Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.jira.JqlQueryBuilder
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.jira;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.Locale;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
  * Builder for a JIRA query using the JIRA query language.
  * Only a limited set of JQL is supported.
  * @author
  * @version $Id: 1380001 2012-09-02 16:00:59Z dennisl $
  * @since 2.8
 public class JqlQueryBuilder
     implements JiraQueryBuilder
 39  34
     private String filter = "";
      * Log for debug output.
     private Log log;
 46  34
     private StringBuilder orderBy = new StringBuilder();
 48  34
     private StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
     public JqlQueryBuilder( Log log )
 51  34
 52  34
         this.log = log;
 53  34
     public String build()
             String jqlQuery;
             // If the user has defined a filter - use that
 61  34
             if ( ( this.filter != null ) && ( this.filter.length() > 0 ) )
 63  0
                 jqlQuery = filter;
 67  34
                 jqlQuery = query.toString() + orderBy.toString();
 69  34
             getLog().debug( "Encoding JQL query " + jqlQuery );
 70  34
             String encodedQuery = URLEncoder.encode( jqlQuery, "UTF-8" );
 71  34
             getLog().debug( "Encoded JQL query " + encodedQuery );
 72  34
             return encodedQuery;
 74  0
         catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
 76  0
             getLog().error( "Unable to encode JQL query with UTF-8", e );
 77  0
             throw new RuntimeException( e );
     public JiraQueryBuilder components( String components )
 83  0
         addCommaSeparatedValues( "component", components );
 84  0
         return this;
     public JiraQueryBuilder filter( String filter )
 89  0
         this.filter = filter;
 90  0
         return this;
      * When both {@link #fixVersion(String)} and {@link #fixVersionIds(String)} are used then you will probably
      * end up with a JQL query that is valid, but returns nothing. Unless they both only reference the same fixVersion
      * @param fixVersion
      * @return
     public JiraQueryBuilder fixVersion( String fixVersion )
 102  4
         addSingleValue( "fixVersion", fixVersion );
 103  4
         return this;
      * When both {@link #fixVersion(String)} and {@link #fixVersionIds(String)} are used then you will probably
      * end up with a JQL query that is valid, but returns nothing. Unless they both only reference the same fixVersion
      * @param fixVersionIds
      * @return
     public JiraQueryBuilder fixVersionIds( String fixVersionIds )
 115  0
         addCommaSeparatedValues( "fixVersion", fixVersionIds );
 116  0
         return this;
     public Log getLog()
 121  68
         return log;
     public JiraQueryBuilder priorityIds( String priorityIds )
 126  10
         addCommaSeparatedValues( "priority", priorityIds );
 127  10
         return this;
     public JiraQueryBuilder project( String project )
 132  18
         addSingleValue( "project", project );
 133  18
         return this;
     public JiraQueryBuilder resolutionIds( String resolutionIds )
 138  0
         addCommaSeparatedValues( "resolution", resolutionIds );
 139  0
         return this;
     public JiraQueryBuilder sortColumnNames( String sortColumnNames )
 144  14
         if ( sortColumnNames != null )
 146  14
             orderBy.append( " ORDER BY " );
 148  14
             String[] sortColumnNamesArray = sortColumnNames.split( "," );
 150  22
             for ( int i = 0; i < sortColumnNamesArray.length - 1; i++ )
 152  8
                 addSingleSortColumn( sortColumnNamesArray[i] );
 153  8
                 orderBy.append( ", " );
 155  14
             addSingleSortColumn( sortColumnNamesArray[sortColumnNamesArray.length - 1] );
 157  14
         return this;
     public JiraQueryBuilder statusIds( String statusIds )
 162  4
         addCommaSeparatedValues( "status", statusIds );
 163  4
         return this;
     public JiraQueryBuilder typeIds( String typeIds )
 169  0
         addCommaSeparatedValues( "type", typeIds );
 170  0
         return this;
     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     /* Private methods                                                       */
     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     private void addCommaSeparatedValues( String key, String values )
 179  14
         if ( values != null )
 181  14
             if ( query.length() > 0 )
 183  2
                 query.append( " AND " );
 186  14
             query.append( key + " in (" );
 188  14
             String[] valuesArr = values.split( "," );
 190  22
             for ( int i = 0; i < ( valuesArr.length - 1 ); i++ )
 192  8
                 trimAndQuoteValue( valuesArr[i] );
 193  8
                 query.append( ", " );
 195  14
             trimAndQuoteValue( valuesArr[valuesArr.length - 1] );
 196  14
             query.append( ")" );
 198  14
     private void addSingleSortColumn( String name )
 202  22
         boolean descending = false;
 203  22
         name = name.trim().toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
 204  22
         if ( name.endsWith( "desc" ) )
 206  8
             descending = true;
 207  8
             name = name.substring( 0, name.length() - 4 ).trim();
 209  14
         else if ( name.endsWith( "asc" ) )
 211  12
             descending = false;
 212  12
             name = name.substring( 0, name.length() - 3 ).trim();
         // Strip any spaces from the column name, or it will trip up JIRA's JQL parser
 215  22
         name = name.replaceAll( " ", "" );
 216  22
         orderBy.append( name );
 217  22
         orderBy.append( descending ? " DESC" : " ASC" );
 218  22
     private void addSingleValue( String key, String value )
 222  22
         if ( value != null )
 224  22
             if ( query.length() > 0 )
 226  2
                 query.append( " AND " );
 228  22
             query.append( key ).append( " = " );
 229  22
             trimAndQuoteValue( value );
 231  22
     private void trimAndQuoteValue( String value )
 235  44
         String trimmedValue = value.trim();
 236  44
         if ( trimmedValue.contains( " " ) || trimmedValue.contains( "." ) )
 238  6
             query.append( "\"" ).append( trimmedValue ).append( "\"" );
 242  38
             query.append( trimmedValue );
 244  44