XmlPullParser parser )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 257  0
         if ( s != null )
 259  0
             String effectiveDateFormat = dateFormat;
 260  0
             if ( dateFormat == null )
 262  0
                 effectiveDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS";
 264  0
             if ( "long".equals( effectiveDateFormat ) )
 268  0
                     return new java.util.Date( Long.parseLong( s ) );
 270  0
                 catch ( NumberFormatException e )
 272  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( e.getMessage(), parser, e );
 279  0
                     DateFormat dateParser = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( effectiveDateFormat, Locale.US );
 280  0
                     return dateParser.parse( s );
 282  0
                 catch ( java.text.ParseException e )
 284  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( e.getMessage(), parser, e );
 288  0
         return null;
     } //-- java.util.Date getDateValue( String, String, String, XmlPullParser )
      * Method getDoubleValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return double
     private double getDoubleValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 304  0
         if ( s != null )
 308  0
                 return Double.valueOf( s ).doubleValue();
 310  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
 312  0
                 if ( strict )
 314  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a floating point number", parser, nfe );
 318  0
         return 0;
     } //-- double getDoubleValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getFloatValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return float
     private float getFloatValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 334  0
         if ( s != null )
 338  0
                 return Float.valueOf( s ).floatValue();
 340  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
 342  0
                 if ( strict )
 344  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a floating point number", parser, nfe );
 348  0
         return 0;
     } //-- float getFloatValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getIntegerValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return int
     private int getIntegerValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 364  0
         if ( s != null )
 368  0
                 return Integer.valueOf( s ).intValue();
 370  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
 372  0
                 if ( strict )
 374  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be an integer", parser, nfe );
 378  0
         return 0;
     } //-- int getIntegerValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getLongValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return long
     private long getLongValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 394  0
         if ( s != null )
 398  0
                 return Long.valueOf( s ).longValue();
 400  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
 402  0
                 if ( strict )
 404  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a long integer", parser, nfe );
 408  0
         return 0;
     } //-- long getLongValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getRequiredAttributeValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return String
     private String getRequiredAttributeValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 424  0
         if ( s == null )
 426  0
             if ( strict )
 428  0
                 throw new XmlPullParserException( "Missing required value for attribute '" + attribute + "'", parser, null );
 431  0
         return s;
     } //-- String getRequiredAttributeValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getShortValue.
      * @param s
      * @param strict
      * @param parser
      * @param attribute
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return short
     private short getShortValue( String s, String attribute, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 447  0
         if ( s != null )
 451  0
                 return Short.valueOf( s ).shortValue();
 453  0
             catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
 455  0
                 if ( strict )
 457  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a short integer", parser, nfe );
 461  0
         return 0;
     } //-- short getShortValue( String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method getTrimmedValue.
      * @param s
      * @return String
     private String getTrimmedValue( String s )
 472  0
         if ( s != null )
 474  0
             s = s.trim();
 476  0
         return s;
     } //-- String getTrimmedValue( String )
      * Method initParser.
      * @param parser
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
     private void initParser( XmlPullParser parser )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 488  0
         if ( addDefaultEntities )
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
             // Latin 1 entities
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 494  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "nbsp", "\u00a0" );
 495  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "iexcl", "\u00a1" );
 496  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "cent", "\u00a2" );
 497  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "pound", "\u00a3" );
 498  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "curren", "\u00a4" );
 499  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "yen", "\u00a5" );
 500  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "brvbar", "\u00a6" );
 501  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sect", "\u00a7" );
 502  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "uml", "\u00a8" );
 503  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "copy", "\u00a9" );
 504  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ordf", "\u00aa" );
 505  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "laquo", "\u00ab" );
 506  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "not", "\u00ac" );
 507  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "shy", "\u00ad" );
 508  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "reg", "\u00ae" );
 509  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "macr", "\u00af" );
 510  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "deg", "\u00b0" );
 511  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "plusmn", "\u00b1" );
 512  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sup2", "\u00b2" );
 513  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sup3", "\u00b3" );
 514  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "acute", "\u00b4" );
 515  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "micro", "\u00b5" );
 516  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "para", "\u00b6" );
 517  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "middot", "\u00b7" );
 518  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "cedil", "\u00b8" );
 519  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sup1", "\u00b9" );
 520  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ordm", "\u00ba" );
 521  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "raquo", "\u00bb" );
 522  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "frac14", "\u00bc" );
 523  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "frac12", "\u00bd" );
 524  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "frac34", "\u00be" );
 525  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "iquest", "\u00bf" );
 526  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Agrave", "\u00c0" );
 527  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Aacute", "\u00c1" );
 528  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Acirc", "\u00c2" );
 529  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Atilde", "\u00c3" );
 530  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Auml", "\u00c4" );
 531  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Aring", "\u00c5" );
 532  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "AElig", "\u00c6" );
 533  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ccedil", "\u00c7" );
 534  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Egrave", "\u00c8" );
 535  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Eacute", "\u00c9" );
 536  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ecirc", "\u00ca" );
 537  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Euml", "\u00cb" );
 538  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Igrave", "\u00cc" );
 539  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Iacute", "\u00cd" );
 540  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Icirc", "\u00ce" );
 541  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Iuml", "\u00cf" );
 542  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ETH", "\u00d0" );
 543  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ntilde", "\u00d1" );
 544  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ograve", "\u00d2" );
 545  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Oacute", "\u00d3" );
 546  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ocirc", "\u00d4" );
 547  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Otilde", "\u00d5" );
 548  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ouml", "\u00d6" );
 549  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "times", "\u00d7" );
 550  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Oslash", "\u00d8" );
 551  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ugrave", "\u00d9" );
 552  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Uacute", "\u00da" );
 553  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Ucirc", "\u00db" );
 554  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Uuml", "\u00dc" );
 555  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Yacute", "\u00dd" );
 556  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "THORN", "\u00de" );
 557  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "szlig", "\u00df" );
 558  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "agrave", "\u00e0" );
 559  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "aacute", "\u00e1" );
 560  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "acirc", "\u00e2" );
 561  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "atilde", "\u00e3" );
 562  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "auml", "\u00e4" );
 563  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "aring", "\u00e5" );
 564  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "aelig", "\u00e6" );
 565  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ccedil", "\u00e7" );
 566  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "egrave", "\u00e8" );
 567  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "eacute", "\u00e9" );
 568  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ecirc", "\u00ea" );
 569  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "euml", "\u00eb" );
 570  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "igrave", "\u00ec" );
 571  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "iacute", "\u00ed" );
 572  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "icirc", "\u00ee" );
 573  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "iuml", "\u00ef" );
 574  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "eth", "\u00f0" );
 575  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ntilde", "\u00f1" );
 576  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ograve", "\u00f2" );
 577  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "oacute", "\u00f3" );
 578  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ocirc", "\u00f4" );
 579  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "otilde", "\u00f5" );
 580  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ouml", "\u00f6" );
 581  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "divide", "\u00f7" );
 582  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "oslash", "\u00f8" );
 583  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ugrave", "\u00f9" );
 584  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "uacute", "\u00fa" );
 585  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ucirc", "\u00fb" );
 586  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "uuml", "\u00fc" );
 587  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "yacute", "\u00fd" );
 588  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "thorn", "\u00fe" );
 589  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "yuml", "\u00ff" );
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
             // Special entities
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 595  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "OElig", "\u0152" );
 596  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "oelig", "\u0153" );
 597  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Scaron", "\u0160" );
 598  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "scaron", "\u0161" );
 599  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Yuml", "\u0178" );
 600  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "circ", "\u02c6" );
 601  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "tilde", "\u02dc" );
 602  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ensp", "\u2002" );
 603  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "emsp", "\u2003" );
 604  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "thinsp", "\u2009" );
 605  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "zwnj", "\u200c" );
 606  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "zwj", "\u200d" );
 607  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lrm", "\u200e" );
 608  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rlm", "\u200f" );
 609  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ndash", "\u2013" );
 610  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "mdash", "\u2014" );
 611  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lsquo", "\u2018" );
 612  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rsquo", "\u2019" );
 613  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sbquo", "\u201a" );
 614  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ldquo", "\u201c" );
 615  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rdquo", "\u201d" );
 616  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "bdquo", "\u201e" );
 617  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "dagger", "\u2020" );
 618  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Dagger", "\u2021" );
 619  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "permil", "\u2030" );
 620  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lsaquo", "\u2039" );
 621  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rsaquo", "\u203a" );
 622  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "euro", "\u20ac" );
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
             // Symbol entities
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 628  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "fnof", "\u0192" );
 629  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Alpha", "\u0391" );
 630  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Beta", "\u0392" );
 631  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Gamma", "\u0393" );
 632  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Delta", "\u0394" );
 633  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Epsilon", "\u0395" );
 634  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Zeta", "\u0396" );
 635  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Eta", "\u0397" );
 636  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Theta", "\u0398" );
 637  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Iota", "\u0399" );
 638  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Kappa", "\u039a" );
 639  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Lambda", "\u039b" );
 640  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Mu", "\u039c" );
 641  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Nu", "\u039d" );
 642  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Xi", "\u039e" );
 643  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Omicron", "\u039f" );
 644  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Pi", "\u03a0" );
 645  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Rho", "\u03a1" );
 646  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Sigma", "\u03a3" );
 647  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Tau", "\u03a4" );
 648  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Upsilon", "\u03a5" );
 649  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Phi", "\u03a6" );
 650  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Chi", "\u03a7" );
 651  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Psi", "\u03a8" );
 652  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Omega", "\u03a9" );
 653  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "alpha", "\u03b1" );
 654  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "beta", "\u03b2" );
 655  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "gamma", "\u03b3" );
 656  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "delta", "\u03b4" );
 657  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "epsilon", "\u03b5" );
 658  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "zeta", "\u03b6" );
 659  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "eta", "\u03b7" );
 660  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "theta", "\u03b8" );
 661  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "iota", "\u03b9" );
 662  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "kappa", "\u03ba" );
 663  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lambda", "\u03bb" );
 664  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "mu", "\u03bc" );
 665  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "nu", "\u03bd" );
 666  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "xi", "\u03be" );
 667  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "omicron", "\u03bf" );
 668  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "pi", "\u03c0" );
 669  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rho", "\u03c1" );
 670  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sigmaf", "\u03c2" );
 671  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sigma", "\u03c3" );
 672  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "tau", "\u03c4" );
 673  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "upsilon", "\u03c5" );
 674  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "phi", "\u03c6" );
 675  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "chi", "\u03c7" );
 676  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "psi", "\u03c8" );
 677  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "omega", "\u03c9" );
 678  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "thetasym", "\u03d1" );
 679  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "upsih", "\u03d2" );
 680  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "piv", "\u03d6" );
 681  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "bull", "\u2022" );
 682  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "hellip", "\u2026" );
 683  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "prime", "\u2032" );
 684  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "Prime", "\u2033" );
 685  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "oline", "\u203e" );
 686  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "frasl", "\u2044" );
 687  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "weierp", "\u2118" );
 688  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "image", "\u2111" );
 689  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "real", "\u211c" );
 690  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "trade", "\u2122" );
 691  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "alefsym", "\u2135" );
 692  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "larr", "\u2190" );
 693  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "uarr", "\u2191" );
 694  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rarr", "\u2192" );
 695  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "darr", "\u2193" );
 696  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "harr", "\u2194" );
 697  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "crarr", "\u21b5" );
 698  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lArr", "\u21d0" );
 699  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "uArr", "\u21d1" );
 700  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rArr", "\u21d2" );
 701  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "dArr", "\u21d3" );
 702  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "hArr", "\u21d4" );
 703  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "forall", "\u2200" );
 704  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "part", "\u2202" );
 705  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "exist", "\u2203" );
 706  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "empty", "\u2205" );
 707  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "nabla", "\u2207" );
 708  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "isin", "\u2208" );
 709  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "notin", "\u2209" );
 710  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ni", "\u220b" );
 711  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "prod", "\u220f" );
 712  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sum", "\u2211" );
 713  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "minus", "\u2212" );
 714  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lowast", "\u2217" );
 715  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "radic", "\u221a" );
 716  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "prop", "\u221d" );
 717  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "infin", "\u221e" );
 718  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ang", "\u2220" );
 719  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "and", "\u2227" );
 720  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "or", "\u2228" );
 721  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "cap", "\u2229" );
 722  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "cup", "\u222a" );
 723  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "int", "\u222b" );
 724  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "there4", "\u2234" );
 725  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sim", "\u223c" );
 726  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "cong", "\u2245" );
 727  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "asymp", "\u2248" );
 728  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ne", "\u2260" );
 729  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "equiv", "\u2261" );
 730  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "le", "\u2264" );
 731  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "ge", "\u2265" );
 732  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sub", "\u2282" );
 733  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sup", "\u2283" );
 734  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "nsub", "\u2284" );
 735  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sube", "\u2286" );
 736  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "supe", "\u2287" );
 737  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "oplus", "\u2295" );
 738  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "otimes", "\u2297" );
 739  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "perp", "\u22a5" );
 740  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "sdot", "\u22c5" );
 741  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lceil", "\u2308" );
 742  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rceil", "\u2309" );
 743  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lfloor", "\u230a" );
 744  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rfloor", "\u230b" );
 745  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "lang", "\u2329" );
 746  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "rang", "\u232a" );
 747  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "loz", "\u25ca" );
 748  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "spades", "\u2660" );
 749  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "clubs", "\u2663" );
 750  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "hearts", "\u2665" );
 751  0
             parser.defineEntityReplacementText( "diams", "\u2666" );
 754  0
     } //-- void initParser( XmlPullParser )
      * Method nextTag.
      * @param parser
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return int
     private int nextTag( XmlPullParser parser )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 767  0
         int eventType =;
 768  0
         if ( eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT )
 770  0
             eventType =;
 772  0
         if ( eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG && eventType != XmlPullParser.END_TAG )
 774  0
             throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected START_TAG or END_TAG not " + XmlPullParser.TYPES[eventType], parser, null );
 776  0
         return eventType;
     } //-- int nextTag( XmlPullParser )
      * Method parseSupplement.
      * @param parser
      * @param strict
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return Supplement
     private Supplement parseSupplement( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 791  0
         String tagName = parser.getName();
 792  0
         Supplement supplement = new Supplement();
 793  0
         for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
 795  0
             String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
 796  0
             String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );
 798  0
             if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                 // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
 804  0
                 checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
 807  0
         java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
 808  0
         while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
 810  0
             if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "project", null, parsed ) )
 812  0
                 supplement.setProject( parser ) );
 816  0
                 checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
 819  0
         return supplement;
     } //-- Supplement parseSupplement( XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Method parseSupplementalDataModel.
      * @param parser
      * @param strict
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return SupplementalDataModel
     private SupplementalDataModel parseSupplementalDataModel( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 834  0
         String tagName = parser.getName();
 835  0
         SupplementalDataModel supplementalDataModel = new SupplementalDataModel();
 836  0
         for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
 838  0
             String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
 839  0
             String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );
 841  0
             if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                 // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
 845  0
             else if ( "xmlns".equals( name ) )
                 // ignore xmlns attribute in root class, which is a reserved attribute name
 851  0
                 checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
 854  0
         java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
 855  0
         while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
 857  0
             if ( "supplement".equals( parser.getName() ) )
 859  0
                 java.util.List supplement = supplementalDataModel.getSupplement();
 860  0
                 if ( supplement == null )
 862  0
                     supplement = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Supplement>*/();
 863  0
                     supplementalDataModel.setSupplement( supplement );
 865  0
                 supplement.add( parseSupplement( parser, strict ) );
 866  0
 869  0
                 checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
 872  0
         return supplementalDataModel;
     } //-- SupplementalDataModel parseSupplementalDataModel( XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * @see ReaderFactory#newXmlReader
      * @param reader
      * @param strict
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return SupplementalDataModel
     public SupplementalDataModel read( Reader reader, boolean strict )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 887  0
         XmlPullParser parser = new MXParser();
 889  0
         parser.setInput( reader );
 891  0
         initParser( parser );
 893  0
         return read( parser, strict );
     } //-- SupplementalDataModel read( Reader, boolean )
      * @see ReaderFactory#newXmlReader
      * @param reader
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return SupplementalDataModel
     public SupplementalDataModel read( Reader reader )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 907  0
         return read( reader, true );
     } //-- SupplementalDataModel read( Reader )
      * Method read.
      * @param in
      * @param strict
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return SupplementalDataModel
     public SupplementalDataModel read( InputStream in, boolean strict )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 922  0
         return read( ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( in ), strict );
     } //-- SupplementalDataModel read( InputStream, boolean )
      * Method read.
      * @param in
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return SupplementalDataModel
     public SupplementalDataModel read( InputStream in )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 936  0
         return read( ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( in ) );
     } //-- SupplementalDataModel read( InputStream )
      * Method read.
      * @param parser
      * @param strict
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws XmlPullParserException
      * @return SupplementalDataModel
     private SupplementalDataModel read( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict )
         throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
 951  0
         int eventType = parser.getEventType();
 952  0
         while ( eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT )
 954  0
             if ( eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
 956  0
                 if ( strict && ! "supplementalDataModels".equals( parser.getName() ) )
 958  0
                     throw new XmlPullParserException( "Expected root element 'supplementalDataModels' but found '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null );
 960  0
                 SupplementalDataModel supplementalDataModel = parseSupplementalDataModel( parser, strict );
 961  0
                 supplementalDataModel.setModelEncoding( parser.getInputEncoding() );
 962  0
                 return supplementalDataModel;
 964  0
             eventType =;
 966  0
         throw new XmlPullParserException( "Expected root element 'supplementalDataModels' but found no element at all: invalid XML document", parser, null );
     } //-- SupplementalDataModel read( XmlPullParser, boolean )
      * Sets the state of the "add default entities" flag.
      * @param addDefaultEntities
     public void setAddDefaultEntities( boolean addDefaultEntities )
 976  0
         this.addDefaultEntities = addDefaultEntities;
 977  0
     } //-- void setAddDefaultEntities( boolean )