Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.changes.ChangesReportGenerator
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.changes;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.util.HtmlTools;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.issues.AbstractIssuesReportGenerator;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.changes.model.Action;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.changes.model.DueTo;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.changes.model.FixedIssue;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.changes.model.Release;
  * Generates a changes report.
  * @version $Id$
 public class ChangesReportGenerator extends AbstractIssuesReportGenerator
      * The token in {@link #issueLinksPerSystem} denoting the base URL for the issue management.
     private static final String URL_TOKEN = "%URL%";
      * The token in {@link #issueLinksPerSystem} denoting the issue ID.
     private static final String ISSUE_TOKEN = "%ISSUE%";
     static final String DEFAULT_ISSUE_SYSTEM_KEY = "default";
     private static final String NO_TEAMLIST = "none";
      * The issue management system to use, for actions that do not specify a
      * system.
      * @since 2.4
     private String system;
     private String teamlist;
     private String url;
     private Map issueLinksPerSystem;
     private boolean addActionDate;
      * @since 2.4
     private boolean escapeHTML;
      * @since 2.4
     private List releaseList;
     public ChangesReportGenerator()
 87  0
 88  0
         issueLinksPerSystem = new HashMap();
 89  0
     public ChangesReportGenerator( List releaseList )
 93  0
 94  0
         this.releaseList = releaseList;
 95  0
      * @since 2.4
     public boolean isEscapeHTML()
 102  0
         return escapeHTML;
      * @since 2.4
     public void setEscapeHTML( boolean escapeHTML )
 110  0
         this.escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
 111  0
      * @since 2.4
     public String getSystem()
 118  0
         return system;
      * @since 2.4
     public void setSystem( String system )
 126  0
         this.system = system;
 127  0
     public void setTeamlist( final String teamlist )
 131  0
         this.teamlist = teamlist;
 132  0
     public String getTeamlist()
 136  0
         return teamlist;
     public void setUrl( String url )
 141  0
         this.url = url;
 142  0
     public String getUrl()
 146  0
         return url;
     public Map getIssueLinksPerSystem()
 151  0
         return issueLinksPerSystem;
     public void setIssueLinksPerSystem( Map issueLinksPerSystem )
 156  0
         if ( this.issueLinksPerSystem != null && issueLinksPerSystem == null )
 158  0
 160  0
         this.issueLinksPerSystem = issueLinksPerSystem;
 161  0
     public boolean isAddActionDate()
 165  0
         return addActionDate;
     public void setAddActionDate( boolean addActionDate )
 170  0
         this.addActionDate = addActionDate;
 171  0
      * Checks whether links to the issues can be generated for the given system.
      * @param system The issue management system
      * @return <code>true</code> if issue links can be generated, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     public boolean canGenerateIssueLinks( String system )
 181  0
         if ( !this.issueLinksPerSystem.containsKey( system ) )
 183  0
             return false;
 185  0
         String issueLink = (String) this.issueLinksPerSystem.get( system );
         // If the issue link entry is blank then no links are possible
 188  0
         if ( StringUtils.isBlank( issueLink ) )
 190  0
             return false;
         // If the %URL% token is used then the issue management system URL must be set.
 194  0
         if ( issueLink.indexOf( URL_TOKEN ) >= 0 && StringUtils.isBlank( getUrl() ) )
 196  0
             return false;
 198  0
         return true;
     public void doGenerateEmptyReport( ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink, String message )
 203  0
         sinkBeginReport( sink, bundle );
 205  0
         sink.text( message );
 207  0
         sinkEndReport( sink );
 208  0
     public void doGenerateReport( ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 212  0
         sinkBeginReport( sink, bundle );
 214  0
         constructReleaseHistory( sink, bundle, releaseList );
 216  0
         constructReleases( sink, bundle, releaseList );
 218  0
         sinkEndReport( sink );
 219  0
     private void constructActions( Sink sink, List actionList, ResourceBundle bundle )
 223  0
         if ( actionList.isEmpty() )
 225  0
 227  0
             sink.text( bundle.getString( "" ) );
 229  0
 233  0
 235  0
 237  0
             sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.issues.label.type" ) );
 239  0
             sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.issues.label.summary" ) );
 241  0
             sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.issues.label.assignee" ) );
 243  0
             if ( this.isAddActionDate() )
 245  0
                 sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.issues.label.updated" ) );
 247  0
 249  0
             for ( int idx = 0; idx < actionList.size(); idx++ )
 251  0
                 Action action = (Action) actionList.get( idx );
 253  0
 255  0
                 sinkShowTypeIcon( sink, action.getType() );
 257  0
 259  0
                 if ( escapeHTML )
 261  0
                     sink.text( action.getAction() );
 265  0
                     sink.rawText( action.getAction() );
                 // no null check needed classes from modello return a new ArrayList
 269  0
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( action.getIssue() ) || ( !action.getFixedIssues().isEmpty() ) )
 271  0
                     sink.text( " " + bundle.getString( "report.changes.text.fixes" ) + " " );
                     // Try to get the issue management system specified in the changes.xml file
 274  0
                     String system = action.getSystem();
                     // Try to get the issue management system configured in the POM
 276  0
                     if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( system ) )
 278  0
                         system = this.system;
                     // Use the default issue management system
 281  0
                     if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( system ) )
 283  0
                         system = DEFAULT_ISSUE_SYSTEM_KEY;
 285  0
                     if ( !canGenerateIssueLinks( system ) )
 287  0
                         constructIssueText( action.getIssue(), sink, action.getFixedIssues() );
 291  0
                         constructIssueLink( action.getIssue(), system, sink, action.getFixedIssues() );
 293  0
                     sink.text( "." );
 296  0
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( action.getDueTo() ) || ( !action.getDueTos().isEmpty() ) )
 298  0
                     constructDueTo( sink, action, bundle, action.getDueTos() );
 301  0
 303  0
                 if ( NO_TEAMLIST.equals( teamlist ) )
 305  0
                     sinkCell( sink, action.getDev() );
 309  0
                     sinkCellLink( sink, action.getDev(), teamlist + "#" + action.getDev() );
 312  0
                 if ( this.isAddActionDate() )
 314  0
                     sinkCell( sink, action.getDate() );
 317  0
 320  0
 322  0
      * Construct a text or link that mention the people that helped with an action.
      * @param sink The sink
      * @param action The action that was done
      * @param bundle A resource bundle for i18n
      * @param dueTos Other people that helped with an action
     private void constructDueTo( Sink sink, Action action, ResourceBundle bundle, List dueTos )
         // Create a Map with key : dueTo name, value : dueTo email
 336  0
         Map<String,String> namesEmailMap = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
         // Only add the dueTo specified as attributes, if it has either a dueTo or a dueToEmail
 339  0
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( action.getDueTo() ) || StringUtils.isNotEmpty( action.getDueToEmail() ) )
 341  0
             namesEmailMap.put( action.getDueTo(), action.getDueToEmail() );
 344  0
         for ( Iterator iterator = dueTos.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 346  0
             DueTo dueTo = (DueTo);
 347  0
             namesEmailMap.put( dueTo.getName(), dueTo.getEmail() );
 348  0
 350  0
         if ( namesEmailMap.isEmpty() )
 352  0
 355  0
         sink.text( " " + bundle.getString( "report.changes.text.thanx" ) + " " );
 356  0
         int i = 0;
 357  0
         for ( String currentDueTo : namesEmailMap.keySet() )
 359  0
             String currentDueToEmail = namesEmailMap.get( currentDueTo );
 360  0
 362  0
             if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( currentDueToEmail ) )
 364  0
                 sinkLink( sink, currentDueTo, "mailto:" + currentDueToEmail );
 366  0
             else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( currentDueTo ) )
 368  0
                 sink.text( currentDueTo );
 371  0
             if ( i < namesEmailMap.size() )
 373  0
                 sink.text( ", " );
 375  0
 377  0
         sink.text( "." );
 378  0
      * Construct links to the issues that were solved by an action.
      * @param issue The issue specified by attributes
      * @param system The issue management system
      * @param sink The sink
      * @param fixes The List of issues specified as fixes elements
     private void constructIssueLink( String issue, String system, Sink sink, List fixes )
 390  0
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( issue ) )
 392  0
    parseIssueLink( issue, system ) );
 394  0
             sink.text( issue );
 396  0
 398  0
             if ( !fixes.isEmpty() )
 400  0
                 sink.text( ", " );
 404  0
         for ( Iterator iterator = fixes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 406  0
             FixedIssue fixedIssue = (FixedIssue);
 407  0
             String currentIssueId = fixedIssue.getIssue();
 408  0
             if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( currentIssueId ) )
 410  0
        parseIssueLink( currentIssueId, system ) );
 412  0
                 sink.text( currentIssueId );
 414  0
 417  0
             if ( iterator.hasNext() )
 419  0
                 sink.text( ", " );
 421  0
 422  0
      * Construct a text that references (but does not link to) the issues that
      * were solved by an action.
      * @param issue The issue specified by attributes
      * @param sink The sink
      * @param fixes The List of issues specified as fixes elements
     private void constructIssueText( String issue, Sink sink, List fixes )
 434  0
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( issue ) )
 436  0
             sink.text( issue );
 438  0
             if ( !fixes.isEmpty() )
 440  0
                 sink.text( ", " );
 444  0
         for ( Iterator iterator = fixes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 446  0
             FixedIssue fixedIssue = (FixedIssue);
 448  0
             String currentIssueId = fixedIssue.getIssue();
 449  0
             if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( currentIssueId ) )
 451  0
                 sink.text( currentIssueId );
 454  0
             if ( iterator.hasNext() )
 456  0
                 sink.text( ", " );
 458  0
 459  0
     private void constructReleaseHistory( Sink sink, ResourceBundle bundle, List releaseList )
 463  0
 465  0
         sinkSectionTitle2Anchor( sink, bundle.getString( "report.changes.label.releasehistory" ),
                                  bundle.getString( "report.changes.label.releasehistory" ) );
 468  0
 470  0
 472  0
         sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.issues.label.fixVersion" ) );
 474  0
         sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.changes.label.releaseDate" ) );
 476  0
         sinkHeader( sink, bundle.getString( "report.changes.label.releaseDescription" ) );
 478  0
 480  0
         for ( int idx = 0; idx < releaseList.size(); idx++ )
 482  0
             Release release = (Release) releaseList.get( idx );
 484  0
 486  0
             sinkCellLink( sink, release.getVersion(), "#" + HtmlTools.encodeId( release.getVersion() ) );
 488  0
             sinkCell( sink, release.getDateRelease() );
 490  0
             sinkCell( sink, release.getDescription() );
 492  0
 495  0
         // @todo Temporarily commented out until MCHANGES-46 is completely solved
         // sink.rawText( bundle.getString( "report.changes.text.rssfeed" ) );
         // sink.text( " " );
         // "changes.rss" );
         // sinkFigure( "images/rss.png", sink );
         // sink.link_();
         // sink.lineBreak();
 506  0
 507  0
     private void constructReleases( Sink sink, ResourceBundle bundle, List releaseList )
 512  0
         for ( int idx = 0; idx < releaseList.size(); idx++ )
 514  0
             Release release = (Release) releaseList.get( idx );
 516  0
 518  0
             final String date = ( release.getDateRelease() == null ) ? "" : " - " + release.getDateRelease();
 520  0
             sinkSectionTitle2Anchor( sink, bundle.getString( "report.changes.label.release" ) + " "
                 + release.getVersion() + date, release.getVersion() );
 523  0
             constructActions( sink, release.getActions(), bundle );
 525  0
 527  0
      * Replace tokens in the issue link template with the real values.
      * @param issue The issue identifier
      * @param system The issue management system
      * @return An interpolated issue link
     private String parseIssueLink( String issue, String system )
         String parseLink;
 539  0
         String issueLink = (String) this.issueLinksPerSystem.get( system );
 540  0
         parseLink = issueLink.replaceFirst( ISSUE_TOKEN, issue );
 541  0
         if ( parseLink.indexOf( URL_TOKEN ) >= 0 )
 543  0
             String url = this.url.substring( 0, this.url.lastIndexOf( "/" ) );
 544  0
             parseLink = parseLink.replaceFirst( URL_TOKEN, url );
 547  0
         return parseLink;