
Full name:



Goal for generating IDEA files from a POM. This plug-in provides the ability to generate project files (.ipr, .iml and .iws files) for IDEA.


  • Requires a Maven 2.0 project to be executed.
  • Invokes the execution of the lifecycle phase generate-resources prior to executing itself.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
dependenciesAsLibraries boolean - Causes the module libraries to use a short name for all dependencies. This is very convenient but has been reported to cause problems with IDEA. Default value is: false.
deploymentDescriptorFile String - Specify the location of the deployment descriptor file, if one is provided.
downloadJavadocs boolean - Enables/disables the downloading of javadoc attachments. Default value is: false.
downloadSources boolean - Enables/disables the downloading of source attachments. Default value is: false.
exclude String - A comma-separated list of directories that should be excluded. These directories are in addition to those already excluded, such as target/classes. A common use of this is to exclude the entire target directory.
ideaPlugin boolean - Tell IntelliJ IDEA that this module is an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin. Default value is: false.
ideaVersion String - Specify the version of IDEA to target. This is needed to identify the default formatting of project-jdk-name used by IDEA. Currently supports 4.x and 5.x.

This will only be used when parameter jdkName is not set. Default value is: 5.x.
javadocClassifier String - Sets the classifier string attached to an artifact javadoc archive name. Default value is: javadoc.
jdkLevel String - Specify the version of the JDK to use for the project for the purpose of enabled assertions and Java 5.0 language features. The default value is the specification version of the executing JVM.
jdkName String - Specify the name of the registered IDEA JDK to use for the project.
libraries Library[] - An optional set of Library objects that allow you to specify a comma separated list of source dirs, class dirs, or to indicate that the library should be excluded from the module. For example:

linkModules boolean - Whether to link the reactor projects as dependency modules or as libraries. Default value is: true.
overwrite boolean - Whether to update the existing project files or overwrite them. Default value is: false.
sourceClassifier String - Sets the classifier string attached to an artifact source archive name. Default value is: sources.
useFullNames boolean - Whether to use full artifact names when referencing libraries. Default value is: false.
wildcardResourcePatterns String - Specify the resource pattern in wildcard format, for example "?*.xml;?*.properties". Currently supports 4.x and 5.x. Because IDEA doesn't distinguish between source and resources directories, this is needed. The default value corresponds to any file without a java extension. Please note that the default value includes package.html files as it's not possible to exclude those. Default value is: !?*.java.

Parameter Details


Causes the module libraries to use a short name for all dependencies. This is very convenient but has been reported to cause problems with IDEA.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Specify the location of the deployment descriptor file, if one is provided.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${deploymentDescriptorFile}


Enables/disables the downloading of javadoc attachments.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${downloadJavadocs}
  • Default: false


Enables/disables the downloading of source attachments.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${downloadSources}
  • Default: false


A comma-separated list of directories that should be excluded. These directories are in addition to those already excluded, such as target/classes. A common use of this is to exclude the entire target directory.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Tell IntelliJ IDEA that this module is an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Specify the version of IDEA to target. This is needed to identify the default formatting of project-jdk-name used by IDEA. Currently supports 4.x and 5.x.

This will only be used when parameter jdkName is not set.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${ideaVersion}
  • Default: 5.x


Sets the classifier string attached to an artifact javadoc archive name.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${javadocClassifier}
  • Default: javadoc


Specify the version of the JDK to use for the project for the purpose of enabled assertions and Java 5.0 language features. The default value is the specification version of the executing JVM.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${jdkLevel}


Specify the name of the registered IDEA JDK to use for the project.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${jdkName}


An optional set of Library objects that allow you to specify a comma separated list of source dirs, class dirs, or to indicate that the library should be excluded from the module. For example:

  • Type: org.apache.maven.plugin.idea.Library[]
  • Required: No


Whether to link the reactor projects as dependency modules or as libraries.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${linkModules}
  • Default: true


Whether to update the existing project files or overwrite them.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${overwrite}
  • Default: false


Sets the classifier string attached to an artifact source archive name.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${sourceClassifier}
  • Default: sources


Whether to use full artifact names when referencing libraries.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${useFullNames}
  • Default: false


Specify the resource pattern in wildcard format, for example "?*.xml;?*.properties". Currently supports 4.x and 5.x. Because IDEA doesn't distinguish between source and resources directories, this is needed. The default value corresponds to any file without a java extension. Please note that the default value includes package.html files as it's not possible to exclude those.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${wildcardResourcePatterns}
  • Default: !?*.java