JIRA Report

Type Key Summary By Status Resolution Fix Version
Bug MIDEA-89 iml file generation done in the platform encoding, not UTF-8 Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
Bug MIDEA-91 Incorrect web module definition if repository drive letter is lowercase Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
Bug MIDEA-98 Module filepath is generated incorrectly Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
Bug MIDEA-100 Module file (.iml) is generated in a way that sources and javadocs are not recognized by Intellij Idea Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
Bug MIDEA-102 Module filepath is generated incorrectly for sibling parent Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
Bug MIDEA-103 Incorrect module paths are generated when parent project name is prefix in child project names Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
Bug MIDEA-108 mvn idea:idea should call phases process-sources and generate-resources Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2
New Feature MIDEA-99 Allow the library to define a link to external javadoc. Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.2