Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractDependencyMojo

Uses of AbstractDependencyMojo in org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency

Subclasses of AbstractDependencyMojo in org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency
 class AbstractDependencyFilterMojo
          Class that excapusulates the plugin parameters, and contains methods that handle dependency filtering
 class AbstractFromDependenciesMojo
          Abstract Parent class used by mojos that get Artifact information from the project dependencies.
 class AbstractResolveMojo
 class BuildClasspathMojo
          This goal will output a classpath string of dependencies from the local repository to a file or log.
 class CopyDependenciesMojo
          Goal that copies the project dependencies from the repository to a defined location.
 class ListMojo
          Displays the list of dependencies for this project.
 class UnpackDependenciesMojo
          Goal that unpacks the project dependencies from the repository to a defined location.

Uses of AbstractDependencyMojo in org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.fromConfiguration

Subclasses of AbstractDependencyMojo in org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.fromConfiguration
 class AbstractFromConfigurationMojo
          Abstract Parent class used by mojos that get Artifact information from the plugin configuration as an ArrayList of ArtifactItems
 class CopyMojo
          Goal that copies a list of artifacts from the repository to defined locations.
 class UnpackMojo
          Goal that retrieves a list of artifacts from the repository and unpacks them in a defined location.

Uses of AbstractDependencyMojo in org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.resolvers

Subclasses of AbstractDependencyMojo in org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.resolvers
 class GoOfflineMojo
          Goal that resolves all project dependencies, including plugins and reports and their dependencies.
 class ResolveDependenciesMojo
          Goal that resolves the project dependencies from the repository.
 class ResolveDependencySourcesMojo
          Goal that resolves the project source dependencies from the repository.
 class ResolvePluginsMojo
          Goal that resolves all project plugins and reports and their dependencies.

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