Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.Assembly
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model;
  *         An assembly defines a collection of files usually
  * distributed in an
  *         archive format such as zip, tar, or tar.gz that is
  * generated from a
  *         project.  For example, a project could produce a ZIP
  * assembly which
  *         contains a project's JAR artifact in the root directory,
  * the
  *         runtime dependencies in a lib/ directory, and a shell
  * script to launch
  *         a stand-alone application.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 26  0
 public class Assembly implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field id
     private String id;
      * Field formats
     private java.util.List formats;
      * Field includeBaseDirectory
 46  0
     private boolean includeBaseDirectory = true;
      * Field baseDirectory
     private String baseDirectory;
      * Field includeSiteDirectory
 56  0
     private boolean includeSiteDirectory = false;
      * Field moduleSets
     private java.util.List moduleSets;
      * Field fileSets
     private java.util.List fileSets;
      * Field files
     private java.util.List files;
      * Field dependencySets
     private java.util.List dependencySets;
      * Field repositories
     private java.util.List repositories;
      * Field componentDescriptors
     private java.util.List componentDescriptors;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addComponentDescriptor
      * @param string
     public void addComponentDescriptor(String string)
 100  0
         getComponentDescriptors().add( string );
 101  0
     } //-- void addComponentDescriptor(String) 
      * Method addDependencySet
      * @param dependencySet
     public void addDependencySet(DependencySet dependencySet)
 110  0
         getDependencySets().add( dependencySet );
 111  0
     } //-- void addDependencySet(DependencySet) 
      * Method addFile
      * @param fileItem
     public void addFile(FileItem fileItem)
 120  0
         getFiles().add( fileItem );
 121  0
     } //-- void addFile(FileItem) 
      * Method addFileSet
      * @param fileSet
     public void addFileSet(FileSet fileSet)
 130  0
         getFileSets().add( fileSet );
 131  0
     } //-- void addFileSet(FileSet) 
      * Method addFormat
      * @param string
     public void addFormat(String string)
 140  0
         getFormats().add( string );
 141  0
     } //-- void addFormat(String) 
      * Method addModuleSet
      * @param moduleSet
     public void addModuleSet(ModuleSet moduleSet)
 150  0
         getModuleSets().add( moduleSet );
 151  0
     } //-- void addModuleSet(ModuleSet) 
      * Method addRepository
      * @param repository
     public void addRepository(Repository repository)
 160  0
         getRepositories().add( repository );
 161  0
     } //-- void addRepository(Repository) 
      * Get 
      *             Sets the base directory of the resulting
      * assembly archive. If this is not
      *             set and includeBaseDirectory == true,
      * ${} will be used instead.
      *             (Since 2.2)
     public String getBaseDirectory()
 174  0
         return this.baseDirectory;
     } //-- String getBaseDirectory() 
      * Method getComponentDescriptors
     public java.util.List getComponentDescriptors()
 182  0
         if ( this.componentDescriptors == null )
 184  0
             this.componentDescriptors = new java.util.ArrayList();
 187  0
         return this.componentDescriptors;
     } //-- java.util.List getComponentDescriptors() 
      * Method getDependencySets
     public java.util.List getDependencySets()
 195  0
         if ( this.dependencySets == null )
 197  0
             this.dependencySets = new java.util.ArrayList();
 200  0
         return this.dependencySets;
     } //-- java.util.List getDependencySets() 
      * Method getFileSets
     public java.util.List getFileSets()
 208  0
         if ( this.fileSets == null )
 210  0
             this.fileSets = new java.util.ArrayList();
 213  0
         return this.fileSets;
     } //-- java.util.List getFileSets() 
      * Method getFiles
     public java.util.List getFiles()
 221  0
         if ( this.files == null )
 223  0
             this.files = new java.util.ArrayList();
 226  0
         return this.files;
     } //-- java.util.List getFiles() 
      * Method getFormats
     public java.util.List getFormats()
 234  0
         if ( this.formats == null )
 236  0
             this.formats = new java.util.ArrayList();
 239  0
         return this.formats;
     } //-- java.util.List getFormats() 
      * Get 
      *             Sets the id of this assembly. This is a symbolic
      * name for a
      *             particular assembly of files from this project.
      * Also, aside from
      *             being used to distinctly name the assembled
      * package by attaching
      *             its value to the generated archive, the id is
      * used as your
      *             artifact's classifier when deploying.
     public String getId()
 257  0
     } //-- String getId() 
      * Method getModuleSets
     public java.util.List getModuleSets()
 265  0
         if ( this.moduleSets == null )
 267  0
             this.moduleSets = new java.util.ArrayList();
 270  0
         return this.moduleSets;
     } //-- java.util.List getModuleSets() 
      * Method getRepositories
     public java.util.List getRepositories()
 278  0
         if ( this.repositories == null )
 280  0
             this.repositories = new java.util.ArrayList();
 283  0
         return this.repositories;
     } //-- java.util.List getRepositories() 
      * Get 
      *             Includes a base directory in the final archive.
      * For example,
      *             if you are creating an assembly named
      * "your-app", setting
      *             includeBaseDirectory to true will create an
      * archive that
      *             includes this base directory. If this option is
      * set to false
      *             the archive created will unzip its content to
      * the current
      *             directory. Default value is true.
     public boolean isIncludeBaseDirectory()
 303  0
         return this.includeBaseDirectory;
     } //-- boolean isIncludeBaseDirectory() 
      * Get 
      *             Includes a site directory in the final archive.
      * The site directory
      *             location of a project is determined by the
      * siteDirectory parameter
      *             of the Assembly Plugin. Default value is false.
     public boolean isIncludeSiteDirectory()
 317  0
         return this.includeSiteDirectory;
     } //-- boolean isIncludeSiteDirectory() 
      * Method removeComponentDescriptor
      * @param string
     public void removeComponentDescriptor(String string)
 327  0
         getComponentDescriptors().remove( string );
 328  0
     } //-- void removeComponentDescriptor(String) 
      * Method removeDependencySet
      * @param dependencySet
     public void removeDependencySet(DependencySet dependencySet)
 337  0
         getDependencySets().remove( dependencySet );
 338  0
     } //-- void removeDependencySet(DependencySet) 
      * Method removeFile
      * @param fileItem
     public void removeFile(FileItem fileItem)
 347  0
         getFiles().remove( fileItem );
 348  0
     } //-- void removeFile(FileItem) 
      * Method removeFileSet
      * @param fileSet
     public void removeFileSet(FileSet fileSet)
 357  0
         getFileSets().remove( fileSet );
 358  0
     } //-- void removeFileSet(FileSet) 
      * Method removeFormat
      * @param string
     public void removeFormat(String string)
 367  0
         getFormats().remove( string );
 368  0
     } //-- void removeFormat(String) 
      * Method removeModuleSet
      * @param moduleSet
     public void removeModuleSet(ModuleSet moduleSet)
 377  0
         getModuleSets().remove( moduleSet );
 378  0
     } //-- void removeModuleSet(ModuleSet) 
      * Method removeRepository
      * @param repository
     public void removeRepository(Repository repository)
 387  0
         getRepositories().remove( repository );
 388  0
     } //-- void removeRepository(Repository) 
      * Set 
      *             Sets the base directory of the resulting
      * assembly archive. If this is not
      *             set and includeBaseDirectory == true,
      * ${} will be used instead.
      *             (Since 2.2)
      * @param baseDirectory
     public void setBaseDirectory(String baseDirectory)
 403  0
         this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
 404  0
     } //-- void setBaseDirectory(String) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies the shared components xml file
      * locations to include in the
      *             assembly. The locations specified must be
      * relative to the basedir of
      *             the project. When multiple componentDescriptors
      * are found, their
      *             contents are merged. Check out the <a
      * href="component.html">
      *             descriptor components</a> for more information.
      * A
      *             componentDescriptor is specified by providing
      * one or more of
      *             &lt;componentDescriptor&gt; subelements.
      * @param componentDescriptors
     public void setComponentDescriptors(java.util.List componentDescriptors)
 429  0
         this.componentDescriptors = componentDescriptors;
 430  0
     } //-- void setComponentDescriptors(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies which dependencies to include in the
      * assembly. A
      *             dependencySet is specified by providing one or
      * more of
      *             &lt;dependencySet&gt; subelements.
      * @param dependencySets
     public void setDependencySets(java.util.List dependencySets)
 447  0
         this.dependencySets = dependencySets;
 448  0
     } //-- void setDependencySets(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies which groups of files to include in
      * the assembly. A
      *             fileSet is specified by providing one or more of
      * &lt;fileSet&gt;
      *             subelements.
      * @param fileSets
     public void setFileSets(java.util.List fileSets)
 465  0
         this.fileSets = fileSets;
 466  0
     } //-- void setFileSets(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies which single files to include in the
      * assembly. A file
      *             is specified by providing one or more of
      * &lt;file&gt;
      *             subelements.
      * @param files
     public void setFiles(java.util.List files)
 483  0
         this.files = files;
 484  0
     } //-- void setFiles(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies the formats of the assembly. Multiple
      * formats can be
      *             supplied and the Assembly Plugin will generate
      * an archive for each
      *             desired formats. When deploying your project,
      * all file formats
      *             specified will also be deployed. A format is
      * specified by supplying
      *             one of the following values in a &lt;format&gt;
      * subelement:
      *             <ul>
      *               <li><b>"zip"</b> - Creates a ZIP file
      * format</li>
      *               <li><b>"gz"</b> - Creates a GZIP format</li>
      *               <li><b>"tar"</b> - Creates a TAR format</li>
      *               <li><b>"tar.gz"</b> - Creates a gzip'd TAR
      * format</li>
      *               <li><b>"tar.bz2</b> - Creates a bzip'd TAR
      * format</li>
      *             </ul>
      * @param formats
     public void setFormats(java.util.List formats)
 516  0
         this.formats = formats;
 517  0
     } //-- void setFormats(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             Sets the id of this assembly. This is a symbolic
      * name for a
      *             particular assembly of files from this project.
      * Also, aside from
      *             being used to distinctly name the assembled
      * package by attaching
      *             its value to the generated archive, the id is
      * used as your
      *             artifact's classifier when deploying.
      * @param id
     public void setId(String id)
 536  0 = id;
 537  0
     } //-- void setId(String) 
      * Set 
      *             Includes a base directory in the final archive.
      * For example,
      *             if you are creating an assembly named
      * "your-app", setting
      *             includeBaseDirectory to true will create an
      * archive that
      *             includes this base directory. If this option is
      * set to false
      *             the archive created will unzip its content to
      * the current
      *             directory. Default value is true.
      * @param includeBaseDirectory
     public void setIncludeBaseDirectory(boolean includeBaseDirectory)
 558  0
         this.includeBaseDirectory = includeBaseDirectory;
 559  0
     } //-- void setIncludeBaseDirectory(boolean) 
      * Set 
      *             Includes a site directory in the final archive.
      * The site directory
      *             location of a project is determined by the
      * siteDirectory parameter
      *             of the Assembly Plugin. Default value is false.
      * @param includeSiteDirectory
     public void setIncludeSiteDirectory(boolean includeSiteDirectory)
 574  0
         this.includeSiteDirectory = includeSiteDirectory;
 575  0
     } //-- void setIncludeSiteDirectory(boolean) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies which module files to include in the
      * assembly. A moduleSet
      *             is specified by providing one or more of
      * &lt;moduleSet&gt;
      *             subelements.
      * @param moduleSets
     public void setModuleSets(java.util.List moduleSets)
 592  0
         this.moduleSets = moduleSets;
 593  0
     } //-- void setModuleSets(java.util.List) 
      * Set 
      *             Specifies which repository files to include in
      * the assembly. A
      *             repository is specified by providing one or more
      * of
      *             &lt;repository&gt; subelements.
      * @param repositories
     public void setRepositories(java.util.List repositories)
 610  0
         this.repositories = repositories;
 611  0
     } //-- void setRepositories(java.util.List) 
 614  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 618  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 619  0
     public String getModelEncoding()
 623  0
         return modelEncoding;