Uses of Interface

Packages that use FileNameMapping

Uses of FileNameMapping in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear

Methods in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear that return FileNameMapping
 FileNameMapping EarExecutionContext.getFileNameMapping()

Uses of FileNameMapping in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear.output

Classes in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear.output that implement FileNameMapping
 class AbstractFileNameMapping
          A base class used to generate the standard name of an artifact instead of relying on the (potentially) wrong file name provided by Artifact.getFile().
 class FullFileNameMapping
          A full file name mapping, useful if artifacts might have the same name across groups.
 class NoVersionFileNameMapping
          A simplified version of the standard file name mapping which does not retain the version in the generated file name.
 class StandardFileNameMapping
          The standard file name mapping.

Methods in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear.output that return FileNameMapping
static FileNameMapping FileNameMappingFactory.getDefaultFileNameMapping()
static FileNameMapping FileNameMappingFactory.getFileNameMapping(String nameOrClass)
          Returns the file name mapping implementation based on a logical name of a fully qualified name of the class.

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