Generating Test Javadocs

There are two ways to generate the test javadocs in the Maven Javadoc plugin:

  • using the javadoc:test-javadoc goal
  • using the <reportSets/> configuration parameter

Here is a typical project used by the Maven Javadoc plugin:

  |-- src
     |-- main
     |  |-- java
     |  |  |-- org
     |  |     |-- apache
     |  |        |-- myapp
     |  |         `--
     |  |-- javadoc
     |   `-- overview.html
     |     |-- org
     |        |-- apache
     |           |-- myapp
     |            `-- package.html
     |              |-- doc-files
     |               `-- app.png
     |-- test
        |-- java
        |  |-- org
        |     |-- apache
        |        |-- myapp
        |         `--
        |-- javadoc
         `-- overview.html
           |-- org
              |-- apache
                 |-- myapp
                  `-- package.html
                    |-- doc-files
                     `-- app.png

Using the javadoc:test-javadoc goal

You need to configure the Maven Javadoc plugin in your pom.xml, for instance:

          <doctitle>My API for ${} ${project.version}</doctitle> <!-- Used by javadoc:javadoc goal -->
          <windowtitle>My API for ${} ${project.version}</windowtitle> <!-- Used by javadoc:javadoc goal -->

          <testDoctitle>My Test API for ${} ${project.version}</testDoctitle> <!-- Used by javadoc:test-javadoc goal -->
          <testWindowtitle>My Test API for ${} ${project.version}</testWindowtitle> <!-- Used by javadoc:test-javadoc goal -->

You could call mvn javadoc:test-javadoc or mvn site. See javadoc:test-javadoc parameters for more informations.

Note: If you don't set <testDoctitle/> or <testWindowtitle/> parameters, the Test Javadoc report use the same configuration (i.e. <doctitle/> or <windowtitle/> parameters) that Javadoc report (backward compatible reasons).

Note: To run the reports selectively, you need to include only the reports that you prefer. Read the Selective Javadocs Reports part for more information.

Using the <reportSets/> configuration parameter

You could also want a different kind of configuration for the Javadoc report and the test Javadoc report. For this, you need to configure the Maven Javadoc plugin in your pom.xml to handle the <reportSets/> configuration parameter, for instance:

              <doctitle>My API for ${} ${project.version}</doctitle>
              <windowtitle>My API for ${} ${project.version}</windowtitle>
              <testDoctitle>My Test API for ${} ${project.version}</testDoctitle>
              <testWindowtitle>My Test API for ${} ${project.version}</testWindowtitle>

You need to call mvn site.