Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugins.pdf.DocumentModelBuilder
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 package org.apache.maven.plugins.pdf;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentAuthor;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentCover;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentMeta;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentModel;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTOC;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTOCItem;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Developer;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
  * Construct a DocumentModel from a MavenProject and related information.
  * @author ltheussl
  * @version $Id: 1396150 2012-10-09 18:15:29Z krosenvold $
 public class DocumentModelBuilder
     /** A MavenProject to extract the information. */
     private final MavenProject project;
     /** A DecorationModel to extract additional information. */
     private final DecorationModel decorationModel;
      * Constructor. Initialize a MavenProject to extract information from.
      * @param project a MavenProject. May be null.
     public DocumentModelBuilder( MavenProject project )
 66  4
         this( project, null );
 67  4
      * Constructor. Initialize a MavenProject and a DecorationModel to extract information from.
      * @param project a MavenProject. May be null.
      * @param decorationModel a DecorationModel. May be null.
     public DocumentModelBuilder( MavenProject project, DecorationModel decorationModel )
 76  8
 77  8
         this.project = project;
 78  8
         this.decorationModel = decorationModel;
 79  8
      * Get a DocumentModel.
      * @return a DocumentModel. Always non-null.
     public DocumentModel getDocumentModel()
 88  8
         return getDocumentModel( project, decorationModel, null );
      * Get a DocumentModel.
      * @param date overrides the default date in meta- and cover information.
      * @return a DocumentModel. Always non-null.
     public DocumentModel getDocumentModel( Date date )
 99  0
         return getDocumentModel( project, decorationModel, date );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Extract a DocumentModel from a MavenProject.
      * @param project a MavenProject. May be null.
      * @param decorationModel a DecorationModel. May be null.
      * @param date the date of the TOC. May be null in which case the build date will be used.
      * @return a DocumentModel. Always non-null.
     private static DocumentModel getDocumentModel( MavenProject project,
             DecorationModel decorationModel, Date date )
 118  8
         final Date now = ( date == null ? new Date() : date );
 120  8
         final DocumentModel docModel = new DocumentModel();
 122  8
         docModel.setModelEncoding( getProjectModelEncoding( project ) );
 123  8
         docModel.setOutputName( project == null || project.getArtifactId() == null
                 ? "unnamed" : project.getArtifactId() );
 125  8
         docModel.setMeta( getDocumentMeta( project, now ) );
 126  8
         docModel.setCover( getDocumentCover( project, now ) );
 127  8
         docModel.setToc( getDocumentTOC( decorationModel ) );
 129  8
         return docModel;
      * Extract a DocumentTOC from a DecorationModel.
      * @param decorationModel a DecorationModel. May be null.
      * @return a DocumentTOC, always non-null.
     private static DocumentTOC getDocumentTOC( DecorationModel decorationModel )
 140  8
         final DocumentTOC toc = new DocumentTOC();
 142  8
         if ( decorationModel != null && decorationModel.getMenus() != null )
 144  4
             for ( final Iterator it = decorationModel.getMenus().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 146  4
                 final Menu menu = (Menu);
 148  4
                 for ( final Iterator it2 = menu.getItems().iterator(); it2.hasNext(); )
 150  10
                     final MenuItem item = (MenuItem);
 152  10
                     final DocumentTOCItem documentTOCItem = new DocumentTOCItem();
 153  10
                     documentTOCItem.setName( item.getName() );
 154  10
                     documentTOCItem.setRef( item.getHref() );
 155  10
                     toc.addItem( documentTOCItem );
 156  10
 157  4
 160  8
         return toc;
      * Extract meta information from a MavenProject.
      * @param project a MavenProject. May be null.
      * @param date the date to use in meta. May be null.
      * @return a DocumentMeta object. Always non-null.
     private static DocumentMeta getDocumentMeta( MavenProject project, Date date )
 173  8
         final DocumentMeta meta = new DocumentMeta();
 175  8
         meta.setAuthors( getAuthors( project ) );
 176  8
         meta.setCreationDate( date );
 177  8
         meta.setCreator( System.getProperty( "" ) );
 178  8
         meta.setDate( date );
 179  8
         meta.setDescription( project == null ? null : project.getDescription() );
         //meta.setGenerator( generator );
 181  8
         meta.setInitialCreator( System.getProperty( "" ) );
         //meta.setLanguage( locale == null ? null : locale.getLanguage() );
         //meta.setPageSize( pageSize );
 184  8
         meta.setSubject( getProjectName( project ) );
 185  8
         meta.setTitle( getProjectName( project ) );
 187  8
         return meta;
      * Extract information for a DocumentCover from a MavenProject.
      * @param project a MavenProject. May be null.
      * @param date the cover date. May be null.
      * @return a DocumentCover object. Always non-null.
     private static DocumentCover getDocumentCover( MavenProject project, Date date )
 200  8
         final DocumentCover cover = new DocumentCover();
 202  8
         cover.setAuthors( getAuthors( project ) );
         //cover.setCompanyLogo( companyLogo );
 204  8
         cover.setCompanyName( getProjectOrganizationName( project ) );
 205  8
         cover.setCoverDate( date );
 206  8
         cover.setCoverSubTitle( project == null ? null : "v. " + project.getVersion() );
 207  8
         cover.setCoverTitle( getProjectName( project ) );
         //cover.setCoverType( type );
 209  8
         cover.setCoverVersion( project == null ? null : project.getVersion() );
         //cover.setProjectLogo( projectLogo );
 211  8
         cover.setProjectName( getProjectName( project ) );
 213  8
         return cover;
      * Wrap the list of project {@link Developer} to a list of {@link DocumentAuthor}.
      * @param project the MavenProject to extract the authors from.
      * @return a list of DocumentAuthors from the project developers.
      * Returns null if project is null or contains no developers.
     private static List getAuthors( MavenProject project )
 225  16
         if ( project == null || project.getDevelopers() == null )
 227  4
             return null;
 230  12
         final List ret = new ArrayList( 4 );
 232  12
         for ( final Iterator it = project.getDevelopers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 234  16
             final Developer developer = (Developer);
 236  16
             final DocumentAuthor author = new DocumentAuthor();
 237  16
             author.setName( developer.getName() );
 238  16
             author.setEmail( developer.getEmail() );
 239  16
             author.setCompanyName( developer.getOrganization() );
 240  16
             StringBuilder roles = null;
 242  16
             for ( final Iterator it2 = developer.getRoles().iterator(); it2.hasNext(); )
 244  16
                 final String role = (String);
 246  16
                 if ( roles == null )
 248  8
                     roles = new StringBuilder( 32 );
 251  16
                 roles.append( role );
 253  16
                 if ( it2.hasNext() )
 255  8
                     roles.append( ',' ).append( ' ' );
 257  16
 258  16
             if ( roles != null )
 260  8
                 author.setPosition( roles.toString() );
 263  16
             ret.add( author );
 264  16
 266  12
         return ret;
      * @param project the MavenProject to extract the project organization name from.
      * @return the project organization name if not empty, or the current System user name otherwise.
     private static String getProjectOrganizationName( MavenProject project )
 275  8
         if ( project != null && project.getOrganization() != null
                 && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( project.getOrganization().getName() ) )
 278  4
             return project.getOrganization().getName();
 281  4
         return System.getProperty( "" );
      * Extract the name of the project.
      * @param project the MavenProject to extract the project name from.
      * @return the project name, or the project groupId and artifactId if
      * the project name is empty, or null if project is null.
     private static String getProjectName( MavenProject project )
 293  32
         if ( project == null )
 295  8
             return null;
 298  24
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( project.getName() ) )
 300  8
             return project.getGroupId() + ":" + project.getArtifactId();
 303  16
         return project.getName();
      * Extract the encoding.
      * @param project the MavenProject to extract the encoding name from.
      * @return the project encoding if defined, or UTF-8 otherwise, or null if project is null.
     private static String getProjectModelEncoding( MavenProject project )
 314  8
         if ( project == null )
 316  2
             return null;
 319  6
         String encoding = project.getModel().getModelEncoding();
         // Workaround for MNG-4289
 321  6
         XmlStreamReader reader = null;
 324  6
             reader = new XmlStreamReader( project.getFile() );
 325  6
             encoding = reader.getEncoding();
 327  0
         catch ( IOException e )
             // nop
 333  6
             IOUtil.close( reader );
 334  6
 336  6
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( encoding ) )
 338  0
             return "UTF-8";
 341  6
         return encoding;