Package org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.rad

Class Summary
RadApplicationXMLWriter This writer creates the application.xml and the .modulemaps files for RAD6 in the META-INF directory in the project root.
RadEjbClasspathWriter Adapts the .classpath file for RAD6 for now write hardcoded: target/websphere/classes future releases could make this varriable.
RadJ2EEWriter Creates the .j2ee file for RAD6 for now write hardcoded: EJB version 2.1 WAR version 2.4 EAR version 1.4 future releases could make these varriable.
RadLibCopier Copy all dependent jar in the directorys where RAD6 needs then to use the runtime enviorment in RAD6.
RadManifestWriter Create or adapt the manifest files for the RAD6 runtime dependencys.
RadWebSettingsWriter Creates a .settings folder for Eclipse WTP 1.x release and writes out the configuration under it.
RadWebsiteConfigWriter Creates a .settings folder for Eclipse WTP 1.x release and writes out the configuration under it.

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