Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.DoapOptions
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
0 %
0 %
  =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2011-01-12 08:22:23,
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options;
  * Specific DOAP parameters, i.e. options that POM doesn't have any
  * notions or to override
  * some POM options.
  * @see <a
  * href=""></a>
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 20  0
 public class DoapOptions
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * The DOAP xmlns prefix.
     private String xmlnsPrefix;
      * The URI of the DOAP xmlns namespace.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>:
 37  0
     private String xmlnsNamespaceURI = "";
      * Description of target user base.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String audience;
      * URI of a blog related to a project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String blog;
      * Bug tracker for a project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.issueManagement.url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 59  0
     private String bugDatabase = "${project.issueManagement.url}";
      * A category of project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: library<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * categories.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 69  0
     private String category = "library";
      * Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g.
      * 2004-04-05.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.inceptionYear}-01-01
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 78  0
     private String created = "${project.inceptionYear}-01-01";
      * The project description.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.description}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 86  0
     private String description = "${project.description}";
      * Web page from which the project software can be
      * downloaded.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>:
      * ${project.distributionManagement.downloadUrl}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 96  0
     private String downloadPage = "${project.distributionManagement.downloadUrl}";
      * Mirror of software download web page.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * mirror pages.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String downloadMirror;
      * URL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 114  0
     private String homepage = "${project.url}";
      * A specification that a project implements. Could be a
      * standard, API or legally defined level of conformance.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * implementations.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String implementations;
      * ISO language code a project has been translated into.
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * languages.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String language;
      * The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is
      * distributed under.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.licenses[0].url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 142  0
     private String license = "${project.licenses[0].url}";
      * Single web page that allows people to find out more
      * information about the mailing lists provided by the
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.url}/mail-lists.html<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: by default, the mailing list page is the one
      * generated by the Maven Project Info Reports Plugin.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 154  0
     private String mailingList = "${project.url}/mail-lists.html";
      * The project name.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 162  0
     private String name = "${}";
      * URL of a project's past homepage, associated with exactly
      * one project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String oldHomepage;
      * Operating system that a project is limited to.  Omit this
      * property if the project is not OS-specific.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * OS.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String os;
      * Indicator of software platform (non-OS specific), e.g. Java,
      * Firefox, ECMA CLR.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * platforms.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String platform;
      * Programming language a project is implemented in or intended
      * for use with.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: Java<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * programming-language.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 201  0
     private String programmingLanguage = "Java";
      * Anonymous Source Repository as URL or Maven format.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.scm.connection}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 213  0
     private String scmAnonymous = "${project.scm.connection}";
      * Developer Source Repository as URL or Maven format.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.scm.developerConnection}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 225  0
     private String scmDeveloper = "${project.scm.developerConnection}";
      * Web page with screenshots of project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String screenshots;
      * URI of a web service endpoint where software as a service
      * may be accessed.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String serviceEndpoint;
      * Short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.description}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 249  0
     private String shortdesc = "${project.description}";
      * Vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
 257  0
     private String vendor = "${}";
      * URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
     private String wiki;
      * Field extra.
     private java.util.Map extra;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addExtra.
      * @param key
      * @param value
     public void addExtra( Object key, String value )
 284  0
         getExtra().put( key, value );
 285  0
     } //-- void addExtra( Object, String )
      * Method equals.
      * @param other
      * @return boolean
     public boolean equals( Object other )
 295  0
         if ( this == other )
 297  0
             return true;
 300  0
         if ( !( other instanceof DoapOptions ) )
 302  0
             return false;
 305  0
         DoapOptions that = (DoapOptions) other;
 306  0
         boolean result = true;
 308  0
         result = result && ( getAudience() == null ? that.getAudience() == null : getAudience().equals( that.getAudience() ) );
 309  0
         result = result && ( getBlog() == null ? that.getBlog() == null : getBlog().equals( that.getBlog() ) );
 310  0
         result = result && ( getBugDatabase() == null ? that.getBugDatabase() == null : getBugDatabase().equals( that.getBugDatabase() ) );
 311  0
         result = result && ( getCategory() == null ? that.getCategory() == null : getCategory().equals( that.getCategory() ) );
 312  0
         result = result && ( getCreated() == null ? that.getCreated() == null : getCreated().equals( that.getCreated() ) );
 313  0
         result = result && ( getDescription() == null ? that.getDescription() == null : getDescription().equals( that.getDescription() ) );
 314  0
         result = result && ( getDownloadPage() == null ? that.getDownloadPage() == null : getDownloadPage().equals( that.getDownloadPage() ) );
 315  0
         result = result && ( getDownloadMirror() == null ? that.getDownloadMirror() == null : getDownloadMirror().equals( that.getDownloadMirror() ) );
 316  0
         result = result && ( getHomepage() == null ? that.getHomepage() == null : getHomepage().equals( that.getHomepage() ) );
 317  0
         result = result && ( getImplementations() == null ? that.getImplementations() == null : getImplementations().equals( that.getImplementations() ) );
 318  0
         result = result && ( getLanguage() == null ? that.getLanguage() == null : getLanguage().equals( that.getLanguage() ) );
 319  0
         result = result && ( getLicense() == null ? that.getLicense() == null : getLicense().equals( that.getLicense() ) );
 320  0
         result = result && ( getMailingList() == null ? that.getMailingList() == null : getMailingList().equals( that.getMailingList() ) );
 321  0
         result = result && ( getName() == null ? that.getName() == null : getName().equals( that.getName() ) );
 322  0
         result = result && ( getOldHomepage() == null ? that.getOldHomepage() == null : getOldHomepage().equals( that.getOldHomepage() ) );
 323  0
         result = result && ( getOs() == null ? that.getOs() == null : getOs().equals( that.getOs() ) );
 324  0
         result = result && ( getPlatform() == null ? that.getPlatform() == null : getPlatform().equals( that.getPlatform() ) );
 325  0
         result = result && ( getProgrammingLanguage() == null ? that.getProgrammingLanguage() == null : getProgrammingLanguage().equals( that.getProgrammingLanguage() ) );
 326  0
         result = result && ( getScmAnonymous() == null ? that.getScmAnonymous() == null : getScmAnonymous().equals( that.getScmAnonymous() ) );
 327  0
         result = result && ( getScmDeveloper() == null ? that.getScmDeveloper() == null : getScmDeveloper().equals( that.getScmDeveloper() ) );
 328  0
         result = result && ( getScreenshots() == null ? that.getScreenshots() == null : getScreenshots().equals( that.getScreenshots() ) );
 329  0
         result = result && ( getServiceEndpoint() == null ? that.getServiceEndpoint() == null : getServiceEndpoint().equals( that.getServiceEndpoint() ) );
 330  0
         result = result && ( getShortdesc() == null ? that.getShortdesc() == null : getShortdesc().equals( that.getShortdesc() ) );
 331  0
         result = result && ( getVendor() == null ? that.getVendor() == null : getVendor().equals( that.getVendor() ) );
 332  0
         result = result && ( getWiki() == null ? that.getWiki() == null : getWiki().equals( that.getWiki() ) );
 333  0
         result = result && ( getExtra() == null ? that.getExtra() == null : getExtra().equals( that.getExtra() ) );
 335  0
         return result;
     } //-- boolean equals( Object )
      * Get description of target user base.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getAudience()
 347  0
         return this.audience;
     } //-- String getAudience()
      * Get uRI of a blog related to a project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getBlog()
 359  0
     } //-- String getBlog()
      * Get bug tracker for a project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.issueManagement.url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getBugDatabase()
 372  0
         return this.bugDatabase;
     } //-- String getBugDatabase()
      * Get a category of project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: library<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * categories.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getCategory()
 387  0
         return this.category;
     } //-- String getCategory()
      * Get date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form.
      * e.g. 2004-04-05.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.inceptionYear}-01-01
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getCreated()
 401  0
         return this.created;
     } //-- String getCreated()
      * Get the project description.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.description}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getDescription()
 414  0
         return this.description;
     } //-- String getDescription()
      * Get mirror of software download web page.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * mirror pages.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getDownloadMirror()
 428  0
         return this.downloadMirror;
     } //-- String getDownloadMirror()
      * Get web page from which the project software can be
      * downloaded.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>:
      * ${project.distributionManagement.downloadUrl}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getDownloadPage()
 443  0
         return this.downloadPage;
     } //-- String getDownloadPage()
      * Method getExtra.
      * @return Map
     public java.util.Map getExtra()
 453  0
         if ( this.extra == null )
 455  0
             this.extra = new java.util.HashMap();
 458  0
         return this.extra;
     } //-- java.util.Map getExtra()
      * Get uRL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getHomepage()
 472  0
         return this.homepage;
     } //-- String getHomepage()
      * Get a specification that a project implements. Could be a
      * standard, API or legally defined level of conformance.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * implementations.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getImplementations()
 487  0
         return this.implementations;
     } //-- String getImplementations()
      * Get iSO language code a project has been translated into.
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * languages.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getLanguage()
 501  0
         return this.language;
     } //-- String getLanguage()
      * Get the URI of an RDF description of the license the
      * software is distributed under.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.licenses[0].url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getLicense()
 515  0
         return this.license;
     } //-- String getLicense()
      * Get single web page that allows people to find out more
      * information about the mailing lists provided by the
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.url}/mail-lists.html<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: by default, the mailing list page is the one
      * generated by the Maven Project Info Reports Plugin.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getMailingList()
 532  0
         return this.mailingList;
     } //-- String getMailingList()
      * Get the project name.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getName()
 545  0
     } //-- String getName()
      * Get uRL of a project's past homepage, associated with
      * exactly one project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getOldHomepage()
 558  0
         return this.oldHomepage;
     } //-- String getOldHomepage()
      * Get operating system that a project is limited to.  Omit
      * this property if the project is not OS-specific.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * OS.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getOs()
 573  0
         return this.os;
     } //-- String getOs()
      * Get indicator of software platform (non-OS specific), e.g.
      * Java, Firefox, ECMA CLR.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * platforms.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getPlatform()
 588  0
         return this.platform;
     } //-- String getPlatform()
      * Get programming language a project is implemented in or
      * intended for use with.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: Java<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * programming-language.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getProgrammingLanguage()
 604  0
         return this.programmingLanguage;
     } //-- String getProgrammingLanguage()
      * Get anonymous Source Repository as URL or Maven format.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.scm.connection}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getScmAnonymous()
 621  0
         return this.scmAnonymous;
     } //-- String getScmAnonymous()
      * Get developer Source Repository as URL or Maven format.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.scm.developerConnection}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getScmDeveloper()
 638  0
         return this.scmDeveloper;
     } //-- String getScmDeveloper()
      * Get web page with screenshots of project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getScreenshots()
 650  0
         return this.screenshots;
     } //-- String getScreenshots()
      * Get uRI of a web service endpoint where software as a
      * service may be accessed.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getServiceEndpoint()
 663  0
         return this.serviceEndpoint;
     } //-- String getServiceEndpoint()
      * Get short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.description}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getShortdesc()
 677  0
         return this.shortdesc;
     } //-- String getShortdesc()
      * Get vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getVendor()
 690  0
         return this.vendor;
     } //-- String getVendor()
      * Get uRL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @return String
     public String getWiki()
 702  0
     } //-- String getWiki()
      * Get the URI of the DOAP xmlns namespace.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>:
      * @return String
     public String getXmlnsNamespaceURI()
 713  0
         return this.xmlnsNamespaceURI;
     } //-- String getXmlnsNamespaceURI()
      * Get the DOAP xmlns prefix.
      * @return String
     public String getXmlnsPrefix()
 723  0
         return this.xmlnsPrefix;
     } //-- String getXmlnsPrefix()
      * Method hashCode.
      * @return int
     public int hashCode()
 733  0
         int result = 17;
 735  0
         result = 37 * result + ( audience != null ? audience.hashCode() : 0 );
 736  0
         result = 37 * result + ( blog != null ? blog.hashCode() : 0 );
 737  0
         result = 37 * result + ( bugDatabase != null ? bugDatabase.hashCode() : 0 );
 738  0
         result = 37 * result + ( category != null ? category.hashCode() : 0 );
 739  0
         result = 37 * result + ( created != null ? created.hashCode() : 0 );
 740  0
         result = 37 * result + ( description != null ? description.hashCode() : 0 );
 741  0
         result = 37 * result + ( downloadPage != null ? downloadPage.hashCode() : 0 );
 742  0
         result = 37 * result + ( downloadMirror != null ? downloadMirror.hashCode() : 0 );
 743  0
         result = 37 * result + ( homepage != null ? homepage.hashCode() : 0 );
 744  0
         result = 37 * result + ( implementations != null ? implementations.hashCode() : 0 );
 745  0
         result = 37 * result + ( language != null ? language.hashCode() : 0 );
 746  0
         result = 37 * result + ( license != null ? license.hashCode() : 0 );
 747  0
         result = 37 * result + ( mailingList != null ? mailingList.hashCode() : 0 );
 748  0
         result = 37 * result + ( name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0 );
 749  0
         result = 37 * result + ( oldHomepage != null ? oldHomepage.hashCode() : 0 );
 750  0
         result = 37 * result + ( os != null ? os.hashCode() : 0 );
 751  0
         result = 37 * result + ( platform != null ? platform.hashCode() : 0 );
 752  0
         result = 37 * result + ( programmingLanguage != null ? programmingLanguage.hashCode() : 0 );
 753  0
         result = 37 * result + ( scmAnonymous != null ? scmAnonymous.hashCode() : 0 );
 754  0
         result = 37 * result + ( scmDeveloper != null ? scmDeveloper.hashCode() : 0 );
 755  0
         result = 37 * result + ( screenshots != null ? screenshots.hashCode() : 0 );
 756  0
         result = 37 * result + ( serviceEndpoint != null ? serviceEndpoint.hashCode() : 0 );
 757  0
         result = 37 * result + ( shortdesc != null ? shortdesc.hashCode() : 0 );
 758  0
         result = 37 * result + ( vendor != null ? vendor.hashCode() : 0 );
 759  0
         result = 37 * result + ( wiki != null ? wiki.hashCode() : 0 );
 760  0
         result = 37 * result + ( extra != null ? extra.hashCode() : 0 );
 762  0
         return result;
     } //-- int hashCode()
      * Set description of target user base.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param audience
     public void setAudience( String audience )
 774  0
         this.audience = audience;
 775  0
     } //-- void setAudience( String )
      * Set uRI of a blog related to a project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param blog
     public void setBlog( String blog )
 786  0 = blog;
 787  0
     } //-- void setBlog( String )
      * Set bug tracker for a project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.issueManagement.url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param bugDatabase
     public void setBugDatabase( String bugDatabase )
 799  0
         this.bugDatabase = bugDatabase;
 800  0
     } //-- void setBugDatabase( String )
      * Set a category of project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: library<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * categories.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param category
     public void setCategory( String category )
 814  0
         this.category = category;
 815  0
     } //-- void setCategory( String )
      * Set date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form.
      * e.g. 2004-04-05.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.inceptionYear}-01-01
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param created
     public void setCreated( String created )
 828  0
         this.created = created;
 829  0
     } //-- void setCreated( String )
      * Set the project description.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.description}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param description
     public void setDescription( String description )
 841  0
         this.description = description;
 842  0
     } //-- void setDescription( String )
      * Set mirror of software download web page.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * mirror pages.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param downloadMirror
     public void setDownloadMirror( String downloadMirror )
 855  0
         this.downloadMirror = downloadMirror;
 856  0
     } //-- void setDownloadMirror( String )
      * Set web page from which the project software can be
      * downloaded.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>:
      * ${project.distributionManagement.downloadUrl}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param downloadPage
     public void setDownloadPage( String downloadPage )
 870  0
         this.downloadPage = downloadPage;
 871  0
     } //-- void setDownloadPage( String )
      * Set extra DOAP vocabulary as key/value, not actually defined
      * as plugin options.
      * @param extra
     public void setExtra( java.util.Map extra )
 881  0
         this.extra = extra;
 882  0
     } //-- void setExtra( java.util.Map )
      * Set uRL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param homepage
     public void setHomepage( String homepage )
 895  0
         this.homepage = homepage;
 896  0
     } //-- void setHomepage( String )
      * Set a specification that a project implements. Could be a
      * standard, API or legally defined level of conformance.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * implementations.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param implementations
     public void setImplementations( String implementations )
 910  0
         this.implementations = implementations;
 911  0
     } //-- void setImplementations( String )
      * Set iSO language code a project has been translated into.
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * languages.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param language
     public void setLanguage( String language )
 924  0
         this.language = language;
 925  0
     } //-- void setLanguage( String )
      * Set the URI of an RDF description of the license the
      * software is distributed under.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.licenses[0].url}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param license
     public void setLicense( String license )
 938  0
         this.license = license;
 939  0
     } //-- void setLicense( String )
      * Set single web page that allows people to find out more
      * information about the mailing lists provided by the
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.url}/mail-lists.html<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: by default, the mailing list page is the one
      * generated by the Maven Project Info Reports Plugin.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param mailingList
     public void setMailingList( String mailingList )
 955  0
         this.mailingList = mailingList;
 956  0
     } //-- void setMailingList( String )
      * Set the project name.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param name
     public void setName( String name )
 968  0 = name;
 969  0
     } //-- void setName( String )
      * Set uRL of a project's past homepage, associated with
      * exactly one project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param oldHomepage
     public void setOldHomepage( String oldHomepage )
 981  0
         this.oldHomepage = oldHomepage;
 982  0
     } //-- void setOldHomepage( String )
      * Set operating system that a project is limited to.  Omit
      * this property if the project is not OS-specific.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * OS.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param os
     public void setOs( String os )
 996  0
         this.os = os;
 997  0
     } //-- void setOs( String )
      * Set indicator of software platform (non-OS specific), e.g.
      * Java, Firefox, ECMA CLR.<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * platforms.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param platform
     public void setPlatform( String platform )
 1011  0
         this.platform = platform;
 1012  0
     } //-- void setPlatform( String )
      * Set programming language a project is implemented in or
      * intended for use with.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: Java<br/>
      * <b>Note</b>: This string is comma separated to allow several
      * programming-language.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param programmingLanguage
     public void setProgrammingLanguage( String programmingLanguage )
 1027  0
         this.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage;
 1028  0
     } //-- void setProgrammingLanguage( String )
      * Set anonymous Source Repository as URL or Maven format.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.scm.connection}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param scmAnonymous
     public void setScmAnonymous( String scmAnonymous )
 1044  0
         this.scmAnonymous = scmAnonymous;
 1045  0
     } //-- void setScmAnonymous( String )
      * Set developer Source Repository as URL or Maven format.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.scm.developerConnection}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param scmDeveloper
     public void setScmDeveloper( String scmDeveloper )
 1061  0
         this.scmDeveloper = scmDeveloper;
 1062  0
     } //-- void setScmDeveloper( String )
      * Set web page with screenshots of project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param screenshots
     public void setScreenshots( String screenshots )
 1073  0
         this.screenshots = screenshots;
 1074  0
     } //-- void setScreenshots( String )
      * Set uRI of a web service endpoint where software as a
      * service may be accessed.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param serviceEndpoint
     public void setServiceEndpoint( String serviceEndpoint )
 1086  0
         this.serviceEndpoint = serviceEndpoint;
 1087  0
     } //-- void setServiceEndpoint( String )
      * Set short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a
      * project.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${project.description}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param shortdesc
     public void setShortdesc( String shortdesc )
 1100  0
         this.shortdesc = shortdesc;
 1101  0
     } //-- void setShortdesc( String )
      * Set vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>: ${}
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param vendor
     public void setVendor( String vendor )
 1113  0
         this.vendor = vendor;
 1114  0
     } //-- void setVendor( String )
      * Set uRL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project.
      * @see <a
      * href=""></a>
      * @param wiki
     public void setWiki( String wiki )
 1125  0 = wiki;
 1126  0
     } //-- void setWiki( String )
      * Set the URI of the DOAP xmlns namespace.<br/>
      * <b>Default value</b>:
      * @param xmlnsNamespaceURI
     public void setXmlnsNamespaceURI( String xmlnsNamespaceURI )
 1136  0
         this.xmlnsNamespaceURI = xmlnsNamespaceURI;
 1137  0
     } //-- void setXmlnsNamespaceURI( String )
      * Set the DOAP xmlns prefix.
      * @param xmlnsPrefix
     public void setXmlnsPrefix( String xmlnsPrefix )
 1146  0
         this.xmlnsPrefix = xmlnsPrefix;
 1147  0
     } //-- void setXmlnsPrefix( String )
      * Method toString.
      * @return String
     public java.lang.String toString()
 1156  0
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 128 );
 1158  0
         buf.append( "audience = '" );
 1159  0
         buf.append( getAudience() );
 1160  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1161  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1162  0
         buf.append( "blog = '" );
 1163  0
         buf.append( getBlog() );
 1164  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1165  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1166  0
         buf.append( "bugDatabase = '" );
 1167  0
         buf.append( getBugDatabase() );
 1168  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1169  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1170  0
         buf.append( "category = '" );
 1171  0
         buf.append( getCategory() );
 1172  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1173  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1174  0
         buf.append( "created = '" );
 1175  0
         buf.append( getCreated() );
 1176  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1177  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1178  0
         buf.append( "description = '" );
 1179  0
         buf.append( getDescription() );
 1180  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1181  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1182  0
         buf.append( "downloadPage = '" );
 1183  0
         buf.append( getDownloadPage() );
 1184  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1185  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1186  0
         buf.append( "downloadMirror = '" );
 1187  0
         buf.append( getDownloadMirror() );
 1188  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1189  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1190  0
         buf.append( "homepage = '" );
 1191  0
         buf.append( getHomepage() );
 1192  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1193  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1194  0
         buf.append( "implementations = '" );
 1195  0
         buf.append( getImplementations() );
 1196  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1197  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1198  0
         buf.append( "language = '" );
 1199  0
         buf.append( getLanguage() );
 1200  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1201  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1202  0
         buf.append( "license = '" );
 1203  0
         buf.append( getLicense() );
 1204  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1205  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1206  0
         buf.append( "mailingList = '" );
 1207  0
         buf.append( getMailingList() );
 1208  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1209  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1210  0
         buf.append( "name = '" );
 1211  0
         buf.append( getName() );
 1212  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1213  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1214  0
         buf.append( "oldHomepage = '" );
 1215  0
         buf.append( getOldHomepage() );
 1216  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1217  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1218  0
         buf.append( "os = '" );
 1219  0
         buf.append( getOs() );
 1220  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1221  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1222  0
         buf.append( "platform = '" );
 1223  0
         buf.append( getPlatform() );
 1224  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1225  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1226  0
         buf.append( "programmingLanguage = '" );
 1227  0
         buf.append( getProgrammingLanguage() );
 1228  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1229  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1230  0
         buf.append( "scmAnonymous = '" );
 1231  0
         buf.append( getScmAnonymous() );
 1232  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1233  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1234  0
         buf.append( "scmDeveloper = '" );
 1235  0
         buf.append( getScmDeveloper() );
 1236  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1237  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1238  0
         buf.append( "screenshots = '" );
 1239  0
         buf.append( getScreenshots() );
 1240  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1241  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1242  0
         buf.append( "serviceEndpoint = '" );
 1243  0
         buf.append( getServiceEndpoint() );
 1244  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1245  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1246  0
         buf.append( "shortdesc = '" );
 1247  0
         buf.append( getShortdesc() );
 1248  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1249  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1250  0
         buf.append( "vendor = '" );
 1251  0
         buf.append( getVendor() );
 1252  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1253  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1254  0
         buf.append( "wiki = '" );
 1255  0
         buf.append( getWiki() );
 1256  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1257  0
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 1258  0
         buf.append( "extra = '" );
 1259  0
         buf.append( getExtra() );
 1260  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 1262  0
         return buf.toString();
     } //-- java.lang.String toString()