Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.ModuleSet
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  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model;
  *         A moduleSet represent one or more project <module>
  * present inside
  *         a project's pom.xml. This allows you to include sources
  * or binaries
  *         belonging to a project's <modules>.
  *         <br/><b>NOTE:</b> When using &lt;moduleSets&gt; from the
  * command-line, it
  *         is required to pass first the package phase by doing:
  * "mvn package
  *         assembly:assembly". This bug/issue is scheduled to be
  * addressed by Maven 2.1.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 27  0
 public class ModuleSet implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field includeSubModules
 37  0
     private boolean includeSubModules = true;
      * Field includes
     private java.util.List includes;
      * Field excludes
     private java.util.List excludes;
      * Field sources
     private ModuleSources sources;
      * Field binaries
     private ModuleBinaries binaries;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addExclude
      * @param string
     public void addExclude(String string)
 71  0
         getExcludes().add( string );
 72  0
     } //-- void addExclude(String) 
      * Method addInclude
      * @param string
     public void addInclude(String string)
 81  0
         getIncludes().add( string );
 82  0
     } //-- void addInclude(String) 
      * Get 
      *             When this is present, the plugin will include
      * the binaries of the
      *             included modules from this set in the resulting
      * assembly.
     public ModuleBinaries getBinaries()
 94  0
         return this.binaries;
     } //-- ModuleBinaries getBinaries() 
      * Method getExcludes
     public java.util.List getExcludes()
 102  0
         if ( this.excludes == null )
 104  0
             this.excludes = new java.util.ArrayList();
 107  0
         return this.excludes;
     } //-- java.util.List getExcludes() 
      * Method getIncludes
     public java.util.List getIncludes()
 115  0
         if ( this.includes == null )
 117  0
             this.includes = new java.util.ArrayList();
 120  0
         return this.includes;
     } //-- java.util.List getIncludes() 
      * Get 
      *             When this is present, the plugin will include
      * the source files of
      *             the included modules from this set in the
      * resulting assembly.
     public ModuleSources getSources()
 133  0
         return this.sources;
     } //-- ModuleSources getSources() 
      * Get 
      *           If set to false, the plugin will exclude
      * sub-modules from processing in this ModuleSet.
      *           Otherwise, it will process all sub-modules, each
      * subject to include/exclude rules.
      *           Default value is true. (Since 2.2)
     public boolean isIncludeSubModules()
 147  0
         return this.includeSubModules;
     } //-- boolean isIncludeSubModules() 
      * Method removeExclude
      * @param string
     public void removeExclude(String string)
 157  0
         getExcludes().remove( string );
 158  0
     } //-- void removeExclude(String) 
      * Method removeInclude
      * @param string
     public void removeInclude(String string)
 167  0
         getIncludes().remove( string );
 168  0
     } //-- void removeInclude(String) 
      * Set 
      *             When this is present, the plugin will include
      * the binaries of the
      *             included modules from this set in the resulting
      * assembly.
      * @param binaries
     public void setBinaries(ModuleBinaries binaries)
 182  0
         this.binaries = binaries;
 183  0
     } //-- void setBinaries(ModuleBinaries) 
      * Set 
      *             This is a list of &lt;exclude/&gt; subelements,
      * each containing a
      *             module reference of the type groupId:artifactId.
      * Modules matching
      *             these elements will be excluded from this set.
      * @param excludes
     public void setExcludes(java.util.List excludes)
 200  0
         this.excludes = excludes;
 201  0
     } //-- void setExcludes(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *           If set to false, the plugin will exclude
      * sub-modules from processing in this ModuleSet.
      *           Otherwise, it will process all sub-modules, each
      * subject to include/exclude rules.
      *           Default value is true. (Since 2.2)
      * @param includeSubModules
     public void setIncludeSubModules(boolean includeSubModules)
 216  0
         this.includeSubModules = includeSubModules;
 217  0
     } //-- void setIncludeSubModules(boolean) 
      * Set 
      *             This is a list of &lt;include/&gt; subelements,
      * each containing a
      *             module reference of the type groupId:artifactId.
      * Modules matching
      *             these elements will be included in this set. If
      * none is present,
      *             then &lt;includes&gt; represents all valid
      * values.
      * @param includes
     public void setIncludes(java.util.List includes)
 237  0
         this.includes = includes;
 238  0
     } //-- void setIncludes(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             When this is present, the plugin will include
      * the source files of
      *             the included modules from this set in the
      * resulting assembly.
      * @param sources
     public void setSources(ModuleSources sources)
 252  0
         this.sources = sources;
 253  0
     } //-- void setSources(ModuleSources) 
 256  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 260  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 261  0
     public String getModelEncoding()
 265  0
         return modelEncoding;