Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.jxr.HelpMojo
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.jxr;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
  * Display help information on maven-jxr-plugin.<br/> Call <pre>  mvn jxr:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=&lt;goal-name&gt;</pre> to display parameter details.
  * @version generated on Sat Jun 05 23:03:46 CEST 2010
  * @author (version 2.6)
  * @goal help
  * @requiresProject false
 18  0
 public class HelpMojo
     extends AbstractMojo
      * If <code>true</code>, display all settable properties for each goal.
      * @parameter expression="${detail}" default-value="false"
     private boolean detail;
      * The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals will be displayed.
      * @parameter expression="${goal}"
     private java.lang.String goal;
      * The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.
      * @parameter expression="${lineLength}" default-value="80"
     private int lineLength;
      * The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.
      * @parameter expression="${indentSize}" default-value="2"
     private int indentSize;
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void execute()
         throws MojoExecutionException
 54  0
         if ( lineLength <= 0 )
 56  0
             getLog().warn( "The parameter 'lineLength' should be positive, using '80' as default." );
 57  0
             lineLength = 80;
 59  0
         if ( indentSize <= 0 )
 61  0
             getLog().warn( "The parameter 'indentSize' should be positive, using '2' as default." );
 62  0
             indentSize = 2;
 65  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 67  0
         append( sb, "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jxr-plugin:2.2", 0 );
 68  0
         append( sb, "", 0 );
 70  0
         append( sb, "Maven JXR Plugin", 0 );
 71  0
         append( sb, "Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project\'s build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.", 1 );
 72  0
         append( sb, "", 0 );
 74  0
         if ( goal == null || goal.length() <= 0 )
 76  0
             append( sb, "This plugin has 3 goals:", 0 );
 77  0
             append( sb, "", 0 );
 80  0
         if ( goal == null || goal.length() <= 0 || "help".equals( goal ) )
 82  0
             append( sb, "jxr:help", 0 );
 83  0
             append( sb, "Display help information on maven-jxr-plugin.\nCall\n\u00a0\u00a0mvn\u00a0jxr:help\u00a0-Ddetail=true\u00a0-Dgoal=<goal-name>\nto display parameter details.", 1 );
 84  0
             append( sb, "", 0 );
 85  0
             if ( detail )
 87  0
                 append( sb, "Available parameters:", 1 );
 88  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 90  0
                 append( sb, "detail (Default: false)", 2 );
 91  0
                 append( sb, "If true, display all settable properties for each goal.", 3 );
 92  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 94  0
                 append( sb, "goal", 2 );
 95  0
                 append( sb, "The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals will be displayed.", 3 );
 96  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 98  0
                 append( sb, "indentSize (Default: 2)", 2 );
 99  0
                 append( sb, "The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.", 3 );
 100  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 102  0
                 append( sb, "lineLength (Default: 80)", 2 );
 103  0
                 append( sb, "The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.", 3 );
 104  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 108  0
         if ( goal == null || goal.length() <= 0 || "jxr".equals( goal ) )
 110  0
             append( sb, "jxr:jxr", 0 );
 111  0
             append( sb, "Creates an html-based, cross referenced version of Java source code for a project.", 1 );
 112  0
             append( sb, "", 0 );
 113  0
             if ( detail )
 115  0
                 append( sb, "Available parameters:", 1 );
 116  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 118  0
                 append( sb, "aggregate (Default: false)", 2 );
 119  0
                 append( sb, "Whether to build an aggregated report at the root, or build individual reports.", 3 );
 120  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 122  0
                 append( sb, "bottom (Default: Copyright &#169; {inceptionYear}-{currentYear} {projectOrganizationName}. All Rights Reserved.)", 2 );
 123  0
                 append( sb, "String uses at the bottom of the Xref HTML files.", 3 );
 124  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 126  0
                 append( sb, "destDir", 2 );
 127  0
                 append( sb, "Folder where the Xref files will be copied to.", 3 );
 128  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 130  0
                 append( sb, "docTitle", 2 );
 131  0
                 append( sb, "Title of main page of the Xref HTML files.", 3 );
 132  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 134  0
                 append( sb, "excludes", 2 );
 135  0
                 append( sb, "A list of exclude patterns to use. By default no files are excluded.", 3 );
 136  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 138  0
                 append( sb, "includes", 2 );
 139  0
                 append( sb, "A list of include patterns to use. By default all .java files are included.", 3 );
 140  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 142  0
                 append( sb, "inputEncoding (Default: ${})", 2 );
 143  0
                 append( sb, "File input encoding.", 3 );
 144  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 146  0
                 append( sb, "javadocDir", 2 );
 147  0
                 append( sb, "Folder where Javadoc is generated for this project.", 3 );
 148  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 150  0
                 append( sb, "linkJavadoc (Default: true)", 2 );
 151  0
                 append( sb, "Link the Javadoc from the Source XRef. Defaults to true and will link automatically if javadoc plugin is being used.", 3 );
 152  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 154  0
                 append( sb, "outputDirectory", 2 );
 155  0
                 append( sb, "Output folder where the main page of the report will be generated. Note that this parameter is only relevant if the goal is run directly from the command line or from the default lifecycle. If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory configured in the Maven Site Plugin will be used instead.", 3 );
 156  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 158  0
                 append( sb, "outputEncoding (Default: ${project.reporting.outputEncoding})", 2 );
 159  0
                 append( sb, "File output encoding.", 3 );
 160  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 162  0
                 append( sb, "sourcePath", 2 );
 163  0
                 append( sb, "Specifies the source path where the java files are located. The paths are separated by \';\'.", 3 );
 164  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 166  0
                 append( sb, "stylesheet (Default: stylesheet.css)", 2 );
 167  0
                 append( sb, "Style sheet used for the Xref HTML files. Should not be used. If used, should be an absolute path, like \'${basedir}/myStyles.css\'.", 3 );
 168  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 170  0
                 append( sb, "templateDir (Default: templates)", 2 );
 171  0
                 append( sb, "Directory where Velocity templates can be found to generate overviews, frames and summaries. Should not be used. If used, should be an absolute path, like \'${basedir}/myTemplates\'.", 3 );
 172  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 174  0
                 append( sb, "windowTitle", 2 );
 175  0
                 append( sb, "Title of window of the Xref HTML files.", 3 );
 176  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 180  0
         if ( goal == null || goal.length() <= 0 || "test-jxr".equals( goal ) )
 182  0
             append( sb, "jxr:test-jxr", 0 );
 183  0
             append( sb, "Creates an html-based, cross referenced version of Java source code for a project\'s test sources.", 1 );
 184  0
             append( sb, "", 0 );
 185  0
             if ( detail )
 187  0
                 append( sb, "Available parameters:", 1 );
 188  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 190  0
                 append( sb, "aggregate (Default: false)", 2 );
 191  0
                 append( sb, "Whether to build an aggregated report at the root, or build individual reports.", 3 );
 192  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 194  0
                 append( sb, "bottom (Default: Copyright &#169; {inceptionYear}-{currentYear} {projectOrganizationName}. All Rights Reserved.)", 2 );
 195  0
                 append( sb, "String uses at the bottom of the Xref HTML files.", 3 );
 196  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 198  0
                 append( sb, "destDir", 2 );
 199  0
                 append( sb, "Folder where the Xref files will be copied to.", 3 );
 200  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 202  0
                 append( sb, "docTitle", 2 );
 203  0
                 append( sb, "Title of main page of the Xref HTML files.", 3 );
 204  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 206  0
                 append( sb, "excludes", 2 );
 207  0
                 append( sb, "A list of exclude patterns to use. By default no files are excluded.", 3 );
 208  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 210  0
                 append( sb, "includes", 2 );
 211  0
                 append( sb, "A list of include patterns to use. By default all .java files are included.", 3 );
 212  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 214  0
                 append( sb, "inputEncoding (Default: ${})", 2 );
 215  0
                 append( sb, "File input encoding.", 3 );
 216  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 218  0
                 append( sb, "linkJavadoc (Default: true)", 2 );
 219  0
                 append( sb, "Link the Javadoc from the Source XRef. Defaults to true and will link automatically if javadoc plugin is being used.", 3 );
 220  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 222  0
                 append( sb, "outputDirectory", 2 );
 223  0
                 append( sb, "Output folder where the main page of the report will be generated. Note that this parameter is only relevant if the goal is run directly from the command line or from the default lifecycle. If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory configured in the Maven Site Plugin will be used instead.", 3 );
 224  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 226  0
                 append( sb, "outputEncoding (Default: ${project.reporting.outputEncoding})", 2 );
 227  0
                 append( sb, "File output encoding.", 3 );
 228  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 230  0
                 append( sb, "stylesheet (Default: stylesheet.css)", 2 );
 231  0
                 append( sb, "Style sheet used for the Xref HTML files. Should not be used. If used, should be an absolute path, like \'${basedir}/myStyles.css\'.", 3 );
 232  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 234  0
                 append( sb, "templateDir (Default: templates)", 2 );
 235  0
                 append( sb, "Directory where Velocity templates can be found to generate overviews, frames and summaries. Should not be used. If used, should be an absolute path, like \'${basedir}/myTemplates\'.", 3 );
 236  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 238  0
                 append( sb, "testJavadocDir", 2 );
 239  0
                 append( sb, "Folder where Test Javadoc is generated for this project.", 3 );
 240  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 242  0
                 append( sb, "windowTitle", 2 );
 243  0
                 append( sb, "Title of window of the Xref HTML files.", 3 );
 244  0
                 append( sb, "", 0 );
 248  0
         if ( getLog().isInfoEnabled() )
 250  0
             getLog().info( sb.toString() );
 252  0
      * <p>Repeat a String <code>n</code> times to form a new string.</p>
      * @param str String to repeat
      * @param repeat number of times to repeat str
      * @return String with repeated String
      * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if <code>repeat < 0</code>
      * @throws NullPointerException if str is <code>null</code>
     private static String repeat( String str, int repeat )
 265  0
         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( repeat * str.length() );
 267  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < repeat; i++ )
 269  0
             buffer.append( str );
 272  0
         return buffer.toString();
      * Append a description to the buffer by respecting the indentSize and lineLength parameters.
      * <b>Note</b>: The last character is always a new line.
      * @param sb The buffer to append the description, not <code>null</code>.
      * @param description The description, not <code>null</code>.
      * @param indent The base indentation level of each line, must not be negative.
     private void append( StringBuffer sb, String description, int indent )
 285  0
         for ( Iterator it = toLines( description, indent, indentSize, lineLength ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 287  0
             sb.append( ).append( '\n' );
 289  0
      * Splits the specified text into lines of convenient display length.
      * @param text The text to split into lines, must not be <code>null</code>.
      * @param indent The base indentation level of each line, must not be negative.
      * @param indentSize The size of each indentation, must not be negative.
      * @param lineLength The length of the line, must not be negative.
      * @return The sequence of display lines, never <code>null</code>.
      * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if <code>indent < 0</code>
     private static List toLines( String text, int indent, int indentSize, int lineLength )
 303  0
         List lines = new ArrayList();
 305  0
         String ind = repeat( "\t", indent );
 306  0
         String[] plainLines = text.split( "(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)" );
 307  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < plainLines.length; i++ )
 309  0
             toLines( lines, ind + plainLines[i], indentSize, lineLength );
 312  0
         return lines;
      * Adds the specified line to the output sequence, performing line wrapping if necessary.
      * @param lines The sequence of display lines, must not be <code>null</code>.
      * @param line The line to add, must not be <code>null</code>.
      * @param indentSize The size of each indentation, must not be negative.
      * @param lineLength The length of the line, must not be negative.
     private static void toLines( List lines, String line, int indentSize, int lineLength )
 325  0
         int lineIndent = getIndentLevel( line );
 326  0
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( 256 );
 327  0
         String[] tokens = line.split( " +" );
 328  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ )
 330  0
             String token = tokens[i];
 331  0
             if ( i > 0 )
 333  0
                 if ( buf.length() + token.length() >= lineLength )
 335  0
                     lines.add( buf.toString() );
 336  0
                     buf.setLength( 0 );
 337  0
                     buf.append( repeat( " ", lineIndent * indentSize ) );
 341  0
                     buf.append( ' ' );
 344  0
             for ( int j = 0; j < token.length(); j++ )
 346  0
                 char c = token.charAt( j );
 347  0
                 if ( c == '\t' )
 349  0
                     buf.append( repeat( " ", indentSize - buf.length() % indentSize ) );
 351  0
                 else if ( c == '\u00A0' )
 353  0
                     buf.append( ' ' );
 357  0
                     buf.append( c );
 361  0
         lines.add( buf.toString() );
 362  0
      * Gets the indentation level of the specified line.
      * @param line The line whose indentation level should be retrieved, must not be <code>null</code>.
      * @return The indentation level of the line.
     private static int getIndentLevel( String line )
 372  0
         int level = 0;
 373  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < line.length() && line.charAt( i ) == '\t'; i++ )
 375  0
 377  0
         for ( int i = level + 1; i <= level + 4 && i < line.length(); i++ )
 379  0
             if ( line.charAt( i ) == '\t' )
 381  0
 382  0
 385  0
         return level;