Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.DoapUtil
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
86 %
67 %
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.doap;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.text.DateFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Developer;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.XMLWriter;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.XmlWriterUtil;
  * Utility class for DOAP mojo.
  * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
  * @version $Id$
  * @since 1.0
 45  0
 public class DoapUtil
     /** Magic number to repeat '=' */
     private static final int REPEAT_EQUALS = 21;
     /** RDF resource attribute */
     protected static final String RDF_RESOURCE = "rdf:resource";
      * Write comments in the DOAP file header
      * @param writer not null
     public static void writeHeader( XMLWriter writer )
 60  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 62  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentLineBreak( writer );
 63  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, StringUtils.repeat( "=", REPEAT_EQUALS ) + " - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! - "
             + StringUtils.repeat( "=", REPEAT_EQUALS ) );
 65  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentLineBreak( writer );
 66  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, " " );
 67  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, "Any modifications will be overwritten." );
 68  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, " " );
 69  2
         DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.US );
 70  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, "Generated by Maven Doap Plugin on "
             + dateFormat.format( new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ) ) );
 72  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, "See:" );
 73  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeComment( writer, " " );
 74  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentLineBreak( writer );
 76  2
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 77  2
      * @param writer not null
      * @param name not null
      * @param value could be null. In this case, the element is not written.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null or empty
     public static void writeElement( XMLWriter writer, String name, String value )
         throws IllegalArgumentException
 88  2
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
 90  1
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "name should be defined" );
 93  1
         if ( value != null )
 95  1
             writer.startElement( name );
 96  1
             writer.writeText( value );
 97  1
 99  1
      * @param writer not null
      * @param name not null
      * @param lang not null
      * @param value could be null. In this case, the element is not written.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null or empty
     public static void writeElement( XMLWriter writer, String name, String value, String lang )
         throws IllegalArgumentException
 111  4
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( lang ) )
 113  0
             writeElement( writer, name, value );
 114  0
 117  4
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
 119  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "name should be defined" );
 122  4
         if ( value != null )
 124  4
             writer.startElement( name );
 125  4
             writer.addAttribute( "xml:lang", lang );
 126  4
             writer.writeText( value );
 127  4
 129  4
      * @param writer not null
      * @param name not null
      * @param value could be null. In this case, the element is not written.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null or empty
     public static void writeRdfResourceElement( XMLWriter writer, String name, String value )
         throws IllegalArgumentException
 140  12
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
 142  1
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "name should be defined" );
 145  11
         if ( value != null )
 147  11
             writer.startElement( name );
 148  11
             writer.addAttribute( RDF_RESOURCE, value );
 149  11
 151  11
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have a <code>developer</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithDeveloperRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 160  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "developers" );
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have a <code>documenter</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithDocumenterRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 170  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "documenters" );
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have an <code>helper</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithHelperRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 180  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "helpers" );
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have a <code>maintainer</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithMaintainerRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 190  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "maintainers" );
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have a <code>tester</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithTesterRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 200  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "testers" );
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have a <code>translator</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithTranslatorRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 210  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "translators" );
      * @param i18n the internationalization component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null list of developers or contributors which have an <code>unknown</code> DOAP role.
     public static List getDevelopersOrContributorsWithUnknownRole( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 220  2
         return (List) filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( i18n, developersOrContributors ).get( "unknowns" );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Filter the developers/contributors roles by the keys from {@link I18N#getBundle()}.
      * <br/>
      * I18N roles supported in DOAP, i.e. <code>maintainer</code>, <code>developer</code>, <code>documenter</code>,
      * <code>translator</code>, <code>tester</code>, <code>helper</code>.
      * <br/>
      * <b>Note:</b> Actually, only English keys are used.
      * @param i18n i18n component
      * @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
      * @return a none null map with <code>maintainers</code>, <code>developers</code>, <code>documenters</code>,
      * <code>translators</code>, <code>testers</code>, <code>helpers</code>, <code>unknowns</code> as keys and list of
      * <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code> as value.
     private static Map filterDevelopersOrContributorsByDoapRoles( I18N i18n, List developersOrContributors )
 243  14
         Map returnMap = new HashMap( 7 );
 244  14
         returnMap.put( "maintainers", new ArrayList() );
 245  14
         returnMap.put( "developers", new ArrayList() );
 246  14
         returnMap.put( "documenters", new ArrayList() );
 247  14
         returnMap.put( "translators", new ArrayList() );
 248  14
         returnMap.put( "testers", new ArrayList() );
 249  14
         returnMap.put( "helpers", new ArrayList() );
 250  14
         returnMap.put( "unknowns", new ArrayList() );
 252  14
         if ( developersOrContributors == null || developersOrContributors.isEmpty() )
 254  0
             return returnMap;
 257  14
         for ( Iterator it = developersOrContributors.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 259  14
             Object obj =;
             List roles;
 262  15
             if ( Developer.class.isAssignableFrom( obj.getClass() ) )
 264  14
                 Developer developer = (Developer) obj;
 265  14
                 roles = developer.getRoles();
 266  14
 269  0
                 Contributor contributor = (Contributor) obj;
 270  0
                 roles = contributor.getRoles();
 273  14
             if ( roles != null && roles.size() != 0 )
 275  14
                 for ( Iterator it2 = roles.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); )
 277  35
                     String role = (String);
 279  35
                     role = role.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
 280  35
                     if ( role.indexOf( getLowerCaseString( i18n, "doap.maintainer" ) ) != -1 )
 282  14
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "maintainers" ) ).add( obj );
 284  21
                     else if ( role.indexOf( getLowerCaseString( i18n, "doap.developer" ) ) != -1 )
 286  0
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "developers" ) ).add( obj );
 288  21
                     else if ( role.indexOf( getLowerCaseString( i18n, "doap.documenter" ) ) != -1 )
 290  0
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "documenters" ) ).add( obj );
 292  21
                     else if ( role.indexOf( getLowerCaseString( i18n, "doap.translator" ) ) != -1 )
 294  0
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "translators" ) ).add( obj );
 296  21
                     else if ( role.indexOf( getLowerCaseString( i18n, "doap.tester" ) ) != -1 )
 298  7
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "testers" ) ).add( obj );
 300  14
                     else if ( role.indexOf( getLowerCaseString( i18n, "doap.helper" ) ) != -1 )
 302  0
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "helpers" ) ).add( obj );
 306  14
                         ( (List) returnMap.get( "unknowns" ) ).add( obj );
 308  35
 312  0
                 ( (List) returnMap.get( "unknowns" ) ).add( obj );
 314  14
 316  14
         return returnMap;
      * @param i18n not null
      * @param key not null
      * @return lower case value for the key in the i18n bundle.
     private static String getLowerCaseString( I18N i18n, String key )
 326  133
         return i18n.getString( "doap-person", Locale.ENGLISH, key ).toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );