Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.javadoc.options.JavadocOptions
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  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2012-09-23 20:27:39,
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.javadoc.options;
  * Root class to contain all javadoc configuration options for
  * inclusion in javadoc bundle archives.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 17  88
 public class JavadocOptions
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field groups.
     private java.util.List<Group> groups;
      * Field tags.
     private java.util.List<Tag> tags;
      * Field docletArtifacts.
     private java.util.List<DocletArtifact> docletArtifacts;
      * Field taglets.
     private java.util.List<Taglet> taglets;
      * Field offlineLinks.
     private java.util.List<OfflineLink> offlineLinks;
      * Field tagletArtifacts.
     private java.util.List<TagletArtifact> tagletArtifacts;
      * Field resourcesArtifacts.
     private java.util.List<ResourcesArtifact> resourcesArtifacts;
      * Field bootclasspathArtifacts.
     private java.util.List<BootclasspathArtifact> bootclasspathArtifacts;
      * Field links.
     private java.util.List<String> links;
      * Field excludePackageNames.
     private java.util.List<String> excludePackageNames;
      * Enables deep copying of the '&#42;&#42;/doc-files'
      * directories and the specific 'resources' directory.
 79  88
     private boolean docfilesSubdirsUsed = false;
      * List of exclusion patterns separated by ':' for deep copying
      * of the '&#42;&#42;/doc-files' directories.
     private String excludedDocfilesSubdirs;
      *             Path relative to project basedir where javadoc
      * resources were located. 
      *             This is mainly useful in multimodule builds
      * where the reactor is still populated.
     private String javadocResourcesDirectory;
      * Field modelEncoding.
 100  88
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addBootclasspathArtifact.
      * @param bootclasspathArtifact
     public void addBootclasspathArtifact( BootclasspathArtifact bootclasspathArtifact )
 114  0
         getBootclasspathArtifacts().add( bootclasspathArtifact );
 115  0
     } //-- void addBootclasspathArtifact( BootclasspathArtifact )
      * Method addDocletArtifact.
      * @param docletArtifact
     public void addDocletArtifact( DocletArtifact docletArtifact )
 124  0
         getDocletArtifacts().add( docletArtifact );
 125  0
     } //-- void addDocletArtifact( DocletArtifact )
      * Method addExcludePackageName.
      * @param string
     public void addExcludePackageName( String string )
 134  0
         getExcludePackageNames().add( string );
 135  0
     } //-- void addExcludePackageName( String )
      * Method addGroup.
      * @param group
     public void addGroup( Group group )
 144  0
         getGroups().add( group );
 145  0
     } //-- void addGroup( Group )
      * Method addLink.
      * @param string
     public void addLink( String string )
 154  0
         getLinks().add( string );
 155  0
     } //-- void addLink( String )
      * Method addOfflineLink.
      * @param offlineLink
     public void addOfflineLink( OfflineLink offlineLink )
 164  0
         getOfflineLinks().add( offlineLink );
 165  0
     } //-- void addOfflineLink( OfflineLink )
      * Method addResourcesArtifact.
      * @param resourcesArtifact
     public void addResourcesArtifact( ResourcesArtifact resourcesArtifact )
 174  0
         getResourcesArtifacts().add( resourcesArtifact );
 175  0
     } //-- void addResourcesArtifact( ResourcesArtifact )
      * Method addTag.
      * @param tag
     public void addTag( Tag tag )
 184  0
         getTags().add( tag );
 185  0
     } //-- void addTag( Tag )
      * Method addTaglet.
      * @param taglet
     public void addTaglet( Taglet taglet )
 194  0
         getTaglets().add( taglet );
 195  0
     } //-- void addTaglet( Taglet )
      * Method addTagletArtifact.
      * @param tagletArtifact
     public void addTagletArtifact( TagletArtifact tagletArtifact )
 204  0
         getTagletArtifacts().add( tagletArtifact );
 205  0
     } //-- void addTagletArtifact( TagletArtifact )
      * Method getBootclasspathArtifacts.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<BootclasspathArtifact> getBootclasspathArtifacts()
 214  176
         if ( this.bootclasspathArtifacts == null )
 216  88
             this.bootclasspathArtifacts = new java.util.ArrayList<BootclasspathArtifact>();
 219  176
         return this.bootclasspathArtifacts;
     } //-- java.util.List<BootclasspathArtifact> getBootclasspathArtifacts()
      * Method getDocletArtifacts.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<DocletArtifact> getDocletArtifacts()
 229  180
         if ( this.docletArtifacts == null )
 231  84
             this.docletArtifacts = new java.util.ArrayList<DocletArtifact>();
 234  180
         return this.docletArtifacts;
     } //-- java.util.List<DocletArtifact> getDocletArtifacts()
      * Method getExcludePackageNames.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<String> getExcludePackageNames()
 244  180
         if ( this.excludePackageNames == null )
 246  84
             this.excludePackageNames = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
 249  180
         return this.excludePackageNames;
     } //-- java.util.List<String> getExcludePackageNames()
      * Get list of exclusion patterns separated by ':' for deep
      * copying of the '&#42;&#42;/doc-files' directories.
      * @return String
     public String getExcludedDocfilesSubdirs()
 260  92
         return this.excludedDocfilesSubdirs;
     } //-- String getExcludedDocfilesSubdirs()
      * Method getGroups.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<Group> getGroups()
 270  178
         if ( this.groups == null )
 272  86
             this.groups = new java.util.ArrayList<Group>();
 275  178
         return this.groups;
     } //-- java.util.List<Group> getGroups()
      * Get path relative to project basedir where javadoc resources
      * were located. 
      *             This is mainly useful in multimodule builds
      * where the reactor is still populated.
      * @return String
     public String getJavadocResourcesDirectory()
 288  120
         return this.javadocResourcesDirectory;
     } //-- String getJavadocResourcesDirectory()
      * Method getLinks.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<String> getLinks()
 298  178
         if ( this.links == null )
 300  86
             this.links = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
 303  178
         return this.links;
     } //-- java.util.List<String> getLinks()
      * Get the modelEncoding field.
      * @return String
     public String getModelEncoding()
 313  88
         return this.modelEncoding;
     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
      * Method getOfflineLinks.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<OfflineLink> getOfflineLinks()
 323  178
         if ( this.offlineLinks == null )
 325  86
             this.offlineLinks = new java.util.ArrayList<OfflineLink>();
 328  178
         return this.offlineLinks;
     } //-- java.util.List<OfflineLink> getOfflineLinks()
      * Method getResourcesArtifacts.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<ResourcesArtifact> getResourcesArtifacts()
 338  176
         if ( this.resourcesArtifacts == null )
 340  88
             this.resourcesArtifacts = new java.util.ArrayList<ResourcesArtifact>();
 343  176
         return this.resourcesArtifacts;
     } //-- java.util.List<ResourcesArtifact> getResourcesArtifacts()
      * Method getTagletArtifacts.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<TagletArtifact> getTagletArtifacts()
 353  180
         if ( this.tagletArtifacts == null )
 355  84
             this.tagletArtifacts = new java.util.ArrayList<TagletArtifact>();
 358  180
         return this.tagletArtifacts;
     } //-- java.util.List<TagletArtifact> getTagletArtifacts()
      * Method getTaglets.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<Taglet> getTaglets()
 368  176
         if ( this.taglets == null )
 370  88
             this.taglets = new java.util.ArrayList<Taglet>();
 373  176
         return this.taglets;
     } //-- java.util.List<Taglet> getTaglets()
      * Method getTags.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<Tag> getTags()
 383  180
         if ( this.tags == null )
 385  84
             this.tags = new java.util.ArrayList<Tag>();
 388  180
         return this.tags;
     } //-- java.util.List<Tag> getTags()
      * Get enables deep copying of the '&#42;&#42;/doc-files'
      * directories and the specific 'resources' directory.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isDocfilesSubdirsUsed()
 399  98
         return this.docfilesSubdirsUsed;
     } //-- boolean isDocfilesSubdirsUsed()
      * Method removeBootclasspathArtifact.
      * @param bootclasspathArtifact
     public void removeBootclasspathArtifact( BootclasspathArtifact bootclasspathArtifact )
 409  0
         getBootclasspathArtifacts().remove( bootclasspathArtifact );
 410  0
     } //-- void removeBootclasspathArtifact( BootclasspathArtifact )
      * Method removeDocletArtifact.
      * @param docletArtifact
     public void removeDocletArtifact( DocletArtifact docletArtifact )
 419  0
         getDocletArtifacts().remove( docletArtifact );
 420  0
     } //-- void removeDocletArtifact( DocletArtifact )
      * Method removeExcludePackageName.
      * @param string
     public void removeExcludePackageName( String string )
 429  0
         getExcludePackageNames().remove( string );
 430  0
     } //-- void removeExcludePackageName( String )
      * Method removeGroup.
      * @param group
     public void removeGroup( Group group )
 439  0
         getGroups().remove( group );
 440  0
     } //-- void removeGroup( Group )
      * Method removeLink.
      * @param string
     public void removeLink( String string )
 449  0
         getLinks().remove( string );
 450  0
     } //-- void removeLink( String )
      * Method removeOfflineLink.
      * @param offlineLink
     public void removeOfflineLink( OfflineLink offlineLink )
 459  0
         getOfflineLinks().remove( offlineLink );
 460  0
     } //-- void removeOfflineLink( OfflineLink )
      * Method removeResourcesArtifact.
      * @param resourcesArtifact
     public void removeResourcesArtifact( ResourcesArtifact resourcesArtifact )
 469  0
         getResourcesArtifacts().remove( resourcesArtifact );
 470  0
     } //-- void removeResourcesArtifact( ResourcesArtifact )
      * Method removeTag.
      * @param tag
     public void removeTag( Tag tag )
 479  0
         getTags().remove( tag );
 480  0
     } //-- void removeTag( Tag )
      * Method removeTaglet.
      * @param taglet
     public void removeTaglet( Taglet taglet )
 489  0
         getTaglets().remove( taglet );
 490  0
     } //-- void removeTaglet( Taglet )
      * Method removeTagletArtifact.
      * @param tagletArtifact
     public void removeTagletArtifact( TagletArtifact tagletArtifact )
 499  0
         getTagletArtifacts().remove( tagletArtifact );
 500  0
     } //-- void removeTagletArtifact( TagletArtifact )
      * Set a list of BootclasspathArtifact parameters.
      * @param bootclasspathArtifacts
     public void setBootclasspathArtifacts( java.util.List<BootclasspathArtifact> bootclasspathArtifacts )
 509  88
         this.bootclasspathArtifacts = bootclasspathArtifacts;
 510  88
     } //-- void setBootclasspathArtifacts( java.util.List )
      * Set enables deep copying of the '&#42;&#42;/doc-files'
      * directories and the specific 'resources' directory.
      * @param docfilesSubdirsUsed
     public void setDocfilesSubdirsUsed( boolean docfilesSubdirsUsed )
 520  88
         this.docfilesSubdirsUsed = docfilesSubdirsUsed;
 521  88
     } //-- void setDocfilesSubdirsUsed( boolean )
      * Set a list of DocletArtifact parameters.
      * @param docletArtifacts
     public void setDocletArtifacts( java.util.List<DocletArtifact> docletArtifacts )
 530  88
         this.docletArtifacts = docletArtifacts;
 531  88
     } //-- void setDocletArtifacts( java.util.List )
      * Set list of subpackage patterns to exclude from javadoc
      * generation.
      * @param excludePackageNames
     public void setExcludePackageNames( java.util.List<String> excludePackageNames )
 541  88
         this.excludePackageNames = excludePackageNames;
 542  88
     } //-- void setExcludePackageNames( java.util.List )
      * Set list of exclusion patterns separated by ':' for deep
      * copying of the '&#42;&#42;/doc-files' directories.
      * @param excludedDocfilesSubdirs
     public void setExcludedDocfilesSubdirs( String excludedDocfilesSubdirs )
 552  88
         this.excludedDocfilesSubdirs = excludedDocfilesSubdirs;
 553  88
     } //-- void setExcludedDocfilesSubdirs( String )
      * Set a list of Group parameters.
      * @param groups
     public void setGroups( java.util.List<Group> groups )
 562  88
         this.groups = groups;
 563  88
     } //-- void setGroups( java.util.List )
      * Set path relative to project basedir where javadoc resources
      * were located. 
      *             This is mainly useful in multimodule builds
      * where the reactor is still populated.
      * @param javadocResourcesDirectory
     public void setJavadocResourcesDirectory( String javadocResourcesDirectory )
 575  32
         this.javadocResourcesDirectory = javadocResourcesDirectory;
 576  32
     } //-- void setJavadocResourcesDirectory( String )
      * Set list of URLs to javadocs for external classes.
      * @param links
     public void setLinks( java.util.List<String> links )
 585  88
         this.links = links;
 586  88
     } //-- void setLinks( java.util.List )
      * Set the modelEncoding field.
      * @param modelEncoding
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 595  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 596  0
     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
      * Set a list of OfflineLink parameters.
      * @param offlineLinks
     public void setOfflineLinks( java.util.List<OfflineLink> offlineLinks )
 605  88
         this.offlineLinks = offlineLinks;
 606  88
     } //-- void setOfflineLinks( java.util.List )
      * Set a list of ResourcesArtifact parameters.
      * @param resourcesArtifacts
     public void setResourcesArtifacts( java.util.List<ResourcesArtifact> resourcesArtifacts )
 615  88
         this.resourcesArtifacts = resourcesArtifacts;
 616  88
     } //-- void setResourcesArtifacts( java.util.List )
      * Set a list of TagletArtifact parameters.
      * @param tagletArtifacts
     public void setTagletArtifacts( java.util.List<TagletArtifact> tagletArtifacts )
 625  88
         this.tagletArtifacts = tagletArtifacts;
 626  88
     } //-- void setTagletArtifacts( java.util.List )
      * Set a list of Taglet parameters.
      * @param taglets
     public void setTaglets( java.util.List<Taglet> taglets )
 635  88
         this.taglets = taglets;
 636  88
     } //-- void setTaglets( java.util.List )
      * Set a list of Tag parameters.
      * @param tags
     public void setTags( java.util.List<Tag> tags )
 645  88
         this.tags = tags;
 646  88
     } //-- void setTags( java.util.List )