
Class Summary
AbstractProjectInfoReport Base class with the things that should be in AbstractMavenReport anyway.
CimReport Generates the Project Continuous Integration System report.
DependenciesReport Generates the Project Dependencies report.
DependencyConvergenceReport Generates the Dependency Convergence report for reactor builds.
DependencyManagementReport Generates the Project Dependency Management report.
HelpMojo Display help information on maven-project-info-reports-plugin.
IssueTrackingReport Generates the Project Issue Tracking report.
LicenseReport Generates the Project License report.
MailingListsReport Generates the Mailing List report.
MailingListsReport.MailingListsRenderer Internal renderer class
PluginManagementReport Generates the Project Plugin Management report.
PluginManagementReport.PluginManagementRenderer Internal renderer class
PluginsReport Generates the Project Plugins report.
PluginsReport.PluginsRenderer Internal renderer class
ProjectIndexPageReport Generates the project index page.
ProjectInfoReportUtils Utilities methods.
ProjectSummaryReport Generates the project information reports summary.
ScmReport Generates the Project Source Code Management (SCM) report.
TeamListReport Generates the Project Team report.

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