Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.pmd.model.Violation
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.pmd.model;
  * Class Violation.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  18
 public class Violation
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field beginline.
 27  18
     private int beginline = 0;
      * Field violationClass.
     private String violationClass;
      * Field violationPackage.
     private String violationPackage;
      * Field rule.
     private String rule;
      * Field priority.
 47  18
     private int priority = 0;
      * Field text.
     private String text;
      //- Methods -/
      * Get the beginline field.
      * @return int
     public int getBeginline()
 66  6
         return this.beginline;
     } //-- int getBeginline()
      * Get the priority field.
      * @return int
     public int getPriority()
 76  24
         return this.priority;
     } //-- int getPriority()
      * Get the rule field.
      * @return String
     public String getRule()
 86  6
         return this.rule;
     } //-- String getRule()
      * Get the text field.
      * @return String
     public String getText()
 96  6
         return this.text;
     } //-- String getText()
      * Get the violationClass field.
      * @return String
     public String getViolationClass()
 106  11
         return this.violationClass;
     } //-- String getViolationClass()
      * Get the violationPackage field.
      * @return String
     public String getViolationPackage()
 116  28
         return this.violationPackage;
     } //-- String getViolationPackage()
      * Set the beginline field.
      * @param beginline
     public void setBeginline( int beginline )
 126  18
         this.beginline = beginline;
 127  18
     } //-- void setBeginline( int )
      * Set the priority field.
      * @param priority
     public void setPriority( int priority )
 136  18
         this.priority = priority;
 137  18
     } //-- void setPriority( int )
      * Set the rule field.
      * @param rule
     public void setRule( String rule )
 146  18
         this.rule = rule;
 147  18
     } //-- void setRule( String )
      * Set the text field.
      * @param text
     public void setText( String text )
 156  18
         this.text = text;
 157  18
     } //-- void setText( String )
      * Set the violationClass field.
      * @param violationClass
     public void setViolationClass( String violationClass )
 166  15
         this.violationClass = violationClass;
 167  15
     } //-- void setViolationClass( String )
      * Set the violationPackage field.
      * @param violationPackage
     public void setViolationPackage( String violationPackage )
 176  18
         this.violationPackage = violationPackage;
 177  18
     } //-- void setViolationPackage( String )
             private String fileName;
             public void setFileName( String fileName )
 185  18
               this.fileName = fileName;
 186  18
             public String getFileName()
 190  1
               return fileName;