Coverage Report -
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
88 %
33 %
28 %
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReportRenderer;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.NoSuchScmProviderException;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.cvslib.repository.CvsScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.perforce.repository.PerforceScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.starteam.repository.StarteamScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepositoryException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
  * Generates the Project Source Code Management (SCM) report.
  * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton </a>
  * @version $Id: 731252 2009-01-04 13:11:57Z bentmann $
  * @since 2.0
  * @goal scm
 51  4
 public class ScmReport
     extends AbstractProjectInfoReport
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Mojo parameters
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Maven SCM Manager.
      * @component
     protected ScmManager scmManager;
      * The directory name to checkout right after the SCM url.
      * @parameter expression="${project.artifactId}"
      * @required
     private String checkoutDirectoryName;
      * The SCM anonymous connection url respecting the SCM URL Format.
      * @parameter default-value="${project.scm.connection}"
      * @since 2.1
      * @see <a href="">SCM URL Format< /a>
     private String anonymousConnection;
      * The SCM developer connection url respecting the SCM URL Format.
      * @parameter default-value="${project.scm.developerConnection}"
      * @since 2.1
      * @see <a href="">SCM URL Format< /a>
     private String developerConnection;
      * The SCM web access url.
      * @parameter default-value="${project.scm.url}"
      * @since 2.1
     private String webAccessUrl;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Public methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getName( Locale locale )
 106  4
         return i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "" );
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getDescription( Locale locale )
 112  0
         return i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.description" );
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void executeReport( Locale locale )
 118  4
         ScmRenderer r = new ScmRenderer( getLog(), scmManager, getSink(), getProject().getModel(), i18n, locale,
                                          checkoutDirectoryName, webAccessUrl, anonymousConnection,
                                          developerConnection );
 122  4
 123  1
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getOutputName()
 128  6
         return "source-repository";
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Internal renderer class
 138  4
     private static class ScmRenderer
         extends AbstractMavenReportRenderer
         private Log log;
         private Model model;
         private I18N i18n;
         private Locale locale;
         private ScmManager scmManager;
          * To support more SCM
         private String anonymousConnection;
         private String devConnection;
         private String checkoutDirectoryName;
         private String webAccessUrl;
         ScmRenderer( Log log, ScmManager scmManager, Sink sink, Model model, I18N i18n, Locale locale,
                      String checkoutDirName, String webAccessUrl, String anonymousConnection, String devConnection )
 165  4
             super( sink );
 167  4
             this.log = log;
 169  4
             this.scmManager = scmManager;
 171  4
             this.model = model;
 173  4
             this.i18n = i18n;
 175  4
             this.locale = locale;
 177  4
             this.checkoutDirectoryName = checkoutDirName;
 179  4
             this.webAccessUrl = webAccessUrl;
 181  4
             this.anonymousConnection = anonymousConnection;
 183  4
             this.devConnection = devConnection;
 185  4
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public String getTitle()
 190  4
             return i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.title" );
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public void renderBody()
 196  4
             Scm scm = model.getScm();
 197  4
             if ( scm == null )
 199  0
                 startSection( getTitle() );
 201  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.noscm" ) );
 203  0
 205  0
 208  4
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( anonymousConnection ) && StringUtils.isEmpty( devConnection )
                 && StringUtils.isEmpty( scm.getUrl() ) )
 211  0
                 startSection( getTitle() );
 213  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.noscm" ) );
 215  0
 217  0
 220  4
             ScmRepository anonymousRepository = getScmRepository( anonymousConnection );
 221  1
             ScmRepository devRepository = getScmRepository( devConnection );
             // Overview section
 224  1
             renderOverViewSection( anonymousRepository );
             // Web access section
 227  1
             renderWebAccesSection( webAccessUrl );
             // Anonymous access section if needed
 230  1
             renderAnonymousAccessSection( anonymousRepository );
             // Developer access section
 233  1
             renderDeveloperAccessSection( devRepository );
             // Access from behind a firewall section if needed
 236  1
             renderAccessBehindFirewallSection( devRepository );
             // Access through a proxy section if needed
 239  1
             renderAccessThroughProxySection( anonymousRepository, devRepository );
 240  1
          * Render the overview section
          * @param anonymousRepository the anonymous repository
         private void renderOverViewSection( ScmRepository anonymousRepository )
 249  1
             startSection( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.overview.title" ) );
 251  1
             if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "clearcase" ) )
 253  0
                 linkPatternedText( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.clearcase.intro" ) );
 255  1
             else if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "cvs" ) )
 257  0
                 linkPatternedText( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.cvs.intro" ) );
 259  1
             else if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "perforce" ) )
 261  0
                 linkPatternedText( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.perforce.intro" ) );
 263  1
             else if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "starteam" ) )
 265  0
                 linkPatternedText( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.starteam.intro" ) );
 267  1
             else if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "svn" ) )
 269  0
                 linkPatternedText( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.svn.intro" ) );
 273  1
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.general.intro" ) );
 276  1
 277  1
          * Render the web access section
          * @param scmUrl The URL to the project's browsable repository.
         private void renderWebAccesSection( String scmUrl )
 286  1
             startSection( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.webaccess.title" ) );
 288  1
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( scmUrl ) )
 290  1
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.webaccess.nourl" ) );
 294  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.webaccess.url" ) );
 296  0
                 verbatimLink( scmUrl, scmUrl );
 299  1
 300  1
          * Render the anonymous access section depending the repository.
          * <p>Note: ClearCase, Starteam et Perforce seems to have no anonymous access.</p>
          * @param anonymousRepository the anonymous repository
         private void renderAnonymousAccessSection( ScmRepository anonymousRepository )
 310  1
             if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "clearcase" ) || isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "perforce" )
                 || isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "starteam" ) || StringUtils.isEmpty( anonymousConnection ) )
 313  1
 316  0
             startSection( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.anonymousaccess.title" ) );
 318  0
             if ( anonymousRepository != null && isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "cvs" ) )
 320  0
                 CvsScmProviderRepository cvsRepo = (CvsScmProviderRepository) anonymousRepository
 323  0
                 anonymousAccessCVS( cvsRepo );
 324  0
 325  0
             else if ( anonymousRepository != null && isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "svn" ) )
 327  0
                 SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo = (SvnScmProviderRepository) anonymousRepository
 330  0
                 anonymousAccessSVN( svnRepo );
 331  0
 334  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                            "report.scm.anonymousaccess.general.intro" ) );
 337  0
                 verbatimText( anonymousConnection.substring( 4 ) );
 340  0
 341  0
          * Render the developer access section
          * @param devRepository the dev repository
         private void renderDeveloperAccessSection( ScmRepository devRepository )
 350  1
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( devConnection ) )
 352  1
 355  0
             startSection( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.title" ) );
 357  0
             if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "clearcase" ) )
 359  0
 361  0
             else if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "cvs" ) )
 363  0
                 CvsScmProviderRepository cvsRepo = (CvsScmProviderRepository) devRepository.getProviderRepository();
 365  0
                 developerAccessCVS( cvsRepo );
 366  0
 367  0
             else if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "perforce" ) )
 369  0
                 PerforceScmProviderRepository perforceRepo = (PerforceScmProviderRepository) devRepository
 372  0
                 developerAccessPerforce( perforceRepo );
 373  0
 374  0
             else if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "starteam" ) )
 376  0
                 StarteamScmProviderRepository starteamRepo = (StarteamScmProviderRepository) devRepository
 379  0
                 developerAccessStarteam( starteamRepo );
 380  0
 381  0
             else if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "svn" ) )
 383  0
                 SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo = (SvnScmProviderRepository) devRepository.getProviderRepository();
 385  0
                 developerAccessSVN( svnRepo );
 386  0
 389  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.general.intro" ) );
 391  0
                 verbatimText( devConnection.substring( 4 ) );
 394  0
 395  0
          * Render the access from behind a firewall section
          * @param devRepository the dev repository
         private void renderAccessBehindFirewallSection( ScmRepository devRepository )
 404  1
             startSection( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.title" ) );
 406  1
             if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "svn" ) )
 408  0
                 SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo = (SvnScmProviderRepository) devRepository.getProviderRepository();
 410  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                            "report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.svn.intro" ) );
 413  0
                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 414  0
                 sb.append( "$ svn checkout " ).append( svnRepo.getUrl() );
 415  0
                 sb.append( " " ).append( checkoutDirectoryName );
 416  0
                 verbatimText( sb.toString() );
 417  0
 418  1
             else if ( devRepository != null && isScmSystem( devRepository, "cvs" ) )
 420  0
                 linkPatternedText( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                                    "report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.cvs.intro" ) );
 425  1
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                            "report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.general.intro" ) );
 429  1
 430  1
          * Render the access from behind a firewall section
          * @param anonymousRepository the anonymous repository
          * @param devRepository the dev repository
         private void renderAccessThroughProxySection( ScmRepository anonymousRepository, ScmRepository devRepository )
 440  1
             if ( isScmSystem( anonymousRepository, "svn" ) || isScmSystem( devRepository, "svn" ) )
 442  0
                 startSection( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                               "report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.title" ) );
 445  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                            "report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.svn.intro1" ) );
 447  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                            "report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.svn.intro2" ) );
 449  0
                 paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                            "report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.svn.intro3" ) );
 452  0
                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 453  0
                 sb.append( "[global]" );
 454  0
                 sb.append( "\n" );
 455  0
                 sb.append( "http-proxy-host =" ).append( "\n" );
 456  0
                 sb.append( "http-proxy-port = 3128" ).append( "\n" );
 457  0
                 verbatimText( sb.toString() );
 459  0
 461  1
         // Clearcase
          * Create the documentation to provide an developer access with a <code>Clearcase</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>cleartool checkout module</p>
         private void developerAccessClearCase()
 472  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.clearcase.intro" ) );
 474  0
             StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
 475  0
             command.append( "$ cleartool checkout " );
 477  0
             verbatimText( command.toString() );
 478  0
         // CVS
          * Create the documentation to provide an anonymous access with a <code>CVS</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>cvs -d login</p>
          * <p>cvs -z3 -d co maven-plugins/dist</p>
          * @param cvsRepo
          * @see <a href=""></a>
         private void anonymousAccessCVS( CvsScmProviderRepository cvsRepo )
 493  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.anonymousaccess.cvs.intro" ) );
 495  0
             StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
 496  0
             command.append( "$ cvs -d " ).append( cvsRepo.getCvsRoot() ).append( " login" );
 497  0
             command.append( "\n" );
 498  0
             command.append( "$ cvs -z3 -d " ).append( cvsRepo.getCvsRoot() );
 499  0
             command.append( " co " ).append( cvsRepo.getModule() );
 501  0
             verbatimText( command.toString() );
 502  0
          * Create the documentation to provide an developer access with a <code>CVS</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>cvs -d login</p>
          * <p>cvs -z3 -d co maven-plugins/dist</p>
          * @param cvsRepo
          * @see <a href=""></a>
         private void developerAccessCVS( CvsScmProviderRepository cvsRepo )
 515  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.cvs.intro" ) );
             // Safety: remove the username if present
 518  0
             String cvsRoot = StringUtils.replace( cvsRepo.getCvsRoot(), cvsRepo.getUser(), "username" );
 520  0
             StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
 521  0
             command.append( "$ cvs -d " ).append( cvsRoot ).append( " login" );
 522  0
             command.append( "\n" );
 523  0
             command.append( "$ cvs -z3 -d " ).append( cvsRoot ).append( " co " ).append( cvsRepo.getModule() );
 525  0
             verbatimText( command.toString() );
 526  0
         // Perforce
          * Create the documentation to provide an developer access with a <code>Perforce</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>p4 -H hostname -p port -u username -P password path</p>
          * <p>p4 -H hostname -p port -u username -P password path submit -c changement</p>
          * @param perforceRepo
          * @see <a href=""></>
         private void developerAccessPerforce( PerforceScmProviderRepository perforceRepo )
 541  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.perforce.intro" ) );
 543  0
             StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
 544  0
             command.append( "$ p4" );
 545  0
             if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( perforceRepo.getHost() ) )
 547  0
                 command.append( " -H " ).append( perforceRepo.getHost() );
 549  0
             if ( perforceRepo.getPort() > 0 )
 551  0
                 command.append( " -p " ).append( perforceRepo.getPort() );
 553  0
             command.append( " -u username" );
 554  0
             command.append( " -P password" );
 555  0
             command.append( " " );
 556  0
             command.append( perforceRepo.getPath() );
 557  0
             command.append( "\n" );
 558  0
             command.append( "$ p4 submit -c \"A comment\"" );
 560  0
             verbatimText( command.toString() );
 561  0
         // Starteam
          * Create the documentation to provide an developer access with a <code>Starteam</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>stcmd co -x -nologo -stop -p myusername:mypassword@myhost:1234/projecturl -is</p>
          * <p>stcmd ci -x -nologo -stop -p myusername:mypassword@myhost:1234/projecturl -f NCI -is</p>
          * @param starteamRepo
         private void developerAccessStarteam( StarteamScmProviderRepository starteamRepo )
 575  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.starteam.intro" ) );
 577  0
             StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
             // Safety: remove the username/password if present
 580  0
             String fullUrl = StringUtils.replace( starteamRepo.getFullUrl(), starteamRepo.getUser(), "username" );
 581  0
             fullUrl = StringUtils.replace( fullUrl, starteamRepo.getPassword(), "password" );
 583  0
             command.append( "$ stcmd co -x -nologo -stop -p " );
 584  0
             command.append( fullUrl );
 585  0
             command.append( " -is" );
 586  0
             command.append( "\n" );
 587  0
             command.append( "$ stcmd ci -x -nologo -stop -p " );
 588  0
             command.append( fullUrl );
 589  0
             command.append( " -f NCI -is" );
 591  0
             verbatimText( command.toString() );
 592  0
         // SVN
          * Create the documentation to provide an anonymous access with a <code>SVN</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>svn checkout maven</p>
          * @param svnRepo
          * @see <a href=""></a>
         private void anonymousAccessSVN( SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo )
 606  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.anonymousaccess.svn.intro" ) );
 608  0
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 609  0
             sb.append( "$ svn checkout " ).append( svnRepo.getUrl() ).append( " " ).append( checkoutDirectoryName );
 611  0
             verbatimText( sb.toString() );
 612  0
          * Create the documentation to provide an developer access with a <code>SVN</code> SCM.
          * For example, generate the following command line:
          * <p>svn checkout maven</p>
          * <p>svn commit --username your-username -m "A message"</p>
          * @param svnRepo
          * @see <a href=""></a>
         private void developerAccessSVN( SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo )
 625  0
             if ( svnRepo.getUrl() != null )
 627  0
                 if ( svnRepo.getUrl().startsWith( "https://" ) )
 629  0
                     paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                                "report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.https" ) );
 632  0
                 else if ( svnRepo.getUrl().startsWith( "svn://" ) )
 634  0
                     paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                                "report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.svn" ) );
 637  0
                 else if ( svnRepo.getUrl().startsWith( "svn+ssh://" ) )
 639  0
                     paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                                "report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.svnssh" ) );
 644  0
                     paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale,
                                                "report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.other" ) );
 649  0
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 651  0
             sb.append( "$ svn checkout " ).append( svnRepo.getUrl() ).append( " " ).append( checkoutDirectoryName );
 653  0
             verbatimText( sb.toString() );
 655  0
             paragraph( i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, "report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro2" ) );
 657  0
             sb = new StringBuffer();
 658  0
             sb.append( "$ svn commit --username your-username -m \"A message\"" );
 660  0
             verbatimText( sb.toString() );
 661  0
          * Return a <code>SCM repository</code> defined by a given url
          * @param scmUrl an SCM URL
          * @return a valid SCM repository or null
         public ScmRepository getScmRepository( String scmUrl )
 671  5
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( scmUrl ) )
 673  2
                 return null;
 676  3
             ScmRepository repo = null;
 677  3
             List messages = new ArrayList();
 680  3
                 messages.addAll( scmManager.validateScmRepository( scmUrl ) );
 682  2
             catch ( Exception e )
 684  2
                 messages.add( e.getMessage() );
 685  1
 687  3
             if ( messages.size() > 0 )
 689  3
                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 690  3
                 boolean isIntroAdded = false;
 691  3
                 for ( Iterator it = messages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 693  3
                     String msg =;
                     // Ignore NoSuchScmProviderException msg
                     // See impl of AbstractScmManager#validateScmRepository()
 697  3
                     if ( msg.startsWith( "No such provider" ) )
 699  0
 702  3
                     if ( !isIntroAdded )
 704  3
                         sb.append( "This SCM url '" + scmUrl + "' is invalid due to the following errors:" );
 705  3
                         sb.append( "\n" );
 706  3
                         isIntroAdded = true;
 708  3
                     sb.append( " * " );
 709  3
                     sb.append( msg );
 710  3
                     sb.append( "\n" );
 711  3
 713  3
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( sb.toString() ) )
 715  3
                     sb.append( "For more information about SCM URL Format, please refer to: "
                         + "" );
 718  3
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException( sb.toString() );
 724  0
                 repo = scmManager.makeScmRepository( scmUrl );
 726  0
             catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException e )
 728  0
                 if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
 730  0
                     log.debug( e.getMessage(), e );
 733  0
             catch ( ScmRepositoryException e )
 735  0
                 if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
 737  0
                     log.debug( e.getMessage(), e );
 740  0
             catch ( Exception e )
                 // Should be already catched
 743  0
                 if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
 745  0
                     log.debug( e.getMessage(), e );
 747  0
 749  0
             return repo;
          * Convenience method that return true is the defined <code>SCM repository</code> is a known provider.
          * <p>
          * Actually, we fully support Clearcase, CVS, Perforce, Starteam, SVN by the maven-scm-providers component.
          * </p>
          * @param scmRepository a SCM repository
          * @param scmProvider a SCM provider name
          * @return true if the provider of the given SCM repository is equal to the given scm provider.
          * @see <a href="">maven-scm-providers</a>
         private static boolean isScmSystem( ScmRepository scmRepository, String scmProvider )
 765  10
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( scmProvider ) )
 767  0
                 return false;
 770  10
             if ( scmRepository != null && scmProvider.equalsIgnoreCase( scmRepository.getProvider() ) )
 772  0
                 return true;
 775  10
             return false;