Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.AddArtifactTask
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.AssemblerConfigurationSource;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.ArchiveCreationException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.format.AssemblyFormattingException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.utils.AssemblyFormatUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.utils.TypeConversionUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.List;
  * @version $Id: 999612 2010-09-21 20:34:50Z jdcasey $
 public class AddArtifactTask
     implements ArchiverTask
 46  3
     public static final String[] DEFAULT_INCLUDES_ARRAY = { "**/*" };
 48  54
     private int directoryMode = -1;
 50  54
     private int fileMode = -1;
 52  54
     private boolean unpack = false;
     private List<String> includes;
     private List<String> excludes;
     private final Artifact artifact;
     private MavenProject project;
     private MavenProject moduleProject;
     private Artifact moduleArtifact;
     private String outputDirectory;
     private String outputFileNameMapping;
     private final Logger logger;
     public AddArtifactTask( final Artifact artifact, final Logger logger )
 73  54
 74  54
         this.artifact = artifact;
 75  54
         this.logger = logger;
 76  54
     public void execute( final Archiver archiver, final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
         throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException
         // MASSEMBLY-282: We should support adding a project's standard output file as part of an assembly that replaces
         // it.
 83  54
         if ( ( ( artifact.getFile() != null ) && ( archiver.getDestFile() != null ) )
                         && artifact.getFile()
                                    .equals( archiver.getDestFile() ) )
 87  0
             final File tempRoot = configSource.getTemporaryRootDirectory();
 88  0
             final File tempArtifactFile = new File( tempRoot, artifact.getFile()
                                                                       .getName() );
 91  0
             logger.warn( "Artifact: "
                             + artifact.getId()
                             + " references the same file as the assembly destination file. Moving it to a temporary location for inclusion." );
 96  0
                 FileUtils.copyFile( artifact.getFile(), tempArtifactFile );
 98  0
             catch ( final IOException e )
 100  0
                 throw new ArchiveCreationException( "Error moving artifact file: '" + artifact.getFile()
                                 + "' to temporary location: " + tempArtifactFile + ". Reason: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 102  0
 104  0
             artifact.setFile( tempArtifactFile );
 107  54
         String destDirectory = outputDirectory;
 109  54
         destDirectory =
             AssemblyFormatUtils.getOutputDirectory( destDirectory, configSource.getProject(), moduleProject, project,
                                                     configSource.getFinalName(), configSource );
 113  54
         if ( unpack )
 115  12
             String outputLocation = destDirectory;
 117  12
             if ( ( outputLocation.length() > 0 ) && !outputLocation.endsWith( "/" ) )
 119  0
                 outputLocation += "/";
 122  12
             String[] includesArray = TypeConversionUtils.toStringArray( includes );
 123  12
             if ( includesArray == null )
 125  9
                 includesArray = DEFAULT_INCLUDES_ARRAY;
 127  12
             final String[] excludesArray = TypeConversionUtils.toStringArray( excludes );
 129  12
             final int oldDirMode = archiver.getOverrideDirectoryMode();
 130  12
             final int oldFileMode = archiver.getOverrideFileMode();
 132  12
             logger.debug( "Unpacking artifact: " + artifact.getId() + " to assembly location: " + outputLocation + "." );
 134  12
             boolean fileModeSet = false;
 135  12
             boolean dirModeSet = false;
 139  12
                 if ( fileMode != -1 )
 141  6
                     archiver.setFileMode( fileMode );
 142  6
                     fileModeSet = true;
 145  12
                 if ( directoryMode != -1 )
 147  6
                     archiver.setDirectoryMode( directoryMode );
 148  6
                     dirModeSet = true;
 151  12
                 final File artifactFile = artifact.getFile();
 152  12
                 if ( artifactFile == null )
 154  0
                     logger.warn( "Skipping artifact: " + artifact.getId()
                                     + "; it does not have an associated file or directory." );
 157  12
                 else if ( artifactFile.isDirectory() )
 159  0
                     logger.debug( "Adding artifact directory contents for: " + artifact + " to: " + outputLocation );
 160  0
                     archiver.addDirectory( artifactFile, outputLocation, includesArray, excludesArray );
 164  12
                     logger.debug( "Unpacking artifact contents for: " + artifact + " to: " + outputLocation );
 165  12
                     logger.debug( "includes:\n" + StringUtils.join( includesArray, "\n" ) + "\n" );
 166  12
                     logger.debug( "excludes:\n"
                                     + ( excludesArray == null ? "none" : StringUtils.join( excludesArray, "\n" ) )
                                     + "\n" );
 169  12
                     archiver.addArchivedFileSet( artifactFile, outputLocation, includesArray, excludesArray );
 172  0
             catch ( final ArchiverException e )
 174  0
                 throw new ArchiveCreationException( "Error adding file-set for '" + artifact.getId() + "' to archive: "
                                 + e.getMessage(), e );
 179  12
                 if ( dirModeSet )
 181  6
                     archiver.setDirectoryMode( oldDirMode );
 184  12
                 if ( fileModeSet )
 186  6
                     archiver.setFileMode( oldFileMode );
 189  12
 192  42
             final String fileNameMapping =
                 AssemblyFormatUtils.evaluateFileNameMapping( outputFileNameMapping, artifact,
                                                              configSource.getProject(), moduleProject, moduleArtifact,
                                                              project, configSource );
 197  42
             final String outputLocation = destDirectory + fileNameMapping;
 201  42
                 final File artifactFile = artifact.getFile();
 203  42
                 logger.debug( "Adding artifact: " + artifact.getId() + " with file: " + artifactFile
                                 + " to assembly location: " + outputLocation + "." );
 206  42
                 if ( fileMode != -1 )
 208  33
                     archiver.addFile( artifactFile, outputLocation, fileMode );
 212  9
                     archiver.addFile( artifactFile, outputLocation );
 215  0
             catch ( final ArchiverException e )
 217  0
                 throw new ArchiveCreationException( "Error adding file '" + artifact.getId() + "' to archive: "
                                 + e.getMessage(), e );
 219  42
 221  54
     public void setDirectoryMode( final int directoryMode )
 225  12
         this.directoryMode = directoryMode;
 226  12
     public void setFileMode( final int fileMode )
 230  39
         this.fileMode = fileMode;
 231  39
     public void setExcludes( final List<String> excludes )
 235  3
         this.excludes = excludes;
 236  3
     public void setIncludes( final List<String> includes )
 240  3
         this.includes = includes;
 241  3
     public void setUnpack( final boolean unpack )
 245  48
         this.unpack = unpack;
 246  48
     public void setProject( final MavenProject project )
 250  42
         this.project = project;
 251  42
     public void setOutputDirectory( final String outputDirectory )
 255  42
         this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
 256  42
     public void setFileNameMapping( final String outputFileNameMapping )
 260  54
         this.outputFileNameMapping = outputFileNameMapping;
 261  54
     public void setOutputDirectory( final String outputDirectory, final String defaultOutputDirectory )
 265  21
         setOutputDirectory( outputDirectory == null ? defaultOutputDirectory : outputDirectory );
 266  21
     public void setFileNameMapping( final String outputFileNameMapping, final String defaultOutputFileNameMapping )
 270  21
         setFileNameMapping( outputFileNameMapping == null ? defaultOutputFileNameMapping : outputFileNameMapping );
 271  21
     public MavenProject getModuleProject()
 275  0
         return moduleProject;
     public void setModuleProject( final MavenProject moduleProject )
 280  39
         this.moduleProject = moduleProject;
 281  39
     public Artifact getModuleArtifact()
 285  0
         return moduleArtifact;
     public void setModuleArtifact( final Artifact moduleArtifact )
 290  39
         this.moduleArtifact = moduleArtifact;
 291  39