Package org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml

Class Summary
XmlReader Deprecated. use XmlStreamReader
XmlStreamReader Deprecated. TO BE REMOVED from here when plexus-utils is upgraded to 1.4.5+ (and prerequisite upgraded to Maven 2.0.6)
XmlStreamWriter Deprecated. TO BE REMOVED from here when plexus-utils is upgraded to 1.4.5+ (and prerequisite upgraded to Maven 2.0.6)

Exception Summary
XmlReaderException Deprecated. TO BE REMOVED from here when plexus-utils is upgraded to 1.4.5+ (and prerequisite upgraded to Maven 2.0.6)
XmlStreamReaderException Deprecated. TO BE REMOVED from here when plexus-utils is upgraded to 1.4.5+ (and prerequisite upgraded to Maven 2.0.6)

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