Uses of Interface

Packages that use EarModule

Uses of EarModule in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear

Classes in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear that implement EarModule
 class AbstractEarModule
          A base implementation of an EarModule.
 class AppClientModule
          The EarModule implementation for an application client module.
 class Ejb3Module
          Deprecated. ejb v3 is now properly handled by the standard ejb packaging type. use EjbModule instead
 class EjbClientModule
          The EarModule implementation for an ejb client module.
 class EjbModule
          The EarModule implementation for an EJB module.
 class HarModule
          The EarModule implementation for a JBoss Hibernate archive.
 class JarModule
          The EarModule implementation for a non J2EE module such as third party libraries.
 class JavaModule
          Deprecated. the name JavaModule is really confusing since it targets a third party library, use JarModule instead
 class ParModule
          The EarModule implementation for a Par module.
 class RarModule
          The EarModule implementation for an J2EE connector module.
 class SarModule
          The EarModule implementation for a JBoss sar module.
 class WebModule
          The EarModule implementation for a Web application module.
 class WsrModule
          The EarModule implementation for a JBoss wsr module.

Methods in org.apache.maven.plugin.ear that return EarModule
static EarModule EarModuleFactory.newEarModule(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact artifact, JavaEEVersion javaEEVersion, String defaultLibBundleDir, Boolean includeInApplicationXml, ArtifactTypeMappingService typeMappingService)
          Creates a new EarModule based on the specified Artifact and the specified execution configuration.

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