Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.changelog.ChangeLogReport
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.changelog;
  * Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeFile;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmResult;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.command.changelog.ChangeLogScmResult;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.command.changelog.ChangeLogSet;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvider;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Server;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
 import org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.text.ParseException;
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Comparator;
  * Generate a changelog report.
  * @goal changelog
 68  85
 public class ChangeLogReport
     extends AbstractMavenReport
      * Used to specify whether to build the log using range, tag or date.
      * @parameter expression="${changelog.type}" default-value="range"
      * @required
     private String type;
      * Used to specify the number of days of log entries to retrieve.
      * @parameter expression="${changelog.range}" default-value="-1"
     private int range;
      * Used to specify the absolute date (or list of dates) to start log entries from.
      * @parameter
     private List dates;
      * Used to specify the tag (or list of tags) to start log entries from.
      * @parameter
     private List tags;
      * Used to specify the date format of log entries to retrieve. This format will also be reflected in the reports.
      * @parameter expression="${changelog.dateFormat}" default-value="yyyy-MM-dd"
      * @required
     private String dateFormat;
      * Input dir.  Directory where the sources are located.
      * @parameter expression="${}"
      * @required
     private File basedir;
      * Output file for xml document
      * @parameter expression="${}/changelog.xml"
      * @required
     private File outputXML;
      * Allows the user to make changelog regenerate the changelog.xml file for the specified time in minutes.
      * @parameter expression="${outputXMLExpiration}" default-value="60"
      * @required
     private int outputXMLExpiration;
      * Comment format string used for interrogating
      * the revision control system.
      * Currently only used by the ClearcaseChangeLogGenerator.
      * @parameter expression="${changelog.commentFormat}"
     private String commentFormat;
      * Output encoding for the xml document
      * @parameter expression="${changelog.outputEncoding}" default-value="ISO-8859-1"
      * @required
     private String outputEncoding;
      * The user name (used by svn and starteam protocol).
      * @parameter expression="${username}"
     private String username;
      * The user password (used by svn and starteam protocol).
      * @parameter expression="${password}"
     private String password;
      * The private key (used by java svn).
      * @parameter expression="${privateKey}"
     private String privateKey;
      * The passphrase (used by java svn).
      * @parameter expression="${passphrase}"
     private String passphrase;
      * The url of tags base directory (used by svn protocol).
      * @parameter expression="${tagBase}"
     private String tagBase;
      * The URL to view the scm. Basis for external links from the generated report.
      * @parameter expression="${project.scm.url}"
     protected String scmUrl;
      * The Maven Project Object
      * @parameter expression="${project}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private MavenProject project;
      * The directory where the report will be generated
      * @parameter expression="${}/site"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private File outputDirectory;
      * @parameter expression="${}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private SiteRenderer siteRenderer;
      * @parameter expression="${settings.offline}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private boolean offline;
      * @parameter expression="${}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private ScmManager manager;
      * @parameter expression="${settings}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private Settings settings;
      * Allows the user to choose which scm connection to use when connecting to the scm.
      * Can either be "connection" or "developerConnection".
      * @parameter default-value="connection"
      * @required
     private String connectionType;
      * Allows the user to specify the file detail URL to use when viewing an scm file.
      * @parameter expression="${project.scm.url}"
     protected String displayFileDetailUrl;
     // temporary field holder while generating the report
     private String rpt_Repository, rpt_OneRepoParam, rpt_MultiRepoParam;
     // field for SCM Connection URL
     private String connection;
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#executeReport(java.util.Locale)
     public void executeReport( Locale locale )
         throws MavenReportException
         //check if sources exists <-- required for parent poms
 266  85
         if ( !basedir.exists() )
 268  15
             doGenerateEmptyReport( getBundle( locale ), getSink() );
 270  15
 273  70
 275  65
         doGenerateReport( getChangedSets(), getBundle( locale ), getSink() );
 276  50
      * populates the changedSets field by either connecting to the SCM or using an existing XML generated in a previous
      * run of the report
      * @throws MavenReportException
     protected List getChangedSets()
         throws MavenReportException
 287  65
         List changelogList = null;
 289  65
         if ( !outputXML.isAbsolute() )
 291  50
             outputXML = new File( project.getBasedir(), outputXML.getPath() );
 294  65
         if ( outputXML.exists() )
 296  50
             if ( outputXMLExpiration > 0 &&
                  outputXMLExpiration * 60000 > System.currentTimeMillis() - outputXML.lastModified() )
 301  50
                     FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream( outputXML );
 303  50
                     getLog().info( "Using existing changelog.xml..." );
 305  50
                     changelogList = ChangeLog.loadChangedSets( fIn );
 307  0
                 catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
                     //do nothing, just regenerate
 311  0
                 catch ( Exception e )
 313  0
                     throw new MavenReportException( "An error occurred while parsing " + outputXML.getAbsolutePath(),
                                                     e );
 315  50
 319  65
         if ( changelogList == null )
 321  15
             if ( offline )
 323  0
                 throw new MavenReportException( "This report requires online mode." );
 326  15
             getLog().info( "Generating changed sets xml to: " + outputXML.getAbsolutePath() );
 328  15
             changelogList = generateChangeSetsFromSCM();
 332  0
                 writeChangelogXml( changelogList );
 334  0
             catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
 336  0
                 throw new MavenReportException( "Can't create " + outputXML.getAbsolutePath(), e );
 337  0
 340  50
         return changelogList;
     private void writeChangelogXml( List changelogList )
         throws FileNotFoundException
 346  0
         StringBuffer changelogXml = new StringBuffer();
 348  0
         changelogXml.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" ).append( outputEncoding ).append( "\"?>\n" );
 349  0
         changelogXml.append( "<changelog>" );
 351  0
         for ( Iterator sets = changelogList.iterator(); sets.hasNext(); )
 353  0
             changelogXml.append( "\n  " );
 355  0
             ChangeLogSet changelogSet = (ChangeLogSet);
 356  0
             String changeset = changelogSet.toXML( outputEncoding );
             //remove xml header
 359  0
             if ( changeset.startsWith( "<?xml" ) )
 361  0
                 int idx = changeset.indexOf( "?>" ) + 2;
 362  0
                 changeset = changeset.substring( idx );
 365  0
             changelogXml.append( changeset );
 368  0
         changelogXml.append( "\n</changelog>" );
 370  0
 372  0
         PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( outputXML ) ) );
 373  0
         pw.write( changelogXml.toString() );
 374  0
 375  0
 376  0
      * creates a ChangeLog object and then connects to the SCM to generate the changed sets
      * @return changedlogsets generated from the SCM
      * @throws MavenReportException
     protected List generateChangeSetsFromSCM()
         throws MavenReportException
 389  15
             List changeSets = new ArrayList();
 391  15
             ScmRepository repository = getScmRepository();
 393  10
             ScmProvider provider = manager.getProviderByRepository( repository );
             ChangeLogScmResult result;
 397  10
             if ( "range".equals( type ) )
 399  5
                 result =
                     provider.changeLog( repository, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), null, null, range, null, dateFormat );
 402  5
                 checkResult( result );
 404  0
                 changeSets.add( result.getChangeLog() );
 406  5
             else if ( "tag".equals( type ) )
 408  0
                 Iterator tagsIter = tags.iterator();
 410  0
                 String startTag = (String);
 411  0
                 String endTag = null;
 413  0
                 if ( tagsIter.hasNext() )
 415  0
                     while ( tagsIter.hasNext() )
 417  0
                         endTag = (String);
 419  0
                         result = provider.changeLog( repository, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), startTag, endTag );
 421  0
                         checkResult( result );
 423  0
                         changeSets.add( result.getChangeLog() );
 425  0
                         startTag = endTag;
 430  0
                     result = provider.changeLog( repository, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), startTag, endTag );
 432  0
                     checkResult( result );
 434  0
                     changeSets.add( result.getChangeLog() );
 437  5
             else if ( "date".equals( type ) )
 439  5
                 Iterator dateIter = dates.iterator();
 441  5
                 String startDate = (String);
 442  5
                 String endDate = null;
 444  5
                 if ( dateIter.hasNext() )
 446  0
                     while ( dateIter.hasNext() )
 448  0
                         endDate = (String);
 450  0
                         result = provider.changeLog( repository, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), parseDate( startDate ),
                                                      parseDate( endDate ), 0, null );
 453  0
                         checkResult( result );
 455  0
                         changeSets.add( result.getChangeLog() );
 457  0
                         startDate = endDate;
 462  5
                     result = provider.changeLog( repository, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), parseDate( startDate ),
                                                  parseDate( endDate ), 0, null );
 465  0
                     checkResult( result );
 467  0
                     changeSets.add( result.getChangeLog() );
 472  0
                 throw new MavenReportException( "The type '" + type + "' isn't supported." );
 475  0
             return changeSets;
 477  5
         catch ( ScmException e )
 479  5
             throw new MavenReportException( "Cannot run changelog command : ", e );
 481  10
         catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
 483  10
             throw new MavenReportException( "An error is occurred during changelog command : ", e );
      * Converts the localized date string pattern to date object.
      * @return A date
     private Date parseDate( String date )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 495  5
         if ( date == null || date.trim().length() == 0 )
 497  0
             return null;
 500  5
         SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
 504  5
             return formatter.parse( date );
 506  5
         catch ( ParseException e )
 508  5
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Please use this date pattern: " + formatter.toLocalizedPattern(), e );
     public ScmRepository getScmRepository()
         throws ScmException
         ScmRepository repository;
 519  15
             repository = manager.makeScmRepository( getConnection() );
 521  10
             ScmProviderRepository providerRepo = repository.getProviderRepository();
 523  10
             if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( username ) )
 525  0
                 providerRepo.setUser( username );
 528  10
             if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( password ) )
 530  0
                 providerRepo.setPassword( password );
 533  10
             if ( repository.getProviderRepository() instanceof ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost )
 535  0
                 ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost repo = (ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost) repository.getProviderRepository();
 537  0
                 loadInfosFromSettings( repo );
 539  0
                 if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( username ) )
 541  0
                     repo.setUser( username );
 544  0
                 if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( password ) )
 546  0
                     repo.setPassword( password );
 549  0
                 if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( privateKey ) )
 551  0
                     repo.setPrivateKey( privateKey );
 554  0
                 if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( passphrase ) )
 556  0
                     repo.setPassphrase( passphrase );
 560  10
             if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( tagBase ) && repository.getProvider().equals( "svn" ) )
 562  0
                 SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo = (SvnScmProviderRepository) repository.getProviderRepository();
 564  0
                 svnRepo.setTagBase( tagBase );
 567  5
         catch ( Exception e )
 569  5
             throw new ScmException( "Can't load the scm provider.", e );
 570  10
 572  10
         return repository;
      * Load username password from settings if user has not set them in JVM properties
      * @param repo
     private void loadInfosFromSettings( ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost repo )
 582  0
         if ( username == null || password == null )
 584  0
             String host = repo.getHost();
 586  0
             int port = repo.getPort();
 588  0
             if ( port > 0 )
 590  0
                 host += ":" + port;
 593  0
             Server server = this.settings.getServer( host );
 595  0
             if ( server != null )
 597  0
                 if ( username == null )
 599  0
                     username = this.settings.getServer( host ).getUsername();
 602  0
                 if ( password == null )
 604  0
                     password = this.settings.getServer( host ).getPassword();
 607  0
                 if ( privateKey == null )
 609  0
                     privateKey = this.settings.getServer( host ).getPrivateKey();
 612  0
                 if ( passphrase == null )
 614  0
                     passphrase = this.settings.getServer( host ).getPassphrase();
 618  0
     public void checkResult( ScmResult result )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 623  5
         if ( !result.isSuccess() )
 625  5
             getLog().error( "Provider message:" );
 627  5
             getLog().error( result.getProviderMessage() == null ? "" : result.getProviderMessage() );
 629  5
             getLog().error( "Command output:" );
 631  5
             getLog().error( result.getCommandOutput() == null ? "" : result.getCommandOutput() );
 633  5
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Command failed." );
 635  0
      * used to retrieve the SCM connection string
      * @return the url string used to connect to the SCM
      * @throws MavenReportException when there is insufficient information to retrieve the SCM connection string
     protected String getConnection()
         throws MavenReportException
 646  65
         if ( this.connection != null )
 648  40
             return connection;
 651  25
         if ( project.getScm() == null )
 653  0
             throw new MavenReportException( "SCM Connection is not set." );
 656  25
         String scmConnection = project.getScm().getConnection();
 657  25
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( scmConnection ) && "connection".equals( connectionType.toLowerCase() ) )
 659  20
             connection = scmConnection;
 662  25
         String scmDeveloper = project.getScm().getDeveloperConnection();
 663  25
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( scmDeveloper ) && "developerconnection".equals( connectionType.toLowerCase() ) )
 665  0
             connection = scmDeveloper;
 668  25
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( connection ) )
 670  5
             throw new MavenReportException( "SCM Connection is not set." );
 673  20
         return connection;
      * checks whether there are enough configuration parameters to generate the report
      * @throws MavenReportException when there is insufficient paramters to generate the report
     private void verifySCMTypeParams()
         throws MavenReportException
 684  70
         if ( "range".equals( type ) )
 686  40
             if ( range == -1 )
 688  40
                 range = 30;
 691  30
         else if ( "date".equals( type ) )
 693  15
             if ( dates == null )
 695  0
                 throw new MavenReportException(
                     "The dates parameter is required when type=\"date\". The value should be the absolute date for the start of the log." );
 699  15
         else if ( "tag".equals( type ) )
 701  10
             if ( tags == null )
 703  0
                 throw new MavenReportException( "The tags parameter is required when type=\"tag\"." );
 708  5
             throw new MavenReportException( "The type parameter has an invalid value: " + type +
                 ".  The value should be \"range\", \"date\", or \"tag\"." );
 711  65
      * generates an empty report in case there are no sources to generate a report with
      * @param bundle the resource bundle to retrieve report phrases from
      * @param sink   the report formatting tool
     protected void doGenerateEmptyReport( ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 721  5
 722  5
 723  5
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.header" ) );
 724  5
 725  5
 727  5
 728  5
 730  5
 731  5
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.mainTitle" ) );
 732  5
 734  5
 735  5
         sink.text( "No sources found to create a report." );
 736  5
 738  5
 740  5
 741  5
 742  5
 743  5
      * method that generates the report for this mojo. This method is overridden by dev-activity and file-activity mojo
      * @param changeLogSets changed sets to generate the report from
      * @param bundle        the resource bundle to retrieve report phrases from
      * @param sink          the report formatting tool
     protected void doGenerateReport( List changeLogSets, ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 754  40
 755  40
 756  40
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.header" ) );
 757  40
 758  40
 760  40
 761  40
 763  40
 764  40
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.mainTitle" ) );
 765  40
         // Summary section
 768  40
         doSummarySection( changeLogSets, bundle, sink );
 770  40
         for ( Iterator sets = changeLogSets.iterator(); sets.hasNext(); )
 772  45
             ChangeLogSet changeLogSet = (ChangeLogSet);
 774  45
             doChangedSet( changeLogSet, bundle, sink );
 777  40
 778  40
 780  40
 781  40
 782  40
      * generates the report summary section of the report
      * @param changeLogSets changed sets to generate the report from
      * @param bundle        the resource bundle to retrieve report phrases from
      * @param sink          the report formatting tool
     private void doSummarySection( List changeLogSets, ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 793  40
 795  40
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.ChangedSetsTotal" ) );
 796  40
         sink.text( ": " + changeLogSets.size() );
 798  40
 799  40
      * generates a section of the report referring to a changeset
      * @param set    the current ChangeSet to generate this section of the report
      * @param bundle the resource bundle to retrieve report phrases from
      * @param sink   the report formatting tool
     private void doChangedSet( ChangeLogSet set, ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 810  45
 812  45
 813  45
         if ( set.getStartDate() == null )
 815  0
             sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.SetRangeUnknown" ) );
 817  45
         else if ( set.getEndDate() == null )
 819  0
             sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.SetRangeSince" ) );
 820  0
             sink.text( " " + set.getStartDate() );
 824  45
             sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.SetRangeBetween" ) );
 825  45
             sink.text( " " + set.getStartDate() + " " + bundle.getString( "report.To" ) + " " + set.getEndDate() );
 827  45
 829  45
 830  45
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.TotalCommits" ) );
 831  45
         sink.text( ": " + set.getChangeSets().size() );
 832  45
 833  45
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.FilesChanged" ) );
 834  45
         sink.text( ": " + countFilesChanged( set.getChangeSets() ) );
 835  45
 837  45
         doChangedSetTable( set.getChangeSets(), bundle, sink );
 839  45
 840  45
      * counts the number of files that were changed in the specified SCM
      * @param entries a collection of SCM changes
      * @return number of files changed for the changedsets
     protected long countFilesChanged( Collection entries )
 850  65
         if ( entries == null )
 852  0
             return 0;
 855  65
         if ( entries.isEmpty() )
 857  35
             return 0;
 860  30
         HashMap fileList = new HashMap();
 862  30
         for ( Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 864  60
             ChangeSet entry = (ChangeSet);
 866  60
             List files = entry.getFiles();
 868  60
             for ( Iterator fileIterator = files.iterator(); fileIterator.hasNext(); )
 870  90
                 ChangeFile file = (ChangeFile);
 872  90
                 String name = file.getName();
 874  90
                 if ( fileList.containsKey( name ) )
 876  30
                     LinkedList list = (LinkedList) fileList.get( name );
 878  30
                     list.add( file );
 882  60
                     LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
 884  60
                     list.add( file );
 886  60
                     fileList.put( name, list );
 891  30
         return fileList.size();
      * generates the report table showing the SCM log entries
      * @param entries a list of change log entries to generate the report from
      * @param bundle  the resource bundle to retrieve report phrases from
      * @param sink    the report formatting tool
     private void doChangedSetTable( Collection entries, ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 903  45
 905  45
 906  45
 907  45
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.timestamp" ) );
 908  45
 909  45
 910  45
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "" ) );
 911  45
 912  45
 913  45
         sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.changelog.details" ) );
 914  45
 915  45
 917  45
 919  45
         Collections.sort( new ArrayList( entries ), new Comparator()
 921  45
             public int compare( Object arg0, Object arg1 )
 923  10
                 ChangeSet changeSet0 = (ChangeSet) arg0;
 924  10
                 ChangeSet changeSet1 = (ChangeSet) arg1;
 925  10
                 return changeSet1.getDate().compareTo( changeSet0.getDate() );
         } );
 929  45
         for ( Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 931  20
             ChangeSet entry = (ChangeSet);
 933  20
             doChangedSetDetail( entry, bundle, sink );
 936  45
 937  45
      * reports on the details of an SCM entry log
      * @param entry  an SCM entry to generate the report from
      * @param bundle the resource bundle to retrieve report phrases from
      * @param sink   the report formatting tool
     private void doChangedSetDetail( ChangeSet entry, ResourceBundle bundle, Sink sink )
 948  20
 950  20
 951  20
         sink.text( entry.getDateFormatted() + " " + entry.getTimeFormatted() );
 952  20
 954  20
 955  20
         sink.text( entry.getAuthor() );
 956  20
 958  20
         //doRevision( entry.getFiles(), bundle, sink );
 960  20
         doChangedFiles( entry.getFiles(), sink );
 961  20
 962  20
         sink.text( entry.getComment() );
 963  20
 965  20
 966  20
      * populates the report url used to create links from certain elements of the report
     protected void initReportUrls()
 973  55
         if ( scmUrl != null )
 975  55
             int idx = scmUrl.indexOf( '?' );
 977  55
             if ( idx > 0 )
 979  5
                 rpt_Repository = scmUrl.substring( 0, idx );
 981  5
                 if ( scmUrl.equals( displayFileDetailUrl ) )
 983  5
                     String rpt_TmpMultiRepoParam = scmUrl.substring( rpt_Repository.length() );
 985  5
                     rpt_OneRepoParam = "?" + rpt_TmpMultiRepoParam.substring( 1 );
 987  5
                     rpt_MultiRepoParam = "&" + rpt_TmpMultiRepoParam.substring( 1 );
 991  0
                     idx = displayFileDetailUrl.indexOf( "?" );
 993  0
                     if ( idx > 0 )
 995  0
                         String fileDetailUrl = displayFileDetailUrl.substring( 0, idx );
 997  0
                         String rpt_TmpMultiRepoParam = displayFileDetailUrl.substring( idx + 1 );
 999  0
                         displayFileDetailUrl = fileDetailUrl;
 1001  0
                         rpt_OneRepoParam = "?" + rpt_TmpMultiRepoParam;
 1003  0
                         rpt_MultiRepoParam = "&" + rpt_TmpMultiRepoParam;
 1007  0
                         rpt_OneRepoParam = "";
 1009  0
                         rpt_MultiRepoParam = "";
 1015  50
                 rpt_Repository = scmUrl;
 1017  50
                 rpt_OneRepoParam = "";
 1019  50
                 rpt_MultiRepoParam = "";
 1022  55
      * generates the section of the report listing all the files revisions
      * @param files list of files to generate the reports from
     private void doChangedFiles( List files, Sink sink )
 1031  20
         for ( Iterator i = files.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 1033  30
             ChangeFile file = (ChangeFile);
 1034  30
             sinkLogFile( sink, file.getName(), file.getRevision() );
 1036  20
      * generates the section of the report detailing the revisions made and the files changed
      * @param sink     the report formatting tool
      * @param name     filename of the changed file
      * @param revision the revision code for this file
     private void sinkLogFile( Sink sink, String name, String revision )
 1047  30
 1051  30
             String connection = getConnection();
 1053  30
             generateLinks( connection, name, revision, sink );
 1055  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 1057  0
             getLog().debug( e );
 1059  0
             sink.text( name + " v " + revision );
 1060  30
 1062  30
 1063  30
      * attaches the http links from the changed files
      * @param connection the string used to connect to the SCM
      * @param name       filename of the file that was changed
      * @param sink       the report formatting tool
     protected void generateLinks( String connection, String name, Sink sink )
 1074  20
         generateLinks( connection, name, null, sink );
 1075  20
      * attaches the http links from the changed files
      * @param connection the string used to connect to the SCM
      * @param name       filename of the file that was changed
      * @param revision   the revision code
      * @param sink       the report formatting tool
     protected void generateLinks( String connection, String name, String revision, Sink sink )
 1087  50
         String linkFile = null;
 1088  50
         String linkRev = null;
 1090  50
         if ( displayFileDetailUrl != null )
 1092  0
             if ( connection.startsWith( "scm:perforce" ) )
 1094  0
                 String path = getAbsolutePath( displayFileDetailUrl, name );
 1095  0
                 linkFile = path + "?ac=22";
 1096  0
                 if ( revision != null )
 1098  0
                     linkRev = path + "?ac=64&rev=" + revision;
 1101  0
             else if ( connection.startsWith( "scm:clearcase" ) )
 1103  0
                 String path = getAbsolutePath( displayFileDetailUrl, name );
 1104  0
                 linkFile = path + rpt_OneRepoParam;
 1106  0
             else if ( connection.indexOf( "" ) > 0 )
 1108  0
                 String module = rpt_OneRepoParam.replaceAll( "^.*(&amp;module=.*?(?:&amp;|$)).*$", "$1" );
 1109  0
                 linkFile = displayFileDetailUrl + "?cmd=viewBrowseFile" + module + "&file=" + name;
 1110  0
                 if ( revision != null )
 1112  0
                     linkRev =
                         rpt_Repository + "?cmd=viewBrowseVersion" + module + "&file=" + name + "&version=" + revision;
 1116  0
             else if ( connection.startsWith( "scm:svn" ))
                 // idea will be to look for placeholders in URL, then replace them with appropriate values
 1119  0
                 String url = displayFileDetailUrl + rpt_OneRepoParam;
 1121  0
                 url = url.replaceFirst( "([&?]path=)([^&]+|$)", "$1" + name );
 1122  0
                 linkFile = url;
 1124  0
                 if ( revision != null )
 1126  0
                     url = url.replaceFirst( "([&?]rev=)([^&]+|$)", "$1" + revision );
 1127  0
                     linkRev = url;
 1133  0
                 String path = getAbsolutePath( displayFileDetailUrl, name );
 1134  0
                 linkFile = path + rpt_OneRepoParam;
 1135  0
                 if ( revision != null )
 1137  0
                     linkRev = path + "?rev=" + revision + "&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup" + rpt_MultiRepoParam;
 1142  50
         if ( linkFile != null )
 1144  0
    linkFile );
 1145  0
             sink.text( name );
 1146  0
 1150  50
             sink.text( name );
 1153  50
         sink.text( " " );
 1155  50
         if ( linkRev != null )
 1157  0
    linkRev );
 1158  0
             sink.text( "v " + revision );
 1159  0
 1161  50
         else if ( revision != null )
 1163  30
             sink.text( "v " + revision );
 1165  50
      * calculates the path from a base directory to a target file
      * @param base   base directory to create the absolute path from
      * @param target target file to create the absolute path to
     private String getAbsolutePath( final String base, final String target )
 1175  0
         String absPath = "";
 1177  0
         StringTokenizer baseTokens = new StringTokenizer( base.replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ), "/", true );
 1179  0
         StringTokenizer targetTokens = new StringTokenizer( target.replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ), "/" );
 1181  0
         String targetRoot = targetTokens.nextToken();
 1183  0
         while ( baseTokens.hasMoreTokens() )
 1185  0
             String baseToken = baseTokens.nextToken();
 1187  0
             if ( baseToken.equals( targetRoot ) )
 1189  0
 1192  0
             absPath += baseToken;
 1195  0
         if ( !absPath.endsWith( "/" ) )
 1197  0
             absPath += "/";
 1200  0
         String newTarget = target;
 1201  0
         if ( newTarget.startsWith( "/" ) )
 1203  0
             newTarget = newTarget.substring( 1 );
 1206  0
         return absPath + newTarget;
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#getProject()
     protected MavenProject getProject()
 1214  170
         return project;
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#getOutputDirectory()
     protected String getOutputDirectory()
 1222  85
         if ( !outputDirectory.isAbsolute() )
 1224  85
             outputDirectory = new File( project.getBasedir(), outputDirectory.getPath() );
 1227  85
         return outputDirectory.getAbsolutePath();
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#getSiteRenderer()
     protected SiteRenderer getSiteRenderer()
 1235  150
         return siteRenderer;
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport#getDescription(java.util.Locale)
     public String getDescription( Locale locale )
 1243  0
         return "Generated change log report from SCM.";
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport#getName(java.util.Locale)
     public String getName( Locale locale )
 1251  85
         return "Change Log";
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport#getOutputName()
     public String getOutputName()
 1259  130
         return "changelog";
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport#getOutputName()
     protected ResourceBundle getBundle( Locale locale )
 1267  65
         return ResourceBundle.getBundle( "scm-activity", locale, this.getClass().getClassLoader() );
     public boolean canGenerateReport()
 1272  0
         if ( offline && !outputXML.exists() )
 1274  0
             return false;
 1278  0
             return true;