Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseWriterConfig
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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  * under the License.
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.EclipsePlugin;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.EclipseSourceDir;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.WorkspaceConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.ide.IdeDependency;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
  * @author Fabrizio Giustina
  * @version $Id: 1173952 2011-09-22 05:53:22Z baerrach $
 36  8
 public class EclipseWriterConfig
      * The maven project.
     private MavenProject project;
      * The maven project packaging.
     private String packaging;
      * Eclipse project dir.
     private File eclipseProjectDirectory;
      * The name of the project in eclipse.
     private String eclipseProjectName;
      * Base project dir.
     private File projectBaseDir;
      * List of IDE dependencies.
 66  8
     private IdeDependency[] deps = new IdeDependency[0];
      * Source directories.
     private EclipseSourceDir[] sourceDirs;
      * Local maven repo.
     private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
      * Build output directory for eclipse.
     private File buildOutputDirectory;
      * Manifest file.
     private File osgiManifestFile;
      * PDE mode.
     private boolean pde;
      * Project natures.
     private List projectnatures;
      * Project facets.
     private Map projectFacets;
      * Build commands. List<BuildCommand>
     private List buildCommands;
      * Classpath containers.
     private List classpathContainers;
      * Appends the version number to the project name if <tt>true</tt>.
      * @deprecated use {@link #projectNameTemplate}
     private boolean addVersionToProjectName;
      * @see EclipsePlugin#getProjectNameTemplate()
     private String projectNameTemplate;
      * @see EclipsePlugin#deployName()
     private String contextName;
      * @see EclipsePlugin#wtpapplicationxml()
     private boolean wtpapplicationxml;
      * @see EclipsePlugin#getWtpversion()
     private float wtpVersion;
     private float ajdtVersion;
     private WorkspaceConfiguration workspaceConfiguration;
     private List linkedResources;
      * @See {@link EclipsePlugin#classpathContainersLast}
     private boolean classpathContainersLast;
      * @see {@link EclipsePlugin#jeeversion}
     private String jeeVersion;
     public WorkspaceConfiguration getWorkspaceConfiguration()
 159  0
         return workspaceConfiguration;
     public void setWorkspaceConfiguration( WorkspaceConfiguration workspaceConfiguration )
 164  0
         this.workspaceConfiguration = workspaceConfiguration;
 165  0
      * Getter for <code>deps</code>.
      * @return Returns the deps.
     public IdeDependency[] getDeps()
 174  16
         return deps;
      * Setter for <code>deps</code>.
      * @param deps The deps to set.
     public void setDeps( IdeDependency[] deps )
 184  4
         this.deps = deps;
 185  4
      * Getter for <code>eclipseProjectDir</code>.
      * @return Returns the eclipseProjectDir.
     public File getEclipseProjectDirectory()
 194  18
         return eclipseProjectDirectory;
      * Setter for <code>eclipseProjectDir</code>.
      * @param eclipseProjectDir The eclipseProjectDir to set.
     public void setEclipseProjectDirectory( File eclipseProjectDir )
 204  8
         eclipseProjectDirectory = eclipseProjectDir;
 205  8
      * Getter for <code>eclipseProjectName</code>.
      * @return Returns the project name used in eclipse.
     public String getEclipseProjectName()
 214  10
         return eclipseProjectName;
      * Setter for <code>eclipseProjectName</code>.
      * @param eclipseProjectName the project name used in eclipse.
     public void setEclipseProjectName( String eclipseProjectName )
 224  8
         this.eclipseProjectName = eclipseProjectName;
 225  8
      * Getter for <code>project</code>.
      * @return Returns the project.
     public MavenProject getProject()
 234  14
         return project;
      * Setter for <code>project</code>.
      * @param project The project to set.
     public void setProject( MavenProject project )
 244  4
         this.project = project;
 245  4
      * Getter for <code>sourceDirs</code>.
      * @return Returns the sourceDirs.
     public EclipseSourceDir[] getSourceDirs()
 254  26
         return sourceDirs;
      * Setter for <code>sourceDirs</code>.
      * @param sourceDirs The sourceDirs to set.
     public void setSourceDirs( EclipseSourceDir[] sourceDirs )
 264  2
         this.sourceDirs = sourceDirs;
 265  2
      * Getter for <code>buildOutputDirectory</code>.
      * @return Returns the buildOutputDirectory.
     public File getBuildOutputDirectory()
 274  6
         return buildOutputDirectory;
      * Setter for <code>buildOutputDirectory</code>.
      * @param buildOutputDirectory The buildOutputDirectory to set.
     public void setBuildOutputDirectory( File buildOutputDirectory )
 284  4
         this.buildOutputDirectory = buildOutputDirectory;
 285  4
      * Getter for <code>localRepository</code>.
      * @return Returns the localRepository.
     public ArtifactRepository getLocalRepository()
 294  4
         return localRepository;
      * Setter for <code>localRepository</code>.
      * @param localRepository The localRepository to set.
     public void setLocalRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository )
 304  2
         this.localRepository = localRepository;
 305  2
      * Getter for <code>manifestFile</code>.
      * @return Returns the manifestFile.
     public File getOSGIManifestFile()
 314  0
         return osgiManifestFile;
      * Setter for <code>manifestFile</code>.
      * @param manifestFile The manifestFile to set.
     public void setOSGIManifestFile( File manifestFile )
 324  0
         this.osgiManifestFile = manifestFile;
 325  0
      * Getter for <code>classpathContainers</code>.
      * @return Returns the classpathContainers.
     public List getClasspathContainers()
 334  4
         return classpathContainers;
      * Setter for <code>classpathContainers</code>.
      * @param classpathContainers The classpathContainers to set.
     public void setClasspathContainers( List classpathContainers )
 344  0
         this.classpathContainers = classpathContainers;
 345  0
      * Getter for <code>pde</code>.
      * @return Returns the pde.
     public boolean isPde()
 354  10
         return pde;
      * Setter for <code>pde</code>.
      * @param pde The pde to set.
     public void setPde( boolean pde )
 364  0
         this.pde = pde;
 365  0
      * Getter for <code>buildCommands</code>.
      * @return Returns the buildCommands.
     public List getBuildCommands()
 374  4
         return buildCommands;
      * Setter for <code>buildCommands</code>.
      * @param buildCommands The buildCommands to set.
     public void setBuildCommands( List buildCommands )
 384  0
         this.buildCommands = buildCommands;
 385  0
      * Getter for <code>projectnatures</code>.
      * @return Returns the projectnatures.
     public List getProjectnatures()
 394  2
         return projectnatures;
      * Setter for <code>projectnatures</code>.
      * @param projectnatures The projectnatures to set.
     public void setProjectnatures( List projectnatures )
 404  0
         this.projectnatures = projectnatures;
 405  0
      * Getter for <code>projectFacets</code>.
      * @return Returns the projectFacets
     public Map getProjectFacets()
 414  0
         return projectFacets;
      * Setter for <code>projectFacets</code>
      * @param projectFacets The projectFacets to set.
     public void setProjectFacets( Map projectFacets )
 424  0
         this.projectFacets = projectFacets;
 425  0
      * Getter for <code>projectBaseDir</code>.
      * @return Returns the projectBaseDir.
     public File getProjectBaseDir()
 434  6
         return projectBaseDir;
      * Setter for <code>projectBaseDir</code>.
      * @param projectBaseDir The projectBaseDir to set.
     public void setProjectBaseDir( File projectBaseDir )
 444  8
         this.projectBaseDir = projectBaseDir;
 445  8
      * Getter for <code>addVersionToProjectName</code>.
      * @deprecated use {@link #getProjectNameTemplate()}
     public boolean isAddVersionToProjectName()
 454  0
         return addVersionToProjectName;
      * Setter for <code>addVersionToProjectName</code>.
      * @deprecated use {@link #setProjectNameTemplate(String)}
     public void setAddVersionToProjectName( boolean addVersionToProjectName )
 464  0
         this.addVersionToProjectName = addVersionToProjectName;
 465  0
     public void setProjectNameTemplate( String projectNameTemplate )
 469  0
         this.projectNameTemplate = projectNameTemplate;
 470  0
     public String getProjectNameTemplate()
 474  0
         return projectNameTemplate;
     public String getContextName()
 479  0
         return contextName;
     public void setContextName( String deployName )
 484  0
         contextName = deployName;
 485  0
      * @return the packaging
     public String getPackaging()
 492  4
         return packaging;
      * @param packaging the packaging to set
     public void setPackaging( String packaging )
 500  2
         this.packaging = packaging;
 501  2
      * Getter for <code>wtpapplicationxml</code>.
      * @return Returns the wtpapplicationxml.
     public boolean getWtpapplicationxml()
 510  2
         return wtpapplicationxml;
      * Setter for <code>buildCommands</code>.
      * @param buildCommands The buildCommands to set.
     public void setWtpapplicationxml( boolean wtpapplicationxml )
 520  0
         this.wtpapplicationxml = wtpapplicationxml;
 521  0
      * Getter for <code>wtpVersion</code>.
      * @return Returns the wtpVersion.
     public float getWtpVersion()
 530  6
         return wtpVersion;
      * Setter for <code>wtpVersion</code>.
      * @param wtpVersion The wtpVersion to set.
     public void setWtpVersion( float wtpVersion )
 540  2
         this.wtpVersion = wtpVersion;
 541  2
      * Returns the ajdtVersion.
      * @return the ajdtVersion.
     public float getAjdtVersion()
 550  2
         return ajdtVersion;
      * Sets the ajdtVersion.
      * @param ajdtVersion the ajdtVersion.
     public void setAjdtVersion( float ajdtVersion )
 560  0
         this.ajdtVersion = ajdtVersion;
 561  0
      * @return the linkedResources
     public List getLinkedResources()
 568  2
         return linkedResources;
      * @param linkedResources the linkedResources to set
     public void setLinkedResources( List linkedResources )
 576  0
         this.linkedResources = linkedResources;
 577  0
      * Returns the classpathContainersLast.
      * @return the classpathContainersLast
     public boolean isClasspathContainersLast()
 586  8
         return classpathContainersLast;
      * Sets the classpathContainersLast.
      * @param classpathContainersLast the classpathContainersLast to set
     public void setClasspathContainersLast(boolean classpathContainersLast)
 596  0
         this.classpathContainersLast = classpathContainersLast;
 597  0
      * Sets the jeeversion.
      * @return the jeeversion
     public String getJeeVersion()
 605  0
         return jeeVersion;
      * Returns the jeeversion
      * @param jeeversion the jeeversion
     public void setJeeVersion( String jeeVersion )
 614  0
         this.jeeVersion = jeeVersion;
 615  0