Uses of Class

Packages that use UnpackOptions

Uses of UnpackOptions in org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model

Methods in org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model that return UnpackOptions
 UnpackOptions ModuleBinaries.getUnpackOptions()
          Get allows the specification of includes and excludes, along with filtering options, for items unpacked from a module artifact.
 UnpackOptions DependencySet.getUnpackOptions()
          Get allows the specification of includes and excludes, along with filtering options, for items unpacked from a dependency artifact.

Methods in org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model with parameters of type UnpackOptions
 void ModuleBinaries.setUnpackOptions(UnpackOptions unpackOptions)
          Set allows the specification of includes and excludes, along with filtering options, for items unpacked from a module artifact.
 void DependencySet.setUnpackOptions(UnpackOptions unpackOptions)
          Set allows the specification of includes and excludes, along with filtering options, for items unpacked from a dependency artifact.

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