Uses of Interface

Packages that use EclipseOsgiPlugin

Uses of EclipseOsgiPlugin in org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse

Methods in org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse with parameters of type EclipseOsgiPlugin
protected  void MakeArtifactsMojo.processPlugin(EclipseOsgiPlugin plugin, org.apache.maven.model.Model model, Map plugins, Map models)
protected  void EclipseToMavenMojo.processPlugin(EclipseOsgiPlugin plugin, org.apache.maven.model.Model model, Map plugins, Map models)

Uses of EclipseOsgiPlugin in org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.osgiplugin

Classes in org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.osgiplugin that implement EclipseOsgiPlugin
 class AbstractEclipseOsgiPlugin
          Common functionality for both exploded and packaged plugins.
 class ExplodedPlugin
          Represents an Eclipse plugin that it's exploded in a directory
 class PackagedPlugin
          Represents an Eclipse plugin that it's packaged as a jar

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