Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugins.pdf.PdfMojo
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugins.pdf;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.Doxia;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.AbstractDocumentRenderer;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.DocumentRenderer;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.DocumentRendererContext;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.DocumentRendererException;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.pdf.PdfRenderer;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentMeta;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentModel;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTOCItem;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.index.IndexEntry;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.index.IndexingSink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.markup.HtmlMarkup;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.module.xdoc.XdocSink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.parser.ParseException;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.parser.manager.ParserNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkAdapter;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributeSet;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributes;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.SiteRenderingContext;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
 import org.apache.maven.model.MailingList;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin;
 import org.apache.maven.model.ReportSet;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.InvalidPluginException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginConfigurationException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManager;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManagerException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionResolutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder;
 import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReportRenderer;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
 import org.codehaus.classworlds.ClassRealm;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.PathTool;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.WriterFactory;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
 import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
  * Generates a PDF document for a project.
  * @author ltheussl
  * @version $Id: 1396150 2012-10-09 18:15:29Z krosenvold $
 @Mojo( name = "pdf", threadSafe = true )
 116  8
 public class PdfMojo
     extends AbstractMojo
      * The vm line separator
 122  2
     private static final String EOL = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Mojo components
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * FO Document Renderer.
     @Component( hint = "fo" )
     private PdfRenderer foRenderer;
      * Internationalization.
     private I18N i18n;
      * IText Document Renderer.
     @Component( hint = "itext" )
     private PdfRenderer itextRenderer;
      * A comma separated list of locales supported by Maven.
      * The first valid token will be the default Locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
     @Parameter( property = "locales" )
     private String locales;
      * Site renderer.
     private Renderer siteRenderer;
      * SiteTool.
     private SiteTool siteTool;
      * The Plugin manager instance used to resolve Plugin descriptors.
      * @since 1.1
     @Component( role = PluginManager.class )
     private PluginManager pluginManager;
      * Doxia.
      * @since 1.1
     private Doxia doxia;
      * Factory for creating artifact objects.
      * @since 1.1
     private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
      * Project builder.
      * @since 1.1
     private MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Mojo Parameters
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * The Maven Project Object.
     private MavenProject project;
      * The Maven Settings.
      * @since 1.1
     private Settings settings;
      * The current build session instance.
      * @since 1.1
     private MavenSession session;
      * Directory containing source for apt, fml and xdoc docs.
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "${basedir}/src/site", required = true )
     private File siteDirectory;
      * Directory containing generated sources for apt, fml and xdoc docs.
      * @since 1.1
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "${}/generated-site", required = true )
     private File generatedSiteDirectory;
      * Output directory where PDF files should be created.
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "${}/pdf", required = true )
     private File outputDirectory;
      * Working directory for working files like temp files/resources.
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "${}/pdf", required = true )
     private File workingDirectory;
      * File that contains the DocumentModel of the PDF to generate.
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "src/site/pdf.xml" )
     private File docDescriptor;
      * Identifies the framework to use for pdf generation: either "fo" (default) or "itext".
     @Parameter( property = "implementation", defaultValue = "fo", required = true )
     private String implementation;
      * The local repository.
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "${localRepository}", required = true, readonly = true )
     private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
      * The remote repositories where artifacts are located.
      * @since 1.1
     @Parameter( property = "project.remoteArtifactRepositories" )
     private List remoteRepositories;
      * If <code>true</false>, aggregate all source documents in one pdf, otherwise generate one pdf for each
      * source document.
     @Parameter( property = "aggregate", defaultValue = "true" )
     private boolean aggregate;
      * The current version of this plugin.
     @Parameter( defaultValue = "${plugin.version}", readonly = true )
     private String pluginVersion;
      * If <code>true</false>, generate all Maven reports defined in <code>${project.reporting}</code> and append
      * them as a new entry in the TOC (Table Of Contents).
      * <b>Note</b>: Including the report generation could fail the PDF generation or increase the build time.
      * @since 1.1
     @Parameter( property = "includeReports", defaultValue = "true" )
     private boolean includeReports;
      * Generate a TOC (Table Of Content) for all items defined in the &lt;toc/&gt; element from the document descriptor.
      * <br/>
      * Possible values are: 'none', 'start' and 'end'.
      * @since 1.1
     @Parameter( property = "generateTOC", defaultValue = "start" )
     private String generateTOC;
      * Whether to validate xml input documents.
      * If set to true, <strong>all</strong> input documents in xml format
      * (in particular xdoc and fml) will be validated and any error will
      * lead to a build failure.
      * @since 1.2
     @Parameter( property = "validate", defaultValue = "false" )
     private boolean validate;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Instance fields
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * The current document Renderer.
      * @see #implementation
     private DocumentRenderer docRenderer;
      * The default locale.
     private Locale defaultLocale;
      * The available locales list.
     private List localesList;
      * The default decoration model.
     private DecorationModel defaultDecorationModel;
      * The temp Site dir to have all site and generated-site files.
      * @since 1.1
     private File siteDirectoryTmp;
      * The temp Generated Site dir to have generated reports by this plugin.
      * @since 1.1
     private File generatedSiteDirectoryTmp;
      * A map of generated MavenReport list using locale as key.
      * @since 1.1
     private Map generatedMavenReports;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Public methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void execute()
         throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
 373  8
 377  8
 379  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 381  0
             debugLogGeneratedModel( getDocumentModel( Locale.ENGLISH ) );
 383  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error during document generation: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 384  8
 388  8
 390  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 392  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error copying generated PDF: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 393  8
 394  8
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Init and validate parameters
     private void init()
 405  8
         if ( "fo".equalsIgnoreCase( implementation ) )
 407  6
             this.docRenderer = foRenderer;
 409  2
         else if ( "itext".equalsIgnoreCase( implementation ) )
 411  2
             this.docRenderer = itextRenderer;
 415  0
             getLog().warn( "Invalid 'implementation' parameter: '" + implementation
                     + "', using 'fo' as default." );
 418  0
             this.docRenderer = foRenderer;
 421  8
         if ( !( "none".equalsIgnoreCase( generateTOC )
                 || "start".equalsIgnoreCase( generateTOC ) || "end".equalsIgnoreCase( generateTOC ) ) )
 424  0
             getLog().warn( "Invalid 'generateTOC' parameter: '" + generateTOC
                     + "', using 'start' as default." );
 427  0
             this.generateTOC = "start";
 429  8
      * Copy the generated PDF to outputDirectory.
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private void copyGeneratedPdf()
         throws MojoExecutionException, IOException
 441  8
         if ( outputDirectory.getCanonicalPath().equals( workingDirectory.getCanonicalPath() ) )
 443  8
 446  0
         String outputName = getDocumentModel( getDefaultLocale() ).getOutputName().trim();
 447  0
         if ( !outputName.endsWith( ".pdf" ) )
 449  0
             outputName = outputName.concat( ".pdf" );
 452  0
         for ( final Iterator iterator = getAvailableLocales().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 454  0
             final Locale locale = (Locale);
 456  0
             File generatedPdfSource = new File( getLocaleDirectory( workingDirectory, locale), outputName );
 458  0
             if ( !generatedPdfSource.exists() )
 460  0
                 getLog().warn( "Unable to find the generated pdf: " + generatedPdfSource.getAbsolutePath() );
 461  0
 464  0
             File generatedPdfDest = new File( getLocaleDirectory( outputDirectory, locale), outputName );
 466  0
             FileUtils.copyFile( generatedPdfSource, generatedPdfDest );
 467  0
 468  0
 469  0
      * Generate the PDF.
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private void generatePdf()
         throws MojoExecutionException, IOException
 481  8
         Locale.setDefault( getDefaultLocale() );
 483  8
         for ( final Iterator iterator = getAvailableLocales().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 485  8
             final Locale locale = (Locale);
 487  8
             final File workingDir = getLocaleDirectory( workingDirectory, locale );
 489  8
             File siteDirectoryFile = getLocaleDirectory( getSiteDirectoryTmp(), locale );
 491  8
             copyResources( locale );
 493  8
             generateMavenReports( locale );
 495  8
             DocumentRendererContext context = new DocumentRendererContext();
 496  8
             context.put( "project", project );
 497  8
             context.put( "settings", settings );
 498  8
             context.put( "PathTool", new PathTool() );
 499  8
             context.put( "FileUtils", new FileUtils() );
 500  8
             context.put( "StringUtils", new StringUtils() );
 501  8
             context.put( "i18n", i18n );
 502  8
             context.put( "generateTOC", generateTOC );
 503  8
             context.put( "validate", Boolean.valueOf( validate ) );
 505  8
             final DocumentModel model = aggregate ? getDocumentModel( locale ) : null;
                 // TODO use interface see DOXIASITETOOLS-30
 510  8
                 ( (AbstractDocumentRenderer) docRenderer ).render( siteDirectoryFile, workingDir, model, context );
 512  0
             catch ( DocumentRendererException e )
 514  0
                 throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error during document generation: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 515  8
 516  8
 517  8
      * @return the default tmpSiteDirectory.
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private File getSiteDirectoryTmp()
         throws IOException
 527  8
         if ( this.siteDirectoryTmp == null )
 529  8
             final File tmpSiteDir = new File( workingDirectory, "site.tmp" );
 530  8
             prepareTempSiteDirectory( tmpSiteDir );
 532  8
             this.siteDirectoryTmp = tmpSiteDir;
 535  8
         return this.siteDirectoryTmp;
      * @return the default tmpGeneratedSiteDirectory when report will be created.
      * @since 1.1
     private File getGeneratedSiteDirectoryTmp()
 544  0
         if ( this.generatedSiteDirectoryTmp == null )
 546  0
             this.generatedSiteDirectoryTmp = new File( workingDirectory, "generated-site.tmp" );
 549  0
         return this.generatedSiteDirectoryTmp;
      * Copy all site and generated-site files in the tmpSiteDirectory.
      * <br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: ignore copying of <code>generated-site</code> files if they already exist in the
      * <code>site</code> dir.
      * @param tmpSiteDir not null
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private void prepareTempSiteDirectory( final File tmpSiteDir )
         throws IOException
         // safety
 566  8
         // copy site
 569  8
         if ( siteDirectory.exists() )
 571  8
             FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( siteDirectory, tmpSiteDir );
         // Remove SCM files
 575  8
         List files =
             FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( tmpSiteDir, FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsString(), null, true,
                                                 true, true, true );
 578  8
         for ( final Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 580  0
             final File file = new File( );
 582  0
             if ( file.isDirectory() )
 584  0
                 FileUtils.deleteDirectory( file );
 588  0
 590  0
 592  8
         copySiteDir( generatedSiteDirectory, tmpSiteDir );
 593  8
      * Copy the from site dir to the to dir.
      * @param from not null
      * @param to not null
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private void copySiteDir( final File from, final File to )
         throws IOException
 606  8
         if ( from == null || !from.exists() )
 608  8
         // copy generated-site
 612  0
         for ( final Iterator iterator = getAvailableLocales().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 614  0
             final Locale locale = (Locale);
 616  0
             String excludes = getDefaultExcludesWithLocales( getAvailableLocales(), getDefaultLocale() );
 617  0
             List siteFiles = FileUtils.getFileNames( siteDirectory, "**/*", excludes, false );
 618  0
             File siteDirectoryLocale = new File( siteDirectory, locale.getLanguage() );
 619  0
             if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( getDefaultLocale().getLanguage() ) && siteDirectoryLocale.exists() )
 621  0
                 siteFiles = FileUtils.getFileNames( siteDirectoryLocale, "**/*", excludes, false );
 624  0
             List generatedSiteFiles = FileUtils.getFileNames( from, "**/*", excludes, false );
 625  0
             File fromLocale = new File( from, locale.getLanguage() );
 626  0
             if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( getDefaultLocale().getLanguage() ) && fromLocale.exists() )
 628  0
                 generatedSiteFiles = FileUtils.getFileNames( fromLocale, "**/*", excludes, false );
 631  0
             for ( final Iterator it = generatedSiteFiles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 633  0
                 final String generatedSiteFile =;
 635  0
                 if ( siteFiles.contains( generatedSiteFile ) )
 637  0
                     getLog().warn( "Generated-site already contains a file in site: " + generatedSiteFile
                                        + ". Ignoring copying it!" );
 639  0
 642  0
                 if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( getDefaultLocale().getLanguage() ) )
 644  0
                     if ( fromLocale.exists() )
 646  0
                         File in = new File( fromLocale, generatedSiteFile );
 647  0
                         File out = new File( new File( to, locale.getLanguage() ), generatedSiteFile );
 648  0
 649  0
                         FileUtils.copyFile( in, out );
 650  0
 654  0
                     File in = new File( from, generatedSiteFile );
 655  0
                     File out = new File( to, generatedSiteFile );
 656  0
 657  0
                     FileUtils.copyFile( in, out );
 659  0
 660  0
 661  0
      * Constructs a DocumentModel for the current project. The model is either read from
      * a descriptor file, if it exists, or constructed from information in the pom and site.xml.
      * @param locale not null
      * @return DocumentModel.
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @see #appendGeneratedReports(DocumentModel, Locale)
     private DocumentModel getDocumentModel( Locale locale )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 675  8
         if ( docDescriptor.exists() )
 677  6
             DocumentModel doc = getDocumentModelFromDescriptor( locale );
             // TODO: descriptor model should get merged into default model, see MODELLO-63
 680  6
             appendGeneratedReports( doc, locale );
 682  6
             return doc;
 685  2
         DocumentModel model = new DocumentModelBuilder( project, getDefaultDecorationModel() ).getDocumentModel();
 687  2
         model.getMeta().setGenerator( getDefaultGenerator() );
 688  2
         model.getMeta().setLanguage( locale.getLanguage() );
 689  2
         model.getCover().setCoverType( i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", getDefaultLocale(), "toc.type" ) );
 690  2
         model.getToc().setName( i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", getDefaultLocale(), "toc.title" ) );
 692  2
         appendGeneratedReports( model, locale );
 694  2
         debugLogGeneratedModel( model );
 696  2
         return model;
      * Read a DocumentModel from a file.
      * @param locale used to set the language.
      * @return the DocumentModel read from the configured document descriptor.
      * @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException if the model could not be read.
     private DocumentModel getDocumentModelFromDescriptor( Locale locale )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 709  6
         DocumentModel model = null;
 713  6
             model =
                 new DocumentDescriptorReader( project, getLog() ).readAndFilterDocumentDescriptor( docDescriptor );
 716  0
         catch ( XmlPullParserException ex )
 718  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error reading DocumentDescriptor!", ex );
 720  0
         catch ( IOException io )
 722  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error opening DocumentDescriptor!", io );
 723  6
 725  6
         if ( model.getMeta() == null )
 727  0
             model.setMeta( new DocumentMeta() );
 730  6
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( model.getMeta().getLanguage() ) )
 732  0
             model.getMeta().setLanguage( locale.getLanguage() );
 735  6
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( model.getMeta().getGenerator() ) )
 737  6
             model.getMeta().setGenerator( getDefaultGenerator() );
 740  6
         return model;
      * Return the directory for a given Locale and the current default Locale.
      * @param basedir the base directory
      * @param locale a Locale.
      * @return File.
     private File getLocaleDirectory( File basedir, Locale locale )
 752  16
         if ( locale.getLanguage().equals( getDefaultLocale().getLanguage() ) )
 754  16
             return basedir;
 757  0
         return new File( basedir, locale.getLanguage() );
      * @return the default locale from <code>siteTool</code>.
      * @see #getAvailableLocales()
     private Locale getDefaultLocale()
 766  36
         if ( this.defaultLocale == null )
 768  8
             this.defaultLocale = (Locale) getAvailableLocales().get( 0 );
 771  36
         return this.defaultLocale;
      * @return the available locales from <code>siteTool</code>.
      * @see SiteTool#getAvailableLocales(String)
     private List getAvailableLocales()
 780  16
         if ( this.localesList == null )
 782  8
             this.localesList = siteTool.getAvailableLocales( locales );
 785  16
         return this.localesList;
      * @return the DecorationModel instance from <code>site.xml</code>
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
     private DecorationModel getDefaultDecorationModel()
         throws MojoExecutionException
 795  10
         if ( this.defaultDecorationModel == null )
 797  8
             final Locale locale = getDefaultLocale();
 799  8
             final File basedir = project.getBasedir();
 800  8
             final String relativePath =
                 siteTool.getRelativePath( siteDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), basedir.getAbsolutePath() );
 803  8
             final File descriptorFile = siteTool.getSiteDescriptorFromBasedir( relativePath, basedir, locale );
 804  8
             DecorationModel decoration = null;
 806  8
             if ( descriptorFile.exists() )
 808  8
                 XmlStreamReader reader = null;
 811  8
                     reader = new XmlStreamReader( descriptorFile );
 812  8
                     String enc = reader.getEncoding();
 814  8
                     String siteDescriptorContent = IOUtil.toString( reader );
 815  8
                     siteDescriptorContent =
                         siteTool.getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent( new HashMap( 2 ), project,
                                                                        siteDescriptorContent, enc, enc );
 819  8
                     decoration = new DecorationXpp3Reader().read( new StringReader( siteDescriptorContent ) );
 821  0
                 catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
 823  0
                     throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error parsing site descriptor", e );
 825  0
                 catch ( IOException e )
 827  0
                     throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error reading site descriptor", e );
 829  0
                 catch ( SiteToolException e )
 831  0
                     throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error when interpoling site descriptor", e );
 835  8
                     IOUtil.close( reader );
 836  8
 839  8
             this.defaultDecorationModel = decoration;
 842  10
         return this.defaultDecorationModel;
      * Parse the decoration model to find the skin artifact and copy its resources to the output dir.
      * @param locale not null
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @see #getDefaultDecorationModel()
     private void copyResources( Locale locale )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 855  8
         final DecorationModel decorationModel = getDefaultDecorationModel();
 856  8
         if ( decorationModel == null )
 858  0
         File skinFile;
 864  8
             skinFile =
                 siteTool.getSkinArtifactFromRepository( localRepository, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(),
                                                         decorationModel ).getFile();
 868  0
         catch ( SiteToolException e )
 870  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "SiteToolException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 871  8
 873  8
         if ( skinFile == null )
 875  0
 878  8
         if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
 880  0
             getLog().debug( "Copy resources from skin artifact: '" + skinFile + "'..." );
 885  8
             final SiteRenderingContext context =
                 siteRenderer.createContextForSkin( skinFile, new HashMap( 2 ), decorationModel, project.getName(),
                                                    locale );
 888  8
             context.addSiteDirectory( new File( siteDirectory, locale.getLanguage() ) );
 890  8
             for ( final Iterator i = context.getSiteDirectories().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 892  8
                 final File siteDirectoryFile = (File);
 894  8
                 siteRenderer.copyResources( context, new File( siteDirectoryFile, "resources" ), workingDirectory );
 895  8
 897  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 899  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "IOException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 900  8
 901  8
      * Construct a default producer.
      * @return A String in the form <code>Maven PDF Plugin v. 1.1.1, 'fo' implementation</code>.
     private String getDefaultGenerator()
 910  8
         return "Maven PDF Plugin v. " + pluginVersion + ", '" + implementation + "' implementation.";
      * Write the auto-generated model to disc.
      * @param docModel the model to write.
     private void debugLogGeneratedModel( final DocumentModel docModel )
 920  2
         if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() && project != null )
 922  0
             final File outputDir = new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "pdf" );
 924  0
             if ( !outputDir.exists() )
 926  0
 929  0
             final File doc = FileUtils.createTempFile( "pdf", ".xml", outputDir );
 930  0
             final DocumentXpp3Writer xpp3 = new DocumentXpp3Writer();
 932  0
             Writer w = null;
 935  0
                 w = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( doc );
 936  0
                 xpp3.write( w, docModel );
 938  0
                 getLog().debug( "Generated a default document model: " + doc.getAbsolutePath() );
 940  0
             catch ( IOException e )
 942  0
                 getLog().error( "Failed to write document model: " + e.getMessage() );
 943  0
                 getLog().debug( e );
 947  0
                 IOUtil.close( w );
 948  0
 950  2
      * Generate all Maven reports defined in <code>${project.reporting}</code> part
      * only if <code>generateReports</code> is enabled.
      * @param locale not null
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private void generateMavenReports( Locale locale )
         throws MojoExecutionException, IOException
 964  8
         if ( !includeReports )
 966  8
             getLog().info( "Skipped report generation." );
 967  8
 970  0
         if ( project.getReporting() == null )
 972  0
             getLog().info( "No report was specified." );
 973  0
 976  0
         for ( final Iterator it = project.getReporting().getPlugins().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 978  0
             final ReportPlugin reportPlugin = (ReportPlugin);
 980  0
             final PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = getPluginDescriptor( reportPlugin );
 982  0
             if ( pluginDescriptor != null )
 984  0
                 List goals = new ArrayList( 8 );
 985  0
                 for ( final Iterator it2 = reportPlugin.getReportSets().iterator(); it2.hasNext(); )
 987  0
                     final ReportSet reportSet = (ReportSet);
 989  0
                     for ( final Iterator it3 = reportSet.getReports().iterator(); it3.hasNext(); )
 991  0
                         goals.add( );
 993  0
 995  0
                 List mojoDescriptors = pluginDescriptor.getMojos();
 996  0
                 for ( final Iterator it2 = mojoDescriptors.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); )
 998  0
                     final MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = (MojoDescriptor);
 1000  0
                     if ( goals.isEmpty() || ( !goals.isEmpty() && goals.contains( mojoDescriptor.getGoal() ) ) )
 1002  0
                         MavenReport report = getMavenReport( mojoDescriptor );
 1004  0
                         generateMavenReport( mojoDescriptor, report, locale );
 1006  0
 1008  0
         // generate project-info report
 1011  0
         if ( !getGeneratedMavenReports( locale ).isEmpty() )
 1013  0
             File outDir = new File( getGeneratedSiteDirectoryTmp(), "xdoc" );
 1014  0
             if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( defaultLocale.getLanguage() ) )
 1016  0
                 outDir = new File( new File( getGeneratedSiteDirectoryTmp(), locale.getLanguage() ), "xdoc" );
 1018  0
 1020  0
             File piReport = new File( outDir, "project-info.xml" );
 1022  0
             StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
 1024  0
             PdfSink sink = new PdfSink( sw );
 1025  0
             ProjectInfoRenderer r = new ProjectInfoRenderer( sink, getGeneratedMavenReports( locale ), i18n, locale );
 1026  0
 1028  0
             writeGeneratedReport( sw.toString(), piReport );
         // copy generated site
 1032  0
         copySiteDir( getGeneratedSiteDirectoryTmp(), getSiteDirectoryTmp() );
 1033  0
         copySiteDir( generatedSiteDirectory, getSiteDirectoryTmp() );
 1034  0
      * TODO olamy : remove when maven 3 will be the de facto standard :-)
      * @param reportPlugin not null
      * @return the PluginDescriptor instance for the given reportPlugin.
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private PluginDescriptor getPluginDescriptor( ReportPlugin reportPlugin )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 1048  0
             return pluginManager.verifyReportPlugin( reportPlugin, project, session );
 1050  0
         catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
 1052  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "ArtifactResolutionException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1054  0
         catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e )
 1056  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "ArtifactNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1058  0
         catch ( PluginNotFoundException e )
 1060  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "PluginNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1062  0
         catch ( PluginVersionResolutionException e )
 1064  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "PluginVersionResolutionException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1066  0
         catch ( InvalidVersionSpecificationException e )
 1068  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "InvalidVersionSpecificationException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1070  0
         catch ( InvalidPluginException e )
 1072  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "InvalidPluginException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1074  0
         catch ( PluginManagerException e )
 1076  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "PluginManagerException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1078  0
         catch ( PluginVersionNotFoundException e )
 1080  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "PluginVersionNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1082  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodError e )
 1084  0
             getLog().info( "Ignoring api call removed in maven 3, no reports are generated!" );
 1085  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1086  0
             return null;
      * @param mojoDescriptor not null
      * @return the MavenReport instance for the given mojoDescriptor.
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private MavenReport getMavenReport( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 1099  0
         ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
 1102  0
                   .setContextClassLoader( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getClassRealm().getClassLoader() );
 1105  0
             MojoExecution mojoExecution = new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor );
 1107  0
             return pluginManager.getReport( project, mojoExecution, session );
 1109  0
         catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e )
 1111  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "ArtifactNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1113  0
         catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
 1115  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "ArtifactResolutionException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1117  0
         catch ( PluginConfigurationException e )
 1119  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "PluginConfigurationException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1121  0
         catch ( PluginManagerException e )
 1123  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "PluginManagerException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1127  0
             Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( oldClassLoader );
      * Generate the given Maven report only if it is not an external report and the report could be generated.
      * @param mojoDescriptor not null, to catch linkage error
      * @param report could be null
      * @param locale not null
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @throws MojoExecutionException if any
      * @see #isValidGeneratedReport(MojoDescriptor, File, String)
      * @since 1.1
     private void generateMavenReport( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor, MavenReport report, Locale locale )
         throws IOException, MojoExecutionException
 1145  0
         if ( report == null )
 1147  0
 1150  0
         String localReportName = report.getName( locale );
 1151  0
         if ( !report.canGenerateReport() )
 1153  0
             getLog().info( "Skipped \"" + localReportName + "\" report." );
 1154  0
             getLog().debug( "canGenerateReport() was false." );
 1156  0
 1159  0
         if ( report.isExternalReport() )
 1161  0
             getLog().info( "Skipped external \"" + localReportName + "\" report." );
 1162  0
             getLog().debug( "isExternalReport() was false." );
 1164  0
 1167  0
         for ( final Iterator it = getGeneratedMavenReports( locale ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1169  0
             MavenReport generatedReport = (MavenReport);
 1171  0
             if ( report.getName( locale ).equals( generatedReport.getName( locale ) ) )
 1173  0
                 if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
 1175  0
                     getLog().debug( report.getName( locale ) + " was already generated." );
 1177  0
 1179  0
 1181  0
         File outDir = new File( getGeneratedSiteDirectoryTmp(), "xdoc" );
 1182  0
         if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( defaultLocale.getLanguage() ) )
 1184  0
             outDir = new File( new File( getGeneratedSiteDirectoryTmp(), locale.getLanguage() ), "xdoc" );
 1186  0
 1188  0
         File generatedReport = new File( outDir, report.getOutputName() + ".xml" );
 1190  0
         String excludes = getDefaultExcludesWithLocales( getAvailableLocales(), getDefaultLocale() );
 1191  0
         List files = FileUtils.getFileNames( siteDirectory, "*/" + report.getOutputName() + ".*", excludes, false );
 1192  0
         if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( defaultLocale.getLanguage() ) )
 1194  0
             files =
                 FileUtils.getFileNames( new File( siteDirectory, locale.getLanguage() ), "*/"
                     + report.getOutputName() + ".*", excludes, false );
 1199  0
         if ( files.size() != 0 )
 1201  0
             String displayLanguage = locale.getDisplayLanguage( Locale.ENGLISH );
 1203  0
             if ( getLog().isInfoEnabled() )
 1205  0
                                "Skipped \"" + report.getName( locale ) + "\" report, file \""
                                    + report.getOutputName() + "\" already exists for the " + displayLanguage
                                    + " version." );
 1211  0
 1214  0
         if ( getLog().isInfoEnabled() )
 1216  0
             getLog().info( "Generating \"" + localReportName + "\" report." );
 1219  0
         StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
 1221  0
         PdfSink sink = null;
 1224  0
             sink = new PdfSink( sw );
 1225  0
             org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink proxy = (org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                 new Class[] { org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink.class }, new SinkDelegate( sink ) );
 1228  0
             report.generate( proxy, locale );
 1230  0
         catch ( MavenReportException e )
 1232  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "MavenReportException: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 1234  0
         catch ( LinkageError e )
 1236  0
             if ( getLog().isErrorEnabled() )
 1238  0
                 ClassRealm reportPluginRealm = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getClassRealm();
 1239  0
                 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 1024 );
 1240  0
                 sb.append( report.getClass().getName() ).append( "#generate(...) caused a linkage error (" );
 1241  0
                 sb.append( e.getClass().getName() )
                         .append( ") and may be out-of-date. Check the realms:" ).append( EOL );
 1243  0
                 sb.append( "Maven Report Plugin realm = " ).append( reportPluginRealm.getId() ).append( EOL );
 1244  0
                 for ( int i = 0; i < reportPluginRealm.getConstituents().length; i++ )
 1246  0
                     sb.append( "urls[" ).append( i ).append( "] = " ).append( reportPluginRealm.getConstituents()[i] );
 1247  0
                     if ( i != ( reportPluginRealm.getConstituents().length - 1 ) )
 1249  0
                         sb.append( EOL );
 1253  0
                 getLog().error( sb.toString() );
 1256  0
             throw e;
 1260  0
             if ( sink != null )
 1262  0
 1266  0
         writeGeneratedReport( sw.toString(), generatedReport );
 1268  0
         if ( isValidGeneratedReport( mojoDescriptor, generatedReport, localReportName ) )
 1270  0
             getGeneratedMavenReports( locale ).add( report );
 1272  0
      * @param locale not null
      * @return the generated reports
      * @see #generateMavenReport(MojoDescriptor, MavenReport, Locale)
      * @see #isValidGeneratedReport(MojoDescriptor, File, String)
      * @since 1.1
     private List getGeneratedMavenReports( Locale locale )
 1283  0
         if ( this.generatedMavenReports == null )
 1285  0
             this.generatedMavenReports = new HashMap( 2 );
 1288  0
         if ( this.generatedMavenReports.get( locale ) == null )
 1290  0
             this.generatedMavenReports.put( locale, new ArrayList( 2 ) );
 1293  0
         return ( (List) this.generatedMavenReports.get( locale ) );
      * Append generated reports to the toc only if <code>generateReports</code> is enabled, for instance:
      * <pre>
      * &lt;item name="Project Reports" ref="/project-info"&gt;
      * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;item name="Project License" ref="/license" /&gt;
      * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;item name="Project Team" ref="/team-list" /&gt;
      * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;item name="Continuous Integration" ref="/integration" /&gt;
      * &nbsp;&nbsp;...
      * &lt;/item&gt;
      * </pre>
      * @param model not null
      * @param locale not null
      * @see #generateMavenReports(Locale)
      * @since 1.1
     private void appendGeneratedReports( DocumentModel model, Locale locale )
 1314  8
         if ( !includeReports )
 1316  8
 1318  0
         if ( getGeneratedMavenReports( locale ).isEmpty() )
 1320  0
 1323  0
         final DocumentTOCItem documentTOCItem = new DocumentTOCItem();
 1324  0
         documentTOCItem.setName( i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "toc.project-info.item" ) );
 1325  0
         documentTOCItem.setRef( "/project-info" ); // see #generateMavenReports(Locale)
 1327  0
         List addedRef = new ArrayList( 4 );
 1329  0
         List items = new ArrayList( 4 );
         // append generated report defined as MavenReport
 1332  0
         for ( final Iterator it = getGeneratedMavenReports( locale ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1334  0
             final MavenReport report = (MavenReport);
 1336  0
             final DocumentTOCItem reportItem = new DocumentTOCItem();
 1337  0
             reportItem.setName( report.getName( locale ) );
 1338  0
             reportItem.setRef( "/" + report.getOutputName() );
 1340  0
             items.add( reportItem );
 1342  0
             addedRef.add( report.getOutputName() );
 1343  0
         // append all generated reports from generated-site
 1348  0
             if ( generatedSiteDirectory.exists() )
 1350  0
                 String excludes = getDefaultExcludesWithLocales( getAvailableLocales(), getDefaultLocale() );
 1351  0
                 List generatedDirs = FileUtils.getDirectoryNames( generatedSiteDirectory, "*", excludes, true );
 1352  0
                 if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( getDefaultLocale().getLanguage() ) )
 1354  0
                     generatedDirs =
                         FileUtils.getFileNames( new File( generatedSiteDirectory, locale.getLanguage() ), "*",
                                                 excludes, true );
 1359  0
                 for ( final Iterator it = generatedDirs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1361  0
                     final String generatedDir =;
 1363  0
                     List generatedFiles =
                         FileUtils.getFileNames( new File( generatedDir ), "**.*", excludes, false );
 1366  0
                     for ( final Iterator it2 = generatedFiles.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); )
 1368  0
                         final String generatedFile =;
 1369  0
                         final String ref = generatedFile.substring( 0, generatedFile.lastIndexOf( '.' ) );
 1371  0
                         if ( !addedRef.contains( ref ) )
 1373  0
                             final String title =
                                 getGeneratedDocumentTitle( new File( generatedDir, generatedFile ) );
 1376  0
                             if ( title != null )
 1378  0
                                 final DocumentTOCItem reportItem = new DocumentTOCItem();
 1379  0
                                 reportItem.setName( title );
 1380  0
                                 reportItem.setRef( "/" + ref );
 1382  0
                                 items.add( reportItem );
 1385  0
 1386  0
 1389  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 1391  0
             getLog().error( "IOException: " + e.getMessage() );
 1392  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1393  0
         // append to Toc
 1396  0
         documentTOCItem.setItems( items );
 1397  0
         model.getToc().addItem( documentTOCItem );
 1398  0
      * Parse a generated Doxia file and returns its title.
      * @param f not null
      * @return the xdoc file title or null if an error occurs.
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private String getGeneratedDocumentTitle( final File f )
         throws IOException
 1411  0
         final IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry( "index" );
 1412  0
         final IndexingSink titleSink = new IndexingSink( entry );
 1414  0
         Reader reader = null;
 1417  0
             reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( f );
 1419  0
             doxia.parse( reader, f.getParentFile().getName(), titleSink );
 1421  0
         catch ( ParseException e )
 1423  0
             getLog().error( "ParseException: " + e.getMessage() );
 1424  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1425  0
             return null;
 1427  0
         catch ( ParserNotFoundException e )
 1429  0
             getLog().error( "ParserNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage() );
 1430  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1431  0
             return null;
 1435  0
             IOUtil.close( reader );
 1436  0
 1438  0
         return titleSink.getTitle();
      * Parsing the generated report to see if it is correct or not. Log the error for the user.
      * @param mojoDescriptor not null
      * @param generatedReport not null
      * @param localReportName not null
      * @return <code>true</code> if Doxia is able to parse the generated report, <code>false</code> otherwise.
      * @since 1.1
     private boolean isValidGeneratedReport( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor, File generatedReport,
                                             String localReportName )
 1453  0
         SinkAdapter sinkAdapter = new SinkAdapter();
 1454  0
         Reader reader = null;
 1457  0
             reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( generatedReport );
 1459  0
             doxia.parse( reader, generatedReport.getParentFile().getName(), sinkAdapter );
 1461  0
         catch ( ParseException e )
 1463  0
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 1024 );
 1465  0
             sb.append( EOL ).append( EOL );
 1466  0
             sb.append( "Error when parsing the generated report: " ).append( generatedReport.getAbsolutePath() );
 1467  0
             sb.append( EOL );
 1468  0
             sb.append( e.getMessage() );
 1469  0
             sb.append( EOL ).append( EOL );
 1471  0
             sb.append( "You could:" ).append( EOL );
 1472  0
             sb.append( "  * exclude all reports using -DincludeReports=false" ).append( EOL );
 1473  0
             sb.append( "  * remove the " );
 1474  0
             sb.append( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getGroupId() );
 1475  0
             sb.append( ":" );
 1476  0
             sb.append( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getArtifactId() );
 1477  0
             sb.append( ":" );
 1478  0
             sb.append( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getVersion() );
 1479  0
             sb.append( " from the <reporting/> part. To not affect the site generation, " );
 1480  0
             sb.append( "you could create a PDF profile." ).append( EOL );
 1481  0
             sb.append( EOL );
 1483  0
             MavenProject pluginProject = getReportPluginProject( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor() );
 1485  0
             if ( pluginProject == null )
 1487  0
                 sb.append( "You could also contact the Plugin team." ).append( EOL );
 1491  0
                 sb.append( "You could also contact the Plugin team:" ).append( EOL );
 1492  0
                 if ( pluginProject.getMailingLists() != null && !pluginProject.getMailingLists().isEmpty() )
 1494  0
                     boolean appended = false;
 1495  0
                     for ( Iterator i = pluginProject.getMailingLists().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 1497  0
                         MailingList mailingList = (MailingList);
 1499  0
                         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( mailingList.getName() )
                             && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( mailingList.getPost() ) )
 1502  0
                             if ( !appended )
 1504  0
                                 sb.append( "  Mailing Lists:" ).append( EOL );
 1505  0
                                 appended = true;
 1507  0
                             sb.append( "    " ).append( mailingList.getName() );
 1508  0
                             sb.append( ": " ).append( mailingList.getPost() );
 1509  0
                             sb.append( EOL );
 1511  0
 1513  0
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pluginProject.getUrl() ) )
 1515  0
                     sb.append( "  Web Site:" ).append( EOL );
 1516  0
                     sb.append( "    " ).append( pluginProject.getUrl() );
 1517  0
                     sb.append( EOL );
 1519  0
                 if ( pluginProject.getIssueManagement() != null
                     && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pluginProject.getIssueManagement().getUrl() ) )
 1522  0
                     sb.append( "  Issue Tracking:" ).append( EOL );
 1523  0
                     sb.append( "    " ).append( pluginProject.getIssueManagement().getUrl() );
 1524  0
                     sb.append( EOL );
 1528  0
             sb.append( EOL ).append( "Ignoring the \"" ).append( localReportName )
                     .append( "\" report in the PDF." ).append( EOL );
 1531  0
             getLog().error( sb.toString() );
 1532  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1534  0
             return false;
 1536  0
         catch ( ParserNotFoundException e )
 1538  0
             getLog().error( "ParserNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage() );
 1539  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1541  0
             return false;
 1543  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 1545  0
             getLog().error( "IOException: " + e.getMessage() );
 1546  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1548  0
             return false;
 1552  0
             IOUtil.close( reader );
 1553  0
 1555  0
         return true;
      * @param pluginDescriptor not null
      * @return the MavenProject for the current plugin descriptor or null if an error occurred.
      * @since 1.1
     private MavenProject getReportPluginProject( PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
 1565  0
         Artifact artifact =
             artifactFactory.createProjectArtifact( pluginDescriptor.getGroupId(),
                                                    pluginDescriptor.getVersion(), Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
 1571  0
             return mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( artifact, remoteRepositories, localRepository );
 1573  0
         catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
 1575  0
             getLog().error( "ProjectBuildingException: " + e.getMessage() );
 1576  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1579  0
         return null;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // static methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Write the given content to the given file.
      * <br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: try also to fix the content due to some issues in
      * {@link org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport}.
      * @param content the given content
      * @param toFile the report file
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1
     private static void writeGeneratedReport( String content, File toFile )
         throws IOException
 1600  0
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( content ) )
 1602  0
 1605  0
         Writer writer = null;
 1608  0
             writer = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( toFile );
             // see PdfSink#table()
 1610  0
             writer.write( StringUtils.replace( content, "<table><table", "<table" ) );
 1614  0
             IOUtil.close( writer );
 1615  0
 1616  0
      * @param locales the list of locales dir to exclude
      * @param defaultLocale the default locale.
      * @return the comma separated list of default excludes and locales dir.
      * @see FileUtils#getDefaultExcludesAsString()
      * @since 1.1
     private static String getDefaultExcludesWithLocales( List locales, Locale defaultLocale )
 1627  0
         String excludesLocales = FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsString();
 1628  0
         for ( final Iterator it = locales.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1630  0
             final Locale locale = (Locale);
 1632  0
             if ( !locale.getLanguage().equals( defaultLocale.getLanguage() ) )
 1634  0
                 excludesLocales = excludesLocales + ",**/" + locale.getLanguage() + "/*";
 1636  0
 1638  0
         return excludesLocales;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Inner class
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * A sink to generate a Maven report as xdoc with some known workarounds.
      * @since 1.1
     private static class PdfSink
         extends XdocSink
         protected PdfSink( Writer writer )
 1655  0
             super( writer );
 1656  0
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public void table()
 1661  0
             // workaround to fix reporting-impl issue, no call of tableRows( justification, grid )
 1664  0
             writeStartTag( HtmlMarkup.TABLE );
 1665  0
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public void text( String text )
             // workaround to fix quotes introduced with MPIR-59 (then removed in MPIR-136)
 1671  0
             super.text( StringUtils.replace( text, "\u0092", "'" ) );
 1672  0
      * Renderer Maven report similar to
      * @since 1.1
     private static class ProjectInfoRenderer
         extends AbstractMavenReportRenderer
         private final List generatedReports;
         private final I18N i18n;
         private final Locale locale;
         ProjectInfoRenderer( Sink sink, List generatedReports, I18N i18n, Locale locale )
 1691  0
             super( sink );
 1693  0
             this.generatedReports = generatedReports;
 1694  0
             this.i18n = i18n;
 1695  0
             this.locale = locale;
 1696  0
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public String getTitle()
 1701  0
             return i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.title" );
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public void renderBody()
 1707  0
 1708  0
 1709  0
             sink.text( i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.title" ) );
 1710  0
 1712  0
 1713  0
             sink.text( i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.description1" ) + " " );
 1714  0
    "" );
 1715  0
             sink.text( "Maven" );
 1716  0
 1717  0
             sink.text( " " + i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.description2" ) );
 1718  0
 1720  0
 1721  0
 1722  0
             sink.text( i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.sectionTitle" ) );
 1723  0
 1725  0
 1727  0
             sink.tableRows( new int[] { Sink.JUSTIFY_LEFT, Sink.JUSTIFY_LEFT }, false );
 1729  0
             String name = i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.column.document" );
 1730  0
             String description = i18n.getString( "pdf-plugin", locale, "report.project-info.column.description" );
 1732  0
 1734  0
             sink.tableHeaderCell( SinkEventAttributeSet.CENTER );
 1736  0
             sink.text( name );
 1738  0
 1740  0
             sink.tableHeaderCell( SinkEventAttributeSet.CENTER );
 1742  0
             sink.text( description );
 1744  0
 1746  0
 1748  0
             if ( generatedReports != null )
 1750  0
                 for ( final Iterator it = generatedReports.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1752  0
                     final MavenReport report = (MavenReport);
 1754  0
 1755  0
 1756  0
            report.getOutputName() + ".html" );
 1757  0
                     sink.text( report.getName( locale ) );
 1758  0
 1759  0
 1760  0
 1761  0
                     sink.text( report.getDescription( locale ) );
 1762  0
 1763  0
 1764  0
 1767  0
 1769  0
 1771  0
 1773  0
 1774  0
      * Delegates the method invocations on <code>org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink@maven-core-realm</code> to
      * <code>org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink@pdf-plugin-realm</code>.
      * @author Benjamin Bentmann
 1783  8
     private static class SinkDelegate
         implements InvocationHandler
         private final Sink sink;
         SinkDelegate( Sink sink )
 1789  0
 1790  0
             this.sink = sink;
 1791  0
         /** {@inheritDoc} */
         public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args )
             throws Throwable
 1797  0
             Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
 1799  0
             for ( int i = parameterTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
 1801  0
                 if ( AttributeSet.class.isAssignableFrom( parameterTypes[i] ) )
 1803  0
                     parameterTypes[i] = SinkEventAttributes.class;
 1807  0
             if ( args != null )
 1809  0
                 for ( int i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
 1811  0
                     if ( AttributeSet.class.isInstance( args[i] ) )
 1813  0
                         args[i] = new SinkEventAttributeSet( (AttributeSet) args[i] );
 1818  0
             Method target = Sink.class.getMethod( method.getName(), parameterTypes );
 1820  0
             return target.invoke( sink, args );