JIRA Report

Type Key Summary By Status Resolution Fix Version
Bug MJAVADOC-181 Javadoc report not generated for multi-module project if run from parent level. Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-215 warning proxyHost' is deprecated since 2.4 Benjamin Bentmann Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-219 skip parameter is ignored in aggregate goal Unassigned Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-220 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in JavadocUtil.getIncludedFiles Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-230 aggregate report requires to have aggregate=true configuration parameter Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-231 tagletpath does not seem to work Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-232 copied doc-files folder contains svn meta files Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Bug MJAVADOC-238 No timeout set for URLConnection which can cause build to get stuck Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Improvement MJAVADOC-216 Stylesheet file loaded from classpath Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Improvement MJAVADOC-222 Documentation Issues Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Improvement MJAVADOC-225 The plugin should be able to generate a jar of the aggregated javadoc Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Improvement MJAVADOC-226 Add a new goal to fix Javadoc tags Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Improvement MJAVADOC-240 Add default Javadoc link depending the values of maven-compiler-plugin configuration Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
New Feature MJAVADOC-97 enable internal/external dependency references as links Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Sub-task MJAVADOC-239 Helpfile loaded from classpath Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6
Task MJAVADOC-217 Update "Aggregating Javadocs" example Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.6