Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.EclipseSourceDir
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.ide.IdeUtils;
  * Represent an eclipse source dir. Eclipse has no "main", "test" or "resource" concepts, so two source dirs with the
  * same path are equal.
  * @author <a href="">Fabrizio Giustina</a>
  * @version $Id: 728546 2008-12-21 22:56:51Z bentmann $
 public class EclipseSourceDir
     implements Comparable
     private String path;
     private String output;
     private String include;
     private String exclude;
     private boolean isResource;
     private boolean test;
     private boolean filtering;
     public EclipseSourceDir( String path, String output, boolean isResource, boolean test, String include,
                              String exclude, boolean filtering )
 49  36
 50  36
         setPath( path );
 51  36
         this.output = output;
 52  36
         this.isResource = isResource;
 53  36
         this.test = test;
 54  36
         this.include = include;
 55  36
         this.exclude = exclude;
 56  36
         this.filtering = filtering;
 57  36
      * Getter for <code>exclude</code>.
      * @return Returns the exclude.
     public String getExclude()
 66  12
         return this.exclude;
      * Setter for <code>exclude</code>.
      * @param exclude The exclude to set.
     public void setExclude( String exclude )
 76  0
         this.exclude = exclude;
 77  0
      * Getter for <code>include</code>.
      * @return Returns the include.
     public String getInclude()
 86  12
         return this.include;
      * Setter for <code>include</code>.
      * @param include The include to set.
     public void setInclude( String include )
 96  0
         this.include = include;
 97  0
      * Getter for <code>output</code>.
      * @return Returns the output.
     public String getOutput()
 106  80
         return this.output;
      * Setter for <code>output</code>.
      * @param output The output to set.
     public void setOutput( String output )
 116  0
         this.output = output;
 117  0
      * Getter for <code>path</code>.
      * @return Returns the path.
     public String getPath()
 126  40
         return this.path;
      * Setter for <code>path</code>.
      * Converts \\ to / in path.
      * @param path The path to set.
     public void setPath( String path )
 137  36
         this.path = IdeUtils.fixSeparator( path );
 138  36
      * Getter for <code>test</code>.
      * @return Returns the test.
     public boolean isTest()
 147  0
         return this.test;
      * Setter for <code>test</code>.
      * @param test The test to set.
     public void setTest( boolean test )
 157  0
         this.test = test;
 158  0
      * Getter for <code>isResource</code>.
      * @return Returns the isResource.
     public boolean isResource()
 167  32
         return this.isResource;
      * Wheter this resource should be copied with filtering.
     public boolean isFiltering()
 175  4
         return filtering;
      * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
     public boolean equals( Object obj )
 183  0
         return ( obj != null ) && ( obj instanceof EclipseSourceDir )
             && this.path.equals( ( (EclipseSourceDir) obj ).path );
      * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
     public int hashCode()
 192  32
         return this.path.hashCode();
      * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
     public int compareTo( Object obj )
 200  0
         return this.path.compareTo( ( (EclipseSourceDir) obj ).path );