1   package org.apache.maven.plugin.javadoc;
3   /*
4    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
6    * distributed with this work for additional information
7    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
8    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10   * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11   *
12   *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13   *
14   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
18   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
19   * under the License.
20   */
22  import java.io.File;
23  import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
24  import java.io.IOException;
25  import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
26  import java.net.URL;
27  import java.util.ArrayList;
28  import java.util.HashMap;
29  import java.util.List;
30  import java.util.Map;
31  import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
33  import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
34  import org.apache.maven.plugin.javadoc.ProxyServer.AuthAsyncProxyServlet;
35  import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy;
36  import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
37  import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase;
38  import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
39  import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
41  /**
42   * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.siveton@gmail.com">Vincent Siveton</a>
43   * @version $Id$
44   */
45  public class JavadocUtilTest
46      extends PlexusTestCase
47  {
48      /**
49       * Method to test the javadoc version parsing.
50       *
51       * @throws Exception if any
52       */
53      public void testParseJavadocVersion()
54          throws Exception
55      {
56          String version = null;
57          try
58          {
59              JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version );
60              assertTrue( "Not catch null", false );
61          }
62          catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
63          {
64              assertTrue( true );
65          }
67          // Sun JDK 1.4
68          version = "java full version \"1.4.2_12-b03\"";
69          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.42f, 0 );
71          // Sun JDK 1.5
72          version = "java full version \"1.5.0_07-164\"";
73          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
75          // IBM JDK 1.4
76          version = "java full version \"J2RE 1.4.2 IBM Windows 32 build cn1420-20040626\"";
77          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.42f, 0 );
79          // IBM JDK 1.5
80          version = "javadoc version compl�te de \"J2RE 1.5.0 IBM Windows 32 build pwi32pdev-20070426a\"";
81          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
83          // IBM JDK 1.5
84          version = "J2RE 1.5.0 IBM Windows 32 build pwi32devifx-20070323 (ifix 117674: SR4 + 116644 + 114941 + 116110 + 114881)";
85          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
87          // FreeBSD
88          version = "java full version \"diablo-1.5.0-b01\"";
89          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
91          // BEA
92          version = "java full version \"1.5.0_11-b03\"";
93          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
95          // Other tests
96          version = "java full version \"1.5.0_07-164\"" + System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
97          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
98          version = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) + "java full version \"1.5.0_07-164\"";
99          assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
100         version = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) + "java full version \"1.5.0_07-164\""
101             + System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
102         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
103         version = "java full" + System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) + " version \"1.5.0_07-164\"";
104         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
106         version = "java full version \"1.99.123-b01\"";
107         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.99123f, 0 );
109         version = "java full version \"\"";
110         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
112         version = "java full version \"1.4\"";
113         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.4f, 0 );
115         version = "java full version \"1.A.B_07-164\"";
116         try
117         {
118             JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version );
119             assertTrue( "Not catch wrong pattern", false );
120         }
121         catch ( PatternSyntaxException e )
122         {
123             assertTrue( true );
124         }
126         version = "SCO-UNIX-J2SE-1.5.0_09*FCS-UW714-OSR6*_20061114";
127         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocVersion( version ), 1.5f, 0 );
128     }
130     /**
131      * Method to test the javadoc memory parsing.
132      *
133      * @throws Exception if any
134      */
135     public void testParseJavadocMemory()
136         throws Exception
137     {
138         String memory = null;
139         try
140         {
141             JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory );
142             assertTrue( "Not catch null", false );
143         }
144         catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
145         {
146             assertTrue( true );
147         }
149         memory = "128";
150         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
152         memory = "128k";
153         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128k" );
154         memory = "128kb";
155         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128k" );
157         memory = "128m";
158         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
159         memory = "128mb";
160         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
162         memory = "1g";
163         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "1024m" );
164         memory = "1gb";
165         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "1024m" );
167         memory = "1t";
168         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "1048576m" );
169         memory = "1tb";
170         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "1048576m" );
172         memory = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) + "128m";
173         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
174         memory = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) + "128m" + System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
175         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
177         memory = "     128m";
178         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
179         memory = "     128m     ";
180         assertEquals( JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory ), "128m" );
182         memory = "1m28m";
183         try
184         {
185             JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory );
186             assertTrue( "Not catch wrong pattern", false );
187         }
188         catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
189         {
190             assertTrue( true );
191         }
192         memory = "ABC128m";
193         try
194         {
195             JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory( memory );
196             assertTrue( "Not catch wrong pattern", false );
197         }
198         catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
199         {
200             assertTrue( true );
201         }
202     }
204     /**
205      * Method to test the validate encoding parsing.
206      *
207      * @throws Exception if any
208      */
209     public void testValidateEncoding()
210         throws Exception
211     {
212         assertFalse( "Not catch null", JavadocUtil.validateEncoding( null ) );
213         assertTrue( "UTF-8 not supported on this plateform", JavadocUtil.validateEncoding( "UTF-8" ) );
214         assertTrue( "ISO-8859-1 not supported on this plateform", JavadocUtil.validateEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" ) );
215         assertFalse( "latin is supported on this plateform???", JavadocUtil.validateEncoding( "latin" ) );
216         assertFalse( "WRONG is supported on this plateform???", JavadocUtil.validateEncoding( "WRONG" ) );
217     }
219     /**
220      * Method to test the hiding proxy password.
221      *
222      * @throws Exception if any
223      */
224     public void testHideProxyPassword()
225         throws Exception
226     {
227         String cmdLine = "javadoc.exe " + "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true " + "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost= "
228         + "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=80 " + "-J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\"www.google.com|*.somewhere.com\" "
229         + "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\"toto\" " + "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"toto\" " + "@options @packages";
230         cmdLine = JavadocUtil.hideProxyPassword( cmdLine, null );
231         assertFalse( cmdLine.indexOf( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"****\"" ) != -1 );
233         Settings settings = new Settings();
234         Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
235         proxy.setActive( true );
236         proxy.setHost( "" );
237         proxy.setPort( 80 );
238         proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
239         proxy.setUsername( "toto" );
240         proxy.setPassword( "toto" );
241         proxy.setNonProxyHosts( "www.google.com|*.somewhere.com" );
242         settings.addProxy( proxy );
244         cmdLine = "javadoc.exe " + "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true " + "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost= "
245             + "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=80 " + "-J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\"www.google.com|*.somewhere.com\" "
246             + "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\"toto\" " + "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"toto\" " + "@options @packages";
247         cmdLine = JavadocUtil.hideProxyPassword( cmdLine, settings );
248         assertTrue( cmdLine.indexOf( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"****\"" ) != -1 );
250         settings = new Settings();
251         proxy = new Proxy();
252         proxy.setActive( true );
253         proxy.setHost( "" );
254         proxy.setPort( 80 );
255         proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
256         proxy.setUsername( "toto" );
257         proxy.setNonProxyHosts( "www.google.com|*.somewhere.com" );
258         settings.addProxy( proxy );
260         cmdLine = "javadoc.exe " + "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true " + "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost= "
261         + "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=80 " + "-J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\"www.google.com|*.somewhere.com\" "
262         + "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\"toto\" " + "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"toto\" " + "@options @packages";
263         cmdLine = JavadocUtil.hideProxyPassword( cmdLine, null );
264         assertFalse( cmdLine.indexOf( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"****\"" ) != -1 );
265     }
267     /**
268      * Method to test fetchURL()
269      *
270      * @throws Exception if any
271      */
272     public void testFetchURL()
273         throws Exception
274     {
275         Settings settings = null;
276         Proxy proxy = null;
278         URL url = null;
279         URL wrongUrl = null;
280         try
281         {
282             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
283             assertTrue( false );
284         }
285         catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
286         {
287             assertTrue( true );
288         }
290         url = new File( getBasedir(), "/pom.xml" ).toURL();
291         JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
292         assertTrue( true );
294         if ( !isWebSiteOnline( settings, getContainer().getLogger(), "http://maven.apache.org" ) )
295         {
296             getContainer().getLogger().warn(
297                                              "http://maven.apache.org should be on line to run '"
298                                                  + getClass().getName() + "#" + getName() + "()'." );
299             return;
300         }
302         url = new URL( "http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/apidocs/package-list" );
303         JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
304         assertTrue( true );
306         wrongUrl = new URL( "http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/apidocs/package-list2" );
307         try
308         {
309             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, wrongUrl );
310             assertTrue( false );
311         }
312         catch ( IOException e )
313         {
314             assertTrue( true );
315         }
317         // real proxy
318         ProxyServer proxyServer = null;
319         AuthAsyncProxyServlet proxyServlet = null;
320         try
321         {
322             proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet();
323             proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
324             proxyServer.start();
326             settings = new Settings();
328             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
329             assertTrue( true );
331             try
332             {
333                 JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, wrongUrl );
334                 assertTrue( false );
335             }
336             catch ( IOException e )
337             {
338                 assertTrue( true );
339             }
340         }
341         catch ( Exception e )
342         {
343             assertTrue( false );
344         }
345         finally
346         {
347             if ( proxyServer != null )
348             {
349                 proxyServer.stop();
350             }
351         }
353         Map authentications = new HashMap();
354         authentications.put( "foo", "bar" );
355         // wrong auth
356         try
357         {
358             proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet( authentications );
359             proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
360             proxyServer.start();
362             settings = new Settings();
363             proxy = new Proxy();
364             proxy.setActive( true );
365             proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
366             proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
367             proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
368             settings.addProxy( proxy );
370             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
371             assertTrue( false );
372         }
373         catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
374         {
375             assertTrue( true );
376         }
377         catch ( Exception e )
378         {
379             assertTrue( false );
380         }
381         finally
382         {
383             if ( proxyServer != null )
384             {
385                 proxyServer.stop();
386             }
387         }
389         // auth proxy
390         try
391         {
392             proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet( authentications );
393             proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
394             proxyServer.start();
396             settings = new Settings();
397             proxy = new Proxy();
398             proxy.setActive( true );
399             proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
400             proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
401             proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
402             proxy.setUsername( "foo" );
403             proxy.setPassword( "bar" );
404             settings.addProxy( proxy );
406             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
407             assertTrue( true );
409             try
410             {
411                 JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, wrongUrl );
412                 assertTrue( false );
413             }
414             catch ( IOException e )
415             {
416                 assertTrue( true );
417             }
418         }
419         catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
420         {
421             assertTrue( false );
422         }
423         finally
424         {
425             if ( proxyServer != null )
426             {
427                 proxyServer.stop();
428             }
429         }
431         // timeout
432         try
433         {
434             proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet( authentications, 3000 ); // more than 2000, see fetchURL
435             proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
436             proxyServer.start();
438             settings = new Settings();
439             proxy = new Proxy();
440             proxy.setActive( true );
441             proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
442             proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
443             proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
444             proxy.setUsername( "foo" );
445             proxy.setPassword( "bar" );
446             settings.addProxy( proxy );
448             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
449             assertTrue( false );
450         }
451         catch ( SocketTimeoutException e )
452         {
453             assertTrue( true );
454         }
455         finally
456         {
457             if ( proxyServer != null )
458             {
459                 proxyServer.stop();
460             }
461         }
463         // nonProxyHosts
464         try
465         {
466             proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet( authentications );
467             proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
468             proxyServer.start();
470             settings = new Settings();
471             proxy = new Proxy();
472             proxy.setActive( true );
473             proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
474             proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
475             proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
476             proxy.setUsername( "foo" );
477             proxy.setPassword( "bar" );
478             proxy.setNonProxyHosts( "maven.apache.org" );
479             settings.addProxy( proxy );
481             url = new URL( "http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/apidocs/package-list" );
483             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, url );
484             assertTrue( true );
485         }
486         finally
487         {
488             if ( proxyServer != null )
489             {
490                 proxyServer.stop();
491             }
492         }
493     }
495     /**
496      * Method to test copyJavadocResources()
497      *
498      * @throws Exception if any
499      */
500     public void testCopyJavadocResources()
501         throws Exception
502     {
503         File input = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/docfiles-test/docfiles/" );
504         assertTrue( input.exists() );
506         File output = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/docfiles-test/target/output" );
507         if ( output.exists() )
508         {
509             FileUtils.deleteDirectory( output );
510         }
511         assertTrue( output.mkdirs() );
513         JavadocUtil.copyJavadocResources( output, input, null );
514         List expected = new ArrayList();
515         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "excluded-dir1" + File.separator
516             + "sample-excluded1.gif" );
517         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "excluded-dir2" + File.separator
518             + "sample-excluded2.gif" );
519         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir1" + File.separator
520             + "sample-included1.gif" );
521         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir2" + File.separator
522             + "sample-included2.gif" );
523         assertTrue( EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals( expected, FileUtils.getFiles( output, null, null, false ) ) );
524         expected = new ArrayList();
525         expected.add( "" );
526         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "excluded-dir1" );
527         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "excluded-dir1" );
528         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir1" );
529         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir2" );
530         assertTrue( EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals( expected,
531                                                     FileUtils.getDirectoryNames( new File( output,
532                                                                                            "test/doc-files" ),
533                                                                                  null, null, false ) ) );
535         input = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/docfiles-test/docfiles/" );
536         assertTrue( input.exists() );
538         output = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/docfiles-test/target/output" );
539         if ( output.exists() )
540         {
541             FileUtils.deleteDirectory( output );
542         }
543         assertTrue( output.mkdirs() );
545         JavadocUtil.copyJavadocResources( output, input, "excluded-dir1:excluded-dir2" );
546         expected = new ArrayList();
547         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir1" + File.separator
548             + "sample-included1.gif" );
549         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir2" + File.separator
550             + "sample-included2.gif" );
551         assertTrue( EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals( expected, FileUtils.getFiles( output, null, null, false ) ) );
552         expected = new ArrayList();
553         expected.add( "" );
554         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir1" );
555         expected.add( "test" + File.separator + "doc-files" + File.separator + "included-dir2" );
556         assertTrue( EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals( expected,
557                                                     FileUtils.getDirectoryNames( new File( output,
558                                                                                            "test/doc-files" ),
559                                                                                  null, null, false ) ) );
560     }
562     /**
563      * Method to test pruneDirs()
564      *
565      * @throws Exception if any
566      */
567     public void testPruneDirs()
568         throws Exception
569     {
570         List list = new ArrayList();
571         list.add( getBasedir() + "/target/classes" );
572         list.add( getBasedir() + "/target/classes" );
573         list.add( getBasedir() + "/target/classes" );
575         List expected = new ArrayList();
576         expected.add( getBasedir() + "/target/classes" );
578         assertTrue( EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals( expected, JavadocUtil.pruneDirs( null, list ) ) );
579     }
581     /**
582      * Method to test unifyPathSeparator()
583      *
584      * @throws Exception if any
585      */
586     public void testUnifyPathSeparator()
587         throws Exception
588     {
589         assertEquals( null, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( null ) );
591         final String ps = File.pathSeparator;
593         // Windows
594         String path1 = "C:\\maven-javadoc-plugin\\src\\main\\java";
595         String path2 = "C:\\maven-javadoc-plugin\\src\\main\\javadoc";
596         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ";" + path2 ) );
597         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ":" + path2 ) );
599         path1 = "C:/maven-javadoc-plugin/src/main/java";
600         path2 = "C:/maven-javadoc-plugin/src/main/javadoc";
601         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ";" + path2 ) );
602         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ":" + path2 ) );
603         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2 + ps + path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ";"
604             + path2 + ";" + path1 + ":" + path2 ) );
606         // Unix
607         path1 = "/tmp/maven-javadoc-plugin/src/main/java";
608         path2 = "/tmp/maven-javadoc-plugin/src/main/javadoc";
609         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ";" + path2 ) );
610         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ":" + path2 ) );
611         assertEquals( path1 + ps + path2 + ps + path1 + ps + path2, JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator( path1 + ";"
612             + path2 + ":" + path1 + ":" + path2 ) );
613     }
615     /**
616      * @param settings could be null
617      * @param logger could be null
618      * @param websiteUrl not null
619      * @return <code>true</code> if we are able to fetch websiteUrl, <code>false</code> otherwise.
620      * @since 2.6.1
621      */
622     protected static boolean isWebSiteOnline( Settings settings, Logger logger, String websiteUrl )
623     {
624         try
625         {
626             JavadocUtil.fetchURL( settings, new URL( websiteUrl ) );
627             return true;
628         }
629         catch ( IOException e )
630         {
631             if ( logger == null )
632             {
633                 e.printStackTrace();
634             }
635             else
636             {
637                 logger.fatalError( "Error when fetching " + websiteUrl + ". Is it available?" );
638             }
639             return false;
640         }
641     }
642 }