Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.AddFileSetsTask
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.AssemblerConfigurationSource;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.ArchiveCreationException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.format.AssemblyFormattingException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.format.FileSetFormatter;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.FileSet;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.utils.AssemblyFormatUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.utils.TypeConversionUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.console.ConsoleLogger;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
  * @version $Id: 999624 2010-09-21 20:40:03Z jdcasey $
 public class AddFileSetsTask
     implements ArchiverTask
     private final List<FileSet> fileSets;
     private Logger logger;
     private MavenProject project;
     private MavenProject moduleProject;
     public AddFileSetsTask( final List<FileSet> fileSets )
 57  33
 58  33
         this.fileSets = fileSets;
 59  33
     public AddFileSetsTask( final FileSet... fileSets )
 62  0
 63  0
         this.fileSets = new ArrayList<FileSet>( Arrays.asList( fileSets ) );
 64  0
     public void execute( final Archiver archiver, final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
         throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException
         // don't need this check here. it's more efficient here, but the logger is not actually
         // used until addFileSet(..)...and the check should be there in case someone extends the
         // class.
         // checkLogger();
 74  12
         final File archiveBaseDir = configSource.getArchiveBaseDirectory();
 76  12
         if ( archiveBaseDir != null )
 78  12
             if ( !archiveBaseDir.exists() )
 80  3
                 throw new ArchiveCreationException( "The archive base directory '" + archiveBaseDir.getAbsolutePath()
                                 + "' does not exist" );
 83  9
             else if ( !archiveBaseDir.isDirectory() )
 85  3
                 throw new ArchiveCreationException( "The archive base directory '" + archiveBaseDir.getAbsolutePath()
                                 + "' exists, but it is not a directory" );
 90  6
         for ( final Iterator<FileSet> i = fileSets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 92  6
             final FileSet fileSet =;
 94  6
             addFileSet( fileSet, archiver, configSource, archiveBaseDir );
 95  6
 96  6
     protected void addFileSet( final FileSet fileSet, final Archiver archiver,
                                final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource, final File archiveBaseDir )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException, ArchiveCreationException
         // throw this check in just in case someone extends this class...
 103  15
 105  15
         final FileSetFormatter fileSetFormatter = new FileSetFormatter( configSource, logger );
 107  15
         if ( project == null )
 109  3
             project = configSource.getProject();
 112  15
         final File basedir = project.getBasedir();
 114  15
         String destDirectory = fileSet.getOutputDirectory();
 116  15
         if ( destDirectory == null )
 118  6
             destDirectory = fileSet.getDirectory();
 121  15
         destDirectory =
             AssemblyFormatUtils.getOutputDirectory( destDirectory, configSource.getProject(), moduleProject, project,
                                                     configSource.getFinalName(), configSource );
 125  15
         if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
 127  15
             logger.debug( "FileSet[" + destDirectory + "]" + " dir perms: "
                             + Integer.toString( archiver.getOverrideDirectoryMode(), 8 ) + " file perms: "
                             + Integer.toString( archiver.getOverrideFileMode(), 8 )
                             + ( fileSet.getLineEnding() == null ? "" : " lineEndings: " + fileSet.getLineEnding() ) );
 133  15
         logger.debug( "The archive base directory is '" + archiveBaseDir + "'" );
 135  15
         File fileSetDir = getFileSetDirectory( fileSet, basedir, archiveBaseDir );
 137  15
         if ( fileSetDir.exists() )
 141  6
                 fileSetDir = fileSetFormatter.formatFileSetForAssembly( fileSetDir, fileSet );
 143  0
             catch ( final IOException e )
 145  0
                 throw new ArchiveCreationException( "Error fixing file-set line endings for assembly: "
                                 + e.getMessage(), e );
 147  6
 149  6
             logger.debug( "Adding file-set from directory: '" + fileSetDir.getAbsolutePath()
                             + "'\nassembly output directory is: \'" + destDirectory + "\'" );
 152  6
             final AddDirectoryTask task = new AddDirectoryTask( fileSetDir );
 154  6
             final int dirMode = TypeConversionUtils.modeToInt( fileSet.getDirectoryMode(), logger );
 155  6
             if ( dirMode != -1 )
 157  0
                 task.setDirectoryMode( dirMode );
 160  6
             final int fileMode = TypeConversionUtils.modeToInt( fileSet.getFileMode(), logger );
 161  6
             if ( fileMode != -1 )
 163  0
                 task.setFileMode( fileMode );
 166  6
             task.setUseDefaultExcludes( fileSet.isUseDefaultExcludes() );
 168  6
             final List<String> excludes = fileSet.getExcludes();
 169  6
             excludes.add( "**/*.filtered" );
 170  6
             excludes.add( "**/*.formatted" );
 171  6
             task.setExcludes( excludes );
 173  6
             task.setIncludes( fileSet.getIncludes() );
 174  6
             task.setOutputDirectory( destDirectory );
 176  6
             task.execute( archiver, configSource );
 178  15
     protected File getFileSetDirectory( final FileSet fileSet, final File basedir, final File archiveBaseDir )
         throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException
 183  27
         String sourceDirectory = fileSet.getDirectory();
 185  27
         if ( sourceDirectory == null || sourceDirectory.trim()
                                                        .length() < 1 )
 188  3
             sourceDirectory = basedir.getAbsolutePath();
 191  27
         File fileSetDir = null;
 193  27
         if ( archiveBaseDir == null )
 195  9
             fileSetDir = new File( sourceDirectory );
 197  9
             if ( !fileSetDir.isAbsolute() )
 199  3
                 fileSetDir = new File( basedir, sourceDirectory );
 204  18
             fileSetDir = new File( archiveBaseDir, sourceDirectory );
 207  27
         return fileSetDir;
     private void checkLogger()
 212  15
         if ( logger == null )
 214  0
             logger = new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_INFO, "AddFileSetsTask-internal" );
 216  15
     public void setLogger( final Logger logger )
 220  15
         this.logger = logger;
 221  15
     public void setProject( final MavenProject project )
 225  12
         this.project = project;
 226  12
     public MavenProject getModuleProject()
 230  0
         return moduleProject;
     public void setModuleProject( final MavenProject moduleProject )
 235  3
         this.moduleProject = moduleProject;
 236  3